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Downloading Engineering Data to FCS and HIS Systems

A2.7 Procedure 7 Downloading the Contents Defined
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Procedure 7 Downloading the Contents
In this step, the contents (engineering data) defined by the user using various builders are
downloaded to the FCS and HIS. The downloading procedure is described as follows:
1. Checking hardware
2. Downloading the project common items
3. Downloading the FCS-related definition items
4. Downloading the HIS-related definition items
When engineering has been done on a PC with a built-in system generation
function other than the target system, the engineering data needs to be
reflected on an HIS with a built-in system generation function of the target
Reflect the engineering data by selecting [External file] - [Import] from the
[File] menu in the builders.
n Confirming the Hardware
Check the station address and control bus settings of hardware that configures the projects, such as
the HIS and FCS. If the hardware address or control bus setting is incorrect, data cannot be
transferred successfully. Before downloading, be sure to boot up every FCS and HIS of the target
For more information about the station address and control bus settings, refer to:
A4., “Control Bus Interface Card” in Peripherals (IM 33J50B10-01EN)
A5., “Vnet/IP Interface Card” in Peripherals (IM 33J50B10-01EN)
A4.1.4, “Processor Card of PFCS/SFCS” in Field Control Stations (IM 33J50E10-01EN)
A4.2.6, “Processor Card in FCU” in Field Control Stations (IM 33J50E10-01EN)
A4.3.3, “Processor Module of FFCS” in Field Control Stations (IM 33J50E10-01EN)
C4.3, “FFCS-L/FFCS-V Processor Modules” in Field Control Stations (IM 33J50E10-01EN)
E2.4, “Processor Module of FFCS-C” in Field Control Stations (IM 33J50E10-01EN)
n Downloading the Project Common Items
Download the settings defined as the project common items to all HISs and UACS stations in the
target system.
1. In System View, select the project folder of the target system.
2. From the [Load] menu, select the [Download Project Common Section].
3. In the Confirm Download to HIS dialog box that appears, click [OK] to download the project
common items to all HISs and UACS stations.
You must run Download Project Common Section after performing any of the
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A2.7 Procedure 7 Downloading the Contents Defined
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following operations:
• Add or delete stations such as FCS and HIS
• Change the control bus type in the station property
• Change the domain properties of the station
• Add enhanced switch instruments or option instruments on the Constant
tab of FCS property sheet
• Change the settings in the project property.
• Change the option setting of [Apply Same Permission Level of PV to
CPV], [Hide the information related to disabled alarms on HIS], or
[Change the shape of tag marks and alarm marks for each alarm
• Change any definition items on the Graphic tab
• Change any definition items on the UACS tab.
• Change any definition items on the CAMS for HIS tab
If you performed the following operation, you must run [Download Project
Common Section] and then run [Download Tag-List].
• Change the settings in the project property
Define tag name hierarchies, Enable sheet-link on HIS, or Prohibit setting
SV to a value beyond the range of SVL and SVH on the Detailed Setting
• If an error occurs when you run Download Project Common Section, remove the cause of the
error and run Download Project Common Section again.
• The setting of Change the shape of tag marks and alarm marks for each alarm priority will be
applied when you log on to the HIS again after running Download Project Common Section.
For more information about the timing of running [Download Project Common Section] when
connecting multiple projects, refer to:
6.3, “Multiple Project Engineering” in Optional Functions Reference (IM 33J05H10-01EN)
n Downloading the HIS-Related Definition Items
Download the contents defined using the HIS-related builders to each HIS.
1. In System View, select the HIS folder of the download destination HIS.
2. Select the [Download to HIS] menu bar from the [Load] menu in the System View.
3. Click [OK] button on the dialog box [Confirm Download to HIS] displayed, the defined items of
HIS may be downloaded to the HIS console.
n Downloading the FCS-Related Definition Items
When data is downloaded to an FCS off-line, all functions of the FCS will stop.
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A2.7 Procedure 7 Downloading the Contents Defined
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Download the contents defined using the FCS-related builders to each HIS off-line.
1. Select the FCS folder to be downloaded in System View.
2. Select the [Offline-download to FCS] - [Download] menu bar from the [Load] menu in the
System View.
3. Click [OK] button on the dialog box [Confirm Offline-download to FCS] displayed, the defined
items of FCS may be downloaded to the FCS offline.
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