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GreenTea - c.to - Holy Refund & Refund eBook v1.2

Who am I?
I am GreenTea, a member from c.to, which many of you know it as cracked.to. But I have been on
cracking forums since 2017 and mainly in the SE & monetization parts of it. I can say I have learnt a lot
from my experience. I got tons of positive feedback from my last ebook “Holy Blackhat Earnings made
for students” Some of my customers came back telling me “omg Kim! I just got my first sale!” and that
already made my day. I was so happy I could help people make money & get their family some bread.
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How will this eBook work?
Basically, I will teach you guys how to Social Engineer the most easiest way possible to make a lot of
profit out of it. So basically, this is a eBook about how to make a load of money with SE’ing. There will
be 3 Different difficulties of SE’ing which you should see in the next page by Easy – Intermediate – Hard.
ToS: Terms of Service
POP: Proof of purchase
Drop: A shipping address different than your for security & rebill reasons
Rep: The customer service representative you are speaking with on the phone
General Requirements:
Know either one of the following languages:
Be able to lie
Be able to improvise a lot
A bit of photo shopping (not required for all methods)
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Color codes:
We will now start by the EASY methods onward to the harder ones.
The S/N
2 Calls
Okay, so this is like the easiest method of my life honestly. You really do not need anything else apart
from this eBook for this method. Basically, the Bose sleepbuds have the same S/N. I know right? How
could they be this dumb? Basically, they won’t be able to tell if the product is actually with you. Here are
the needed information: : 078793Z82231370Ae With this S/N, you can legit call them up and come up
with a fake story and tell them how it’s not working. You will also try to make them say that you need
expedited delivery because you will be out of town by the end of the week or next week. You do not have
time to send a shipment label to them as well as you work for a big manufacturing company or for the
government. Always ask them to send the package first as you do not carry any kind of box at your house.
There are 2 possibilities for this:
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Possibility 1: They will go ahead with their supervisor and check if they can send you the item first, you
take the new one and replace it with the old one and send it back to them. (SE Complete)
Possibility 2: They will check with their supervisor and tell you that you will have to ship the item to
them first and then they will be able to send you the new pairs of Sleep buds.
So if you got the 2nd possibility, you will be like “okay I understand, I will do my best” and then say bye
and hang up
You will then receive an email looking like this:
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Wait about 2-5 days and then call them up again. You should be receiving an email with all the
information on it as your file number. Tell them you have a file number and want to know where is your
order. Tell them you were told that the item will be coming first as you
95% Of the time, they will automatically give you the express replacement as it is your 2nd time calling
and you will be out of town very soon. If that does not work, repeat the steps from the beginning.
Congratulations, you are finally a PRO SE”er 
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Amazon refunds (~95%)
Honestly, this is one of the easiest methods. If you are the biggest noob on this planet, you can still refund
this. But what many people do not know, is that every amazon domain/country has its own limit for
refund. Important examples:
Amazon.com – 300$
Amazon.fr – 1,000 eur
Amazon.ca – 300$
Amazon.de – 300 eur
Alright, now that you got the list, go ahead on your amazon website and order something. I did iPhone 8
phone cases back when I needed some before I SE’ed my iPhone 11 Pro. You can choose any shipping as
it won’t really change anything. Basically, here are the simple steps.
Without boxing
1- Order the items
2- Wait till it arrives
3- Once it has arrived, go ahead and bring it your house and let it there for at least 24 hours.
4- After waiting 24 hours, go ahead and call amazon live chat or phone and report a missing
5- If it was left at your house, tell them you were busy or out of town, or just go ahead and say you
got family emergencies which works 99% of the time.
6- If they don’t ask for a police report skip to step 8, (if they do, continue reading) They will say
open a police report or investigation be like okay no problem. I will go ahead and file a police
report and end the call
7- Call them back in 2-5 days and tell them you still did not get your items and you were told you
would of gotten the refund within 2-3 business days and still nothing. They might go ahead and
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do the refund now or ask for you police report. Tell them you have filed a police report (which
you did not) and they said they have contacted amazon or they took care of it. You will just come
up with a BS reason as the police file is “closed” and they’re waiting for amazon’s choice.
8- Now, they will ask for a refund or replacement, if you want to double dib, you can but it could
take a lot more effort and time to do so. I’d recommend to just do a refund as it will be much
more simple and easier.
9- They will then tell you that they will refund on your original payment method.
If you have ordered some electronics, it’s actually very easy. Make sure the item has hazardous battery In
it. Once your item has been received, wait around 24-30 hours and then give them a call and tell them
there is some kind of white liquid-ish thing on the device. After snooping threw the internet, I realized
that this is a battery leak! I just opened the box today as I was busy yesterday with family emergencies
and so on… They will 75% of the time just refund you as 90% of the delivery companies do not take
hazardous leaks for safety reasons. But this is not a 90% success rate and could be a bit harder to pass
Your order should look like this now:
Congratulations, you have refunded an amazon order!
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Dell Monitor SE (~99%)
Photoshop minimal skills
Photos from websites
Being able to Bullshit skills
This method is actually completely free, as in it won’t require a refund or what so ever. Basically, the
method will go like this. You will find the Service tag or Express service code from eBay or craigslist and
sites alike. And you will Photoshop the information asked by the rep into the actual photo. If you’re
thinking you have bad Photoshop skills, don’t worry, it’s very easy and Dell reps are kind of retarded so
you should be fine as long as it’s seems just OK. Here are the steps:
1- Find the Service tag number online with the photo
Should look something like this: (I did this a while ago)
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You will need one of both red squares illustrated in the photo visible and readable to be able to do
the SE.
2- Now, download the photo. You will now need a pen and paper.
3- Go ahead and check if the dell monitor is still under warranty here:
4- Call dell support and go for the monitor section.
5- Tell how your monitor has no power, not even turning on even when changed the cables and
everything. You can also say you brought it to a local IT store and they did some checkups and
other technical stuff. Make sure to mention they DID NOT open the monitor. They just tried
different cables.
6- They will do some troubleshooting with you and so on. Just go on with them and do
7- Now they will ask to take a photo with a template like the following:
File number
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So in this case, you will take down the information on a piece of paper and then take a photo of it.
I’d say make it as vanilla (real) as possible. Maybe with some newly cut paper or a sticky note paper.
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8- Now after taking it down on the paper, try your best to tell them you have to hang up the phone to
send it in. They will then send you an email where you can reply back the shipment information
and the picture. (Would recommend a drop as Dell tracks if they catch you SE’ing them)
9- Now, use your sexy Photoshop skills and put that piece of paper in the photo. Then add some
contrast and duplicate the layers and change the style till it looks real. It should come down to
something like this: (Tutorial)
10- They will then reply back with an email confirmation that it has worked and will be receiving in
3-5 business days. I honestly got mine in 2 days so yeah.
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Once you got that, enjoy your new monitor. Or you can also sell it for 100$+ and PURE PROFIT.
Just so you know, there is a limit of 2-5 monitors per email/address.
Lululemon (~97%)
I honestly found this method by YOLO’ing and trying it. The luck was on my side and I found out they
also give you a 30$ GIFT CARD AS COMPENSATION!?!?!?!?! I know right, you SE them, get your
money and extra money? Why the fuck not. If you don’t know what Lululemon is, it’s basically a
clothing store made for rich people that each pants cost starting at 120$.
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Payment method
Buy a shit load of items but stay under 1000$ as an order total
A brain
This method is very easy as everyone who orders from Lululemon is rich as fuck so the company tries
their best to stay away from problems and court threats. So, it’s a very simple procedure. Here are the
1- Order a shit tons of stuff but stay under 1000$ (this is my order)
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2- Once your order arrives, wait like a day or two
3- Give them a call and say that you did not receive your order. They do ask trick questions though.
Make sure to keep the package next to you when you are calling them as they try their best to
filter out liars.
4- Their orders usually come in bags. So their first question will be like did you look for the
package? Then right after it, they will ask what type of package it was? They ask this quickly so
you could panic a bit and tell them the truth but you will already know they will do this so you
will legit say “I don’t know? I never got the package”. Lululemon are scared of courts, so they
record everything on the phone and use KEY WORDS so they will always be right. You must
remain calm all along this call as they don’t like angry people.
5- You will mention that you went all the way to the store to buy the items as they were a gift to you
twin sisters/brothers. (because like how big the order is lol)
6- They will then ask for a refund or replacement also open an investigation. The investigation takes
~5 business days. They usually never call back, so give them a call on the 5th or 6th business day
and mention you never heard back from them and you are in need of the money to pay for your
house rent or your college/university books.
7- They will then do the refund + SEND YOU A FUCKING 30$ GIFT CARD AS FUCKING
COMPENSATION. This worked for all 3 times I did this but to “different addresses”. (drops) So
I do not guarantee a 100% success rate for the gift card, but the refund should work 
DHgate (~95%)
Dhgate account
Payment method
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This is also a very very very very very easy method. Basically, DHgate is a website where Chinese
people sell their items for cheap and are independent companies or individuals. They use the site as
it’s great advertisement of their shops so they don’t really care about customer service. But what they
care about is their shop. Basically, if you report a missing item and contact the seller and they don’t
give the refund, just open a dispute and the seller will piss their pants and refund you asap. So, if you
still need the steps, here it is:
1- Buy something (under 100$)
2- Wait till the estimated day passes
3- Contact the seller and say the item did not arrive
4- If they don’t refund, repeat again they did not arrive and checked with the post office.
5- If not refunding again, tell the seller you will open a dispute against them. (works 90%)
6- If no refund, open the actual dispute and you get your refund as did not arrive
Wish.com (97%)
A brain
Payment method (PayPal would be better)
A wish.com account
This is honestly one of the easiest methods that exists on this planet. Wish.com is so retarded, it’s
1- Pay for your item and get it shipped (limit 500$ to be safe)
2- Wait till the item arrives
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3- Use it if it’s not a electronic device (Cellphone, Laptop, and such)
4- Wait till the “Estimated Delivery Date” by wish.com
5- After that, contact wish.com as the following chat of my refund.
Just Stay professional. Don’t tell them what to do unless you want to escalate it. You will have to act like
an angry mom or a very unsatisfied customer.
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You will then start to be “impatient” if you are not already as wish.com orders take fucking forever to
come and so on. But always stay respectful to the person helping you.
That’s about it, they will then contact you that you got the refund. As easy as that. I would personally
suggest to start by 1-2 items and try your best to order from 1 store only to get your success rate higher.
Congratulations , now, let’s move on to an intermediate level.
Zara.com refund (~90%) – (link to thread)
1. Place your order
You will simply place your order. Add as much stuff you want for you and for your aunt Nancy
Make sure the order stays beneath the 500$ total after taxes and shipping.
Wait for it to arrive
Wait for the order to arrive, it usually takes 2 business days or less for big orders like us because
500$ limit is like 9-15 items
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3. Signing
They might ask for a signature, for this, just verify with the courier that is delivering, check the
tracking number and see if it says "Signature required". If so, just sign it yourself electronically
under someone else's name. Do not open the main door or the garage if the delivery people come,
make them put it down for you so they will make sure no one saw it or took it.
Use common names:
- George
- Gregory
- Alexandra
- Anastesia
- Viktor
- Nico
- Nicolas
…. You’re basically getting this method as a plus and my sexy support 
Call them
After waiting a day upon receiving the order, go google "zara.com customer service phone
number" each country has its own I think or whatever. Mine is 1-(877) 550-1108 which is the
Canadian one. Tell them you did not get it and it is missing blah blah. You can check out good SE
scenarios on my other thread as I myself, work in a call center and have good scenarios that work
like 99% of the time. Link: https://cracked.to/Thread-Good-Scenarios-to-SE-ANY-COMPANY.
They will ask for a refund or replacement, do whichever you want, you can also Double dip, but
it will be harder to get a refund afterward. They will tell you they will contact you after doing an
investigation. This means that you are in the correct direction.
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5. The first email
You will receive an LQ photo proof that your order has been delivered and left at the garage or
front door. Mine was the garage because of the snow (amazing)
So, the email should look like this:
2nd Phone call
You will call them, tell them you called last time and you still did not receive your order. Tell
them that these were a present for your family members and you do not need them anymore as
you went personally to a Zara store yourself and bought it. If they hear you went to Zara, they
basically did not waste any money as you still "spent" money in their company. But in reality,
you're just fucking with them. If they ask for a receipt, be like "Oh yeah, we did not take it as we
did not really think about it back then". This is if you want a refund which will work 99.98% of
the time. Zara reps are so nice so you do not really have to worry about having a dickhead. I
called 8 times and never encountered a bitch.
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They will say you will get a refund within 14 days but I got mine at the same hour. it all depends
on your bank or PayPal.
You should then receive an email like this:
If you need any help with the zara.com method, just contact me or discord as it’s a pretty easy method.
This method is public by me, but I offer you my support and extra tricks if you need help and contact me.
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Any shoes company (~85%)
Shoe companies are pretty easy to SE, but they have their own difficulties. It requires a lot of patience as
it takes a bit of time.
Payment method
Some SE Experience
Websites I refunded on and their limits
Footlocker – 500$
Nike – 1000$
Adidas – 500$
Reebok – 500$
Underarmour - ?
SportsExpert (CA) - ? I did with 150$
1- Order the stuff online (stay under the limits)
2- Receive the shoes
3- Wait 1-2 days and give them a call
4- Tell them you received 1 shoe only and it’s the wrong size. Tell them they can send you the new
pair and you can return the item after you receive the other pair.
5- When you get your new pairs shipped, go ahead and put the old ones back and send it in.
6- (Optional) If you want to double dip, success rate a bit lower, you will tell them that you did not
receive the right size and box them. If you do not want to box, just tell them that the new pairs did
not arrive and you want a refund due to all the problems and time wasted.
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7- Nintendo Switch (~90%)
Nintendo Switch S/N
This method is a bit hard but totally possible. You could easily get a free Nintendo switch but this method
takes long. It is still a doable method. I got one for my friend which already had a switch and we sold it
for $.
1- Find the S/N from eBay or somewhere. Should look like this:
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2- If you can’t find a S/N, there are plenty of providers on c.to you can easily buy from.
2 Possibilities:
1: Battery Leak (Photoshop needed)
This is very good if you don’t want to send anything or to box them. You simply call/chat them and say
that your Switch is no longer turning on. Then you realized that your son/daughter told you there was
liquid on it. I googled it and I saw that it’s hazardous leak! I am freaking out that because of the Nintendo
switch, my children will have a difficult time as they touched a toxic liquid. (You basically want them to
feel bad and send you the replacement).
a) Take the photo found from eBay (if you did not buy a S/N)
b) Layer up some white lines and use the “linear dodge” or other choices till it looks real af
c) Verify with others to make sure it looks real as the photoshopper will realize the real and the fake
as they were the one who did it. If you want, you can post it in the discord server and we can help
you out.
d) Get your replacement ;)
2: Boxing
a) Call/Chat them and tell them that the switch is not turning on no matter what
b) They will go ahead and run some troubleshooting with you. Just go along with it.
c) They will then ask for you S/N and the AC Adapter code. (can be found online)
d) If they don’t ask a AC Adapter code, just continue along as it is very hard to find one. If you
don’t have one, they will send you a replacement for that. Contact them again and tell them that it
is still not working with the new AC Adapter.
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e) Once officially given everything, they will offer a repair. So tell them to send a shipment label
and you will go ahead and box them. Once you get the label, prepare the box. Make it so it has
been “stolen”.
f) So get the box, put the tape on it. Then right after it, cut the tape off and use another tape to close
it again. Make sure to put some random shit in the box (grass, dirt whatever). If you want, you
can also use dry ice. I personally did not put anything other than some grass and dirt and it
g) Send the package & wait till they receive it
h) Contact them a day later after they received it and tell them that you did not get any updates from
them. They will say that oh sorry we will look into
A few days later, (might differ from case to case) they will call you and say that the box is empty.
Be all angry and act as if you did not know and you do not believe them. Ask them to send you
photos. Then, tell them that you did not pay for this shit service and so on. You can also be nice
as well, that also works.
You will now ask for new switch as it is Nintendo’s fault that they lost it. They will
speak/transfer you to their supervisor and they will go ahead and place the new order for you. If
you need any help with this, go ahead and contact the group on my discord server.
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PlayStation 4 SE (~80%)
This method might seem hard but it actually is not. I was so scared on my first time, but honestly, the reps
from playstation sound more retarded than freaking amazon. Not to be mean or anything, but you will
understand why I am telling you this later.
Photo of the S/N
Some balls and guts
Basically, this is a PS4 SE that you could easily do.
a) You will find a photo with the S/N from ebay or some site.
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b) Get the S/N from the photo and then contact Sony support by phone or text. Might be different
country by country. I’d personally suggest by phone as it is a lot more pressure than just chat.
c) Tell them that your PS4 is not working anymore or there is some acid leak and you brought it to a
nearby gaming store from where you bought it from a while ago. They did some “checkups” and
said that it is not working. If you chose acid leaks, be like the store rejected to touch it as it is a
very hazardous and dangerous thing to touch to. In both cases, end the story like “So the store
dude gave me this number to call and said they will be able to replace it as the store sent Sony the
message. You can also change the story a bit with some bullshit as it’s your “story”.
d) The rep will now be confused and most likely get a supervisor. If you chose acid leak, they will
most probably ask you to send photos. You can tell them that the item is toxic and you don’t want
to die just because of a PS4. They will most probably put you on hold and get you the
SE Complete, if not, continue reading
e) If they neglect everything and want you to send them the PS4, you will just say okay and box
hem. They will send an email saying the box has been sent. So your email should look like this:
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f) Wait till the box arrives. There should be a piece of paper in the box which you would want to
fill. Only fill whatever is in red.
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g) You want to fill up the problem case with the problem you said on the phone. Try to keep it
simple as possible. You can use your real number or a fake. But would recommend to contact
them in a week or two if you use a fake. Use the name you gave them over the phone.
h) You will now want to tape the box with the tape provided. Then, you would want to cut that tape
open, use a knife to damage the inside/box a bit (NOT TOO MUCH) to make it look like it got
stolen. And retape it after all of it.
Now, send it to a drop off and leave it there till they get it.
j) You should receive a call within 2-3 weeks saying that your PS4 is not there. You will want to
make them think you did. So, be all mad and angry, but always try your best to be polite as they
are less likely to help someone who is not polite. Act like you don’t believe them and all, so ask
them to send you photos. They might send you photos and all but always act as if you sent it with
your ORIGINAL RECEIPT IN THE PACKAGE This is important as they will ask for it as
proof. So if it was in the package and the package got stolen, it is not your fault that did
happened. If they don’t give you your replacement, tell them you are willing to take legal action
as it is not my fault that this item got lost. I am the customer here and I am not getting the
minimal effort from the big company which breaks the main rules of the market.
k) If they are still refusing, ask for a supervisor and say the same thing
If they don’t give you anything, retry as it is not a 100% success rate
I did not get a call from Sony!
Just give them a call and be like “I’m so worried about my case, what is happening?” Then
continue on from step j.
Congratulation, you can now sell some PS4 for some $$$ on eBay or markets.
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Apple refund (~75%)
Most of you have bought this eBook just for this specific method. Honestly, it’s pretty hard if you do
some fuck ups as Apple does not care so much about their customer satisfaction because of their
unbeatable marketing skills. So in this case, it could be a minus for us, Refunders & SE’ers.
Payment Method (Paypal or cc or debit card) (limit is 2k with cc/db and 9k with PayPal)
A Brain
Fake Emotions
Fake signature (for method 2)
Alright, we will go ahead and order the phone. I honestly got my iPhone 11 pro with this method so I am
sharing it with you guys so you could make some crazy moolah online as Apple products ARE
EXPENSIVE as fuck. You can also turn my “HOLY BLACKHAT METHOD” into a whitehat method if
you already have the eBook. They are all connected. The best thing about this refund is if you fuck up,
you can simply just get the refund done as well but would take very long.
I honestly think this will be the most famous method so I will take my time and put as much as
information as possible. I will use my iPhone 11 Pro example in this
1) Order your item and KEEP the receipt. You can simply order it with PayPal or CC
2) Wait till you receive your item and DO NOT OPEN YOUR CASE OR PHONE until the refund
is complete. (The reason why is because they can see that someone got the phone and will disable
it as it is not the buyer using it)
3) You will now give them a call with your order number and informations
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4) Once your product gets delivered, wait 24-48 hours, and you will want to give them a call and
report either there is a leak or the package never arrived.
1-If you chose battery leak: (50% success rate)
1) Tell them that before you opened the box, there was already some leaks even on the box. Be like
“I googled it and apparently it is a toxic leak from the hazardous batter of the iPhone which could
have been damaged during the transport” Act smart and all. You can also mention it was a gift for
your mom or daughter as they will most likely be nicer.
2) If they ask for pictures, tell them you don’t want to touch the acid as it is very toxic according to
the site where you got the information from. If they say it’s no problem, tell them you can take
legal action if I get sick, die or get nausea and I am not afraid to do so for my health. The rep will
most probably just look into it on her end and ask or a lot more simple photos like from outside
the box and whatever.
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3) Send them a photo of your case with some white powder (could be some baking powder, baby
powder or some bullshit) but try your best to make some solid balls like these acid leaks
4) Just make the box look like that but not that much. Just make it look natural. You can ask help on
the discord chat for your colleagues. Don’t directly contact me for this as it will take me some
time to answer.
5) They will most probably say okay straight up. If they don’t, ask for a supervisor and tell them you
want a replacement or a refund. (Depending what you want)
6) You can also double dib with the second possibility if this one works
2-If you choose Package did not arrive (80% success rate)
1) You will tell them that the item never arrived. Be like it was a gift for your parents or whatever.
Keep in mind that Apple reps tries to “empathies” you with feeling bad for you by giving life
examples from them which are full of bullshit. Just try your best and don’t listen to their fake ass
lives as they will play with your emotions and make you end the call without an answer.
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2) You will ask for a refund as it was a gift for your daughter/mom and you did not get it on time.
So you went to the nearest Best Buy to buy it from there as it was her birthday gift and you do not
need the iPhone anymore even if they find it.
3) They will tell you they have to open an investigation. Sometimes, nice reps just give you the
refund and get it over with. (if you’re only lucky)
4) If they open an investigation, you should see this email.
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5) You will now wait 2 days and give them another call and tell them you have not heard back from
them. They will then check the file and most probably say that they cannot do the refund as on
their side, the item was delivered correctly.
6) Now, you will tell them that you do not accept their lazy work and not caring about their
customers. I am a very unsatisfied customer and not happy with this service.
7) They might still check with their supervisor and sometimes, they accept it. In my case, they did
not so I proceeded with a bank dispute which could be a lot more easier as you don’t have to
discuss anything or do anything as the banks don’t give a shit about anything under 10k.
If Apple gave you the refund, Congratulations!, You are now a Pro refunder, if not, continue reading
8) Give your bank a call and tell them that you want to dispute a refund about an Online order that
you did not receive. They will ask for your RECEIPT with your delivery address on it and you
could simply tell them you never received the item. You called Apple and they told me to call my
bank and so here I am.
9) 99% they will just tell you to give them 30 days to “investigate” the order but honestly don’t do
anything as it’s under 10k. Although, the higher your order is, the higher the chances they could
possibly do an actual investigation. Mine took me 25 days to get it refunded back to my bank
account as I paid with debit card.
Congratulations! You are finally a Pro Refunder and refunded Apple!
10) If you paid by PayPal, you can also just “return” the product through PayPal and ask for a refund.
Basically, you will box Apple and right when they scan the box, escalate the issue to PayPal and
they will automatically do the refund through the Resolution center. This is a lot more easier, but
most of the countries, Apple does not accept PayPal due to fraud mental reasons. Obviously lol
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Logitech SE (90%) (~2-18 Days)
This is honestly a very easy method. I am just adding it here as I got so many requests as why this method
is not in this eBook. So here you go. Basically, this is a SE, so no payment needed. Logitech is a
computer accessories company. Going from Speakers to keyboards & mouse. I will show you guys an
example of a mouse SE.
Address or a Drop
Photoshop (if required)
You will be able to find the S/n though eBay or sites alike. You will just check the S/N you want and
download the image to your pc. So here are the steps
1) Get your S/N off eBay and a photo with it. If your photo is too pixelated and looks like ass, go
ahead and use this site (Waifu2x) That will basically expand your photo and reduce the noise
(blurriness) from your photo and be able to read the S/N clearly. It should be looking something
like this:
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2) Now go ahead on the Logitech website and look go into the warranty check and enter the S/N into
the product search bar.
3) If the item comes up, go ahead and contact the support with something like this:
4) You will then receive an email copy of the exact same thing with some BS saying how Logitech
is a good company and the same marketing procedures.
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5) You will then receive an email back just like the following. So go ahead and fill it up with the
actual Shipment information and all.
6) Now go ahead and give them the S/N that they asked for.
7) There is 2 possibilities right now. One that is SE success, and another that SE almost success.
SE Success:
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SE Almost Success:
8) If you got this, don’t worry, just find another S/N online and just BS your way out of it. This is
how I did last time:
I am so sorry to hear that, but there was a mistake on my end, I took a closer look at my
keyboard's back and saw XXXX-S/N-XXXXX instead of the one I provided. I have most
probably saw it wrong or transcript it wrong on my computer.
I sincerely apologize for this mistake on my end and hopefully won't be an issue for future
Thank you so much for understanding
Congratulations, you are now a SE God with Logitech. GG Gamer!
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Fitbit SE (~80%)
This is a pretty easy method to do but requires a decent amount of skills. All the credits for this method
goes to @ItsYour_Boi#0002 as he wrote all of this. He offered to help with this method and I am very
grateful. If you are reading this, please go ahead and thanks him in the private chat as he did this out of
his heart for our community! Thank you! <3
- email address associated with your Fitbit account (Change the email to one you can access)
- FitBit associated with your Fitbit account (You could buy some on C.To)
- Get the S/N or product number and sync these to your account or cracked accounts.
- Not to be afraid to lie.
So this is pretty easy, but you're just going to have to fake most of the stuff, It's where you say, "I tried all
the troubleshooting i can, i plugged in the device in different chargers and it wouldn’t charge, and you
have restarted it.
Basically, you will have to make them think that it is your Fitbit but in reality, you stole someone else’s
account and trying to take possession of it. In other words, Fitbit will think that their product is having
issues and does not want to lose their customer and does their best to keep them satisfied. Go ahead and
follow @ItsYour_Boi’s chat for more information of how this will work out. It is his example of the chat
Here's how chat should look like, say similar stuff and don't copy what I said.
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Cintya : Hi, My name is Cintya. How can I help you?
Me : Hey Cintya, I have some problems with my versa
Me : It does not respond at all
Cintya : Hi, how are you?
Cintya : I'll be more than glad to help you with your Versa is not working.
Cintya : Can you provide me more details about the issue?
Me : Yeah, the display is just pitch black, no battery icons or anything shows up
Me (7.9.2019, 15:23:56): i have tried to restart it, and charge it but it doesn't seem to work
Cintya : Thank you so much for the details.
Me : I have also been browsing troubleshooting for it but nothing there worked for me...
Cintya : So that I can start working on your case, could you please let me know the email address
associated with your Fitbit account?
Cintya : Thank you so much for the email.
Cintya : Allow me a moment.
Me : Okay
Cintya : Thank you.
Cintya : I was able to find your Versa associated with your Fitbit account.
Cintya : I noticed that your device lasts ync was 3 days ago.
Me : Yeah, it worked until yesterday
Cintya : Can you confirm me the troubleshooting steps that you have tried?
Me : I have tried to restart it, charge it (charged it for hours) and ive also tried to switch chargers
Me : tried 2 different ones, none of them worked
Cintya : Thank you so much.
Cintya : Since we've exhausted all troubleshooting, I'll proceed to review your device's warranty. I'd need
a few pieces of information to get it done.
Cintya : Could you confirm your country of residence, and where and when you purchased your device?
Me : Norway, I don't know where it was bought as it was bought as a gift to me.
Cintya : Thank you.
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Cintya : Allow me a moment.
Me : Okay.
Cintya : Thanks!
Cintya : After checking in our system, I could notice that your Versa has been confirmed as eligible for a
replacement! For that reason, we provided you two options, so you can choose the best option for you:
Cintya : You can choose the Versa replacement and you don't have to pay additional money for it, you
only have to fulfill the replacement form with the shipping information and then we'll send you the
Cintya : If you want to purchase a different model we give you the 50% discount in this purchase. The
50% discount offer can be applied towards one of the following models: Charge 3, Inspire, Inspire HR
and Ionic.
Cintya : I have sent the email, could you check your inbox please?
Me : I'll check my email now
Me : Yes, I received it thanks
Cintya : I hope you enjoy your new device. Thank you so much for being so willing to work this out with
Cintya : By the way, once you click on the "End Chat" button, you'll have the chance to fill out a brief
survey to rate your experience with the service I provided in this interaction.
Cintya : Before we conclude the session, I want to make sure I covered everything, so is there anything
else that I can help you with?
Me : umm, on the form, it says "where did you buy it?" it was a gift so i dont really know where it was
Me : what do i put in there?
Cintya : You can write that your device was a gift.
Me : alright!
Cintya : You are more than welcome! It has been a pleasure for me to assist you today.
Me : Thank you very much
Cintya : Please click on End Chat to close the chat and you will get the survey to rate my service. Have an
amazing rest of week.
Me : Thanks! good bye and have a good day
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I am very grateful that you bought this eBook. This means so much for me. If you have any issues or
questions, just contact me through discord or telegram. Or any questions, just ask in the discord private
GreenTea – Section Moderator on cracked.to
Credits to @ItsYou_Boi#0002 for his help.
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