Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards

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Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet
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Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho
Terms in this set (70)
Which of the following bones is a component of the
a) Symphysis pubis
appendicular skeleton?
a) Xyphoid process
b) Symphysis pubis
c) sacrum
d) sternum
Testosterone production is regulated by which of the
d) Pituitary
following glands?
a) Pineal
b) Thymus
c) Parathyroid
d) Pituitary
Which of the following is the measurement of the
a) Hematocrit
percentage of red blood cells in whole blood?
a) Hematocrit
b) Hemoglobin
c) Mean corpuscular volume
d) Reticulocyte count
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho
12/27/21, 4:29 PM
Which of the following structure of the gastrointestional
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet
a) Ileum
system absorbs iron and bile salts?
a) Ileum
b) Jejunum
c) Colon
d) Duodenum
In a normal functioning cardiovascular system, where does
d) Sinoatrial node
the heartbeat originate?
a) Atrioventricular nodes
b) Bundle of HIS
c) Purkinje fibers
d) Sinoatrial node
An individual with which of the following blood type can
a) Type O
receive only blood of that same type?
a) Type O
b) Type A
c) Type B
d) Type AB
Peripheral vasodilation results in heat loss through which of
c) radiation
the following processes?
a) conduction
b) convection
c) radiation
d) evaporation
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho
12/27/21, 4:29 PM
Which of the following structures, located at the end of the
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet
d) Tympanic membrane
ear canal, vibrates when sound waves strikes it?
a) Acoustic meatus
b) Cochlea
c) Eustachian tube
d) Tympanic membrane
Production of which of the following is a function of the
c) substance to enhance sperm mobility
prostate gland?
a) testosterone
b) fluid to lubricate the head of the penis
c) substance to enhance sperm mobility
d) Gonadotrophin releasing hormone
Which of the following cardiac valves prevents blood from
d) aortic
returning to the left ventricle of the heart?
a) pulmonic
b) mitral
c) tricuspid
d) aortic
Which of the following is a role of platelets in hemostasis?
a) formation of plugs
a) formation of plugs
b) promotion of vasodilation
c) conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
d) activation of calcium
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho
12/27/21, 4:29 PM
Which of the following valves prevents backflow of the
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet
b) tricuspid valve
blood from the right ventricle into the right atrium of the
a) Aortic
b) triscupid valve
c) pulmonic
d) mitral valve
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Which of the following ions is most abundant in
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c) Sodium
extracellular fluid?
a) Calcium
b) Chloride
c) Sodium
d) Potassium
Which of the following types of cells is primarily
d) macrophages
responsible for the destruction of old cells and invasive
a) Basophils
b) Eosinophils
c) B-cells
d) macrophages
Which of the following hormones is secreted by the
d) ADH
posterior pituitary gland?
a) Growth hormone
b) Luteinizing hormone
c) Adrenocortrophic hormone
d) Antidiuretic hormone
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho
12/27/21, 4:29 PM
Straightening the elbow by lowering the hand affects which
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet
b) Triceps brachii
of the following muscles?
a) biceps brachii
b) triceps brachii
c) brachials
d) brachioradialis
Which of the following substances is involved in the
b) stomach acid
destruction of ingested pathogens?
a) lymphatic fluid
b) stomach acid
c) bicarbonate
d) lipase
Which of the following describes the event of ovulation?
c) The graafian follicle releases an ovum.
a) The fallopian tube moves the ovum to the uterus.
b) The oocyte undergoes it's first meiotic division.
c) The graafian follicle releases an ovum.
d) The corpus luteum produces progesterone.
Which of the following is the effect of aldosterone
b) Sodium levels are increased.
secretion on electrolyte levels?
a) Calcium levels are decreased
b) Sodium levels are increased
c) Potassium levels are increased
d) Magnesium levels are decreased
Which of the following is a result of stimulation of the
b) increased cardiac output
sympathetic nervous system?
a) decreased blood flow to the skeletal muscles
b) increased cardiac output
c) decreased respiratory rate
d) increased urinary output
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho
12/27/21, 4:29 PM
Which of the following structures is located between the
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet
sigmoid colon
descending colon and the rectum?
Which of the following electrolytes plays an essential role in
c) calcium
the clotting of blood?
a) sodium
b) magnesium
c) calcium
d) potassium
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Which of the following may indicate a hypersecretion of
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a) weight loss
thyroid hormone?
a) weight loss
b) Brachycardia
c) cold intolerance
d) lethargy
A normal adult bladder has the capacity to hold up to how
600 mL
many mL of urine before involuntary micturition is likely to
Which part of the nephron is closest to the collecting duct?
distal convoluted tubules
Calcium concentration in the blood is controlled by which
Parathyroid gland
of the following glands?
Which part of the brain regulates heart rate, respiratory rate,
medulla oblongata
and blood pressure?
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho
12/27/21, 4:29 PM
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the function of the gallbladder?
An occurrence of too high of a concentration of which of
storage of bile
c) potassium
the following electrolytes is associated with cardiac
a) chloride
b) phosphorus
c) potassium
d) sodium
What function is associated with the dermal layer of the
collagen formation
What is the function of the ureters?
Breastfeeding of an infant provides what kind of immunity?
to conduct urine from the kidneys to the bladder
natural passive immunity
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What blood vessels carry deoxygenated blood to the right
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superior and inferior vena cavae
atrium of the heart?
What does the respiratory system eliminate when there is an
carbon dioxide
excess of hydrogen ions in the body?
What structure is distal to the ascending colon?
What mediates the body's response to stress?
What is the function of the liver?
transverse colon
lipid metabolism
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho
12/27/21, 4:29 PM
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet
What is responsible for the regulation of body temperature?
What is the iron-containing component of a red blood cell?
What is the function of angiotensin II in the regulation of
blood pressure?
Blood pH is measure by the gain and loss of what?
What is the order of the protective meningeal layers of the
pia mater, arachnoid mater, dura mater
brain from inside to outside?
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What tissues connects bone to joint?
When blood leaves the left ventricle of the heart, what
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structures does it enter next?
Where is the site of sperm maturation in the male
reproductive system?
What is the result of the release of antidiuretic hormone?
After passing through the glottis, inspired air then travels
fluid volume in the body increases
through which structure?
What is a wax-like substance secreted by glands in the
external car canal?
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho
12/27/21, 4:29 PM
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet
What is the result of meiosis?
What pituitary hormones stimulates the process of
sperm and ova are produced
Follicle stimulating hormone
What structures prevents food from being aspirated into the
What hormone is produced by the thyroid gland and is
active in calcium metabolism?
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What type of muscle tissue is under voluntary control?
What structure filters foreign particles from lymphatic fluid?
What hormone regulates urine output?
What is associated with the release of histamine?
What part of the central nervous system is responsible for
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mast cells
medulla oblongata
the control of involuntary respiration?
What hormone is involved in fluid balance that is produced
by the kidney?
In the process of wound healing, what plays a role in
clearing a wound of cellular debris?
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho
12/27/21, 4:29 PM
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet
What is associated with wound healing by primary
minimal scar tissue
What is function of surfactant in the alveoli of the lungs?
Blood cells are produced by what?
increase surface area-prevent collapse
red bone marrow
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Where are the nutrients transported after being absorbed
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small intestine
into the blood stream?
What antibody type mediates the body's response to an
What tissues attaches muscle to bone?
What is the average length of female urethra?
Bile aids in the digestion of what?
What structure of the respiratory system is the site of gas
1 to 1.5 inches
What is the structure of the inner ear?
What occurs at the beginning of systole in a healthy heart?
The ventricle contracts
12/27/21, 4:29 PM
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study patho Flashcards | Quizlet