Java Programming The Java Platform The Java Platform consists of the Java Development Kit (JDK) Java Runtime Environment (JRE) JVM (Java Virtual Machine) The JVM is a platform independent way to run Java programs. Java programs are interpreted by the JVM. The Java Programs are agnostic of the Operating system they are running on however the JVM is written per operating system In order to run your Java Program on your operating system you need to install the JVM Java Platform JDK Provides the necessary tools and application libraries to write Java code Contains compilers, debuggers and everything that is contained within the JRE JRE Implementation of the JVM Container where the Java programs run Google for Answers Stackoverflow Oracle documentation Installing Java Detailed installation instructions depending on your Operating System are available on Oracle’s site at : Windows : tall/windows_jdk_install.html#A1097272 Mac : Typically your mac should come with Java preinstalled and you should not need to worry about installing anything You can test if Java is installed on your system by going to the command prompt on Windows or the Terminal on Mac and typing java –version This will give you the version for the Java you have installed IDE Integrated Development Environment : Tool to make writing Java Code very easy It comes with all the frills needed to quickly write code Popular IDE’s NetBeans Eclipse STS IntelliJ Recommended IDE’s Eclipse & NetBeans Download Eclipse from If you are on campus Eclipse comes pre-installed with the computers Your First Java Program public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Hello World!!"); } } Analyzing the code All the Java files end with a .java extension In your code your file ended with The Java Compiler (javac) compiles the .java program and creates a .class file The .class file is the byte code that your .java file is converted to This is the file that can be now be read and interpreted by the JVM Further dissection of the code As you can see the first thing we did was public class HelloWorld{ public is a Java keyword meaning something that can be accessed by anyone class is a Java keyword for a class HelloWorld is the name of your class Everything should be inside {} brackets Now every class has methods and attributes The first method you see is main() On top of the code we see package com.test.mycode This is the folder structure where you code lives public static void main(String[] args) main is the method name public means it is accessible by anyone args is the arguments that can be passed to this method (we will learn about String [] later) static is another keyword in Java. Anything marked static means that it can be accessed by ClassName.methodname() without creating a new object Object Oriented Programming Concepts 3 Key Concepts Encapsulation : is hiding the information of an object from other code trying to access it. The only way to access the object’s attributes is through the methods in the class. Encapsulation helps protect the internal methods of a class by making them private. Inheritance : With Inheritance a child class can inherit the properties of a parent class. This helps in not repeating code in multiple places. The common code can sit in the parent class. Polymorphism : means once class can take several forms. We can create a single interface and have multiple classes implement the same interface What is a class? As we have seen from before, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is the way to write code now With OOP everything we create is an object … a computer, book, bookstore, person Every object has certain attributes like a Person has a name, age, social security etc. A Class is a blueprint to create an object Java has a keyword new to create a new Object What is an Object? A class is a blueprint to create objects and an object is an instance of a class So for instance a Person class can create several Person Objects using the blueprint which is the class to create those objects Here is how it is done : Person p = new Person With the new keyword you can create a new Person Object Example Of a Class in Java class Person{ String name; int age; String ssn; } As you can see a Person class has certain attributes When we do Person p = new Person we create a new object p for the Person class. We can create several person objects, p1, p2 etc. with the Person class as it is a blue print to create Person objects private, public, protected You can specify how to access your methods and variables in Java A private variable can only be accessed within the {} A public variable can be accessed from anywhere A protected variable can only accessed within the same package