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Student Council Elections 2023-24 Announcement

Date: 05/06/2023
Student Council Elections 2023-24
Dear Parents,
We have embarked on our journey through another exciting academic year. We kick start this
eventful year with the Student Council Elections.
We firmly believe in the quote by Simon Sinek -‘Leadership is not about the next election, it's
about the next generation.’ The Student Council Elections help to inculcate leadership qualities
such as self-confidence, commitment, passion, decisiveness and flexibility in our young adults.
The various portfolios for which the students can contest for the Student Council Elections are:
Students can nominate themselves only for a single Portfolio.
Sr. No.
Vice President
Head Boy
Head Girl
House Captain- Equality
House Captain- Freedom
House Captain- Peace
House Captain- Unity
Vice House Captain- Equality
Vice House Captain- Freedom
Vice House Captain- Peace
Vice House Captain- Unity
Minister for Wellbeing and RI
Minister for Information and Broadcasting
Minister for Environment and Safety
Minister for Art and Culture
Minister for Community Outreach
Deputy Minister for Welfare and RI
Deputy Minister for Information and Broadcasting
Deputy Minister for Environment and Safety
Deputy Minister for Art and Culture
Deputy Minister for Community Outreach
Positions open for grade
A Level
A Level
AS & A Level
AS & A Level
10, AS & A Level
10, AS & A Level
10, AS & A Level
10, AS & A Level
9 &10
9 &10
9 &10
9 &10
AS & A Level
AS & A Level
AS & A Level
AS & A Level
AS & A Level
Point to be noted for Campaign:
✓ Candidates can create two A4 size posters on the respective portfolio for the campaign. This poster can
be handmade or digital and should include the Candidates photograph.
✓ The candidate will get a chance to visit various classes for campaigning using one poster made by them.
The other poster is to be submitted to their Class Teacher by Thursday, 8th June 2023.
Please note the Important Dates :
✍ Sunday, 30th April 2023
Publishing of Nomination Form (Google Form)
✍ Wednesday, 7th June 2023
Last day to fill the Nomination Form (By 4:00 p.m.)
✍ Wednesday, 7th June 2023
Declaration of candidates for the various posts on Web Genie
✍ 8th June- 12th June 2023
Interview with the Leadership Team
✍ Thursday, 8th June 2023
Campaigning in School (As per the slots given)
Campaign Poster Submission (A4 Size 2 Copies)
✍ Friday, 9th June 2023
Verbal Mention of all Nominations
✍ Wednesday, 14th June 2023
Election Day! Voting
✍ Friday, 16th June 2023
Announcement of Results on Web Genie.
IGCSE Link- https://forms.gle/JwAvYEL9A5cAKTps6
Dear Students,
The office bearers set role models to promote leadership for the entire student community. They have to be the
ambassadors of the school, representing the school within and outside the school. They are expected to maintain
the discipline in the school and when they represent the school outside. They also shoulder the responsibility of
organizing all events and competitions held in the school. The student representatives act as an important link
between the students and the management.
Following are few of the role and responsibility specific to various Position in the Student Council Election:
✓ The President is responsible for the overall functioning of the Student Council.
✓ He / She along with the council will set the vision and prepare the agenda for the entire academic year.
✓ He / She will be responsible for the coordination between various members of the council and planning and
execution of the events.
✓ The President will look after the overall welfare of the student community and will work constructively as a
bridge between the student community, staff and the management.
✓ The Vice-President will work supporting the President in all matters pertaining to the Student Council.
✓ The Vice-President shall help the President in executing the vision set by the Student Council.
✓ He / She will also coordinate with the Associations and Outreach Coordinator in executing the programme of
the council.
✓ He / She will also be responsible for the documentation of all activities conducted by the council.
Head Boy and Head Girl
Head Boy and Head Girl are usually responsible for representing the school at events and will make public
They also serve as a role model for students and may share pupils' ideas with the school's leadership.
They may also be expected to lead fellow others in their duties.
✓ They should ensure that the council carry out their duties in a responsible and impartial manner.
✓ They should constantly alert, observant and sensitive to the needs of the school and act promptly after
consulting and getting orders from the Principal and the Leadership Team.
✓ They should show exemplary behaviour with head held high, providing a shining example of leadership, trust,
courtesy, love and goodness.
✓ To maintain discipline in school by:
Wearing proper school uniform and checking the uniform of other students in the morning.
They should command the whole school in discipline at assemblies.
Encouraging students to observe school rules during break and during dispersal.
Ensuring discipline during all events and functions held on campus and outside where students go to
represent the school.
House Captains and Vice House Captains
✓ A House Captain would be a position held by student who excels in both sports and co-curricular activities.
✓ He / She will be working very closely with House Masters, in selecting and finalizing the students for
participation in inter-house competitions, school has during the year.
✓ The captains would make regular announcements and give updates on upcoming sporting and cultural events.
✓ They would also be in charge of helping setup for class performances.
✓ To be the leader of your house.
✓ To work in co-operation and follow the instruction of your House Master to execute house activities.
✓ To maintain the internal discipline in the school at arrivals of students lunch break and at dispersal of school.
✓ To ensure the participation of maximum number of students of your house in different co-curricular activities.
Minister of Art and Cultural:
✓ He / She would be student, who is involved in one or more of the many art activities organized in school at
Minister and Deputy Minister for Art and Culture
✓ He / She would be student, who is involved in one or more of the many art activities organized in school at
inter house level.
✓ The School Cultural leaders are students who have shown a strong interest in cultural events like dance, drama,
music, debate, elocution etc.
✓ They should always ready to work extra hours (balancing academics and roles assigned) in close association
with teacher event in charges.
✓ They should be keen to be involved in promoting cultural activities and events that occur throughout the school
✓ They should work constructively in creating an atmosphere of mutual respect, sensitivity and encouragement
among boys and girls in the campus.
✓ He / She along with council members will take steps to promote cultural diversity and create an atmosphere in
the campus congenial for artistic and creative expression.
✓ The cultural committee will be responsible for organizing a number of activities in the school.
✓ In addition to any Student Council assembly or any special assembly that they may be required to organize,
the specific activities that they will have to plan and execute are as follows:
Farewell for the outgoing batch of the Academic Year.
Annual Concert- Conduct auditions, for the middle and senior school.
Teachers’ Day celebrations to be planned and conducted.
Debates and Literary Fest and events.
Minister and Deputy Minister for Wellbeing and RI
✓ Maintenance of cleanliness inside and outside the classrooms.
✓ Organisation of Awareness Programmes about prevalent diseases.
✓ Participating in the Immunization Programmes organized by the school.
✓ Making attractive posters and other display material related to health awareness.
✓ Creating awareness about Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Minister and Deputy Minister for Information and Broadcasting
✓ To ensure the latest update about Sports and other co-curricular activities around the World.
✓ To keep students updated about the educational changes in India and in other countries.
✓ To help and take active part in the Newspaper edition for the school.
✓ To help in creating awareness of the various initiatives taken by the Student council.
✓ To help in making aware bout the achievements of the students in various competitions at various levels.
Minister and Deputy Minister for Environment and Safety
✓ To spearhead campaigns against polybags, crackers, littering, tobacco, pollution, food wastage, etc.
✓ To impress upon not to litter or damage the campus.
✓ To ensure cleanliness in school premises.
✓ To conduct a meeting once a month with the Medical Monitors to discuss various ways for keeping the
class and the campus clean.
✓ To make surprise visits to classes to check cleanliness.
✓ To plan and execute tree plantation programmes and projects.
✓ To be in regular touch with the Gardener of the school in order to keep the lawn, trees, flowerpots, etc. in
healthy condition.
✓ To coordinate with the Head of Science and Social Science departments, for all the environmental projects
of school every month.
✓ To spread awareness in the community vis-à-vis environment protection.
✓ To encourage students to send articles for safety and environment.
✓ Collection of useful information regarding environment protection and displaying the same on the bulletin
Minister and Deputy Minister for Community Outreach
✓ To coordinate with the Leadership Team in organising and executing the various Community Outreach
initiatives for students like Crowdfunding, Kshitij Program, Beach Cleaning drives, etc.
Warm Regards,
Urvashi Makhija,
Vice Principal (IGCSE)