Uploaded by Brianna Reed

SuperSet 100 Workout Program for Traditional Gyms

For Traditional Gyms
Ryan Fischer
Why I made this Program:
You should always ask why you’re doing something, so let’s get into that real quick!
While there are several different stimuli that build muscle, most people only focus on
the “heavier weight” part of this continuum. However, tempos and rest breaks are
great training tools that can be used to achieve the same results without putting all
that extra stress on your skeleton. Want to train injury free for a long time? Then you
may want to start manipulating your rest breaks and tempos instead of just doing
the same old progressive overload training you’ve probably been doing for years.
Not that there’s anything wrong with it. It’s just that over time, the less stress you
put on yourself, the better you’re going to feel. During my 20 years of training, I can
probably count on 1 hand how much I’ve utilized tempos and rest breaks as my main
source of growth. I was always under the general impression that “more” is “better”
and like many of the pro bodybuilders and professional athletes out there I’ve gone
through quite a list of injuries. Almost all of which probably could have been avoided
by smarter training. Ask any of the pros today what they would do differently if they
could do it all over. They almost all say that they wish they lifted lighter. A good
example is the difference between 2 of the most famous bodybuilders of all time,
Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman. They competed against each other at the same time
for the same goal at relatively the same ages. Ronnie lifted super heavy. Jay did not.
They both became Mr. Olympia several times.
Fast forward a few years and Ronnie can barely walk today. Jay is traveling the world
doing appearances still. Jay always lifted lighter, in higher volume, and he integrated
more tempo work.
So… I took my all time favourite training protocol, German Volume Training, and
tweaked it to reflect something that is kind of a first of it’s kind. It’s still like the OG
format from 20 years ago, except the tempos get faster for each 10 day cycle
rather than stay the same. However, with less time under tension comes less rest as
the cycle continues. Eventually leading into a murderous phase I call “hell week.”
Ya, I borrowed that one from the Navy SEALs (seemed appropriate).
I believe this program provides the perfect mix of crazy, longevity focused, mass
gaining, body fat shredding, and heart pumping structure that every person out
there yearns for.
Hope you love it.
The Schedule
Day 1) Legs + Abs
Day 2) Chest + Back
Day 3) Off
Day 4) Shoulders + Arms
Day 5) Off
Day 6) Legs + Abs
Day 7) Chest + Back
Day 8) Off
Day 9) Shoulders + Arms
Day 10) Off
Day 1 can be any day of the week you like, but these rest breaks are pretty set in
stone. You’re body is going to be going through some serious stress with all this
volume and rest/recovery is going to be essential.
Keep a journal: I highly recommend that you keep a lifting journal during this
cycle for a few of the following reasons:
1.) Figuring out the right weight for you on these giant supersets might take a
little trial and error. If you have to break on week 1 or you only get 8 or 9 reps
somewhere, it’s going to be knowledge you’re going to want to know for the
upcoming week. As the rest breaks change, having the right weight is everything.
2.) Incase you want to do the whole thing over again! Now, with a detailed journal,
it will be easy to figure out what to use. You might want to trade out one of the
giant superset movements with another movement or even change up the accessory
work next time. You probably won’t remember if you don’t keep a journal.
Sleeping: Do your best to get at 8 hours of sleep each night. The recovery
process is just as important as the lifting.
Weight Selection: It’s a good idea to complete a “pre” training week before
you start the program to figure out the best weights for you. You should be
incorporating the movements in the superset sections as solo movements and trying
to hit 10 rep maxes. Once you know what your 10 rep maxes are, it’s typically 50%
of that for these superset sections. If for any reason, it’s too light or too heavy, make
a note of it for the next 10 day cycle, but remember… You get even less rest next
time, so it might be just right. Ideally, you will be keeping the same weights on the
superset sections for the whole program. Instead of going heavier, you’re going to
be completing the same amount of volume in a shorter period. This will still give you
the mass gains from heavier weights, but it will also make you leaner and increase
your cardio. Double win :)
Warming up: It’s always a good idea to warm up before lifting weights. I
recommend doing 1-2 warm up sets with light weight in the 12-15 rep range for
every movement that you haven’t done yet. Depending on the day, I also like to
do a little cardio and stretch combo or a cardio and ab combo for a warm up. For
example, I might do something like this:
2 Rounds:
• 500m Row or 400m jog or 2min. of jump rope
Immediately into;
1min. of Plank on all 3 sides (3min. total)
No rest and back to the top
2 Rounds:
500m Row or 400m jog or 2min. of jump rope
Immediately into;
2-3min. of stretches that team up with whatever body parts I’m hitting today
No rest and back to the top
Lifting Partner: I do recommend you find a lifting partner who is willing to keep
you accountable on the rest breaks etc. It’s not mandatory, but having a partner for
something this challenging is only going to help.
Tempo: You need to stick to these tempos because they are a large reason of why
this program will be successful for you. “Time under tension” is just another way
manipulating your body to change. Ignore this and you’re going to fuck this whole
Rest Intervals: Same as the response under tempos. This is just another
important variable that signals change in the body. Obey it and maybe get
yourself a stopwatch to stay honest. I never train without a stop watch personally.
By the end of this you may just realize how much time you were wasting in the gym
just chatting and taking WAY too long of breaks.
Weekly Stats: Get a tape measure! Because of how awesome this program
is, I really believe you’re going to be putting on some serious muscle. Especially if
you’re eating right and choosing the right weights. Keep that journal on standby
and watch your body change over the next 40 days! Have some crazy results?! Be
sure to send them my way so I can post about you!
Cardio: I love cardio even if I am trying to gain. There’s nothing worse than
looking in shape, but you can’t even complete a basic hike with a friend without
feeling like you’re going to die. Not only that, but a few cardio sessions per week
can absolutely transfer to more endurance in your muscles for those high rep
ranges with heavier weights like this one. I recommend doing interval cardio 3-5
times a week for at least 15 minutes after your session, before your session, or at
a separate time of day all together. The concept 2 rowing website gives out free
workouts everyday that are pretty awesome. And if you don’t want to row, a lot
of it is transferable to fan bike or treadmill.
Nutrition: I always have been and always will be a fan of carb cycling and keto
cycling, depending on your goals. I offer full detail on both on my website if you’re
interest. Visit GymRyan.com
Supplements: Supplements are not necessary, but can come in handy if you’re
someone who doesn’t like to eat much or skips meals a lot because of time
constrictions. If you’d like to go this route, my buddies at 1st phorm make
incredible products and will give you free shipping when you use this link
CLICK HERE. My favorites are the greens and reds mixed together (just 1 alone
isn’t great tasting) because I don’t eat a ton of veggies. The natural sweetened
whey proteins because they are really clean. And I also use a ton of their
pre-workout stuff (project 1 and the alphasurge together is insane for pumps)
I want to do it again!
What should I do?!
Step 1.
Take 10 days off and do a normal lifting routine without supersets or 10 sets
of 10. Hit about 70% of your 1Rep maxes for 5 sets of 5 and hit your favorite
movements for each body part by themselves. Don’t go super heavy, don’t
go to failure, and don’t just take the whole 10 days off. You just need a
de-load week to switch things up and get you ready for some more stress.
You won’t get sore at all during these 10 days and that’s fine! If you really
want to work hard on something, make it cardio intervals.
Step 2.
Number of Exercises: Keep the general structure with the 2 Supersets at
the forefront of the workout. More is not better here! You may switch these
movements out with whatever you’d like to try as long as they are opposing
movements (meaning push pull). Be sure to select exercises that recruit A
LOT of muscle mass. Tricep kickbacks and leg extensions are definitely out
because it only focuses on 1 single muscle—whereas squats, deadlifts, and
presses are definitely in because they recruit much more than 1 body part.
This is how you GROW ladies and gentlemen. Nowadays it’s a damn circus
act on social media watching people invent new stuff to make themselves
standout. Completely unnecessary and borderline ridiculous most of the
time. Every big, strong, and fast athlete keeps their main focus on big
multi-joint movements like previously mentioned above. It’s not changing any
time soon.
Step 3.
Be sure to read through your journal to get the most accurate information on
what you’d like to try next time and/or any changes you want to make.
Cycle 1
Superset 100 • Cycle 1
Legs + Abs
Superset these 2 movements:
• Back Squats: 10 sets of 10 with
a 40X0 tempo
• Lying Hamstring Curls: 10 sets
of 10 with a 40X0 tempo
* Rest 2min.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Bulgarian Dumbbell Split
Squats (Rear leg elevated):
3 sets of 6-8 on each leg, rest
90 seconds after each set
• Barbell Romanian Deadlifts:
3 sets of 6-8 with a 40X0
tempo, rest 90 seconds after
each set
5 Rounds:
• 10-15 Tricep Cable Ab
Crunches (kneeling)
Immediately into;
• 10-15 Hanging Leg Raises
(straight legs)
Rest 60sec. Between Rounds
• 50 Russian Twists with a 45lb.
DB. (Left + Right = 1 rep)
Superset 100 • Cycle 1
Chest and Back
Superset these 2 movements:
• Incline Barbell Presses: 10 sets
of 10 with a 40X0 tempo
• Chin-ups: 10 sets of 10 with a
40X0 tempo
* Rest 2min.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Dips: 3 sets of Max Reps, rest
90 seconds after each set
* Add weight if you can. Looking
for 15-20 reps a set.)
• Single Arm Dumbbell Rows:
3 sets of 6-8 reps, rest 90
seconds after each set
• Reverse Pec Fly Machine.
(Should say it’s for rear delts
and back): 100 Reps with quality
movement. Choose a weight
you can hit about 20-30 on the
first shot. Then chip away at
whatever is left.
Superset 100 • Cycle 1
Superset 100 • Cycle 1
Shoulders + Arms
Superset these 3 movements:
• Standing Barbell Push Press:
10 sets of 10 with a 40X0 tempo
• DB Lateral Raises:
10 sets of 10 (no tempo needed)
• DB Shrugs: 10 sets of 10 (no
tempo needed)
* Rest 2min.
Might need about 5-10min. rest
before hitting this next piece. No
accessory work today. Just 2
sections of GVT.
Superset these 2 movements:
Barbell Bicep Curls:
• 10 sets of 10 with a 40X0 tempo
Tricep Pull-Down with rope
• 10 sets of 10 with a 40X0 tempo
* Rest 2min.
Superset 100 • Cycle 1
Superset 100 • Cycle 1
Legs + Abs
Superset these 2 movements:
• Front Squats: 10 sets of 10 with
a 40X0 tempo
• Barbell Hip Thrusts: 10 sets of
10 with a 40X0 tempo
* Rest 2min.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Adductor Machine: 3 sets of
10-12 reps, rest 90 seconds
after each set
• Abductor Machine: 3 sets of
10-12 reps, rest 90 seconds
after each set
5 Rounds:
• 10 Barbell Sit-Ups (45lb. bar)
Immediately into;
• 10 Barbell Reverse Sit-Ups
(holding the bar in front of you
while lying on your back)
* Rest 1min.
• 50 Decline Sit-Ups For Quality
and Time (deepest decline you
can find)
Superset 100 • Cycle 1
Chest and Back
Superset these 2 movements:
• Incline Dumbbell Presses: 10 sets of 10 with
a 40X0 tempo
• Wide Grip Attachment Lat Pulldowns: 10 sets of
10 with a 40X0 tempo
* Rest 2min.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Pec Fly Machine: 3 sets of 10-12 reps, rest 90
seconds after each set
• Incline Bench Dumbbell Rows: (Lying with your stomach
on the bench and 1 DB in each hand, complete a row with both
DBs at the same time) 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Rest 90 seconds
after each set.
Little bit of breathing here:
10min. running clock…
(5 Rounds. No Rest Between Rounds)
Minute 1.)
Complete max effort on a piece of cardio of choice. A sustainable
effort, not everything you have and then… You’re dead… Depending on the piece of cardio you use (bike, elliptical, a rope pull
machine, air runner, etc…) keep track of your score on the machine and try not to deviate more than 10% at any time.
Minute 2.)
Complete Max Effort Push-Ups
* Goal is to get a good sweat and feel good about leaving today.
Also, if you don’t get at least 100 push-ups total by the end…
Then you have a new goal to shoot for, for next time :)
Superset 100 • Cycle 1
Superset 100 • Cycle 1
Shoulders + Arms
Superset these 3 movements:
• Seated DB Military Press: 10
sets of 10 with a 40X0 tempo
• Upright Barbell Row: 10 sets of
10 (no tempo needed)
• Bent Over DB Lateral Raises or
Reverse Fly Machine: 10 sets of
10 (no tempo needed)
* Rest 2min.
Might need about 5-10min. rest
before hitting this next piece. No
accessory work today. Just 2
sections of GVT.
Superset these 2 movements:
• Seated Barbell Preacher Curls:
10 sets of 10 with a 40X0 tempo
• DB Tricep Skull Crushers (1 DB
in each hand): 10 sets of 10 with
a 40X0 tempo
* Rest 2min.
DAY 10
Superset 100 • Cycle 1
Cycle 2
* Notice the rest break and tempo has changed.
You also have different accessory lifts.
* Tempo: 30X0
* Rest: 90sec.
Superset 100 • Cycle 2
Legs + Abs
Superset these 2 movements:
• Back Squats: 10 sets of 10 with
a 30X0 tempo
• Lying Hamstring Curls: 10 sets
of 10 with a 30X0 tempo
* Rest 90sec.
Accessory Lifts: superset these 2
3 Sets:
• Elevated Heel DB Goblet Squat
(Close Stance): 1min. of max
reps (Goal: 15-20 reps for
weight ideas)
• Quad knee extensions: 1min. of
max reps (Controlled
movement. Not too fast. Heavy
as possible. Shoot for 10-12 reps)
* Rest 90sec.
5 Rounds:
• 1min. of Plank on your hands
Immediately into;
• 1min. of Crunches with Oblique
Twist at the top (alternating
* Rest 1min.
Superset 100 • Cycle 2
Chest and Back
Superset these 2 movements:
• Incline Barbell Presses: 10 sets
of 10 with a 30X0 tempo
• Chin-ups: 10 sets of 10 with a
30X0 tempo
* Rest 90sec.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Wide Grip Cable Rows: 3 sets of
12-15 reps, rest 90 seconds
after each set (After your last
set, put 50% on and go to
• Straight Arm Pull-downs (with
tricep pulldown rope): 3 sets
of 12 reps, rest 90 seconds after
each set
• Pec Fly Machine: 100 Reps with
quality movement. Choose a
weight you can hit about 20-30
on the first shot. Then chip away
at whatever is left.
Superset 100 • Cycle 2
Superset 100 • Cycle 2
Shoulders and Arms
Superset these 3 movements:
• Standing Military Press: 10 sets
of 10 with a 30X0 tempo
• DB Lateral Raises: 10 sets of 10
(no tempo needed)
• DB Shrugs: 10 sets of 10 (no
tempo needed)
* Rest 90sec.
Might need about 5-10min. rest
before hitting this next piece. No
accessory work today. Just 2 sections of GVT.
Superset these 2 movements:
• Double DB Bicep Curls (Keep
palms up for the entire
movement): 10 sets of 10 with a
30X0 tempo
• Tricep Dips off of a bench (Keep
hands close together. Add
weight to your lap if
bodyweight is too easy): 10 sets
of 10 with a 30X0 tempo
* Rest 90sec.
Superset 100 • Cycle 2
Superset 100 • Cycle 2
Legs +Abs
Superset these 2 movements:
• Front Squats: 10 sets of 10 with
a 30X0 tempo
• Barbell Hip Thrusts: 10 sets of
10 with a 30X0 tempo
* Rest 90sec.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
3 Rounds For Time and Quality:
• 25 DB Deadlifts
• 50 DB Russian Twists
* Deadlift weight should be hard.
You’re recalling going to feel this
in your butt because of the range
of motion. Both sides of the DB
must touch the ground, not just
one. If you have to break 2-3 time
each set, that’s probably the right
weight. For the russian twist, you
want it to be light enough where
you’re only breaking 2-3 times as
well. Left + Right only equal 1 rep.
The DB must touch the groud on
every rep, but don’t bounce it.
1min. of whatever crunch
machine you have in your facility.
* Get as many reps as you can while
staying tight and seeing your form
* Rest 1min. Repeat 3 times
Superset 100 • Cycle 2
Chest and Back
Superset these 2 movements:
• Incline Dumbbell Presses: 10
sets of 10 with a 30X0 tempo
• Wide Grip Attachment Lat
Pulldowns: 10 sets of 10 with a
30X0 tempo
* Rest 90sec.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Flat Bench Machine: 3 sets of
10-12 reps with a 30X0 tempo,
rest 90 seconds after each set
• High Row Machine: 3 sets of
10-12 reps, rest 90 seconds
after each set
Little bit of breathing here:
10min. to get as far as
• Russian KB Swings
• Push-Ups
* Non issue if you don’t finish!
You did a lot of chest today and
I don’t want to blow you up
anymore. Just wanted to give
you a little sweat!
Superset 100 • Cycle 2
Superset 100 • Cycle 2
Shoulders + Arms
Superset these 3 movements:
• Seated DB Military Press: 10
sets of 10 with a 30X0 tempo
• Upright Barbell Row: 10 sets of
10 (no tempo needed)
• Bent Over DB Lateral Raises or
Reverse Fly Machine: 10 sets of
10 (no tempo needed)
* Rest 90sec.
Might need about 5-10min. rest
before hitting this next piece. No
accessory work today. Just 2 sections of GVT.
Superset these 2 movements:
• Seated straight bar cable curl
(butt on the ground, elbows on
your knees): 10 sets of 10 with a
30X0 tempo
• Tricep Pull-downs with triangle
lat pulldown attachment (Feels
awkward, but is such a great
movement. You’ll feel it
tomorrow!): 10 sets of 10 with a
30X0 tempo
* Rest 90sec.
DAY 10
Superset 100 • Cycle 2
Cycle 3
** Notice the rest break and tempo has changed)
20X0 tempo + 60sec. rest
Superset 100 • Cycle 3
Legs + Abs
Superset these 2 movements:
• Back Squats: 10 sets of 10 with
a 20X0 tempo
• Lying Leg Curls: 10 sets of 10
with a 20X0 tempo
* Rest 60sec.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
1 Round: Go fast, but keep
• 50 Tricep Cable Ab Crunches
• 50 DB Alt. Lunges (Left + Right
= 2 reps)
• 50 50 Decline Sit-Ups
• 50 DB Alt. Lunges (Left + Right
= 2 reps)
* Rest 2min. and Repeat 1 more
* For DB Lunge weight, shoot for
something you can finish in 2-3
sets each time
Superset 100 • Cycle 3
Chest and Back
Superset these 2 movements:
• Incline Barbell Presses: 10 sets
of 10 with a 20X0 tempo
• Chin-ups: 10 sets of 10 with a
20X0 tempo
* Rest 60sec.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Barbell Rows with “double
underhand grip”: 3 sets of 8-10
reps, rest 90 seconds after each
• Dumbbell Fly’s: 3 sets of 10-12
reps with a 30X0 tempo, rest 90
seconds after each set
• Face Pulls with rope attachment:
100 Reps with quality
movement. Choose a weight
you can hit about 20 on the first
shot. Then chip away at
whatever is left.
Superset 100 • Cycle 3
Superset 100 • Cycle 3
Shoulders + Arms
Superset these 3 movements:
• Standing Military Press: 10 sets
of 10 with a 20X0 tempo
• DB Lateral Raises: 10 sets of 10
(no tempo needed)
• DB Shrugs: 10 sets of 10 (no
tempo needed)
* Rest 60sec.
Might need about 5-10min. rest
before hitting this next piece. No
accessory work today. Just 2
sections of GVT.
Superset these 2 movements:
• Alt. DB Hammer Curls: 10 sets
of 10 (on ea. arm) with a 20X0
• EZ Bar Overhead Extensions: 10
sets of 10 with a 20X0 tempo
* Rest 60sec.
Superset 100 • Cycle 3
Superset 100 • Cycle 3
Legs and Abs
Superset these 2 movements:
• Front Squats: 10 sets of 10 with
a 20X0 tempo
• Barbell Hip Thrusts: 10 sets of
10 with a 20X0 tempo
* Rest 60sec.
Accessory Lifts: (Superset these 2
3 Sets:
• 1min. of max reps on the
Adductor Machine
Immediately into;
• 1min. of max reps on the
Abductor Machine
Rest 1min.
• 30sec. of plate sit-ups (a weight
you can go nonstop the whole
Immediately into;
• 30sec. of flutter kicks
Immediately into;
• 30sec. of reverse sit-ups (hold
the plate in front of you for
1min. Rest x 4 Sets
Superset 100 • Cycle 3
Chest and Back
Superset these 2 movements:
• Incline Dumbbell Presses: 10
sets of 10 with a 20X0 tempo
• Wide Grip Attachment Lat
Pulldowns: 10 sets of 10 with a
20X0 tempo
* Rest 60sec.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Dips: 3 sets of Max Reps, rest
90 seconds after each set
* Add weight if you can. Looking
to only get about 5-6 reps
today, so the emphasis is
HEAVY. You may refer back to
your first chest workout as a
reference of what to do here
• Single Arm Dumbbell Rows (Arm
resting on the DB rack, so that
you’re more upright and not
totally flay like usual): 3 sets of
6-8 reps, rest 90 seconds after
each set
• Reverse Pec Fly Machine: 3 sets
of 20 reps, rest 90 sec. after
each set
Superset 100 • Cycle 3
Superset 100 • Cycle 3
Shoulders + Arms
Superset these 3 movements:
• Seated DB Military Press: 10
sets of 10 with a 20X0 tempo
• Upright Barbell Row: 10 sets of
10 (no tempo needed)
• Bent Over DB Lateral Raises or
Reverse Fly Machine: 10 sets of
10 (no tempo needed)
* Rest 60sec.
Might need about 5-10min. rest
before hitting this next piece. No
accessory work today. Just 2
sections of GVT.
Superset these 2 movements:
• Standing EZ Bar Bicep Curls: 10
sets of 10 with a 20X0 tempo
• Overhead Tricep Ext. with 1
Heavy DB (seated): 10 sets of 10
with a 20X0 tempo
* Rest 60sec.
DAY 10
Superset 100 • Cycle 3
Cycle 4 - “Hell Week”
- NO rest breaks and NO tempos for this last 10 day cycle.
- You’re trying to get through your 100 reps as fast as
possible for every workout this week.
- It’s inevitable that you’ll need to rest a little at some point
and that’s fine, but keep it short and keep chipping away.
For this week, rather than take 1 big rest break at the end
of a set, I’d rather see you ty to go nonstop and take quick
little 15-20sec. rests wherever needed. It’s a different
stimuli and it’s incredibly challenging, but you’ve been
training for it so you’re ready. Let’s go to work. Mind set is
big this whole week!
Superset 100 • Cycle 4
Legs + Abs
Superset these 2 movements:
• Back Squats: 10 sets of 10 with
no tempo
• Lying Leg Curls: 10 sets of 10
with no tempo
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
Deficit Barbell Deadlifts: Standing on
a few plates to give you about 2-3
inches off the ground, complete 6-8
Deadlifts with a 30X0 tempo. Build as
heavy as you like and are able to do
after part 1 today. Complete 5 Sets
with a 90sec. rest in between.
4 Sets:
• 45sec. of a weighted plank
(throw a heavy plate on you
back, but make sure it’s
something you can repeat)
Immediately into;
• 45sec. of a bodyweight side plank
Immediately into;
• 45sec. of a bodyweight side plank
* 1min. Rest
Superset 100 • Cycle 4
Chest and Back
Superset these 2 movements:
• Incline Barbell Presses: 10 sets of 10
with no tempo
• Chin-ups: 10 sets of 10 with no tempo
* Rest 30sec.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Pec Fly Machine: 3 sets of 10-12
reps, rest 90 seconds after each set
• Incline Bench Dumbbell Rows: (Lying
with your stomach on the bench and
1 DB in each hand, complete a row
with both DBs at the same time)
3 sets of 8-10 reps.
* Rest 90 seconds after each set.
* We did this a few weeks back, so make
sure you go heavier and really squeeze
hard at the top of each rep!
Little bit of breathing here:
10min. running clock…
(5 Rounds. No Rest Between Rounds)
Minute 1.) Complete max effort on a
piece of cardio of choice. A sustainable
effort, not everything you have and
then… You’re dead… Depending on the
piece of cardio you use (bike, elliptical,
a rope pull machine, air runner, etc…)
keep track of your score on the machine
and try not to deviate more than 10% at
any time.
Minute 2.) Complete Max Effort
* See if you can beat your score from last
Superset 100 • Cycle 4
Superset 100 • Cycle 4
Shoulders + Arms
Superset these 3 movements:
• Standing Military Press: 10 sets
of 10 with no tempo
• DB Lateral Raises: 10 sets of 10
(no tempo needed)
• DB Shrugs: 10 sets of 10 (no
tempo needed)
* Rest 30sec.
Might need about 5-10min. rest
before hitting this next piece. No
accessory work today. Just 2
sections of GVT.
Superset these 2 movements:
• Barbell Bicep Curls: 10 sets of
10 with no tempo
• Tricep Pull-Down with rope
attachment: 10 sets of 10 with
no tempo
* Rest 30sec.
Superset 100 • Cycle 4
Superset 100 • Cycle 4
Superset these 2 movements:
• Front Squats: 10 sets of 10 with
no tempo
• Barbell Hip Thrusts: 10 sets of
10 with no tempo
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Bulgarian Dumbbell Split Squats
(Rear leg elevated): 3 sets of 6-8
on each leg with a 30X0 tempo,
rest 90 seconds after each set
A little more legs, but a little
different style:
Grab a treadmill and crank the
incline to about 50% of whatever it’s capable of. So basically a
“moderate” incline, nothing too
crazy. Then, grab some heavy DBs
that you can walk with on there (1
in each hand) for a 1/4 mile.
Once you hit that, hop off and do
50 bodyweight sit-ups with your
feet anchored under the handles
of the DBs so you can go faster.
Complete 4 rounds. That’s 1 who
mile of farmer carries and 200
bodyweight sit-Ups.
Superset 100 • Cycle 4
Chest and Back
Superset these 2 movements:
• Incline Dumbbell Presses: 10
sets of 10 with no tempo
• Wide Grip Attachment Lat
Pulldowns: 10 sets of 10 with no
* Rest 30sec.
Accessory Lifts: (No Supersets)
• Neutral Grip Pull-downs: 3 sets
of 12-15 reps, rest 90 seconds
after each set
• Straight Arm Pull-downs (with
tricep pulldown rope): 3 sets
of 20 reps, rest 90 seconds after
each set
• Pec Fly Machine: 100 Reps with
quality movement. Choose a
weight you can hit about 20-30
on the first shot. Then chip away
at whatever is left. Shoot for
just a little more weight than
you used last time
Superset 100 • Cycle 4
Superset 100 • Cycle 4
Shoulders + Arms
Superset these 3 movements:
• Seated DB Military Press: 10
sets of 10 with no tempo
• Upright Barbell Row: 10 sets of
10 (no tempo needed)
• Bent Over DB Lateral Raises or
Reverse Fly Machine: 10 sets of
10 (no tempo needed)
* Rest 30sec.
Might need about 5-10min. rest
before hitting this next piece. No
accessory work today. Just 2 sections of GVT.
Superset these 2 movements:
• Seated Barbell Preacher Curls:
10 sets of 10 with no tempo
• DB Tricep Skull Crushers (1 DB
in each hand): 10 sets of 10 with
no tempo
* Rest 30sec.
DAY 10
Superset 100 • Cycle 4
All contents copyright @ 2019 Gym Ryan, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document or related files or
content may be reproduce or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise)
without the prior written permission of Ryan Fischer The credited photos are the sole property of Ryan Fischer & Gym
Ryan, LLC.
The information contained in this document is solely for general educational and informational purposes only. The information has been prepared based upon our general educational background and our practical experience over the past
15+ years. The products and information provided on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food
and Drug Administration, or any other governmental authority. Gym Ryan, LLC. is not a physician and the information
and products provided are not medical advice and should not replace medical advice.