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Understanding Harmony Tutorial Sheet: Value Education & Prosperity

Tutorial Sheet
In your perspective, what is the need for value education in technical education? List some
suggestions to make value education more effective in the present scenario.
• Ans. Value education also helps the students to become more and more responsible and sensible. It
helps them to understand the perspective of life in a better way and lead a successful life as a
responsible citizen. It also helps students to develop a strong relationship with family and friends.
Value education enables us to understand our needs and visualize our goals correctly and also
helps to remove our confusions and contradictions and bring harmony at all levels.
following strategies do help:
the transfer of cognitive knowledge at different levels.
teaching by practicing as role model.
learning by doing / applying.
value based culture at institution.
incentives and awards on development of value based character.
peer reflection or ignorance on valueless attitude.
What do you understand by prosperity? What is the difference between prosperity and wealth?
How are the two related? Critically examine the prevailing notion of prosperity and its
Ans. Prosperity is success or the state of success, especially financial or material success. Prosperity often
implies success in terms of wealth, health, and happiness. But it can also be used more broadly. The key
difference between prosperity and wealth is that the word prosperity is used to refer to a state of success,
material gain, happiness and also good health. ... On the other hand, the word wealth is mostly used when
speaking of material gain only. This effort is engendering problems at all the levels. Some of the
consequences of prevailing notions of happiness and prosperity are: At the Individual Level: rising
problem of depression, psychological disorders, suicides, stress, insecurity, psychosomatic diseases, etc.
Human values are universal and naturally acceptable; hence these are to be explored and realized,
not be enforced. Comment.
Ans. The subject that enables us to understand ‘what is valuable’ for human happinessis called value
education. Value education is important to help everyone in improving the value system that he/she holds
and puts it to use. Once, one has understood his/ her values in life he/she can examine and control the
various choices he/she makes in his/ her life. Value education enables us to understand our needs and
visualize our goals correctly and also helps to remove our confusions and contradictions and bring
harmony at all levels.How do you presently decide what is valuable to you? How do you ensure that
your decision is right?
What do you mean by values? How do they differ from skills? How are the values and skills
Ans. Values are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. They serve as a guide
for human behavior. Generally, people are predisposed to adopt the values that they are raised with. Of
course you need to be sure that you have the skills to perform well in your career. Your skills will define
the broad areas of work that are open to you. They will give you a range of possibilities. But your values
will determine exactly which careers, and which jobs will be right for you within that range. Values means
importance or participation and skills means qualities, training, and capabilities. To fulfil our aspirations
both values and skills are necessary. When we identify and set the right goals and produced in right
What do you mean by the natural acceptance? Does it vary with time and space? Illustrate with
Ans. Natural acceptance implies unconditional and total acceptance of the self, people and environment.
It also refers to the absence of any exception from others. Once we fully and truly commit ourself on the
basis of natural acceptance, we feel a holistic sense of inner harmony, tranquility and fulfillment. Actually
natural acceptance is way to accept the good things naturally. Natural acceptance does not change with
time. It remains invariant with time. For example our natural acceptance for trust and respect does not
change with age.
“To be in a state of harmony is happiness." Explain the statement with suitable examples.
Ans. Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love,
satisfaction, pleas joy. Happiness may be described as consisting of positive
emotions and positive activities. In other freedom from want and distress,
consciousness of the good order of things, assurance of one's place, universe
or society, inner peace and so forth. Happiness is the state of mind, where we
feel good in the walk of life. One important characteristic of this feeling is that
we like to continue this feeling. in other words, "The state/situation in which I
live, if there is harmony/ synergy in it, then I like to be in that situation." i.e. "To
be in a state of liking is happiness." If we explore our life we will find that
respect is a state of harmony between two humans. When I respect the other
and the other respects me, I like to be in that situation. It gives me happiness.
Another example, when there is harmony in my thoughts and feelings, I feel
relaxed and I want to be in a situation. This feeling is happiness.
What are the basic human aspirations? What are the basic requirements to fulfil them? Illustrate
with examples.
Ans. Our basic aspirations are happiness (mutual fulfilment) and prosperity (mutual prosperity). Happiness is
ensured by the relationships with other human beings and prosperity is ensured by working on physical
 Right Understanding: This refers to higher order human skills – the need to learn and utilize our intelligence
most effectively.
 Good Relationships: This refers to the interpersonal relationships that a person builds in his or her life – at
home, at the workplace and in society.
 Physical Facilities: This includes the physiological needs of individuals and indicates the necessities as well
as the comforts of life. It means the feeling of having or being able to have more physical facilities than is
In order to resolve the issues in human relationships, we need to understand them first, and this would come
from ‘right understanding of relationship’. Similarly in order to be prosperous and to enrich nature, we need to
have the ‘right understanding’. The ‘right understanding’ will enable us to work out our requirements for
physical facilities and hence correctly distinguish the difference between wealth and prosperity. With nature as
well, we need to understand the harmony in nature, and how we can complement this harmony.
What is the difference between animal consciousness and Human consciousness? Illustrate with
suitable examples.
Ans. A brain experiences thing with the help of representative models stimulated more
or less intensely according to the information that reaches it from the outside on the
one hand, and that it generates intrinsically on the other hand.
Animals have different contents of humans, coarser for most mental functions, but
more elaborate on some specific points. They all have a language, less verbose of
course than that of humans, but which nevertheless allows them to exchange essential
information for their species. For example the dog consciously experiences a palette of
olfactory representations probably as rich as the range of our own visual images.
Highlight thus the importance of human consciousness.
“Human being is more than just the Body. I am the seer, doer and enjoyer. The body is my
instrument." Explain.
Ans. Understanding the Body as an instrument of “I”:
(“I” being the Seer, Doer and Enjoyer)
“I” am. The “Body” is.
“I” knows I exist. I am a conscious / sentient entity.
The “Body” doesn’t know. It is a material entity.
“I” want to live. The “Body” is my instrument.
“I” and my “Body” co-exist with each other.
“I” takes decisions and the “Body” acts accordingly.
“I” want to live in Continuous Happiness. For my happiness, the Body needs Physical Facilities.
For the “I” to enjoy the feelings of Strength and Health, my body needs food.
To get the feeling of protection, my body needs clothing and shelter.
To utilize my Body (Right Utilization of the body), I need various instruments, equipments etc. With the help of these, my
body can make me feel happy.
My (‘I’) program for Continuous Happiness is to understand and to live in harmony at all the four levels. To fulfill my(‘I’)
program of achieving Continuous Happiness, the Body is provided with Physical Facilities.
Ensuring Physical Facilities to the body consists of Production, Protection and Right Utilization.
Example: Producing Wheat, Protecting the wheat from extreme climate and pests, Right Utilization through proper
consumption like avoiding wastage etc.
Today, we have ignored the “I”, we know only of the existence of the “Body” and we are only aiming at having more and
more Physical Facilities. These facilities do not ensure good health, happiness or the right understanding in “I”. Hence we
should all pay urgent attention to include the program for “I”.
I am the Seer, I am the Doer and I am the Enjoyer.
I am the Seer
Behind all our activities of our Seeing, Understanding, Doing and Enjoying is a feeling of “I-ness” with which we identify
ourselves. Every human being actually participates in a number of such activities everyday. In all these activities, the body
acts only as an instrument. It is the “I” that sees or understands something.
For e.g.: Our eyes and ears act as instruments which help us to see or listen anything. They do not convey any any information.
It is the “I” that understands what it has seen or listened to.
“Seer” also means the one who understands.
Hence I am the Seer (Drasta).
I am the Doer
Once I have seen and understood something, I decide what I should/ should not do. I take the help of my body parts to
accomplish the task I want to do.
For e.g.: I use my hands to write, my legs to walk etc. My body works as per the instructions given by me. Hence I am the
Doer and I express my actions via my body.
Doer means “one who does” or “the one who takes decisions to do something”.
Hence I am the Doer (Karta).
I am the Enjoyer
I use my body as an instrument to perform various activities. It is I who enjoy the pleasure derived out of those activities.
For e.g.: mouth helps to chew and the tongue to taste, but I enjoy the taste and flavour. I am the one feeling excited, angry,
sad, happy etc. my body is only one instrument.
Enjoyer means “one who enjoys”.
Hence I am the Enjoyer (Bhokta).
Distinguish between the body and the self. How are they related? What do you mean by right
utilization of the Body?
Ans. Self (I) is consciousness. Its needs are feelings in consciousness (like. happiness) and these needs
are fulfilled by activity of consciousness, i.e. Right Understanding & Right Feelings. Body is material.
n both dimensions of the lived body, agency and vulnerability, the relation between self and body is
immediate. The body is an aspect of the self. Between them there is neither distinction nor distance.
Instead, the distinction experienced is that of the lived body in opposition to its world. The needs of
the body like food for nourishment clothes for protection, and instruments to ensure right
utilization can be categorized as being 'physical' in nature, or also called 'physical facilities'(suvidha)
whereas the need of I is essentially to live in a state of continuous happiness (sukh).
“Lack of harmony in the ‘Self’ has a strong negative influences on the health of the Body.”
Examine this statement.
Why is it important to study yourself? How does it help in your day-to-day life?
Ans. Self-study allows students to take learning at their own pace, focusing on
areas they are most interested in (or want to understand a bit better). This helps
reduce feelings of frustration, anxiety, or boredom that students may struggle with
in a classroom setting.
1. It Inculcates Discipline & Boosts Self-Esteem
Learning how to sift through an overwhelming amount of information, evaluating what’s relevant, managing
your time so you don’t get too carried away and refraining from succumbing to other distractions in the
process – i.e. Facebook, Instagram, games – requires a whole lot of discipline and self-motivation from the
student’s end so they don’t lose sight of their primary goal – to learn, especially when they are preparing for
difficult milestones.
2. It Improves Problem-Solving
Self-learning can be a series of trial-and-error – a student must set their own goals, figure out how to track
progress and understand how to manage their time wisely. In essence, self-learning helps a student problemsolve independently, without hand-holding.
3. When a student takes charge of the process, it becomes enjoyable because they are in full control – hence,
each new learning, each new discovery, each new victory feels exciting. Most importantly, learning becomes
highly relevant – a student can delve as deep as they want to in areas that truly spark their interest; this offers
opportunities to uncover their true professional calling, in the process.
4. It Is A Customizable Experience
The beauty of self-learning and online tuition is that it can happen at the precise pace that suits each
individual learner. Furthermore, there are so many modes of learning to pick from that a student doesn’t have
to put up with a tool that isn’t effective for them – YouTube. E-books. Webinars.
What do you understand by preconditioning? What problems we are facing today because of
operating on the basis of preconditioned desires?
Ans. A precondition is a prerequisite. It's the thing that has to happen before something else
happens. For example, as a precondition to getting your allowance, you might have to give the dog a
hairdo once a week. if our desires, thoughts and expectations are based on pre-conditionings, we are
generally in a state of great confusion. This leads to confusion, unhappiness, conflict and stress. We
have lack of clarity about the self, relationships, society, nature and existence. We have lack of
“The desires, thoughts and expectations guided by preconditioning, not by natural acceptance,
lead to stress and conflict.” Examine this statement.
How right understanding is essential to ensure harmony at all levels of existence?
Ans. The feeling of acceptance of excellence in the other is called reverence. We understand that we aspire
for continuous happiness and to realize it, we have to understand harmony at all the levels of our living,
and live accordingly.
Write more
“The pleasures derived from sensations are short lived and the efforts to extend them lead to
misery.” Examine this statement.
Discuss the values in human relationship with example.
Ans. The participation of human being pertaining to behaviour are the nine values in relationship,
viz. trust, respect, affection, care, guidance, reverence, glory, gratitude and love. Likewise, working with
material things, we have two values: utility value and artistic value. Human values are the virtues that
guide us to take into account the human element when we interact with other human beings. Human
values are, for example, respect, acceptance, consideration, appreciation, listening, openness, affection,
empathy and love towards other human beings.
Discuss the feeling of Affection, Care, Guidance with examples.
Ans. The definition of affection is love, or a fond attachment for something or something. A mother
hugging her child, a cat cuddling with his owner and a husband bringing flowers for his wife are each an
example of affection..
Care is defined as to have feelings like concern, responsibility or love for someone or something. An
example of care is someone feeling anxious about their spouse going out to a singles bar. An example of
care is how someone feels about their friend's well-being. For example, providing care to a person and
listening to their wishes, being considerate to their beliefs, treating them with dignity, and working in
accordance with best interests would demonstrate care in practice.
Literally guidance means ‗to direct‘, ‗to point out‘, to show the path‘. It is the assistance or help rendered
by a more experienced person to a less experiences person to solve certain major problems of the
individual (less experienced) i.e. educational, vocational, personal etc. Jones defined Educational
Guidance “as the assistance given to pupils in their choices and adjustment with relation to schools,
curriculum, courses and school life.
Discuss the importance of Respect in the relationship with examples.
Ans. Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they're different from you or
you don't agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing.
Respect doesn't have to come naturally – it is something you learn. Talking openly and honestly with each
other. Listening to each other. Valuing each other's feelings and needs.
How is Trust the foundational value of relationship? What in your opinion is an effective way of
ensuring trust in society? What programs can you undertake to this respect?
Ans. Trust means trusting yourself, your own judgments and trusting others. Trust is the
foundation for any relationship. Without it, the relationship will be shaky and will eventually fail. Lack of
trust is the main reason relationships fall apart.
1. Make sure institutions are effective and deliver real benefits for
The most important determinant of social trust in institutions—whether schools, hospitals, libraries,
law enforcement agencies, sanitation departments, or local governments
2. Develop future leaders who work for the greater good, not for
In far too many countries, government leaders hold on to office for decades. Many of them suppress
opposition, use their offices to benefit themselves and their allies, and do little to strengthen overall
accountability or transparency.
3. Strengthen accountability and transparency.
In many countries, corruption is insidious, and Transparency International’s 2017 Corruption
Perceptions Index found that most countries are making little or no progress in their quests to eliminate
4. Engage citizens in solving community and societal challenges.
Trust builds when people feel they are part of a community- or society-wide enterprise that takes their
concerns and voices into account—particularly in circumstances where trust is low.
5. Strengthen social inclusion.
When people feel they’re blocked from opportunities because of their gender, race, age, ethnic or
religious group, disability, or other reasons, it’s hard to expect them to trust the institutions they feel
are marginalizing them. Sectarian divisions in many countries have profoundly undermined good
governance and economic prosperity, and all too frequently formed the pretext to group violence and
6. Establish real commitment.
None of these steps can occur unless government, business, civic, and other institutional leaders make a
sincere effort to acknowledge the problem of social trust, and to take steps to improve their policies,
practices, and rhetoric.
Character oriented education that instils basic values and ethnic values in one’s
psyche is called ‘Value Based Education’. The subject that enables us to
understand ‘what is valuable’ for human happiness is called value education. Value
education is important to help everyone in improving the value system that he/she
holds and puts it to use. Once, one has understood his/ her values in life he/she
can examine and control the various choices he/she makes in his/ her life. Value
education enables us to understand our needs and visualize our goals correctly
and also helps to remove our confusions and contradictions and bring harmony at
all levels. It also helps remove our confusions and contradictions and enables us to
rightly utilize the technological innovations.
Values form the basis for all our thoughts, behaviours and actions. Once we know
what is valuable to us, these values becomes the basis, the anchor for our actions.
We also need to understand the universality of various human values, because
only then we can have a definite and common program for value education. Then
only we can be assured of a happy and harmonious human society.
Discuss the power of Love in the context to make the world a better place to live. What efforts
can be made in the institution to help students understand the true meaning of love?
Ans. Love is the greatest missing ingredient in the world and the solution for all of its problems.
1. Love is free, it costs nothing, it asks for nothing, it is available to all in unlimited quantity.
2. Love is easy to generate, you simply give it away, with no strings attached, the more you give away the
more you make.
3. Love is transcendent, it is in the world, yet it is not of the world, it can exist both in this world and in the
spiritual world.
4. love is the great communicator, it brings people together in dignity, it cultivates the good of the other.
5. Love is the great creator, it is responsible for creating everything, love builds and binds.
6. Love is the source of all intellectual thought, the basis of knowledge.
7. Love replaces law, it seeks resolution in truth, it generates trust. Love is virtuous, our affinity with God.
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant.
Love is not often listed as a crucial building block of rigorous academic environments. Yet, its importance
resonates with both students and teachers. Ask anyone about the most important learning experiences of
their lives, and they will tell a story about a relationship with a teacher. They’ll tell of that person’s efforts
to expose them to new perspectives, spur their reflection, and support them through the difficult
moments. And, if you listen carefully, you’ll hear evidence of the teacher’s joy and fulfillment in their role.
Such teachers take their place among the friends and family who shape our sense of self and how we
engage with the world — the people we love.
What is comprehensive human goal? Explain how this is conducive to sustainable happiness
and prosperity to all.
Ans. The comprehensive human goal is.
(1) right understanding in every individual,
(2) prosperity in every family,
(3) fearlessness (trust) in the society.
(4) co-existence in nature.
This is the comprehensive human goal
With a little exploration, we find that all four are required for human society. We are not
satisfied with anything less than this. This is the basic minimum requirement to ensure
sustainable happiness and prosperity. We can't cut down any of them. This is
the minimum level that each one of us wants, and also the maximum we can think of.
We can't think of anything more than this. This is the target for each one of us, the
whole human race and the human tradition. The moment we leave anyone of them out
there will be a loss of continuity, and the goal cannot be achieved.
Critically examine the state of the society today in context with the comprehensive human goal.
Ans. Today the state of society in terms of this comprehensive human goal is:
• Right understanding in individuals: We are talking about information and
skills, but we are ignoring the need for right understanding, we are ignoring the
need to understand happiness correctly.
• Prosperity in families: We are not able to see that the needs of physical
facilities are limited and that we can have more than what we need. We are
only talking about how to generate wealth.
• Fearlessness (trust) in society: In place of working for fearlessness, we are
working for strategic power. In the name of defence, we are misusing the
valuable resources of nature to make weapons and ammunition, We are
becoming increasingly more fearful of each other, so most of the countries in
the world are busy preparing for war, in the hope that more and more
competence for war will lead to peace.
• Co-existence with nature: Instead of co-existing we are busy figuring out
better ways to exploit nature. We have tended to assume that the goal of our
technological development is to get victory over nature, to subjugate the
entities in nature and to disrupt nature's cycle, in pursuance of our whims and
What should be the broad holistic criteria for evaluation of technologies, production system and
management model towards realizing the comprehensive human goal?
Ans. Generally speaking, there are three broad criteria to guide the development of such technologies
and systems, viz. (a) Catering to appropriate needs and lifestyles, (b) l'eople-friendly, and (c) Ecofriendly.
Criteria for technologies –
Catering to real human needs
Compatible with natural systems and cycles
Facilitating effective utilization of human body, animals, plants and materials
Safe, user friendly and conducive to health
Producible with local resources and expertise as far as possible
Promoting the use of renewable energy resources
Low cost and energy efficient
Enhancing human interaction and cooperation
Promoting decentralization
Durability and life cycle recyclability of products
Criteria for Production Systems
What to produce?
How to produce?
For whom to produce?
And how much to produce?
Criteria for Humanistic Management Models
The whole unit works as a well-knit family
Cooperative and motivational
Ensuring correct appraisal of human labor
Targeting employer-employee as well as consumer satisfaction and not profit maximization
Sharing of responsibility and participative mode of management
Continuous value addition of the persons involved
Effectively integrating individual competencies and complementarity
Suggest ways in which we can express our gratitude towards “mother nature” and help in its
Ans. Feeling grateful to nature for its provisions and as a result wanting to protect nature in return is
commonplace, as evidenced in people’s personal stories. For example, during the 30X30 Challenge
campaign in May 2016, nearly 13,000 individuals, 821 schools, and 463 workplaces from 68 countries took
part to write “love letters” and “thank you letters” to nature.
Expressing gratitude to nature is a theme behind some cultural rituals. In agriculture-oriented cultures,
some festivals are rooted in thanksgiving to nature for giving people harvests. In South India, Pongal, one
of the most important Hindu festivals of the year, is a four-day festival in which people give thanks to
nature (Pongal Festive, n.d.).
Gratitude to nature is found in educational materials too. There are books that are aimed to teach children to
appreciate nature’s bounty and express their thankfulness by being environmentally responsible. Some
examples are Thank you, Earth: A love letter to our planet (Sayre, 2018)
Reflect upon your role in the “existence” from the creation, control, and sustenance point of
Discuss the role of human beings as the cause of disharmony and imbalance in nature and
Ans. Human impact on the environment or anthropogenic impact on the environment
includes changes to biophysical environments and to ecosystems, biodiversity, and
natural resources caused directly or indirectly by humans, including global warming,
environmental degradation (such as ocean acidification), mass extinction and
biodiversity loss, ecological crisis, and ecological collapse. Modifying the environment
to fit the needs of society is causing severe effects. Some human activities that cause
damage (either directly or indirectly) to the environment on a global scale include
population growth, overconsumption, over exploitation, pollution, and deforestation, to
name but a few. Some of the problems, including global warming and biodiversity loss
pose catastrophic risks to the survival of the human race, and some experts attribute
this crisis to overall human overpopulation.
The term anthropogenic designates an effect or object resulting from human activity.
The term was first used in the technical sense by Russian geologist Alexey Pavlov, and
it was first used in English by British ecologist Arthur Tansley in reference to human
influences on climax plant communities. The atmospheric scientist Paul Crutzen
introduced the term "Anthropocene" in the mid-1970s. The term is sometimes used in
the context of pollution produced from human activity since the start of the
Agricultural Revolution but also applies broadly to all major human impacts on the
environment. Many of the actions taken by humans that contribute to a heated
environment stem from the burning of fossil fuel from a variety of sources, such as:
electricity, cars, planes, space heating, manufacturing, or the destruction of forests.
Suggest possible ways to prohibit hoarding in society.
1. Clean Up Clutter Immediately
There are several ways to achieve immediate progress in decluttering your home. One of the
main preventative measures for hoarding is cleaning up clutter right after noticing it. Upon
seeing disorganized items, move them to a proper place immediately.
2. Declutter for 15 Minutes Each Day
Schedule 15 minutes each day to declutter your home. You might even form a weekly plan
that involves organizing and cleaning one room each day for 15 minutes.
3. Throw Away Anything You Haven’t Used in the Past Year
Hoarding disorder usually involves keeping items that have little-to-no value. Old clothes that
do not fit, old newspapers, bills and receipts, paper and plastic bags, and broken appliances
are all examples of hoarded items.
4. Use the OHIO Rule for Mail and Emails
The OHIO Rule helps people manage their mail. OHIO stands for “Only Handle It Once” and
refers to reading emails or physical mail. Following the OHIO Rule requires reading and
responding to incoming email immediately rather than delaying these actions for a later time.
5. Request Help From Friends and Family
People may become overwhelmed with the task of decluttering their home. However,
organizing and discarding objects does not need to be a solo project. Ask friends or family
members to assist you in cleaning your residence.
6. Seek Treatment
Professional treatment for hoarding disorder can provide additional resources and support
for individuals struggling with compulsive hoarding. Experts can establish an individualized
treatment plan that is tailored to a patient’s needs and addresses the root cause of the
hoarding and any co-occurring disorders.
Suggest a “program of action” at the level of society to ensure trust and fearlessness.
Ans. Natural Outcome of Right Understanding Now if you look at the basic human aspiration and its fulfilment:
1. The happiness is ensured by having the right understanding and right feeling in the Self.
2. The prosperity is a feeling of the availability of more than required physical facility. To ensure it, Right
understanding is required at the base, along with physical facility.
3. The tradition of living with happiness and prosperity startsfrom the family order and ultimately, continuity can
be ensured by the universal human order.
In this way, the society with happiness in every individual, prosperity in every family, fearlessness (trust) in the
society and co-existence (mutual fulfilment) in nature/existence is realized. This is one’s participation (value)
vis-à-vis society.
What is your understanding of “undivided society”? How can it be achieved in today’s context?
Ans. Undivided society (Akhanda samaja) - feeling of being related to every human being. An undivided
human centric society is one of the higher human goals. Akhand samaj is the state of the society where all
people of different religion and thought process live together and work towards betterment of the society.
What can be the basis of undivided society- the world family? Ans: The feelings of being related to every
human being leads to our participation in an undivided society. By living in relationship in the family, we
get the occasion to gain the assurance that the other person is an aid to me and not a hindrance.
What do you understand by ethical human conduct? How does right understanding provide the
basis for ethical human conduct? Discuss your perspective with an example.
Ans. 'Ethical conduct' implies that it is naturally acceptable and does not give rise to conflict
within. Thus, the 'ethical conduct' is self-satisfying, people-friendly, eco-friendly and universal.
The right understanding gained through self-exploration enables us to identify the definitiveness of
human conduct which may also be called the ethical human conduct. It is the same for all human beings.
So we are also able to understand the universality of ethical human conduct which is in consonance with
the universal human values. Unless we have the right understanding, we are not able to identify the
definitiveness of ethical human conduct.
What do you mean by profession? Why is it required to acquire ethical competence in profession?
Ans. A profession is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and who hold
themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely
recognized body of learning derived from research, education, and training at a high level, and who are
prepared to apply this knowledge and exercise these skills in the interest of others.
At its root, ethical competence resides in the human quest for knowledge and action that defines right and
wrong behavior, the touchstone of ethics. Thus, an ethically competent person is one who through innate
or learned behavior can distinguish between right and wrong and act accordingly.
Critically examine the issues in professional ethics in the current scenario. List any five unethical
practices in profession today and the methods being tried to curb them. Comment on the longterm effectiveness of these methods.
5 Most Common Unethical Behaviors
Misuse of company time. Whether it is covering for someone who shows up late or
altering a timesheet, misusing company time tops the list. This category includes knowing
a co-worker is conducting personal business on company time.
Abusive Behavior. Too many workplaces are filled with leaders who use their
position and power to mistreat others. Unfortunately, unless the situation involves
race, gender, or ethnic origin, there is often little to no legal protection against
abusive behavior in the workplace. Abusive behavior is unethical.
Employee Theft. Whether it's check tampering, not recording sales in order to
skim, or manipulating expense reimbursements, employee theft is a crime and
Lying to employees. The fastest way to lose the trust of your employees is to lie
to them. If you ask employees whether their manager or supervisor has lied to
them within the past year, you may be surprised at the results. Lying is unethical.
Violating Company Internet Policies. Cyberslackers. Cyberloafers. These are terms used
to identify people who surf the internet when they should be working. This is a huge,
multi-billion-dollar problem for companies.
What are the inherent contradictions and dilemmas with regards to the professional ethics in the
prevailing world view? How does right understanding resolve these issues?
Ans. The contradictions and dilemmas in the profession exist due to the prevailing worldview, in
which wealth maximization is perceived to be a prime objective. In this case, the other people have
to be exploited to gain affluence and there is no possibility of mutual fulfillment in a sustainable way.
In the same way, exploitation of nature becomes acceptable as it helps a person to accumulate wealth
easily and there is no limit to this. The prevailing dichotomy in the medical profession is highlighted
by the degradation in the health of society which is taken as a welcome opportunity for those whose
expected role in society is to facilitate the health of people.
The right understanding will enable us to work out our requirements for physical facilities and hence
correctly distinguish the difference between wealth and prosperity. Thus, the three basic requirements to
ensure happiness and prosperity for human beings are Right understanding, relationships, and physical
Imagine that you have joined at the middle management level in an organization where you find
unethical practices. How will you proceed to promote ethics among your colleagues? Mention a
few steps you may take to improve the situation without creating an atmosphere of opposition…
Ans. Having a code of ethics helps your company define and maintain standards of acceptable behavior. A
good ethical framework can help guide your company through times of increased stress, such as rapid
growth or organizational change, and decreases your firm's susceptibility to misconduct.
Five steps to improve ethical performance
Develop a code, and make ethical performance a strategic priority. ...
Set the tone from the top. ...
Engage, communicate and train your staff. ...
Provide support routes for staff. ...
Measure the effectiveness of your ethics program.
How will the understanding of harmony in existence influence the R& D in science and
Ans. Science, technology and innovation each represent a successively larger
category of activities which are highly interdependent but distinct. Science
contributes to technology in at least six ways:
(1) new knowledge which serves as a direct source of ideas for new
technological possibilities;
(2) source of tools and techniques for more efficient engineering design and
a knowledge base for evaluation of feasibility of designs;
(3) research instrumentation, laboratory techniques and analytical methods
used in research that eventually find their way into design or industrial
practices, often through intermediate disciplines;
(4) practice of research as a source for development and assimilation of new
human skills and capabilities eventually useful for technology;
(5) creation of a knowledge base that becomes increasingly important in the
assessment of technology in terms of its wider social and environmental
(6) knowledge base that enables more efficient strategies of applied
research, development, and refinement of new technologies.
How do you differentiate between competition and acquiring excellence? From your
perspective, what your institution can do to promote excellence in the students, rather than
Ans. Competing is a combination of effort and investment, and it shows in how hard you play. It's
bringing it every day and genuinely caring about the result for your team. Competitive excellence is
not only competing at a high level and caring about the result, but it's handling the level of
intensity the right way.
Teaching strategies
Contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning and other relevant
literature offer insights into how teachers can work to create cultures of
excellence among students. Here, seven specific teaching strategies are discussed.
In each case, explanations are offered as to why these strategies are expected to
encourage student behaviors that, when deployed, will continuously improve their
task performance. This set of strategies is not exhaustive. Indeed, as new findings
emerge concerning how students might be supported to generate valued
outcomes, we should expect the set to both grow and change.
In your perspective, how your institution can promote the right understanding among the
students and its Neighbourhood?
Ans. To study human values, the process has to be such that it develops a process of selfexploration in the
student. Taking every statement as a proposal, the student is able to investigate the reality on his own right.
In this way, the student becomes self-referential and self-confident; and is able to find answers to their issues,
questions, concerns etc. on their own right by referring to the underlying harmony, rather than being
influenced by superficial point solutions. Value education is not a set of do’s and don’ts; it is not a set of
sermons; it is not a set of conclusions or morals drawn out from incidents and stories. It is a process of selfexploration and self-investigation on one’s own right, where one is able to discover the values within. In this
process, the teacher is a facilitator and co-explorer with the students. Value education is not the same as or
similar to Moral Science
Choose any one dimension (education, health, production, justice, exchange) of human endeavor
in society. Suggest what role can you play in the chosen dimension through the orientation you
are going to have through your professional education.
Ans. The Benefits of education and training for boosting your career opportunity
include –
Increased job opportunities
Students who apply for a job after a good professional degree and some training experience have better
chances of growing their career and climbing the ladder of success. Education ensures that you get a
kickstart in your career and training exposes to industry-like situations.
Reduced risk of unemployment
People who are under-educated or are not trained adequately are more likely to face the rigors of
unemployment. This increased risk of unemployment stems, from the fact that the individuals are not
qualified and educated as compared to their educated counterparts.
Better earning potential
Education and training not only adds weight to your CV but also enhances your earning potential and
pay scales. Reports indicate that individuals with just a high school diploma earned less than those who
hold graduate degrees. There is a direct correlation between advanced education and the money you
Better professional development
Leading companies opt to train their employees in an attempt to enhance productivity. Thus, if an
employee is educated and well trained, he can boost productivity. As a result, professional development
will take place accompanied by enhancing earning opportunities.
Enhances soft skills
Education and training hone important “soft skills” including abilities in areas such as communication,
critical thinking, teamwork, decision making, and problem-solving. These acquired capabilities and
talents can add value to your resume thus opening fresh career opportunities. Such skills can give you
the much-needed experience to be prepared and equipped to take the next step towards achieving
your career goals.
What would be the pragmatic implications of valued-based living? Briefly explain.
how can you tell if you’re living a values-based life? If you are,
you’re likely doing these three things:
Ans. So
• You know what your values are
When you’re living a values-based life, you have a very good sense of the
qualities, beliefs, and standards for behavior that are really, truly important
to you—in other words, your values. But many of us are either unclear
about what our values are, or the values we think we hold are too broad to
rely on as a compass to guide specific behaviors and decisions (for
example, “respect”).
• You look to your values when faced with decisions — big or
Our values dictate how we speak, what we say, the content we
consume, who we befriend, how we make a living, and just about
everything else we do. If we live in accordance with our values, we look to
them as guideposts when making decisions — small things (like who we
follow on social media), big things (like who we choose as our romantic
partners), and everything in between (like what jokes we laugh at, what we
eat, and who we’re friends with).
• You regularly affirm and check in with your values
To keep your values top of mind, it’s important to affirm them. I find that
integrating moments of affirmation into my day-to-day life helps me to stay
connected to my values.
To help me do this, I consciously tune in to my emotions. Moments when
I’ve done something that feels really good (like helped a friend or a random
stranger) or moments of feeling really shitty (like when I’ve allowed
someone to overstep one of my personal boundaries) can be good triggers
for checking in.
In your perspective what should be the criteria to determine the holistic management model and
production system?