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3rd assignment cap A (1)

Proposal on:
A systematic review exploring the importance of
knowledge and behaviour changes in
adolescents and adults regarding the importance
of mental health primary prevention to reduce
depression and risk of suicide
Submitted By:
Santosh Aachary(00314083T)
Binita Rayamajhi (00307582T)
Sonal Sapkota (00274604T)
Mental health education is a series of educational activities that helps individual to obtain
the knowledge, inspiration and behavioural skill to keep and improve their mental health
and well-being (Bjornsen et al., 2019). In current context, mental health education is being
mandatory to the adult population, with the high rates of different mental health issues
such as anxiety, stress, frustration and suicidal rate in the world (Australian Institute
Health and Welfare, 2020). Similarly, mental health education is assumed to be an ideal
approach in present context to ensure that individuals learns and adopt appropriate skill
and technique to avoid and cope with the risk of having various mental illness and to
reduce suicide rate ( Wang & Chen, 2018). Not only this, it also prepares individual, family
with the information and skill to become more aware regarding the impact of mental illness
on different socio ecological factors like age, sex, ethnicity, religion, economic
background, physical and psychological ability, cultural values and norms ( Aura,
Sormunen & Tossavainen, 2016) .
Background and statement of problem
Approximately, about 80 % of the adult population suffers from different mental health
issues and it is increasing the cost higher than 1 trillion in the economy each year (World
Health Organization, 2019). According to Key and Park (2017), it was revealed that
depression is the urgent mental health problems and disability is the consequence of it
where it is adding 14% worldwide burden of the diseases with increased mortality rate.
Salerno (2016), described that the age group between 15 to 29 years have higher risk of
having depression as well as higher rate of suicide (Salerno, 2016). Similarly, Sagana,
Gallo & Pontone (2014) described that the risk factors related to the mental illness such
as depression and suicide are directly linked with alcoholism and use of drugs, smoking,
low socio-economic status, inadequate rest and sleep, lack of employment, inadequate
nutritious diet, inadequate awareness and knowledge regarding mental health issues (
Sagana, Gallo & Pontone, 2014). Due to this condition, it is important to explore the
awareness and perception about education on mental health and well-being among adult
population and their way of coping with such situation.
According to Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2020), awareness on mental
health is important to overcome different mental health issues such as depression,
anxiety and to reduce suicide rate (AIHW, 2020). Uddin et al. (2019), stated that the
appropriate information and knowledge on mental health issues helps in identifying,
managing and preventing the mental health illness and use of skills to cope and overcome
with such health threat ( Uddin et al., 2019). Similarly, Brooks et al. (2019) sates that
awareness on mental health and well-being will help in identifying the stages of
depression and helps in seeking aids and assistance that ultimately helps to reduce in
taking life threatening actions like suicide. Furthermore, it makes the adult and
adolescence population to seek the professional aids and action that are accessible and
available as well as it helps in prevention of mental health issues (Brooks et al., 2019).
There are various evidence that agrees that awareness on mental health assists the
young population to become aware in finding the best treatment and helps them to
overcome the mental health issues such as depression at the personal, society and
organizational stages which helps in the identification of mental health issues to promote
the mental health and well-being (Wei et al., 2015).Likewise, from one of the research
study it is revealed that person suffering with mental health condition such as depression
do not have adequate awareness on mental health and they have low self-esteem and
due to this they would not like to follow the treatment plans and procedures, preventive
plans and finally resulting to worthless living (Hsieh, Scott & Murthy, 2020).Furthermore,
the research study carried out by Pinto et al. (2018) implied that awareness on mental
health and well-being is very important factors for identifying, managing and preventing
the mental health problems among the adolescence suffering the mental health issues
such as depression which helps them to become alert, enhance their knowledge and
understandings to overcome these health issues in their daily life (Pinto et al., 2018).
Similarly, another study describes that there are some advantages among the depressed
adult population because of formal information and education on mental health and wellbeing and these assists them to follow the healthy behaviour, follow some physical activity
for promoting their mental health and well-being. It also assists to avoid the involvement
in the behaviours such as suicide (Kilbourne et al., 2018). There are only limited research
studies conducted on the past which shows that awareness on mental health changing
the attitudes of the adult population and enhancing them to follow the preventive
measures and also practising the healthy habits and making healthy choices to overcome
the mental health illness such as depression with few information and its effects on adult
population (Ndu, 2013).Likewise, another study conducted by Levin (2013) identifies that
inadequate awareness on mental health is the important reason behind the adult
depression and includes them in different risky habits and suicide ( Levin, 2013). The
recent approach for promoting the awareness on mental health are inadequate,
unsystematic, unorganized in addressing and changing the attitude of the young
population who are suffering from health issues like depression (Key & Park, 2017). In
addition, one of the study emphasises that the investigation need to be conducted to
identify the gap of awareness and understanding about mental health education among
adult population to decrease the rate of suicide and depression in the community to
establish plans, policies and strategies in order to implement and overcome the health
issues (Ronald, 2017).
Thus, it is essential to carry out the research study to find out the gap of knowledge among
adult population about mental health education to cope with the mental health issues such
as depression. Similarly, this research will helps to improve lives of adolescence and
adults who are seeking help for better treatments and supports to improve quality of their
life. Furthermore, this research will be beneficial to the whole of our society since local
government can formulate appropriate plans, programs and interventions program to find
out new better treatments and alternatives, enable communities and organizations to
respond more appropriately through joint efforts, reduce the gap in healthcare facilities
and services through decentralization and helps to transforms individuals lives to enhance
mental health through healthcare support to minimize such health threat.
The aim of the research study is to identify the difference between the adolescents and
adults in awareness and comprehension about the value of mental health education to
recover from depression and risk of suicide.
Research Question
How does the adolescents and adults perceive necessity of the mental health education
in their lives to overcome to depression and risk of suicide?
In this study, we aims to conduct a systematic review of various selected full text journals
and articles published from 2010 to 2020 who had reported on the importance of
knowledge and behaviour changes in adolescences and adults regarding the importance
of mental health education to reduce depression and risk of suicide rate.
We aims to undertake a content analysis of included reviews to identify those authors
who had reported on the importance of knowledge and behaviour changes in
adolescences and adults regarding the importance of mental health primary prevention
to reduce depression and risk of suicide in their published reviews.
Study Population and sample size
The study population is adults and adolescence of aged between 13 and 29 years.
Similarly, we had aimed to select 10 academic full text journals and articles published
between 2010 and 2020 that explore the knowledge awareness and attitude regarding
importance of mental health education among adolescences and adults. Most appropriate
and relevant journals and articles will be selected by using various limiting tools through
the help of MEDLINE search engine.
Data collection and analysis
In this systematic review study, we aims to review the full text journals and articles
published from 2010 to 2020 in English language. The search of the journals and articles
for this study was carried out during literature review process through the help of
electronic data base search of MEDLINE complete. The search of the articles for this
research was conducted the help and guidance of Lecture in-charge Dr Roberto Azcui.
The literature search was conducted on 18th July 2020 for this research and is narrowed
down to specific number using various search limits. Similarly, we aimed to add some
more academic literature by using different other mode of search engine like PubMed,
Google scholars for this research proposal which helps to in data comparison, reduce
sampling bias and gives more relevant, more conscience and accurate findings in our
result during data analysis. Furthermore, we also aimed to use SPSS statistical analysis
software to analyse the descriptive statistical data obtained from reviews to identify
common themes. The most of the key points regarding mental health education and
awareness obtained from various selected literature and journals for this study purpose
will be coded separately and will be compared with the standard theories and concept
regarding mental health education to find its validity and similarities. Finally, the data thus
obtained will be summarized in a written report to explore the experiences and findings
of this research proposal.
Inclusion and exclusion Criteria
The adult and adolescent population with age group between 13 and 29 years will be
included in the study. Various full text academic journals and articles like Randomised
control trials, quasi-randomised control trials, cohort study, case study, meta-analysis
study published between 2010 and 2020 and that explore the awareness and attitudes of
mental health and well-being among adolescences and adults. The result will be the
decrease in the rate of depression and change in mental health and well-being. Those
who do not meet these criteria will be excluded from the research study.
Ethical consideration
The validity in the research study will be maintained by ethical standard and consideration
so it is an important part of the research study. The ethical consideration will be
maintained by obtaining the permission via ethical committee of Torrens University
virtually. The systematic review is conducted to identify the gap of knowledge and
awareness regarding mental health among the adult and adolescence population to cope
with various mental health issues such as depression and suicide.
Literature review
Our literature review is based on the study from selected papers. Every article centred on
various methods and methodologies to examine the awareness, mind-set and actions of
youth and adults suffering from depression around mental health education and literacy.
One school based study conducted among female adolescents between the age of 13 to
17 years underlines that adolescence mental health literacy rates are influenced by
various types of aspects degree of everyday stress, socioeconomic status, age, sex,
ethnicity that holds them behind gaining adequate awareness and capacity in their daily
lives to cope with mental illness (Pinto-foltz, Logsdon & Myers, 2011). Similarly, another
longitudinal cohort study performed among adults of age group 18 to 27 does not indicate
any correlation between help-seeking and literacy on depression. Furthermore it
underlines the need for further research into the impact of mental health education on the
process of seeking help among adults with symptoms of depression. Additionally, it also
emphasizes that determining variables such as illiteracy, sex, socio-cultural adjustments
are several obstacles to adequate knowledge and education in mental health (Tomczyk
et al, 2018). In similar way, a randomized control trail study conducted among depressed
adults aged 18 to 29 years old in Netherlands indicates the major beneficial impact of the
control group on minimizing symptoms of anxiety and depression than the respondents
who are not undergoing therapies. This showed that risk factors such as family conflict,
substance and alcohol misuse, lack of knowledge of mental health care, low economic
circumstances are related to depression and anxiety and suicidial ideations that holds
adults away from trying proper skills and knowledge (Bolier et al, 2013). In addition to
this, a cross sectional study among adults of age group 18 to 26 years in Narial district of
Bangladesh demonstrated that there is a little knowledge of the value of behavioural
health care and recognition, but it has been shown that the patients are very open to
professional therapy. Likewise, causes that prevent adults from perceiving education
about suicide, depression and mental wellbeing are attributable to deep religious
conviction, moral vulnerability and anxiety, hereditary heritage, low socioeconomic status
( Uddin, Bhar & Islam, 2019). Also, according to AIHW (2020), Australia reported 3,046
suicide deaths with an average of around 8 suicides every day in 2018. Furthermore, it
points out that suicide was the leading cause of death among individuals aged 15–44 in
2016- 2017. However, suicidal suicides remain extremely uncommon events, with an agestandardized suicide rate of 12.1 deaths per 100,000 people in 2018 (AIHW, 2020).
Thus, it is seen that there is a huge gap of awareness, knowledge and understanding
regarding mental health and well-being among the adolescents and adult population to
cope with mental health issue. There are various components associated with mental
health issues such as knowledge, sex, cultural obstacles, religious obstacles, low socioeconomic status and these should be identified cautiously in order to construct rules,
plans, policies and strategies and these helps in the promotion of mental health and wellbeing and finally helps to overcome the mental health illness. Therefore, mental health is
an important aspect of health so it is essential to promote the awareness on mental health
and wellbeing and decrease the rate of mental health illness.
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