30-60-90 Expectations Conversation Job Aid

30-60-90 Expectations Conversation
Leverage 2 30-60-90
1 hour
Your GPS
Their Job Profile
Their 30-60-90
The Expectations Conversation Job Aid
1. Review the GPS and Job Profile
2. Present 30-60-90 Goals
3. Explain the 20 Percent
4. Talk About Earning the Role
5. Discuss Accountability
6. Present a Schedule for the First 90 Days
The Expectations Conversation between you and your new hire on the first day has the same basic structure,
whether you are hiring or recruiting. If you are recruiting, one notable difference is that you will lead the associate to
set their goals and then emphasize the Productivity Solution Funnel as the training plan to support them in achieving
their goals.
An Expectations Conversation Job Aid is presented in the following pages and is available on the Leverage page of
KWConnect. It is intended to provide talking points that you can use to guide you in your next Expectations
Conversation with a new hire. Feel free to make notes to customize each section as you see fit.
30-60-90 Expectations Conversation
1. Review the GPS and Job Profile
Begin the conversation by sharing your excitement about your new hire’s arrival. Reaffirm their commitment. For
example, say, “Are you ready to get going?”
Show them your GPS, pointing out your team’s one big goal and three priorities for achieving that goal. Then read
over the Job Profile for the role and describe how you expect the role to help the team achieve its goal.
2. Present the 30-60-90 goals
Present their 30-60-90, explaining that you will hold them accountable for achieving these goals in their first 30, 60,
and 90 days on the job.
Read over the goals together and affirm your new hire’s commitment to achieving them.
30-60-90 Expectations Conversation
3. Explain the 20 percent
Explain that, at Keller Williams, we understand that 20 percent of our effort yields 80 percent of our results. Or, as
Gary Keller and Jay Papasan write in The ONE Thing, “The key to success isn’t in all the things we do, but in the
handful of things we do well.”
Point out that the 30-60-90 plan is focused on directing your new hire to their 20 percent and the results that matter in
their role.
Share your focused training plan and explain how it will support your new hire in achieving their 30-60-90 goals.
30-60-90 Expectations Conversation
4. Talk about earning the role
Tell your hire that you expect them to earn their role by using what they’ve learned in the training plan to achieve the
results specified in their 30-60-90 goals.
Present the Job Ownership Graph.
Discuss how it shows your support and supervision decreasing as your new hire achieves results over the course of
90 days. As they do, tell them that they will own their 20 percent and earn the role.
30-60-90 Expectations Conversation
5. Discuss accountability
Tell them that you are only hiring 30 days at a time and that you expect to see your new hire achieving their goals
and earning their role. Point out that you will be having regular conversations with them to ensure they are on track
and you may be making adjustments as needed in their activities to get the results they want.
Explain that, if they are not achieving results, they may not be the right fit for the role. If you discover they are not the
right fit, you will help them identify it quickly so that you both don’t suffer the eventual consequences.
6. Present a schedule for the first 90 days
30-60-90 Expectations Conversation
Share a calendar you will use to keep the hire accountable to the 30-60-90 plan. Your schedule will include the
following meetings:
1. Every Day
 Stand-up meetings
2. Once a Week
 4-1-1 meetings
3. 30-Day Intervals
 30-60-90 evaluation meetings
When you present the meeting schedule, be sure to specify:
How you expect your new hire to prepare for these conversations. How you will prepare for these
When and how you want to hear about successes or challenges the new hire is having in their role.
When and how you want to hear about training aha’s and questions your new hire has.
30-60-90 Expectations Conversation
Establish the concept of time blocking with them at this point. Tell them that we make a daily appointment with
ourselves to focus on our single most important priority, as Gary Keller and Jay Papasan recommend in The ONE
Thing, and that this practice is known as time blocking. As your new hire works toward their 30-60-90 goals, they will
be expected to devote up to four hours a day to work on their top priority by blocking out time on their calendar.
Tell your new hire that it’s often a good idea to time block at the beginning of the day, when they are freshest. Doing
this can build momentum for the rest of the day’s activities, allowing them to feel a big sense of achievement when
they’ve accomplished their most important task. That being said, there are no hard and fast rules. It’s ultimately up to
them to decide when it is most appropriate to block their time.
Let them know that you may schedule training activities for them within their time block. However, you will work with
them to ensure that any training that you schedule within that time aligns with their top priority within their 20 percent.
Otherwise, you will work with them to schedule the training at another time.
Last of all, let your new hire know that the first 90 days are likely to be fast-moving and, at times, challenging. Explain
that you believe your new hire is a champion and that these 90 days will prove it.
Reiterate how many people your new hire beat out in the Career Visioning process. Explain that you are eager to
lead your new hire to their greatest success in this role.