Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region XI Division of Davao City STA. ANA DISTRICT Teaching Demonstration in English 5 Demonstration Teacher: Ivy G. Arango Designation and Station: Teacher I, Congressman Manuel M. Garcia Elementary School January 15, 2023 I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) Summarize various text types based on elements Learning Objectives recognize the steps in summarizing using SWBST structure. summarize narrative texts based on elements: theme, setting, characters, plot (EN5RC-Ic-d-2.23); write a summary about a certain story using SWBST structure appreciate the importance of knowing to summarize stories read. II. LEARNING CONTENT A.Topic/Subject Matter Summarize various text types using SWBST Structure B. Skill in Focus Summarizing C. References MELCS, English 5 SLM D. Learning Materials Lesson Exemplar, Activity Sheets, Powerpoint Presentation III. LEARNING PROCEDURE A. 1. INTRODUCTION: Hello class! How are you? I am Teacher Ivy, and I am pleased to see that you are still here with me today despite the pandemic Before we start, let us all pray the Lord’s Prayer. Morning Routine a. Opening Prayer I know you are all excited about today’s lesson, but let me remind you of our classroom rules. Today, we will learn to summarize stories based on the elements. These are the objectives for today’s lesson. recognize the steps in summarizing SWBST structure summarize narrative texts based on elements: theme, setting, characters, plot (EN5RC-Ic-d-2.23); write a summary about a certain story appreciate the importance of knowing to memorize stories read. ANNOTATION b. Reminders 2. Presentation Lesson KRA 2 : Objective 5 Managed learner behavior constructively by applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning-focused environments. of the Today we will have a new lesson. But before we indulge in a new lesson, let us review first what we have discussed in the last meeting. Are you ready class? Last meeting we discussed the elements of a story. So to refreshen your minds llet’s have a warm-up activity by reviewing the 5 important elements of a story. Are you ready? Let’s play who wants to be a millionaire! Directions: The game on WWTBAM is a series of multiple-choice questions that each have four possible answers (A,B,C,D). The random picker ap will be used 3. Review of Previous in selecting the players. The choosen PLAYER must answer the question Lessons correctly. Then another learner will be choosen too answer the next question, Different text-types each correct answer has a corresponding price. If the player answers the question incorrectly another player can steal. KRA 1 Objective 2/Indicator 2 Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. The teacher will conduct a review exercise where students will work with numbers while also honing their reading skills. KRA 2 Objective 6/Indicator 6 Used differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning experiences to address. Learners’ gender, need, strengths, interests and experiences. The teacher conducts ana activity that would address the learners differences, strengths and interests. It is important to learn about the elements of the story first as it plays an important role in summarizing And that will be our lesson for today! 4. Motivation Today we will be talking about “SUMMARIZING” some of you are not familiar with this, but SUMMARIZING is always part of our daily activities, without you noticing it. KRA 1 OBJECTIVE 1 Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas. To give you insight about what summarizing is let us all watch this video and sing together. MUSIC The teacher uses examples and resources that apply to other subjects. This will not restrict the learners' learning; rather, learners will still be able to pick up knowledge from different areas as they study English. B. INTERACTION Have you ever experienced being asked by your parents what had happened the whole time you were at school? Did you tell them what happened from the time you entered the gate, the way you stoop at the stairs, and by the way teacher called each name of your classmates one by one? Or have you experienced being asked by your friend what happened to the episode of your favorite tv show last night? How did you share to them what happened? Did you tell them all the details from the moment the show started till it details? 1. Discussion on the Concept and Definition of Terms. A summary is a brief statement or account of the main points of a written or verbal text. To summarize a written text, you must read keenly by finding and identifying the main ideas and supporting ideas. Then you must briefly write down those ideas in a few sentences or a paragraph. In writing it, you have to bring out the most important ideas of the original text. It must still answer the questions beginning with who, what, when, when, where, why, and how. There are various ways of summarizing a text, for today’s lesson we will discuss the Somebody-Wanted-But-So-Then structure. Somebody/Something- includes the main character of the story or what the topic is all about. Wanted- includes what the character wanted or what the topic wants to tell. But- includes the problem or conflict in the story or passage. So – includes how the character solved the problem or how the conflict in the passage is solved. Then – includes the final event or end of the story or a conclusion to the topic. Remember that the key points in every passage, story, paragraph, or any texttype which can answer the questions beginning with what, where, who, why, and how must be included in the summary. It will help in getting the gist of what we are reading thus making summarizing easy. Example: Who among you here loves to go to the beach and swim in the ocean? Lets us all read the Passage entitled “THE OCEAN”, after reading ill show you how to use SWBST structure in guiding you on summarizing a Narrative Text. But first, let's do an activity to understand the definitions of the challenging words in the paragraph before we read the story. KRA 1 OBJECTIVE 1 Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas. SCIENCE The teacher uses examples and resources that apply to other subjects. This will not restrict the learners' learning; rather, learners will still be able to pick up knowledge from different areas as they study English. Now using SWBST structure ill show you on how to summarize the passage that we have read. KRA 1 OBJECTIVE 1 Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas. MATHEMATICS The teacher uses examples and resources that apply to other subjects. This will not restrict the learners' learning; rather, learners will still be able to pick up knowledge from different areas as they study English. 2. Application Activity 1 NOW ITS YOUR TURN! Let us all read the story of grace ponce entitled One Moment at Recess. Who among you here would agree that recess is the best part of the day at school? Who has experienced having no allowance for going to school because parents do not have money? What did you do then? Let us learn from the story of Angelito and together using SWBST structure let us summarize the story. KRA 1 OBJECTIVE 1 Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas. ESP The teacher uses examples and resources that apply to other subjects. This will not restrict the learners' learning; rather, learners will still be able to pick up knowledge from different areas as they study English. KRA 2 Objective 4/Indicator 4 Managed classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery, and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning environments. Activity 1 The teacher provides a learning opportunity wherein learners can work individually in a meaningful exploration, and hands on activities. Activity 2 I will group you into 3 and each group will be doing the task assigned and presenting it to the class. In doing the activity, avoid physical contact and use wear your facemask while discussing your assigned task. I’ll give you 10 minutes to prepare, and 3 minutes to present your output. KRA 1 Objective 3/Indicator 3 Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higer-order thinking skills. The teacher will lead a discussion or activity that challenges the student's critical and creative thinking. Also, this practice helps learners build higher order thinking skills. Activity 2 focuses on the different skills the learners have. Group 1 is for learners who have special interests in TV BROADCASTING or drama. Group 2 is for learners who have a special talent in music and in singing. And group 3 is those students who have special skills in arts and painting. This instructional strategy responds to individual and group learners’ backgrounds, thus creating an environment where learners feel equally involved. GROUP 1 Group 2 KRA 1 OBJECTIVE 1 Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas. MUSIC The teacher uses examples and resources that apply to other subjects. This will not restrict the learners' learning; rather, learners will still be able to pick up knowledge from different areas as they study English. Group 3 KRA 1 OBJECTIVE 1 Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas. ARTS The teacher uses examples and resources that apply to other subjects. This will not restrict the learners' learning; rather, learners will still be able to pick up knowledge from different areas as they study English. KRA 2 Objective 4/Indicator 4 Managed classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery, and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning environments. Activity 2 The teacher provides a learning opportunity wherein learners can work in groups in a meaningful exploration, and hands on activities. RUBRICS INDICATORS PROCESS SKILLS Time Management Cooperation and Teamwork 5 Members always demonstrat e targeted process skills. Members finish ahead of time with complete data Members are on task and have defined responsibiliti es at all times. Group conflicts are cooperativel y managed all the time. 4 Members occasionally demonstrate targeted process skills. Members finish on time with incomplete data Members have their tasks and have no defined responsibilitie s. Group conflicts are cooperatively managed most of the time. 3 Members do not demonstrat e targeted process skills. Members do not finish on time with incomplete data Members do not know their tasks and have no defined responsibiliti es. Group conflicts have to be settled by the teacher. IV. REFLECTION LET’S GO BEYOND Thank you for your cooperation class! Now let us reflect on our lesson for today. After learning this lesson, you must take note of the purpose of writing a summary, it is to convey correct information efficiently so that the reader can learn the main idea and essential details through a piece that is much shorter than the original. It is not meant to replace the original document but rather simplify it which still contains the gist of what the passage you are reading is about. You have done well. Next time you encounter a reading text, may it be narrative or informative, let’s summarize it! V. EVALUATION KRA 1 Objective 2/Indicator 2 Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. The teacher will conduct a review exercise where students will work with numbers while also honing their reading skills. IV. ASSIGNMENT Prepared by: IVY G. ARANGO Teacher in English V Checked by: IVY G. OPADA Master Teacher II Noted by: LEO DARIGOLD V. ESPEDIDO School Head