The 3 main takeaways would be communications, accountability and teamwork “Communication is key”, that would the phrase everyone knows. However, during this foundation term, it has really shown me that it is important that information is being pumped down correctly to the rest of the men. Even through instructions might change, it is up to the one in charge of the platoon to ensure that timings are met. Sometimes, there will be miscommunication as there will be instructions being pass down from different people. It would be the job of the one in charge to clarify the instructions and make sure that everyone is on the same page Accountability, being accountable for items, actions and the people under you. During every conduct that requires extra equipment, they would be always equipment checks in place before and after the conduct to ensure that the equipment is good working condition. By doing it this way, we can be sure that by the next conduct, we would have the necessary equipment. To be accountable for our actions, is to own up for what u have done, regardless it being good or bad. For appointment holders, especially the LPS, the platoon is under your care. That means that however they act, say or do, will reflect on yourself and how you control your men. Teamwork. Everyone has a part to play to ensure that the discipline and movement is up to standard. This means that both the men and appointment holders need to cooperate with each other. As if one of them fails to do so, the team would fall apart and the appointment holders would have lost control of the platoon. Therefore, these would be the 3 main takeaways for this foundation term.