Position Paper: Agenda: Climate change is a threat to global peace and security Allocation: People’s Republic of China Conflict, Climate change are two words that we have heard repeatedly this decade, especially when discussing the end of our world, the end of humanity as a whole. However, if this is such a big threat, why haven’t we shut it down already? That is why fellow delegates we are here right now to put an end to this once and for all. To save our species as a whole. China recognizes the fact that Climate change can not only have profound effects on its own but also on global peace and security. Thereby, China would like to address the sources of this issue all from human activity which includes power consumption, transportation, deforestation, manufacturing and producing food. The climate change from this can start conflict and threaten peace which isn’t beneficial to anyone or the economies of the region. The People’s Republic of China is aware of the fact that China produces the most C02 of any country in the world with 9.9 billion tonnes per year, however, it also has a population of 1.41 billion people. Therefore, it’s more sensible to look at the C02 emissions per capita ranking in which China is only 43rd in the world (C02 emissions per capita - Worldometers). The leaders of China are trying their best to reduce their impact by investing in the EV market and renewable energy such as solar power where China leads the world (China’s EV market). China has also nearly quintupled the green spaces in urban areas over the last decade reducing climate impacts. Our lead Xi Jin Ping also stated in his own words that “China will target 2050 as the year to become a carbon-neutral nation”(Brown). China has taken many major actions that have calmed conflicts and encouraged peace in other countries. For example, China believes in the UN peace and development fund and the action it takes and therefore has funded it with $100 million dollars (UN). This money has been used in 85 different projects to help 100 regions to increase international peace. As promised, China is also contributed more than 8,000 total troops to the UNSC which enforces peace in unstable regions(UN). China has said, “It is the only one among the five Nuclear-Weapon States that are committed to no-first-use of nuclear weapons”. This shows how committed China is to a world that is peaceful and cooperative. China has seen the worst floods in the last decade. In the region of Guangdong alone there have been 20 hectares of crops ruined by the floods, more than 1,700 houses collapsed and millions of citizens displaced. At the same time, the scorching heat also caused by extreme weather from climate change has seen the highest electricity cost in the province. 93 million kilowatts in a day. China is following the global trend of more frequent and lengthy natural disasters caused by climate change. All of these show why we need to and will put an end to this misery our citizens of the world are facing. Other than floods, there has also been a case of water sacristy in China which may halt their development in the future. Delegates, China proposes a few solutions to solve this problem. Firstly, the delegate recommends all countries accelerate the power sector transition from non-renewable to renewables from investments. China expects all countries to have 90% of their energy greenly sourced by the year 2050. China also strongly urges governments to decarbonize key energy demand sectors such as manufacturing and transport. Lastly, China recommends all nations grow green by covering large urban areas with green spaces to lessen the impact of emissions. China strongly believes that if we implement even 2 out of the 3 solutions provided globally, it will drastically reduce the impact humans have on the environment and will save our future. Work Cited: Brown, David. “Why China’s Climate Policy Matters to Us All.” BBC News, 29 Oct. 2021, www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57483492. ---. “Why China’s Climate Policy Matters to Us All.” BBC News, 29 Oct. 2021, www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57483492. “China Country Climate and Development Report.” World Bank, www.worldbank.org/en/country/china/publication/china-country-climate-and-develop ment-report. “Climate Action Holds Key to Tackling Global Conflict.” UNEP, 8 Nov. 2021, www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/climate-action-holds-key-tackling-global-confli ct. “CO2 Emissions per Capita - Worldometer.” Www.worldometers.info, www.google.com/url?q=www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-per-ca pita/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1670232272768429&usg=AOvVaw2-d-lQGCifloKC wzftWfHn. 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