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Climate Conference Debate Analysis

Climate Conference Debate
Dayton Nielsen
Representing the Fossil Fuel Lobbyists
1. Our group faced a multitude of challenges throughout the duration of yesterdays Climate
Conference, but the most prominent challenge was our lack of pushing power. Due to our group
only representing the fossil fuel industry we had no money to barter with leaving us helpless to
other countries offering payment In exchange for reduction of carbon emissions.
2. The United States was very much the leading contributor and was extremely generous which is
often not the case in real life. The United States donated over $100 Billion dollars which was
somewhat unrealistic and unrepresentative of real life. China however was well within my
expectations; donating a tiny $3 Billion dollars in comparison to the US’s $100 Billion was very
realistic to present day China. China also had very low hanging goal in mind only aiming for a
4.9% reduction in carbon emissions by 2065.
3. I believe in the real world this negotiation would have concluded to nothing due to the
stubbornness and greed our country leaders have. I think major conflicts also could have been
made during a conference like this, that would put major tensions on other countries
connections and ties to each other.
4. The US definitely had the most power out of all other countries at the conference due to their
global influence and vast amount of wealth. They showed this power when they blew their
budget of around 25 billion to over 100 billion donated into the climate fund. China also had a
lot of power which was demonstrated by their stubbornness to decrease carbon emissions.