AN INTRODUCTION TO CYBER SECURITY AGENDA 1) What is Cyber Security? 2) Why is it relevant in today’s world. 3) Course outline & scope. 4) Relevant Certifications. 5) A Career In Cyber Security (Nigeria/Europe/Asia/USA/Canada). 6) Earning Potentials. 7) Training Duration/ Module Content/Cost of Training. 8) Q & A QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 1 Cyber security in simple words is the practice of securing information and technology assets and resources from malicious attacks that can affect the normal functionalities and purposes of these assets and resources. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 2 WHY IS CYBER SECURITY RELEVANT IN TODAY’S WORLD Ever since the advent of the new millennium the dotcom era ushered in a new digital world. A world were almost every facet of our lives is being driven by TECHNOLOGY. For Example: Government Operations Financial Services Healthcare Insurance Agriculture Transportation Education QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 Retail Technology Entertainment Media (Electronic & Social) Communication 3 Therefore you will discover that those businesses that have failed to embrace technology found their way to extinction. The problem is that the more there is an advancement in the world of technology, the more technological crime increases. For instance, cyber-attacks is a major reasons why many companies have experienced a lot of loses in the process of running their businesses. As a result, many job opportunities have been created in this profession, because businesses need to protect their assets. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 4 Protect networks and data from unauthorized access Improved information security and business continuity management BENEFITS OF CYBER SECURITY QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 Improved stakeholder confidence in your information security arrangements Improved company credentials with the correct security controls in place Faster recovery times in the event of a breach Business Cost Savings 5 CYBER SECURITY OBJECTIVES ***Otherwise known as the CYBERSECURITY TRIAD 1. Confidentiality 2. Integrity 3. Availability QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 6 WHAT IS CONFIDENTIALITY? This is the practice of ensuring that information or data is delivered to the intended recipient without getting to the wrong hands. In other words, information should be accessed by only those that are authorised to have them and this is usually done by classifying the information in accordance with their level of sensitivity. A typical classification is: 1. Confidential (Top Confidential level) 2. Restricted (Medium Confidential Level) 3. Internal Use ((Lowest level of Confidentiality) 4. Public (Everyone can see the Information) QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 7 WHAT IS INTEGRITY? This is ensuring that information and data whether at rest, in process or in transit is not modified/changed or destroyed by an unauthorised person. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 8 WHAT IS AVAILABILITY? This is to always ensure that information and data is available and accessible to persons who are authorised and authenticated to have them. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 9 POLICY, PROCEDURE, COMPLIANCE AND GOVERNANCE IN CYBER SECURITY QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 1. Policy – These are sets of rules and regulations for handling and protection of information assets and resources in an organisation. Any organisation that wants to implement information and cyber security must first draft a policy that will govern the program. It is a high level document (not granular) that defines how an organisation will approach and implement information and cyber security, and relate with the organisations overall goals and objectives policy. 10 POLICY, PROCEDURE, COMPLIANCE AND GOVERNANCE IN CYBER SECURITY CONT’D QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 2. Procedure – This is a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and it is a formal and written guidelines and instructions on how to handle an incident in Cyber Security. It is a stepby-step process of what one should do in any cyber security event. This is more detailed than a policy. It is sometimes referred to as Departmental Operating Instruction (DOI) in some organisation. 11 POLICY, PROCEDURE, COMPLIANCE AND GOVERNANCE IN CYBER SECURITY CONT’D Governance and Compliance - This provides oversight and assurance that the policies, procedures, standards and frameworks an organisation has agreed upon are maintained. This also includes regulation from external sources like government agencies. Governance and Compliance is most times referred to as Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) and they are charged with establishing an Enterprise Risk Management Framework for managing all risks including cyber security risks and compliance with regulation. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 12 Standards and Frameworks are in between policies and procedures. By this, we mean they provide guidance on how a cybersecurity program can be implemented but they do not contain the step-by-step processes a procedure will have. They are also more detailed than a Policy. STANDARDS AND FRAMEWORKS There are Internationally recognised standards and frameworks in Cyber Security and a few of them are: 1. ISO 27001 - This is the International Organization for Standards guidance and requirements for Information Security Management System (ISMS). It is used by organisations in the overall management of information assets and resources including that of third parties that are contracted to them. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 13 STANDARDS AND FRAMEWORKS CONT’D 2. NIST – This is a framework that was designed by the US government and it is an acronym for National Institute of Standards and Technology. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework helps businesses of all sizes better understand, manage, and reduce their cybersecurity risk and protect their networks and data. Notice how this is similar to ISO 27001, but US being US will want to have their own thing. Thus, organizations can choose between NIST Cyber Security Framework and ISO 27001 (ISMS) as the standard and framework they want to implement for their Cyber Security Program. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 14 STANDARDS AND FRAMEWORKS CONT’D QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 3. PCI DSS – This means Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements intended to ensure that all companies that process, store, or transmit credit/debit card information maintain a secure environment. For example, any entity that processes credit and debit cards(VISA, Mastercard, Verve e.t.c) transactions are mandated by their government in some jurisdictions (Nigeria inclusive) to implement this standard. 15 STANDARDS AND FRAMEWORKS CONT’D 4. HIPAA-This is an acronym for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. It originated from the US and it is a federal law that ensures the protections of sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. 5. GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY ACT-The Gramm Leach Bliley Act (GLB Act or GLBA) is also known as the Financial Modernization Act of 1999. It is a United States federal law that requires financial institutions to explain how they share and protect their customers’ private information. To be GLBA compliant, financial institutions must communicate to their customers how they share the customers’ sensitive data, inform customers of their right to opt-out if they prefer that their personal data not be shared with third parties, and apply specific protections to customers’ private data in accordance with a written information security plan created by the institution. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 16 STANDARDS AND FRAMEWORKS CONT’D QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 ISO 22301 – This is a framework that speaks to Business Continuity Management System. Recall the Cyber Security triad of CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability). This framework build in resilience into the processes and infrastructure of business (Technology and non-Technology) to protect, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise. With a Business Continuity Management System, your organization is prepared to detect and prevent threats. Thus, this always ensures availability of information assets and resources. 17 There are three (3) types of Cyber Security controls 1. Management Control - Management security is the overall design of your controls. Sometimes referred to as administrative controls, these provide the guidance, rules, and procedures for implementing a security environment. E.g. Policies, Standards and Frameworks, SOP, Separation of Duties, clearly defined roles and responsibilities. 2. Operations Control - Operational Security is the effectiveness of your controls. Sometimes referred to as technical controls, these include access controls, authentication, antivirus, firewalls, IDS, Encryption, and security topologies applied to networks, systems, and applications. 3. Physical Control - Physical security is the protection of personnel, data, hardware, etc., from physical threats that could harm, damage, or disrupt business operations or impact the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of systems and/or data. Examples of physical controls are CCTV, Fence, Key locks, Mantrap, Thermal Alarm, water sprinkler etc. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 SECURITY CONTROLS 18 NETWORKING Computer Networking is the interconnection of two or more computers with the purpose of communicating data electronically. Computer Network is a lovely concept as the Internet is based on this initiative. Unfortunately, Cyber attacks is also based on this concept and an understanding of networking will bode well for a cyber security practitioner. However, we won’t delve much into networking in this session but that will be dealt with in the main Cyber security training. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 19 Just a Secondary School education will do TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR CYBER SECURITY Basic Computer knowledge Basic knowledge of security concept and how to protect yourselves against any form of attack. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 20 CERTIFICATION BODIES Certifications are administered by Certain recognized global bodies such as ISC2 - International Information System Security Certification Consortium, or (ISC)², is a non-profit organization which specializes in training and certifications for cybersecurity professionals. It has been described as the "world's largest IT security organization“. The organization is located in Clearwater, Florida, USA. ISACA - The Information Systems Control Association (ISACA) is a global association that supports the adoption of industry-tested and globally accepted guidance for Information Systems (IS). Earning an ISACA certification validates your credentials as an IS expert in your field. It is located Rolling Meadows, Illinois USA. CompTIA - The Computing Technology Industry Association is a non-profit trade association, issuing professional certifications for the information technology industry. It is considered one of the IT industry's top trade associations. It is located in Downers Grove, Illinois USA. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 21 TYPES OF CERTIFICATIONS 1. CISM – Certified Information Security Manager. This is is “an advanced certification which indicates that an individual possesses the knowledge and experience required to develop and manage an enterprise information security program.” This certification is offered by ISACA, a nonprofit, independent association 2. CCISO - Certified Chief Information Security Officer is an EC-Council certification program that recognizes real-world experience necessary to succeed at the highest executive levels of information security. Intending Chief Information Security officers are attracted to this certification as it provides them with executive knowledge of how to manage information and cyber security 3. CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional. This is a globally recognized certification offered by the ISC2 (International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium). The certification validates a candidate’s ability and expertise in all fields of information security. CISSP certified professionals are called upon to define the design, architecture, controls and management of highly secure business environments. 4. CAP - The Certified Authorization Professional (CAP) certification path builds your expertise around the NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF). You'll learn best practices, policies and procedures used to authorize and maintain information systems. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 22 TYPES OF CYBER SECURITY CERTIFICATIONS CONT’D CISA - Certified Information Systems Auditor. This is a globally recognized certification for Information Systems Auditing and Security professionals. As the requirements for certification include at least five years’ work in the field, CISA is a proof of both knowledge and experience in IS/IT auditing. The certification issues by ISACA. CEH - Certified Ethical Hacker. This is qualification obtained by demonstrating knowledge of assessing the security of computer systems by looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities in target systems, using the same knowledge and tools as a malicious hacker, but in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system. This knowledge is assessed by answering multiple choice questions regarding various ethical hacking techniques and tools. The certification is issues by EC-Council There are other Cyber security certifications, and they are too numerous to mention. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 23 The CISM certification covers four domains that focus on governance and management: CISM (ISACA) QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 Domain 1. Information Security Governance (24%) Domain 2. Information Risk Management and Compliance (33%) Domain 3. Information Security Program Development and Management (25%) Domain 4. Information Security Incident Management (18%) 24 The EC-Council CCISO Body of Knowledge covers all five the CCISO Information Security Management Domains in depth and was written by seasoned CISOs for current and aspiring CISOs. Domain 1 covers the Policy, Legal, and Compliance aspects of Governance. CCISO (EC-COUNCIL) Domain 2 delves into the all-important topic of audit management from the CISO’s perspective and also covers IS controls. Domain 3 covers the Role of the CISO from a Project and Operations Management perspective. Domain 4 summarizes the technical aspects that CISOs manage in their day-to-day jobs, but from an executive standpoint. Domain 5 is all about Strategic Planning and Finance – crucial areas for C-Level executives to understand in order to succeed and drive information security throughout their organizations. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 25 CISSP (ISC2) CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) is a collection of 8 domains that covers all the comprehensive aspects of information security and CISSP domains explained. An applicant needs to show their expertise in each of the domains to gain the certification. Here is a list of eight CISSP domains and chapters studied under this certification 1.Security and Risk Management 2.Asset Security 3.Security Architecture and Engineering 4.Communications and Network Security 5.Identity and Access Management 6.Security Assessment and Testing 7.Security Operations QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 8.Software Development Security 26 CAP CERTIFICATION (ISC2) The broad spectrum of topics included in the CAP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) ensure its relevancy across all disciplines in the field of information security. Successful candidates are competent in the following 7 domains: Information Security Risk Management Program Categorization of Information Systems (IS) Selection of Security Controls Implementation of Security Controls Assessment of Security Controls Authorization of Information Systems (IS) Continuous Monitoring QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 27 ISACA defines five CISA domains on which you will be examined: Domain 1 - Information System Auditing Process (21% of exam) CISA (ISACA) Domain 2 - Governance and Management of IT (17% of exam) Domain 3 - Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Imp. (12% of exam) Domain 4 - Information Systems Operations and Business Resilience (23% of exam) Domain 5 - Protection of Information Assets (27% of exam) QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 28 CEH (EC-COUNCIL) The CEH exam can be attempted after completion of the training course or verification of experience by a manager or supervisor. The exam consists of 125 questions broken into seven different domains: •Domain 1: Background (21.79%) •Domain 2: Analysis/Assessment (12.73%) •Domain 3: Security (23.73%) •Domain 4: Tools/Systems/Programs (28.91%) •Domain 5: Procedures/Methodology (8.77%) •Domain 6: Regulation/Policy (1.90%) QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 •Domain 7: Ethics (2.17%) 29 EARNING POTENTIAL OF A CYBER SECURITY OFFICER, ANALYST OR EXPERT 1. In US the earning ranges from $70,000 to $250,000 per annum. 2. In Canada the earning ranges from C$60,000 to C$150,000 per annum. 3. In the UK it ranges from £25,000 to £80,000 per annum. 4. In Nigeria it ranges from NGN 1,000,000 to N30,000,000 per annum. QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 30 DURATION/MODULE CONTENT/COST OF TRAINING Course Duration: 8weekends (Saturday & Sunday Online zoom Classes) A Certificate of Completion from Quarantyne Technologies, Reston Virginia will be issued after the end of the course. Plus each student after class will be given free certification exam preparation modules (worth $1000) The Course Modules shall cover areas for CISM, CAP, Security +, CCISO, CISSP ( After attending Course, you can write any of these certifications and we would be on hand to guide you and provide mentorship at no cost - $5000) Cost of Training in the US/Canada is $5000 Massively discounted Cost of training in Nigeria for a limited time is now N100,000 However, as a mark of our desire to promote an encourage young Nigerians we have decided to make it N50,000 for the first 100 people! QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 31 Q&A There are NO STUPID QUESTIONS! Just GO AHEAD & ASK!!! WhatsApp Contact details: Ekwochi: +2348033861455 Enechi: +15715100996 QUARANTYNE TECHNOLOGIES ® COPYRIGHT © 2020 32