강의 내용이나 강의자료를 강연자의 동의 없이 캡 쳐, 녹화, 저장, 타인에 공유, 전송 및 공개하는 행 위는 엄격히 금지되어 있고 위반시 법적 처벌 을 받게 됩니다. Agency Theory 1960년대 미시경제학 분야 대리인 계약 본인 경영학에의 적용 CEO와 주주, 본사와 대리점, 회사와 영업사원, 회사와 모든 직원 … 대리인 비용 (Agency Cost) 정보비대칭 + 합리적 인간관 본인과 자신의 이해가 충돌하는 경우, 자신의 이해를 우선적으로 추구하는 의사결정 본인에게 비용을 발생시킴 다양한 방식으로 발생 : 부적절한 합병, 부적절한 선발, 부적절한 비용 발생 등 대리인 통제 (Agency Control) 대리인의 “가치, 의지” ------------ “행동” ------------- “결과” The best 통제 2nd best 통제 정리 ◎ 대리인 통제로서의 성과급제 : 본인과 대리인의 경제적 interest를 합일시키는 방식 ◎ 대리인적 인간관 : strong & 동질적, 외재적 동기 ◎ 비판적 시각 : 비윤리적 전제, 통제기반한 관리 ◎ 종신고용방식이 사라져가고 단기 계약이 증가하는 한국 고용시장에서 갖는 풍부한 함의 강의 내용이나 강의자료를 강연자의 동의 없이 캡 쳐, 녹화, 저장, 타인에 공유, 전송 및 공개하는 행 위는 엄격히 금지되어 있고 위반시 법적 처벌 을 받게 됩니다. Signaling Theory • Developed in information economics (Spence, 1973) … captures the informational aspects of markets • Information asymmetry ① can be reduced when the party with more information signals information to those without it (Morris, 1987) ②those who send signals induce receivers to make rational decisions in a way that benefits the interests of the signalers. • Signaling theory has been widely applied in studies of marketing (Boulding & Kirmani, 1993; Erdem & Swait, 1998), strategy (Bergh & Gibbons, 2011; Reuer & Ragozzino, 2012), HRM (Chang & Chin, 2018) and e-commerce (Wells, Valacich and Hess (2011.) Not all information is a signal ! • Inferences ① overnight mail delivery case by Boulding and Kirmani (1993) (가)기업 = a high-quality seller(99 % deliveries on time) vs. (나)기업 = a low-quality seller(63% deliveries on time) → the high-quality seller has an incentive to offer guaranteed delivery whereas the low-quality seller chooses not to provide this guarantee. → the two companies follow separate strategies (separating equilibrium in markets → customers can infer unobservable qualities from the strategies of each company. ② A great deal of advertising conveys no direct information about product qualities because consumers infer unobservable qualities about products from observable advertisements (Kihlstrom & Riordan, 1984) ③ 주로 선발시 : Signaling also contributes to developing a company’s reputation by enhancing understanding of its management and philosophy (e.g., Allen, Mahto, & Otondo, 2007). Chang & Chin (2018) : 회사 홈페이지에서의 signaling on HRM => 우수 지원자들의 증가 • Costs Customers’ belief that signaling accompanies COSTS (예) direct investment in signaling costs if the signal is proven false 정 리 ◎ pre-purchase information scarcity + Inferences + Belief on costs 로 인한 효과 ◎ 구직자의 경우도 마찬가지 … 입사 전 회사에 대한 information scarcity + 회사가 제공하는 정보에 의거한 good impression + 거짓일 경우 회사가 손해 => 구직 결정 ◎ 회사와 구성원과의 관계에서도 마찬가지로 적용 21세기 구성원 관리에 많은 시사점을 제공함 Leadership The ability to influence people and bring about change toward a desirable future for the organization... 1 특성 행동 성과 환경, 상황요소 Trait Approach Behavioral Approach Contingent Approach NEW FOCUS 2 Trait Approach The earliest definitions of leadership were based on the belief that leaders were born with certain personality traits. Traits – Distinguishing personal characteristics Physical Characteristics Activity Energy Intelligence and Ability Judgment, decisiveness Knowledge Fluency of Speech 3 Behavioral Theories • A group of theories that suggest it is the behavior of the leader that determines leadership effectiveness. • Types of leader’s behaviors People vs Tasks 4 Michigan Studies • Two types of leadership behaviors: Employee centered vs Job centered. • Employee–Centered Leader A leader who focuses on the human needs of followers in order to build effective work groups and help them meet high performance goals. Job-Centered Leader A leader who focuses on the technical and task aspects of the job and directs followers’ activities toward efficiency, cost cutting, and scheduling. • √ job employee 5 Ohio State Studies • Two types of leadership behaviors: Consideration vs Initiating structure • Consideration A type of leader behavior that describes the extent to which a leader is sensitive to subordinates, respects their ideas and feelings, and establishes mutual trust. • Initiating Structure A leader behavior that describes the extent to which a leader is task oriented and directs subordinates’ work toward goal achievement. Initiating Structure High Low Low √ High Consideration 6 Leadership Grid 7 LeadershIp Fiedler Model, Path-Goal Theory, H&B Theory 1 Contingency Approaches Contingency Theories: Leadership Style Depends on the Situation Contingency Approaches Leadership models that describes the relationship between leader styles and specific organizational situations. 2 Fiedler Model ♦ 3 Steps (i) identify leader style LPC scales : A questionnaire designed to measure relationshiporiented versus task-oriented leadership style according to the leader’s choice of adjectives for describing the “least preferred coworker (ii) define situational factors with, Leader-member relationships : Refers to group atmosphere and members’ attitude toward and acceptance of the leader. Task structure : Refers to the extent to which tasks performed by the group are defined, involve specific procedures, and have clear, explicit goals. Position power : Refers to the extent to which the leader has formal authority over subordinates. 3 Fiedler Model Correlation between LPC Score and Performance (iii) match leader style & situations High Person-oriented leaders perform better 0 Task-oriented leaders perform better Low Leader-Member Relations Good Good Structured Leader Position Power Task Structure Strong Weak Good Good Unstructured Strong Weak Poor Poor Structured Strong Weak Poor Poor Unstructured Strong Weak Source: Fred F. Fielder (1972). “The effects of leadership training and experience: A contingency model interpretation.” Administrative Science Quarterly 17: 455. Reprinted by permission of Administrative Science Quarterly. 4 “What type of leader am I ?” 5 Path-Goal Theory • A contingency approach specifying that the leader’s responsibility is to increase followers’ motivation to attain organizational goals by clarifying the behaviors necessary for task accomplishment and rewards. • Fourfold classification of leader behaviors. – Supportive : behavior that shows concern for subordinates’ well-being and personal needs. – Directive : leader tells subordinates exactly what they are supposed to do. – Participative : leader consults with his or her subordinates about decisions. – Achievement-Oriented : leader sets clear and challenging goals for subordinates. • Effectiveness = f (environment, subordinates) (i) ambiguous tasks & sub with less experience, external locus of control => Directive (ii) structured tasks => Supportive (iii) internal locus of control => Participative • flexibility of leaders (vs. Fiedler) 6 Path-Goal Theory 7 Hersey & Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory 8 Leadership New Focuses : LMX, Transformational, Super Leaderships 1 Leader Member Exchange (LMX) 이론 2 Charismatic Leadership A leader who has the ability to inspire and motivate followers to transcend their expected performance. • Charismatic leaders have the ability to inspire and motivate people to do more than they would normally do, despite obstacles and personal sacrifice. : They appeal to people’s hearts as well as minds. : Transforms the organization by providing visions, setting high expectations, and making employees committed 3 Transformational VS. Transactional Leadership • Transformational Leader : A leader who motivates followers to bring about change by focusing on a vision, shared values, and ideas. • Transactional Leader : A leader who clarifies role and task requirements and indicates how subordinates’ needs will be satisfied in exchange for the accomplishment of established goals. 4 Superleadership A leader who lead others to lead themselves. • Superleaders empower followers by acting as a teacher and coach rather than as a dictator and autocrat. : “leading by showing” and “learning by watching” • in management : linked to self-management vs. 5 Visionary hero vs Super leader Charismatic leader visible leader telling a Vision “leading by commanding” Top of the hierarchy Super leader invisible leader Showing a Vision “leading by showing” + “learning by watching” lowered position external control self- control of followers high dependence on leaders self-management of the organization 6 토론 주제 리더십 이론들 통합 1. 리더십 특성 이론과 행동 이론의 근본적인 차이점은 ? 2. 리더십 행동이론과 상황이론의 공통점과 차이점은 ? 3. 리더십 상황이론, LMX, 변혁적 지도자론, Super리더십 이론 등을 고려할 때 요즘 한국 상황에서 리더들이 가장 고려해야 하는 이론은 어떤 것이라고 생각하는지 논하시오 7 강의 내용이나 강의자료를 강연자의 동의 없이 캡 쳐, 녹화, 저장, 타인에 공유, 전송 및 공개하는 행 위는 엄격히 금지되어 있고 위반시 법적 처벌 을 받게 됩니다. LeadershIp Leader as a … Strong man Transactor Visionary hero Super-Leader order, authority, direction & punishment rewards & punishment Vision, inspiration, & persuasion Leading others To lead themselves Just follow leaders Follow in calculation Emotional commitment selfTransformation 2 Relationship-Oriented Behaviors Servant leadership • Service to others over service to oneself • Servant leaders possess several key characteristics: Listening Conceptualization Empathy Foresight Healing Stewardship Awareness Development of people Persuasion Community building Ethical leadership • • • Focus is on being a moral role model Positive relationship to job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviors, motivation and performance Lower levels of job stress, counterproductive work behaviors, and turnover Pygmalion leadership High expectancy of a leader toward a subordinate changes the subordinates behaviors and performance. • Leader's expectancy ====> sub. performance • HOW ? via leader's behaviors, sub self-efficacy • vs. ‘Self-fulfilling prophecy” James Sweeney taught industrial management and psychiatry at Tulane University, and also was responsible for the operation of the Biomedical Computer Center. Sweeney believed that he could teach even a poorly educated man to be a capable computer operator. George Johnson, who was a janitor at the center was chosen and trained by Sweeney· In the I.Q. test, Johnsons I.Q. indicated that he would not be able to learn to type, much less operate a computer… But Sweeney was convinced.... Johnson is now in charge of the main computer room and is responsible for training new employees to program and operate the computer. 4 사례 1 ... supervisors can create a positive impression with subordinates when they engage in the following strategies: 1. Assign clear goals so that they show that they know what they are doing. 2. Provide a rationale for the goal 3. when needed, provide specific task information about how to attain the goal 4. Serve as a role model setting challenging goals for themselves and attaining these goals. 5. Be physically present during goal setting... 10. Present positive performance information before presenting negative information 11. Give fair rewards that are perceived as equitable 사례 2 The teacher...does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind... so must each one of you develop your own knowledge and ... your own understanding - from THE PROPHET by KAHLIL GIBRAN 5 사례 3 ... Number-two and apparently destined to always be eating the dust of a larger, stronger, and apparently more effective competitor, the company is losing a billion dollars a year just a few years ago. The company is Ford Motor Company....The company nowadays is placing a strategic spotlight on employee involvement. Leadership is founded upon a set of guiding principles that encourages people to operate with freedom and autonomy within a common vision... Donald E. Petersen (chairman and CEO) appears to be surprisingly content to maintain rather low profiles. "We don'ts want stars", says Petersen. "Being a part of a team is much more productive environment".... His low-key image reflects an obvious willingness to de-emphasize his own importance.. 사례 4 As CEO of Mattel, Jill Barad is described as a fierce competitor with an unerring self-confidence. For instance, soon after completing her first career assignment, she stormed into the CEO's office and demanded "What...do I have to do to get a decent assignment around here?" Barad is also considered an intelligent visionary whose instinct for what kids like has mad Barbie dolls one of the most successful toys over the past two decades. Barad has no-nonsense style, but she is also known for her infectious enthusiasm... 6 사례 5 Southwest Airline has grown from 198 employees in 1971 to 13,000 employees and more and $2 billion in revenues.... A large part of the success belongs to its chairman, CEO, president and founder, Her Kelleher.... Kelleher has the three qualities that make a visionary leader effective. First, as a strong communicator, he articulates his vision of giving customers excellent service by expecting employees to help whenever and wherever they're needed. Second, her reinforces his vision by pitching in to help. And third, he's able to extend his vision to all employees, whether they are a pilot, flight attendant, or ticket agent. 사례 6 Craig Weatherup, CEO of PepsiCo Inc., has a reputation for favoring this type of style. He encourages executives to spend time with their families. He has called spouses of executives kept away from home on special projects to thank them for their support. And when Pepsi Co laid off some people, Weatherup invited those who complained to sit in meeting where he patiently explained why the cutbacks were necessary 7 C. Manz & P. Sims, Jr. The New Super-Leadership (번역본: 슈퍼리더십) 토론 주제 1. 주변에서, 변혁적 지도자와 수퍼 지도자의 예를 들어서 설명해봅시다. 2. 이 중에서 가장 중요한 리더십이 있다고 생각하는지? … 강의 내용이나 강의자료를 강연자의 동의 없이 캡 쳐, 녹화, 저장, 타인에 공유, 전송 및 공개하는 행 위는 엄격히 금지되어 있고 위반시 법적 처벌을 받게 됩니다. DIVERSITY & CREATIVITY Diversity 지식, 교육, 경험 등 가치, 신념, 종교 등 바꾸기 곤란한 측면 성별, 인종, 민족 등 • 여성, 장애인, 고령자, 외국인 등의 사회 진출이 활발 → 전략적 인적자원 • 2016년 OECD 회원국 여성경제활동참가율 한국은 19개국 중 15위, 2014년 대기업 여성 임원 비율 한국은 조사 36개국 중 최하위 => …. 이후에도 일관적인 결과 • 2016년 한국 500인 이상 기업 및 공공기관: 여성 직원 37.8%, 관리자 20.1%, 임원 2.7%, 2019년 한국 5대 그룹 대기업: 여성 직원 21.0 % 임원 2.9% => … 이후에도 나아지지 않는 현상 다양성에 대한 재고 • Discrimination: when employment decisions about an individual are based on reasons not associated with performance • Affirmative action: an intervention aimed to correct injustice, mistake or discrimination that occurred in the past => “적극적인 노력 및 문화 구축" Glass Ceiling : an invisible but absolute barrier that prevents women from advancing to higher-level positions 다양성 패러다임의 변화 토머스, 일라이 , “인적자원의 다양성을 관리하라” Harvard Business Review, 1996 I. 차별과 공정성 패러다임 - 다양성에 대한 규범적 접근, 차별은 잘못된 것이라는 인식에 기반 - 평등을 강조하는 수준 II. 접근과 정당성 패러다임 - 다양성 활용에 초점, 즉 차이를 장점으로 인정 - 시장에서의 다양한 소비자 층에 대한 대응으로 활용 (예) 미국의 경우 아프리카계 미국인 MBA들은 같은 도시의 흑인 빈민가에서 마케팅 활동을 하는 경우 - 한계: 소수 인력들이 회사내의 다른 기회들로부터 배제되고 소외되는 분위기 III. 학습과 효과성 패러다임 - 다양성이 직접적으로 성과에 영향을 주는 경쟁원천으로 인식됨 - 다양성으로부터 그 장점을 배우는 유익한 학습 과정: 다양성을 창조적인 아이디어와 연결하도록 독려하는 문화 Creativity 3가지 동기: 내재적, 외재적, 인지적 1. 내재적 동기 ‘창의성 사고 기술’: 새로운 관점을 취하거나 새로운 인지 경로를 적용하고 문제를 조각 이 아닌 전체로 바라보는 기술 내재적 동기가 높으면 업무에 더 깊게 몰입하고 새로운 정보를 찾고 문제를 생각하는데 더 많은 시간과 에너지를 사용하여 창의적인 문제 해결. 내재적 동기가 낮으면 인지적 유연성이 떨어지고 예전 방식 을 반복적으로 활용하는 데에 그치는 경향 2. 외재적 동기 3. 인지적 동기 [Q] 인적자원의 다양성과 창의성 관리는 어떤 관계에 있을까? Organizational Design 1 환 경 과 조 직 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Unity of command Division of labor Spans of control Line vs staffs ▪ Stable Changes are small, slow, predictable 기계적 (mechanistic) 조직 높은 분화, 위계적 관계 높은 공식화 공식적 의사소통 높은 중심화 경향 Traditional Designs Functional, Divisional, Matrix Volatile are intense, rapid, unpredictable 유기적 (organic) 조직 수평적 협동체계 낮은 공식화 비공식적 의사소통 낮은 중심화 2 Bureaucracy ◆ FOCUS => organization ◆ BASIS ➢ hierarchy ➢ impersonality ➢ line of command ◆ IDEAL TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Administrative Theory ◆ FOCUS => role & functions of managers ◆ 4 functions & 14 principles of management ◆ “Follow the principles, and success will very likely come.” 3 Functional : Employees grouped according to the business functions they perform • Based on “economies of scale” • Saves money, easy to apply quality standards • Works best in a stable environment, not applicable today 4 Divisional : Employees grouped based on similar products or services, customers or clients, or geographic regions CEO Division 1 또는 사업본부1 인 사 구 매 생 산 영 업 Division 3 또는 사업본부3 Division 2 또는 사업본부2 인 사 구 매 생 산 영 업 인 사 구 매 생 산 영 업 • Increased focus on customers and products • Flexibility in decision making • Divisions’ tendency to focus on their own customer groups or products and exclude rest of organization Matrix : Combines a vertical structure with an equally strong horizontal overlay • • • • Combines advantages of functional and divisional Violates unity of command and decision making can be slow Political behavior can occur Requires extensive communication 6 시스템 이론 ▪ Open system : interactions with the environment 1950년대 시스템 이론 발달 ▪ Origin from biology ▪ 개인과 조직 … “system” ▪ 시스템의 특성과 의미 ∙ goal-directed actions ∙ systems, sub-systems, interactions 7 시스템 이론 ∙ 과정 : input - transformation - output ∙ synergy effects : Performance (total system) > ∑ Performance of subsystems ∙ 구조의 재설계, 팀제 8 Cross functional teams/project team 9 (2011. 10. 1. 조선일보 Weekly Biz, 게임의 룰을 바꿔라) IBM 사례 1993년 IBM 3년간 누적 적자는 160억달러. 죽어가는 IBM을 살리기 위해 루이스 거스너(Gerstner)가 구원투수로. ◼ CEO에 취임한 뒤 그는 황당한 광경을 목격. ◼ IBM의 각 사업 본부들이 자기 본부의 성과에만 관심이 있을 뿐, 회사 전체의 이 익에는 무관심했던 것. ◼ 심지어 자기 성과를 위해 다른 본부의 비즈니스를 갉아먹는 '제살깎기'식 경쟁. 거스너의 대응책 ◼ 모든 본부장들을 회식 자리에 모아놓고 '서로 잘해 보자'며 폭탄주? 사장실에 불 러놓고 호통? 서로 협력하라고 훈시? NO! ◼ 제도만 살짝 바꿈 → 이전까지 IBM은 개인 성과를 근거로 인센티브를 지급. 회사 전체 실적은 엉망이더라도 자기 본부만 잘 되면 본부장은 보너스. 보상 체계부터 변경: 본부별 인센티브를 절반 이상 줄이고, 그룹 전체의 성과 에 따른 인센티브를 확대. 직급이 높을수록 개인 성과보다는 조직 성과에 따라 보상. 서로 관심 없고 반목하던 본부장들이 머리를 맞대고 고민하기 시작. 본부 간 시너지가 극대화/기업 문화 변화. 취임 2년 만에 IBM은 흑자 전환. => 부분시스템 최적화의 문제 10 Institutionalism Institutional pressures & homogeneous Organizations : once a field becomes well established, organizations that display considerable diversity in approach and form in the initial state are under considerable pressure to become homogenized. isomorphism : a constraining process that forces one unit in a population to resemble other units that face the same set of environmental conditions. ♦ 3 process of isomorphism (1) coercive : managers compulsively conform to rules or regulations of the society (2) normative : may look for norms or acceptable solutions held in their field (3) mimetic : may model their organizations after other organizations in the industry “Institutionalism well explains adoption of HR practices.” 11 ◎ 조직의 효과성을 Financial perspective, Customer perspective, Internal business process perspective에서 설명해보자 ◎ 환경와 조직의 관계에 있어서 시스템이론과 제도이론이 취하는 차이점이라면 ? 12 Global Management 1 Preparing for a foreign assignment A Poor Track Record for American Expatriates Expatriate refers to anyone living or working in a foreign country. Research has uncovered specific reasons for the failure of US expatriate managers: Spouse cannot adjust to new surroundings. The manager cannot adapt to new surroundings. Family problems. The manager is emotionally immature. The manager cannot cope with foreign duties. The manager is not technically competent. The manager lacks the proper motivation for a foreign assignment. 2 Preparing for a foreign assignment Becoming a Global Manager Broaden focus from one or two countries to a global business perspective. Become familiar with many cultures. Learn the dynamics of multicultural situations. Be able to live and work effectively in many different cultures. Engage in cross-cultural interaction every day. Work effectively in multicultural teams where everyone is equal. Move up the career ladder by going from one foreign country to another. 3 Hofstede’ Study and Implications Hofstede’ Study and Implications Individualism collectivism (How loosely or closely is the person socially bonded?) |-----------------------------------------------------------------| individualism collectivism individual job assignment (e.g., job enrichment) collective job assignment (e.g., Quality Circle) Power distance (How much inequality does someone expect in social situations?) |-----------------------------------------------------------------| low high participative leaders less hierarchical empowerment authoritative leaders very hierarchical commands 5 Masculinity-femininity (Does the person embrace stereotypically competitive, performance oriented masculine traits or nurturing, relationship-oriented feminine traits?) |-----------------------------------------------------------| Masculine quantity of work life pay-for-performance Feminine quality of work life leisure time, interpersonal relationships Uncertainty avoidance (How strongly does the person desire highly-structured situations?) |------------------------------------------------------------| low positive attitudes toward conflicts short-term contract performance-based incentives individuality, creativity many entrepreneurs high negative perceptions of conflicts long-term contracts (e.g., lifetime employment) seniority-based pay many rules, policies, pressures from the org not prefer risk situations ☞ 이러한 문화적 차원에서 각각 한 부분에 놓이는 미국 문화에 적합한 이론과 관리 방식이 보편적인 것으로 받아드릴 수 없다 => Divergent 시각의 기반이 됨 6