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Algorithms and Data Structures Lecture Notes

- base case: prove directly for H(1)
- inductive step: for general k, show that if H(k 1) is true, then H(k) is true
- the assumption H(k-1) is true is the inductive
hypothesis (IH)
- suppose we want to prove H(100): first, we use
the base case to prove H(1), then because H(1)
is true, H(2) is true via the inductive step, and
so on until H(100)
➢ selection sort
○ find the minimum, swap it into place, repeat
on the rest, repeat n-1 times
○ O(n2)
1. For j = 1,...,n-1:
min_pos = j
For k = j+1,...,n:
If (A[k] < A[min_pos]):
min_pos = k
Swap A[min_pos] and A[j]
➢ insertion sort
○ insert A[2] into place so A[1..2] is sorted,
repeat process n-1 times
○ O(n2)
1. For j = 2,...,n:
For k = j-1 down to 1:
If (A[k] > A[k+1]
Swap A[k] and A[k+1]
else break from for-loop
➢ divide and conquer algorithms
○ split problem into smaller subproblems
○ recursively solve each subproblem
○ combine the solutions to the subproblems
➢ mergesort
○ merge runs in O(n)
○ mergesort runs in O(nlogn)
Merge(L, R): // L and R are sorted
Let n ← len(L) + len(R)
Let A be an array of length n
j ← 1, k ← 1
For i = 1..n:
If (j > len(L)):
A[i] ← R[k], k ← k + 1
ElseIf (k > len(R)):
A[i] ← L[j], j ← j + 1
ElseIf (L[j] <= R[k]):
A[i] = L[j], j ← j + 1
A[i] ← R[k], k ← k + 1
Return A
If (len(A) = 1): Return A
Let m ← [len(A)/2]
Let L ← A[1:m], R ← A[m+1:n]
Let L ← MergeSort(L)
Let R ← MergeSort(R)
Let A ← Merge(L, R)
Return A
➢ “big-O” notation
○ f(n) = O(g(n)) if there exists c ∈ (0, ∞)
and n0 ∈ ℕ such that f(n) ≤ c × g(n) for
every n ≥ n0
○ ∃ a, b ≥ 0
∀ n ∈ ℕ f(n) ≤ a ×
g(n) + b
○ n∞f(n)g(n)<∞ (i.e., is finite)
○ proving from first principles: finding c and n0
○ constant factors can be ignored
○ lower order terms can be dropped
○ smaller exponents are big-oh of larger
○ any logarithm is big-oh of any polynomials
○ any polynomial is big-oh of any exponential
➢ big-omega notation
○ f(n) = 𝛺(g(n)) if there exists c ∈ (0, ∞)
and n0 ∈ ℕ such that f(n) ≥ c × g(n) for
every n ≥ n0
➢ big-theta notation
○ f(n) = 𝛳(g(n)) if there exists c1 ≤ c2 ∈ (0,
∞) and n0 ∈ ℕ such that
c2 × g(n) ≥ f(n) ≥ c1 × g(n) for every n ≥ n0
Karatsuba(u, v, n):
If (n = 1): Return u × v
Let m ← ceiling of n/2
Write u = 10m × a + b, v = 10m × c
+ d
Let e ← Karatsuba(a, c, m)
f ← Karatsuba(b, d, m)
g ← Karatsuba(b-a, c-d, m)
Return 102m × e + 10m × (e + f + g)
+ f
➢ running time of karatsuba
○ O(n1.59)
➢ solving recurrences
○ write the recurrence in a form so that you can
apply it for different problem sizes
○ build the recurrence tree
○ same at each level → T(n) is work-per-level
times number-of-levels
○ decreasing → examine nature of series
(geometric, arithmetic)
○ increasing → examine nature of series, pay
attention to contribution of leaves which could
➢ master theorem
○ T(n) = a × T(n/b) + Cnd
○ a/bd>1 → T(n) = 𝜃(nlog_b(a))
○ a/bd=1 → T(n) = 𝜃(nd logn)
○ a/bd<1 → T(n) = 𝜃(nd)
○ f(n) = O(nlog_b(a) - 𝜀) → T(n) = 𝜃(nlog_b(a))
○ f(n) = 𝜃(nlog_b(a)) → T(n) = 𝜃(f(n) × logn)
○ f(n) = 𝛺(nlog_b(a) + 𝜀) AND a × f(n/b) ≤
Cf(n) for C < 1 → T(n) = 𝜃(f(n))
work at level
C(7n/10 +
2n/10) =
Esha Pandya
➢ selection
➢ orders of growth
○ take an element of the array ← pivot
lgn, n1/2, n, nlogn, n2, n3, 2n, n!
○ partition into two parts, around this element (compare each element in A to pivot)
○ search in the appropriate part
○ T(n) = O(n) + T(n/5) + T(7n/10), T(1) = O(1)
○ runtime → O(n)
MOMSelect(A[1:n], k):
If(n ≤ 25): sort and return A[k]
Let p = MOM(A)
Partition around the pivot, let p = A[r]
If (k = r): return A[r]
ElseIf (k < r): return MOMSelect(A[1:r-1], k)
ElseIf (k > r): return MOMSelect(A[r+1:n], k-r)
Let m ← ceiling of n/5
For i = 1,..,m:
Meds[i] = median{A[5i-4], A[5i-3],.., A[5i]}
Let p ← MOMSelect(Meds[1:m], floor of m/2)
➢ binary search
○ compare x with middle element of A,
and if not found, recurse in
appropriate half
○ T(n) = T(n/2) + 1
○ T(n) = 𝜃(logn)
➢ mergesort
○ T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n
○ T(n) = 𝜃(n logn)
➢ integer multiplication
○ T(n) = 3T(n/2) + n
○ T(n) = 𝜃(nlog_2(3))
➢ divide and conquer: general paradigm
○ prove correctness, often using
○ establish recurrence relation of
running time
○ solve recurrence using one of:
↳ master theorem
↳ recursion tree
↳ formulate a conjecture and prove
by induction
➢ memoization → idea of storing solutions to the
➢ fibonacci numbers
➢ top down → recursive (make initial recursive call
from n down to base case) → O(n)
M ← empty array, M[1] ← 0, M[2] ← 1
If (M[n] is not empty): return M[n]
ElseIf (M[n] is empty):
M[n] ← FibII(n-1) + FibII(n-2)
return M[n]
➢ bottom up → iterative approach (remove
recursion) → O(n)
M[1] ← 0, M[2] ← 1
For i=3,..n:
M[i] ← M[i-1] + M[i-2]
return M[n]
➢ dynamic programming recipe
○ (1) identify a set of subproblems
○ (2) relate the subproblems via a recurrence
○ (3) find an efficient implementation of
recurrence (top down or bottom up)
○ (4) reconstruct the solution from the DP table
➢ weighted interval scheduling
○ subproblems: let Oi be the optimal schedule
using only the intervals {1,..,i}
○ case 1: final interval is not in Oi (i ∉ Oi)
○ case 2: final interval is in Oi (i ∈ Oi)
○ OPT(i) = max{OPT(i-1), vi + OPT(p(i))}
○ OPT(0) = 0, OPT(1) = v1
○ space → O(n)
○ top down → O(n)
M ← empty array, M[0] ← 0, M[1] ← 1v
If(M[n] is not empty): return M[n]
M[n] ← max{FindOPT(n-1), nv +
return M[n]
○ bottom up → O(n)
M[0] ← 0, M[1] ← v1
For (i = 2,...,n):
M[i] ← max{M[i-1], v
+ M[p(i)]}
return M[n]
○ optimal schedule → O(n)
If (n = 0): return ∅
ElseIf (n = 1): return {1}
ElseIf (vn + M[p(n)] > M[n-1]):
return {n} + FindSched(M,
return FindSched(M, n-1)
➢ longest common subsequence (LCS)
○ input: two strings x ∈ ∑n, y ∈ ∑m
○ LCS(i, j) = length of LCS of x1:i and y1:j
○ equal: if xi = yj, then LCS(i, j) = LSC(i-1, j-1)
+ 1
○ case 1: xi is not in the LCS → LCS(i, j) =
LCS(i-1, j)
○ case 2: yj is not in the LCS → LCS(i, j) =
LCS(i, j-1)
○ recurrence: LCS(i, j) =
↳ 1 + LCS(i-1, j-1) if xi = yj
↳ max(LCS(i-1, j), LCS(i, j-1)) if xi ≠ yj
○ base cases: LCS(0, ∀j) = LCS(∀i, 0) = 0
○ bottom up → O(nm)
FindOPT(n, m):
M[i, 0] ← 0, M[0, j] ← 0
for (i = 1,...,n):
for (j = 1,...,m):
if (xi = yj):
M[i,j] ← 1 + M[i-1, j-1]
M[i, j] ← max{M[i-1, j], M[i, j-1]}
return M[n, m]
○ space → O(nm)
➢ the knapsack problem
○ want: argmaxS⊆{1,..,n} VS such that WS ≤ T
○ SubsetSum: vi = wi
○ TugOfWar: vi = wi, T = ½ sum (start at i) vi
○ let On ⊆ {1,..,n} be the optimal subset of items
given the first n items
○ case 1: n ∉ On →On = On-1 with same capacity
○ case 2: n ∈ On → On = {n} ∪ On-1 with
capacity = previous capacity - wn
○ base cases: OPT(j, 0)=OPT(0, S)=0
○ runtime → O(nT), space → O(nT)
FindOPT(n, T):
M[0, S] ← 0, M[j, 0] ← 0
for (j = 1,..,n):
for (S = 1,..,T):
if(wj > S): M[j, S] ← M[j-1,
else: M[j, S] ← max{M[j-1,
S], vj + M[j-1, S-wj]}
return M[n, T]
○ findsol runtime → O(n)
// M[0:n, 0:T] contains solutions to
FindSol(M, n, T):
if (n = 0 or T = 0): return∅
if (wn > T): return FindSol(M,
n-1, T)
if (M[n-1, T] > nv + M[n-1,
return FindSol(M, n-1,
return {n} + FindSol(M,
n-1, T-wn)
➢ longest increasing subsequence (LIS)
○ let LIS(j) be the length of the longest
increasing subsequence that ends with xj
○ case i: the last two numbers are xi and xj
○ recurrence: LIS(j) = 1 + max1≤i≤j and xi <
○ base case: LIS(1) = 1
○ bottom up → O(n2)
M[1] ← 1
for(j = 2,...,n):
M[j] = 1 + max1≤i≤j and xi<xjM[i]
return max1≤i≤jM[j]
○ k = argmax1≤i≤nLIS(i)
↳ xk is final symbol in LIS
○ length of LIS
↳ LIS = max1≤j≤nLIS(j)
➢ segmented least squares
○ input: n data points P = {(x1, y1),...,(xn, yn)}, cost parameter C > 0
○ output: partition of P into contiguous segments and lines minimizing total cost
○ let L*i, j be the optimal line for {pi, …, pj} | Ɛi, j = error(L*i, j , {pi,..., pj})
○ let OPT(j) be the value of the optimal solution for points {p1,..., pn}
○ case i: final segment is {pi,..., pj}
○ total cost is Ɛi, j ← error for [pi,...,pj] + C ← cost parameter for [pi,...,pj] +
OPT(i-1) ← total cost of everything up to i-1 (inclusive)
○ recurrence → OPT(j)=min(i,j+C+OPT(i-1))
○ base cases → OPT(0)=0, OPT(1)=OPT(2)=C
○ top-down → O(n2)
M ← empty array, M[0] ← 0, M[1] ← C, M[2] ← C
If (M[n] is not empty): return M[n]
M[n] ← min1≤i≤j(i,j + C + FindOPT(i-1)) // O(n) times
return M[n]
○ bottom-up → O(n2)
M[0] ← 0, M[1] ← C, M[2] ← C
For (j = 3,...,n):
M[j] ← min1≤i≤j(i,j + C + FindOPT(i-1))
Return M[n]
○ findingsegments → O(n2), space → O(n2)
// M[0:n] contains solutions to subproblems
FindSol(M, n):
If(n = 0): return ∅
ElseIf (n = 1): return {1}
ElseIf (n = 2): return {1, 2}
Let x ← argmin1≤i≤n(Ɛj, n + C + M[i-1]):
Return {x,...,n} + FindSol(M, x-1)
➢ segmented least squares v.2
○ hard upper bound on the number of segments
○ sum (from i=1 to k)=error(Li,S1)
○ let OPT(j, 𝓁) be the optimal solution for points {1,...,j} using ≤ 𝓁 segments
○ case i: final segment is {pi,...,pj}
○ recurrence: OPT(j, 𝓁) = min1≤i≤j(𝜀i,j + OPT(i-1, 𝓁-1)
○ base cases: OPT(0, 𝓁) = 0 ∀ 𝓁 ≥ 0, OPT(j, 0) = ∞ ∀ j ≥ 1
○ top down → O(n2k)
M ← empty array, M[0, 𝓁] ← 0, M[j, 0] ← ∞
FindOpt(n, k):
if (M[n, k] is not empty): return M[n, k]
M[n, k] ← min1≤i≤j(𝜀i,j + FindOPT(i-1, k-1))
return M[n, k]
○ bottom up → O(n2k)
FindOpt(n, k):
M ← empty array, M[0, 𝓁] ← 0, M[j, 0] ← ∞
for(𝓁 = 1,...,k):
for(j = 1,...,n):
M[j, 𝓁] ← min1≤i≤j(𝜀i,j + M[i-1, 𝓁-1])
return M[n, k]
○ finding segments → O(nk), space → O(n2 + nk)
FindSol(M,n, k):
if (n = 0): return ∅
elseif (n = 1): return {1}
let x ← argmin1≤i≤j(𝜀i,j + M[i-1, k-1])
return {x,...,n} + FindSol(M, x-1, k-1)
↳ k recursive calls