Uploaded by Enos Marambe

have been salted

have been salted, relieved, matured
or on the other hand smoked, or have additives.
Normal sorts incorporate bacon, ham,
wiener, store meat or cold cuts, and jerky.
• Handled meats have been connected to disease.
• Eating a lot of leafy foods
vegetables might bring down your gamble for
a few malignant growths. Add diferent hued natural products
furthermore, vegetables, including new, frozen or
canned assortments, to your plate. Ensure
to pick no-or low-sodium items.
• Eating entire grains, like entire wheat
bread and pasta, oats, and earthy colored rice,
may likewise bring down your gamble for certain diseases.
4 Beverage less liquor.
• Drinking liquor can increment
your gamble for some kinds of
malignant growth, similar to liver and bosom disease.
• The more vigorously and frequently you drink,