Uploaded by Robert Lammens

SMQS Module 201.01 User Workstation Setup

A Quick-Start Course (SMQS)
Module 201.01
User Workstation Setup
19.0sp2 smqs
Module POC: Russell Peak
Module Version: Oct 2020 revb
Tool Version: MagicDraw/Cameo 19.0sp2
Copyright © Georgia Tech. All Rights Reserved.
SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
Do Not Change Software, UI, or Hardware
Configuration during the Course!! 
About your system configuration ...
Some courses use local computers with local administration.
Do NOT plugin to USB ports
Some courses use our SMQS laptops that we administer  for power (causes problems).
Some courses use your own user laptops that you administer.
Your course computer is configured to work with specific course components,
including MagicDraw/Cameo, model file versions, a collaboration server, and a
math solver. Therefore, do not do any updates during the course (except for Group
2 below if your admin folks allow that).
Group 1: Updates that are usually NOT ok to do:
– Updates to MagicDraw/Cameo and its plugins; user interface (UI) updates; ...
– Math solver updates (such as OpenModelica or Mathematica).
– Operating system updates; driver updates; ... (risky to do during short course).
Group 2: Updates that usually occur automatically are ok:
– Antivirus data files; Adobe Acrobat Reader & Adobe Flash (or similar).
When in doubt, do NOT change your system  (unless instructors ask you to )
– Caveat: Our SMQS laptops do some updates automatically.
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
Intro to MagicDraw/Cameo Versions
Version: 18.0sp6 = LTR (long-term release)
Version: 18.5sp3 = FR (feature release)
MD/Cameo variations:
Version: 19.0sp2 = LTR (long-term release)
- Released Mar 2019; SMQS main update: Nov 2019
– MD = MagicDraw (baseline tool w/ UML capabilities)
– CSM = Cameo System Modeler (~MD plus SysML plugin; same features, file format, etc.)
– CEA = Cameo Enterprise Architect (~CSM plus UPDM/UAF plugin for DoDAF etc.)
MD/Cameo supports multiple configurations on same computer, such as:
C:\Program Files\MagicDraw\19.0sp2_smqs (GT SMQS config for training / short courses)
C:\Program Files\MagicDraw\19.0sp2_main1 (production config for internal projects)
C:\Program Files\MagicDraw\19.0sp4_incose (production config for INCOSE projects)
C:\Program Files\MagicDraw\19.0sp4_tb1 (testbed1 config for upgrade planning & tests)
C:\Program Files\MagicDraw\18.5sp3_main1 (production config for older internal projects)
C:\Program Files\MagicDraw\18.0sp6_main1 (production config for older internal projects)
C:\NoMagic\Naval_IME_CSM_v19.0sp2_BLS_Beta1_v2 (Navy config for GT SMQS training)
And so on. Just need different shortcuts to start up the right configuration.
Types of releases
– LTR = long-term release (supported for several years) = recommended release type
Module 101.20 covers more
» Typically reaches reasonably robust state at sp3/sp4
MBX / digital ecosystem concepts
– FR = feature release (supported for ~6 months)
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
Do not fall prey to MagicDraw/Cameo temptations ...
Example Cases — Do NOT Update!
Case 2: When you open a model that was saved in a newer version of MagicDraw/Cameo,
you will usually see something like below. Do NOT “Install” the update. Select “Continue” to
just open & view the model, and usually it will work ok. If you make any changes, they may
not be compatible (better to save to a new file name so you preserve the original file).
Case 1: When you start MagicDraw/Cameo,
you will usually see something like this ...
Note: We will cover more regarding tool
configuration in Module 101.20 (as well as
other ecosystem considerations)...
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
User Setup To Do / Confirm
Some setups require this for each user login and/or each machine
See if the following items are already setup
on your machine (check with your instructor)
Usually already done on GT-provided SMQS laptops
See specifics in next slides ...
– Start MagicDraw (MD) / Cameo SMQS
bundle using appropriate desktop icon
– Confirm MagicDraw/Cameo SMQS setup
» License keys, perspective settings, ...
– Confirm [MySMQS] folder setup
» Your local course material & workspace
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
19.0sp2 smqs
MagicDraw/Cameo Tool Setup: Main Items
Setup to do/confirm one time during SysML 201 (after tool starts up ok)
Confirm or select “System Engineer” perspective:
– Method A: Options, Perspectives, Perspectives
– Method B: Drop-down menu (only in some cases)
Confirm or set “Expert” settings:
Method B
Method A
– Options, Environment, Experience
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
MagicDraw/Cameo Setup: Other Items
Specific prompts that may occur during first-time startup with a new installation.
Start MagicDraw/Cameo SMQS using icon on Desktop.
– Copy shortcut from here if needed: [MySMQS]\5_Shortcuts.
Skip registration screen if prompted.
Select “Use Default” profile if prompted.
Click on “Unlock Key File(s)” if prompted, and either:
19.0sp2 sm qs
– Multiple-select the license key files provided by your local admin, OR
– Select the single zip file containing them all.
Restart MagicDraw/Cameo SMQS if prompted to do so.
If prompted “Switch to System Engineer perspective?”, select “Yes”.
– You can also change it later via Method A on previous slide.
Select “Expert” if prompted for user experience level.
– Expert level gives better menu views (more complete) & helps you learn faster.
– You can also adjust that filter later in various tool UI
views, such as in the Properties tab seen here.
– See previous slide for more on “Expert” settings.
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
[MySMQS] Folder Setup for SysML 201 Users
[MySMQS] = folder on local computer with course materials, starting models, etc.
Usually already done on GT-provided SMQS laptops
If the [MySMQS] folder is not already on your desktop ...
– Do the following (or do as directed by your instructor) ...
– Locate MySMQS.zip on your Desktop (or copy it from CD-ROM)
» It may be a shared/read-only file (depending on your admin)
– Right-click MySMQS.zip and select “unzip here”
» Doing that creates your own MySMQS folder copy on your Desktop
Browse MySMQS folder contents:
– Subfolders:
(see next slide)
1_Modules, 2_Tutorials, 3_Samples,
4_Resources, 5_Shortcuts, 6_Assessments
Edit/create your models in 2_Tutorials per tutorial exercises
throughout SysML 201
Remember: Re-zip & take your final models with you if desired
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
Your [MySMQS] Digital Course Folder
Where to access lecture slides, tutorial models, resources, etc.
1_Modules_101 and 1_Modules_201
SOE = sponsor-oriented examples (covered during
class time in extended SOE offering format)
• Lecture presentations; 101 folder has agenda and SOE presentations
• Starter (and completed) MagicDraw/Cameo model files (.mdzip)
for course exercises (including step-by-step instructions)
• Perform your exercises here
• Other useful examples from various sources (including SOE models)
• Other learning resources (SysML spec, summary tables/glossary, publications,...)
• Convenient links to local tool folders utilized in SysML 201
• Quizzes (for participant learning) & evaluations (to assess courses/instructors)
rev 2019-08
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
Essential Settings Beyond Defaults
(a) For MagicDraw/Cameo Tool Installation
At “Options > Environment” level:
Utilized across all currently-opened projects/mdzips
• If you are using a Georgia Tech (GT) SMQS installation, then the changes on the following
slides are already done for you. Example GT SMQS installations include the following:
• Our SMQS laptops, our SMQS virtual machines (such as AWS WorkSpaces, MS Azure
Lab Services, or GT AE VLAB), and so on.
• Your own local SMQS installation (the CD2 computing device option in our BLS courses).
• You can review the below slides for awareness in your own future tool installations.
• IMPORTANT: Do the essential changes (on the below slides) to your MagicDraw/Cameo tool
installation if you are using a bundle or installation that was not provided by Georgia Tech.
• WARNING: If you do not have the below changes, some SMQS instructions will not work
as expected.
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
MagicDraw/Cameo Setup: Essentials (p1/3)
The following settings are essential for SMQS course purposes (and highly recommended for normal practice too)
Confirm/change settings as seen below:
– Options > Environment > General > Navigation
Copyright © Georgia Tech. All Rights Reserved.
SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
MagicDraw/Cameo Setup: Essentials (p2/3)
The following settings are essential for SMQS course purposes (and highly recommended for normal practice too)
Math Solver Setup for Tutorial 201.08 par
Menu: Options > Environment > ParaMagic Settings
Note: The options shown here are
just a few of the available options.
Utilize the S1 settings unless otherwise directed by your instructors.
S1: Normal Setup for SysML 101/201
Essential changes, including utilizing
OpenModelica on local computer
S2: Alternate Setup for SysML 101/201
Essential changes, including utilizing
temporary/demo Mathematica via cloud / web service
 Keep as “false”
 Keep as “false”
 Keep as “false”
Copyright © Georgia Tech. All Rights Reserved.
SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
MagicDraw/Cameo Setup: Essentials (p3/3)
The following settings are essential for SMQS course purposes (and highly recommended for normal practice too)
Cameo Simulation Toolkit (CST) setup for Tutorial 201.06 act and Tutorial 201.07b stm
Note: The options shown here are
just a few of the available options.
Menu: Options > Environment > Simulation
 Keep as “false”
(do NOT set to “true”)
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
Essential Settings Beyond Defaults
(b) For each Project (project-specific settings)
At “Options > Project” level:
Utilized just in the current project/mdzip (and stored there too)
• If you are using a Georgia Tech-provided SMQS training project (ex. a Tutorial 201.xx mdzip
file from [MySMQS]\2_Tutorials, or a GT TWC/TWS-based project), then the changes on
the following slides are already done for you.
• You can review the below slides for awareness regarding your own future projects.
• IMPORTANT: Do the essential changes (on the below slides) in each of your new project
models (that is, in your actual regular projects at work after the class).
• Note: Each of your particular project models needs to be open in MagicDraw/Cameo
before you will see their project-specific settings (like the examples below).
• WARNING: If you do not have the below changes, some SMQS instructions will not work as
expected (ex. if you try to apply those same instructions to your own work projects).
Copyright © Georgia Tech. All Rights Reserved.
SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
MagicDraw/Cameo Setup: Essentials (p1/4)
The following settings are essential for SMQS course purposes (and highly recommended for normal practice too)
Confirm/change settings as seen below:
– Options > Project > General > Browser > Group Composite Instances
 Keep as “false”
(do NOT set to “true”)
Copyright © Georgia Tech. All Rights Reserved.
SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
MagicDraw/Cameo Setup: Essentials (p2/4)
The following settings are essential for SMQS course purposes (and highly recommended for normal practice too)
Confirm/change settings as seen below:
– Options > Project > General > Diagrams
Copyright © Georgia Tech. All Rights Reserved.
SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
MagicDraw/Cameo Setup: Essentials (p3/4)
The following settings are essential for SMQS course purposes (and highly recommended for normal practice too)
Confirm/change settings as seen below:
– Options > Project > General > Validation
 Keep as “false”
(do NOT set to “true”)
Copyright © Georgia Tech. All Rights Reserved.
SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program
MagicDraw/Cameo Setup: Essentials (p4/4)
The following settings are essential for SMQS course purposes (and highly recommended for normal practice too)
Confirm/change settings as seen below:
– Options > Project > Symbol styles > Default > Shapes > Call Behavior Action
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SysML & MBE/MBSE Quick-Start (SMQS) Training Program