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is a systematic approach for
developing marketing goals,
strategy and implementation
Planning Process
a systematic process involving the assessment of
marketing opportunities and resources, the
determination of marketing objectives and the
development of a plan for implementation and
 Marketing objectives - goals set by a business when
promoting its products or services to potential consumers
that should be achieved within a given time frame. In other
words, marketing objectives are the marketing
strategy set in order to achieve the overall
organizational objectives. A company's marketing
objectives for a particular product might include increasing
product awareness among targeted consumers, providing
information about product features and reducing
consumer resistance to buying the product.
The Marketing
Planning Process
Contoso Ltd.
SMART Approach to Marketing Objectives
1. Specific
Are the objectives stated in a way that is precise about what you
are hoping to achieve?
2. Measurable
Can you quantify each objective, i.e. can you use a unit of
measure, such as a market share in percentage or dollars, to
provide a way to check your level of success?
3. Achievable
Are your objectives reasonable in terms of what you can actually
achieve, or are you setting your sights too high?
4. Realistic
Do you have sufficient employees and resources to achieve the
objectives you have set? If you don't, are they likely to be
5. Time-specific
When are you hoping to achieve these objectives? You need to
define a timing plan by using target timing for each specific
Contoso Ltd.
 Marketing Audit - refers to the comprehensive,
systematic, analysis, evaluation and the
interpretation of the business marketing
environment, both internal and external, its goals,
objectives, strategies, principles to ascertain the
areas of problem and opportunities to recommend a
plan of action to enhance the firm’s marketing
The Marketing
Planning Process
Contoso Ltd.
The firm conducting the Marketing Audit should keep the following points in mind:
○ The Audit should be Comprehensive, i.e. it should cover all the areas of marketing where the problem persists and do
not take a single marketing problem under the consideration.
○ The Audit should be Systematic, i.e. an orderly analysis and evaluation of firm’s micro & macro environment, marketing
principles, objectives, strategies and other operations that directly or indirectly influences the firm’s marketing
○ The audit should be Independent; the marketing audit can be conducted in six ways: self-audit, audit from across, audit
from above, company auditing office, company task-force audit, and outsider audit. The best audit is the outsider audit;
wherein the auditor is the external party to an organization who works independently and is not partial to anyone.
○ The audit should be Periodical; generally, the companies conduct the marketing audit when some problem arises in the
marketing operations. But it is recommended to have a regular marketing audit so that that problem can be rectified at
its source.
Contoso Ltd.
Tactical Planning - is sometimes called
short-term action plan because it
breakdown bigger-picture goals and
strategies into narrower, actionable tasks.
The strategy is the direction towards the
goal. Tactics are the action taken to
support the strategy. Simply put, strategy
refers to the plan to achieve a goal while
the tactic is how you execute the plan.
Contoso Ltd.
 Product Policy - broad guidelines related to the production
and development of a product. A long term planning with respect
to the product-mix of the company in order to deliver maximum
customer satisfaction.
Objectives :
1. Survival: - The main objective of any company is to stay in the
market profitably.
2. Growth: - Based on the long term goals of the company the
policies are defined to get a good growth in the market.
3. Flexibility: - The product policy needs to be flexible to the
changing needs of the customers, government regulations,
global trends and economy.
The Marketing
Planning Process
4. Scalability: - The companies should use its resources properly
to make the most of its valuable resources. With time the
company needs to develop economies of scale to improve
Contoso Ltd.
Pricing Policy - A systematic approach to pricing requires the decision
that an individual pricing situation be generalized and codified into a
policy coverage of all the principal pricing problems. Policies can and
should be tailored to various competitive situations. A policy approach
which is becoming normal for sales activities is comparatively rare in
The Marketing
Planning Process
Contoso Ltd.
Pricing strategies:
Premium pricing: high price is used as a defining criterion. Such pricing
strategies work in segments and industries where a strong competitive
advantage exists for the company.
Penetration pricing: price is set artificially low to gain market share
quickly. This is done when a new product is being launched. It is
understood that prices will be raised once the promotion period is over
and market share objectives are achieved.
Skimming strategy: high price is charged for a product till such time as
competitors allow after which prices can be dropped. The idea is to
recover maximum money before the product or segment attracts more
competitors who will lower profits for all concerned.
The Marketing
Planing Process
Contoso Ltd.
Distribution (place) Policy - process of making a product or
service available for the consumer or business user that needs it.
This can be done directly by the producer or service provider, or
using indirect channels with distributors or intermediaries.
3 major distribution strategies:
1. Exclusive Distribution : Exclusive stories to sell products leads
to more control. Example, Luis Vuitton Stores
2. Intensive Distribution : Maximizing outlets to maximize sales.
Example, Coca Cola
3. Selective Distribution : Carefully choosing multiple channels
and partners. Example, Adidas, Nike
Contoso Ltd.
Promotion Policy - concerned with developing
the over-all promotional campaign which involves
consumer promotion, public relations and alike
activities. It has to strike out a balance between
various promotional activities and also ensure that
all the activities are in synchronization with each
a) target group
b) target market
The Marketing
Planning Process
c) the product
Contoso Ltd.
Personnel Policy - helps match each employee in the
correct position and make your company into an organized
and coordinated team. It outlines job training for each
position, and following the guidelines should make every
employee fully prepared for their work.
Personnel policies create security within the opportunity, and
provide incentive and recognition. Explicit policies help your
employees perform their jobs at their best and work toward
career goals and the future.
Contoso Ltd.
1.) Principles of Personnel Policies
○ A good personnel policy will help match each employee in the
correct position and make your company into an organized and
coordinated team.
○ It outlines job training for each position, and following the
guidelines should make every employee fully prepared for their
○ Personnel policies create security within the opportunity, and
provide incentive and recognition.
○ Explicit policies helps employees perform their jobs at their best
and work toward career goals and the future.
Contoso Ltd.
2.) Policy Contents
Covers three areas:
A.) Employer expectations
attendance, punctuality, time off, job requirements, and
possibly Internet or drug policies.
B.) Employee expectations
compensation, salary, benefits, sexual harassment, privacy
rights, equal opportunity employment and any grievance
C.) Administrative issues, and should all be included in
your employee handbook or other training or procedural
administrative issues include any disclaimers or changes to
the handbook or other policies.
Contoso Ltd.
3.) Creation & Implementation
A personnel policy should reflect good practice,
be written down, be communicated across the
organization, and should adapt to changing
circumstances. Getting your management,
supervisors and employees involved is
important. Make sure to take into account your
past policies, management styles and employee
challenges when writing or updating your policy.
To be effective, your policies need to be well
communicated. Make sure they are available at
all times and given to each employee to
preclude complaints of ignorance later.
Contoso Ltd.
Process Policy - a set of inter-related activities that
turn inputs into outputs.
Physical Evidence - is the space by which you are
surrounded when you consume the service.
 Physical Environment - is the space by which you are
surrounded when you consume the service.
 Ambience - ambient conditions include temperature,
color, smell and sound, music and noise. The ambience is
a package of these elements which consciously or
subconsciously help you to experience the service.
The Marketing
Planning Process
 Spatial Layout - Functionality is more about how well
suited the environment is to actually accomplish your
 Corporate branding (signs, symbols and artifacts)
Contoso Ltd.
Feedback Systems :
○ Determine the reason for the discrepancy. Was the original plan reasonable?
the firm’s competitors seized the initiative in some way, so that the situation
has changed? Is someone at fault?
○ Feed these findings back to the staff concerned. This can be in the form of a
discuss the situation, or in the form of memos and reports.
○ Develop a plan for correcting the situation. This will probably involve the
of all the staff concerned.
Feedback should be both frequent and concise, and any criticisms should be
Marketing strategy and planning is much like any other planning exercise: it
relies on good information, a clear idea of where the organization is going, and
regular examination of both outcomes and methods to ensure that the plan is still
on target.
Contoso Ltd.