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PED Assessment: Andres Bonifacio College Values & Learning

College Park, Dipolog City
PED Assessment of Student Learning 1
Answer the following questions:
1. What three (3) values does Andres Bonifacio College anchor?
The three values of Andres Bonifacio College anchor are Integrity, Industry, and
2. Can you discuss in your own words each of the three (3) values that ABCollegeanchor?
For me, integrity gives staff and students the flexibility to develop original thoughts,
ideas, and creative works while honoring and valuing the contributions of others.
Industries create a certain range of products or services. The capacity for knowledge
acquisition and skill application is intelligence.
3. Write a reflection on the importance of the three (3) values to everybody’s day to day life.
We gain the trust of our leaders, colleagues, and team members when we act with
integrity. Agriculture, transportation, and communication are all aided by industries. It
also allows the country to produce a wide range of consumer goods in large quantities at
low cost. It also eliminates our reliance on other countries for essential goods. The ability
to think, learn from experience, solve problems, and adapt to new situations is referred to
as intelligence. Intelligence is significant because it influences many human behaviors.
Comprehension Questions:
1. What is the vision of Andres Bonifacio College?
A leading center of excellence in instruction, research, technology, extension,
athletics and the arts.
2. Can you explain the mission of the institution?
Andres Bonifacio College commits to provide affordable quality education and values in
industry, intelligence, and integrity and socially responsive community service using
innovative technologies.
3. What are the objectives of the School of Education?
Objectives (School of Education)
Can facilitate and assess learning and teaching creatively, innovatively, effectively and
efficiently using their comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter a well as complex
teaching and learning process; Are equipped with the basic and higher order thinking
skills (HOTS) in the different areas of intelligence that are important in imparting
knowledge, skills and attitudes to the diverse types of learners in varied types of learning
situations; and Have deep understanding of their roles as models in the school and
community as they practice the ethical and professional requirements of the teaching
4. What is your reflection about the goal of the School of Education?
helps Students learn, and with a few straightforward techniques, it may become a practice
that has real value. We are aware that student learning is enhanced by reflection. It
encourages pupils to learn from their failures and promotes a growth mentality.
Activity 1
Name: JULLIER E. RUIZ Date: 09/14/2021
Course: BEED III-A Year: 3rd Year Score:___________
Direction: Answer the question in activity 1.
1. What is the meaning of integrity?
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
2. What do you mean by industry?
group of productive enterprises or organizations that produce or supply goods, services,
or sources of income. In economics, industries are generally classified as primary,
secondary, tertiary, and quaternary; secondary industries are further classified as heavy
and light.
3. What do you mean by intelligence?
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
4. What reflection can you give to the three (3) values or the three (3) Is as the coat
of arms of the institution in its performance toward its vision, mission, goals and
The institution's values provide direction for how to achieve its ultimate objective or
vision. A purpose or vision is impossible without well established values because there
are no specific measures to act upon..
Test I. Directions: Read the statements carefully. Write True in the blank space before
the number if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect.
1. The change of focus in instruction from outcomes to content is known as
Outcomes-Based Education.
2. At present, the role of teacher is a facilitator of learning.
3. A good source of learning outcomes statements is the taxonomy of
educational objectives by Benjamin Bloom.
4. Education comes from the Latin word “educare” or “educere: which
means “to pour in”.
5. With the advent of technology in education, the teacher ceased to be sole
source of knowledge.
6. The ability to recite a poem is an example of a deferred outcome.
7. Promotion in a job from Teacher 1 to a Principal is an example of an
immediate outcome.
8. The pupils can demonstrate the proper hand washing is an example of a
learning outcome.
9. Affective domain is also known as attitude, which refers to growth in
feelings and emotions from the simplest to the most complex.
10. The teacher and the students are the two main elements of the
educative process.
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. True
Test II. Classify the cognitive objectives below in terms of Bloom’s Taxonomy as modified
by Lori Anderson.
(Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Synthesizing, Evaluating).
Write your answers in the blank space before the number.
1. To discriminate the appreciative from accurate listening.
2. To judge between contestant number one with contestant number two.
3. To use Thorndike’s Law of Effect in one’s daily life.
4. To rephrase what was said by the speaker.
5. To recall the events during the Sinulog Festival in 2019.
6. To formulate a concept about a certain phenomenon.
7. To compare the art work of one sculptor with the other.
8. To choose the best color of house paint.
9. To identify the parts of the digestive system.
10. To rearrange the steps in writing a thesis
1. Analyzing
2. Evaluating
3. Applying
4. Understanding
5. Remembering
6. Synthesizing
7. Evaluating
8. Applying
9. Remembering
10. Understanding