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Family Conflict & Academic Performance: G-10 Research

Effects of Family Conflict in the Academic Performance of
G-10 Students in Cayetano Arellano High School
Princess Nathasia May A. Siscar
Shaina P. Santiago
Kennel S. Calma
Renz Christopher D. Maranan
Anne Soffia P. Cuenza
Quintin L. Colibao
În Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Mathematics Subject
Cayetano Arellano High School
Table of Contents
Statistical Research Questions ………………………………………………1
Presentation of Data …………………………………………………………..2
Gender of respondents ………………………………..
Data From Responses For Given Questions………….
Analysis of data gathered ………………….
Statistical Research Questions
❖ Qn1
-Are you close with your Biological mother and father?
❖ Qn2
-Does any member of your household suffer from alcoholism?
❖ Qn3
-Do you often confide/talk to members of your household about personal topics
much like academic performance, love life, social life, health status, etc.?
❖ Qn4
-Are some members of your household prone to violence during intoxication?
❖ Qn5
-Do members of your household whom you confide in respond Positively in your
❖ Qn6
-Do members of your household often play gambling games such as card
games, bingo, betting games, etc.?
❖ Qn7
-Does your mother or father attend school events such as recognitions,
graduations, card days, etc.?
❖ Qn8
-Are both your biological mother and father present in your everyday life?
❖ Qn9
-Are both of your parents/guardians employed?
❖ Qn10
-Is there a third party in the marriage/relationship of your parents?
-What is your Gen. Average for 3rd Quarter?
Presentation of Data
Number of Respondents : 30
Data collected shows a larger percentage of male
students that answered the given survey at 53.3%
And the girls at 46.7% percent.
Data From Responses For Given Questions
Closeness of the student to both his or her parents.
● The data collected shows the majority answered Yes at 82.8% and a lower
percentage of No at 17.2% showing that most students are indeed close to their
● 24 answered Yes and 5 answered No.
Alcoholic relatives present in the household of the student.
● The data collected shows the majority answered No at 56.7% and a lower
percentage of Yes at 43.3% showing that most students do not have alcoholic
relatives present in their household.
● 13 answered Yes and 17 answered No.
Confiding personal topics to household members
● The data collected shows the majority answered Yes at 63.3% and a lower
percentage of No at 36.7% showing that most students do indeed confide
personal topics to members of their household.
● 19 answered Yes and 11 answered No.
Violence during intoxication present in the household of the student
● The data collected shows the majority answered No at 89.7% and a lower
percentage of Yes at 10.3% showing that most students do not have household
members that are violent during intoxication.
● 3 answered Yes and 26 answered No.
Positive response while confiding to household members
● The data collected shows the majority answered Yes at 76.7% and a lower
percentage of No at 23.3% showing that most students do indeed gain positive
responses from members of their household.
● 23 answered Yes and 7 answered No.
Gambling Tendencies of the relatives of student.
● The data collected shows the majority answered No at 70% and a lower
percentage of Yes at 30% showing that most students do not have relatives with
gambling tendencies.
● 9 answered Yes and 21 answered No.
Attendance of parents in school-related events
● The data collected shows that all students answered yes at 100% showing that
all parents attend school-related events.
● 30 answered Yes and 0 answered No.
Presence of biological parents in the students everyday life
● The collected data shows the majority answered Yes at 66.7% and a lower
percentage of No at 33.3% showing that most parents are indeed present in the
everyday lives of students.
● 20 answered Yes and 10 answered No.
Presence of a third party in the marriage of the student’s parents
● The data collected shows the majority answered No at 83.3% and a lower
percentage of Yes at 16.7% showing there are no third parties in the marriage of
student’s parents.
● 5 answered Yes and 25 answered No.
Employment status of student’s parents/guardians
● The data collected shows the majority answered Yes at 56.7% and a lower
percentage of No at 43.3% showing that most parents of students are currently
● 17 answered Yes and 13 answered No
General Average for 3rd Quarter of the students
● The data shows that the average of the students range from 79 to 93.
● The most frequent average that the students got is 82
● 1 student answered 79, 1 student answered 80, 3 students answered 81, 5
students answered 82, 2 students answered 84, 4 students answered 85, 3
students answered 86, 1 student answered 88, 2 students answered 89, 3
students answered 90, 3 students answered 92, 1 student answered 93