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SLORC Powers & Legal Enactments in Myanmar (Post-1988)

erpetuation of sovereignty. Then, the SLORC’s three main powers were (1) the legislative power which
only SLORC could exercise this power. (2) the administrative power which SLORC could exercise and with
decentralization of this power to State/ Division, Townships/District, Township, Ward/Village Tract and
assigning administrative tasks through collective leadership. (3) the judicial power which SLORC could
exercise, but to be in line with the new constitution, ordinary criminal cases and civil cases were to be
examined through establishment of different levels of courts. The Supreme Court was formed according
to SLORC enactment of Law No. 2/88, dated 26 September, 1988 and order No. 5/88. The Attorney
General’s office was formed in place of the Council of People's Attorneys Then, with order No. 6/88, the
Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General were appointed and with Law No. 3/88, the law for
Attorney General was enacted. According to order No. 31/91, dated 17 July 1991, the Central Board to
scrutinize the laws was formed with the Attorney General as Chairman and (6) members. This board’s
responsibility was to revoke laws that were not in line with the new system and enactment of laws that
were required for the country. Another distinct feature was the enactment of the PyithuHluttaw Election
Law. In order that the resolutions concerning the election of the 1947 constitution and 1974 constitution
were no longer in line with the present condition, PyithuHluttaw Law No. (14/89) was enacted on 31
May 1989. In this case, the SLORC also enacted the Multi-party Democracy General Election Commission
Law (1/88), and Political parties Registration Law (4/88). Throughout the post 1988 period, the
government conducted several negotiations an