NSTP 2 Field Immersion Phase Rationale of the NSTP Field Immersion Program For CWTS Provides opportunity for students to participatively come up with program of activities contributory to the general welfare and betterment of life in the community. For LTS Be able to portray the role of para-teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youths and other members of the community. OBJECTIVES 1. Provide students the opportunity to gain knowledge and develop skills in planning, organizing and managing rural development projects/activities within the context of the different areas of concern of CWTS and LTS components. OBJECTIVES 2. Equip students with adequate knowledge; develop proper attitude and skills to effectively perform their roles as CWTS and LTS student facilitators. PLANNING THE CWTS AND LTS FIELD IMMERSION PROGRAM 1. Formation of faculty members that will supervise the students. 2. Consultation meeting with the College/School’s Extension Director/Coordinator to identify potential areas for field immersion. 3. Preparation of the Pre-Immersion Orientation Workshop. 4. Courtesy Calls. 5. Consultation Meetings at the barangay level. 6. Production of needed form to be filled up by students. Activity 1. Selection of the Immersion Site/Area 1. Presence of college/school’s extension program/project whose thrusts are environment/ecology, health and nutrition, disaster preparedness, entrepreneurship, moral welfare, recreation, functional and basic literacy. 2. Proximity of the academic institution to allow host supervision, facilitate communication and to enhance the provision of technical backstopping by faculty in-charge. 4. High degree of cooperation and interest of the community particularly its leaders for smooth participatory implementation of development activities. 5. High incidence of poverty and community disorganization for students to identify causes of the problems. 6. Peace and order situation for students’ safety. 7. Community is at the pre-critical stage of development. Criteria in Area Selection 1. The site must be a depressed area with major of the population belonging to the sector your program wishes to organize. Criteria in Area Selection 2. An area with about 150250 households would be ideal for you if you are working with a partner. Criteria in Area Selection 3. The area must not have a serious peace and order problem. Criteria in Area Selection 4. It is also best to consider your level of commitment, as well as that of the other project staff, which could affect your personal adjustments to situation in the field. Activity 2. Courtesy Call and Consultation Meeting with the Community Local Official and other Recognized Leaders Do’s and Don’ts in Community Work DO’S Participate in their economic activities. Share in their household work. Join them in their social activities. DON’TS Avoid excessive drinking as well as courting or flirting with women and men in the community. Do not gamble. Activity 3. Designing the Pre-Immersion Orientation Workshop for Student Facilitators 1. Rationale and Objectives of the Field Immersion 2. Expected outputs of the Field Immersion Presentation of “Host-Practicum” Community Profile 3. Group dynamics activities and inputs on Team Building, Integration into the Community Mobilization of the people, Value Clarification. 4. Planning-Workshop to identify and schedule immersion general activities Grading System Activity 4. Preparation and Reproduction of Necessary Form for Students Form 1A Form 1B - Form 1C Form 2 Form 3 Form 4 - Student’s Pledge Parent’s/Guardian’s Consent Students’ Locator Team General Framework & Operational Plan Outline Team Weekly Plan Team Accomplishment Report Form 5 Form 6 - Individual Diary Self and Peer Evaluation Form 7 Rating Sheet for the Team General Framework and Operational Plan Form 8 Evaluation Criteria and Point Distribution of NSTP-LTS/CWTS Field Immersion Course Requirements FORM 1B CONSENT OF I, _____________________, of legal age, residing at _____________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN and parent/guardian/ward of Mr. / Ms. __________________________, student of Bicol University College of Education, do hereby authorize him/her to undertake field immersion at ___________________on ________________________________. I understand that he/she will be guided by the College Rules on Student Conduct as if he/she is in campus and also by pertinent rules and regulations of the community. I hereby further agree to shoulder all personal and incidental expenses that may be incurred by my son/daughter in connection with this off-campus field work required for the successful completion of his/her study program. In witness hereof, I have hereinto signed this consent this __ of _______, 2011 at ____________________________. _________________________________________ (Signature over Printed name of Parent/Guardian) FORM 1C Bicol University College of Education NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM Daraga, Albay Student Name Signature Date Present Address Tel./Cel. No FORM 3 TEAM WEEKLY PLAN Week Date No. Activity Objective(s) Strategies Persons/ Resources Expected Group Needed Output Involved FORM 6 SELF/PEER RATING Activities Perfect Self Score Rating Preparation and presentation of Team Framework Plan and 2.0 Team Weekly Plan Planning, implementation and 3.0 evaluating activities Leadership ability 1.0 Linkages/relationship partner clients, with Barangay 1.0 Council, leaders and groups Attendance/Participation in 1.0 team’s activities Relationship with peers Preparation 0.5 of 1.5 Accomplishment Report TOTAL 10.0 Names of Peer and Rating Activity 5. MiniTraining/PlanningWorkshop for Field Immersion Program 1. Team Framework and Operational Plan The Team Framework Plan is the general plan for immersion. It includes the following: 1. Brief Description of the NSTP Field Immersion Course 2. General Situation of the Area Practicum Goal 3. Probable Areas of Involvement of the Students 4. Courses of Action and Implementation Scheme 5. Approaches for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Projects and/or Activities The Team Operational Plan is detailed implementation plan arranged on a weekly basis. It includes the following: 1. Projects to be implemented 2. Target 3. Expected Output 4. Specific Activities 5. Resource Requirement 6. Target Date of Implementation 7. Linkages 2. Team Weekly Plan and Team Accomplishment Report The Team Weekly Plan is a detailed plan of daily activities to be undertaken by the immersion team. It includes the following: 1. Area of Concern 2. Objectives 3. Target 4. Activities 5. Date of Implementation 6. Strategies to be Used 7. Persons to be Involved 8. Individuals Assigned 9. Agency/Institutions Involved 10. Resource Requirement 11. Expected Output for the Week The Team Accomplishment Report refers to the daily accomplishments of the team. It includes the following: a. Date b. Activities c. Strategies d. Problems Encountered e. Persons Involved (Team Member, Agency Staff, Community Leaders) f. Resources Needed (Within and Outside the Community) g. Recommendations or Suggestions 3. Individual Diary of the Students The diary is a record of daily reflections, impressions and observations. It is also a confidential report of the problems (personal, group, community) met by the students in the implementation of the planned activities. 4. Team Building A two-day Team Building Workshop is conducted to provide the students with the basic knowledge and understanding of the importance of unity and harmony in collective work and develop and strengthen teamwork. Discussions will center on the following: a. Community Organizing The review session provides the students with a deeper understanding of the strategies and approaches of the community organizing. This will equip the students with additional know-how in organizing and mobilizing the community in the implementation of the field immersion. COMMUNITY ORGANIZING is a problem-solving approach whereby the community is empowered with the knowledge and skills to identify and prioritize its needs, and problems, harness its resources to deal with these problems and take actions participatively. Your role as an organizer is to facilitate that process and bring the people closer to their goal of self determination. Program Planning and Development This topic will be discussed as a sort of review on the planning concepts, steps and guidelines in program planning and development. Discussion will center on the steps in program planning and in the preparation of the program of work. PROJECT PLANNING PROJECT PLANNING involves a series of steps that determine how to achieve a particular community or organizational goals. This goal can be identified in a community plan or strategic plan. Importance of Project Planning 1. Thinking ahead to prepare for the future. 2. Clarifying goals and developing visions. 3. Identifying issues that needs to be addressed. 4. Choosing between options. 5. Considering whether a project is possible. 6. Making the best use of the resources. 7. Motivating the staff and the community. 8. Assigning resources and responsibilities. 9. Achieving the best results. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FIELD IMMERSION A. Filling up of Required Forms 1. Student’s Pledge 2. Parent’s/Guardian’s Consent 3. Students’ Locator B. Attendance in the PlanningWorkshop for NSTP-LTS/CWTS Field Immersion C. Plan of Works 1. Team Framework and Operational Plan 2. Team Weekly Plan of Activities D. Accomplishment Reports 1. Weekly Team Accomplishment Report 2. Individual Journal/Diary E. Field Performance 1. Attendance Sheets 2. Peer and Self-Rating 3. Daily Time Record 4. Photo Documentation