I P- I I Expressing Present Tim I 3- 1 BE + ING: THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENS1 am is a + -ing (a) I a m ~ M n ig n class right now. + -ing (b) it^ i. &mmwin class right now. + -ing (c) You are m'tting in class right now. In (a): When I say this sentence, I am in dass. I am sitting. I am not standing. The action (sitting) is happening right now, and I am saying the sentence at the same time. a m , M, are = helping verbs sitting = the main verb mn, 6, are + -in# = the present progressive tense* T h e pmcnt progressive is also called rhc "pmcnt continuous" or the "continuous prcscnt." EXERCISE I-ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Practice using the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE by using amlislare + wearing. PARTI: Answer questions about what you are wearing today and what your classmates are wearing. Example: TEACHER:Rosa, what are you wearing today? STUDENT: I'm wearing a white blouse and a blue skirt. TEACHER: What is Jin Won wearing? STUDENT:He's wearing blue jeans and a sweat shirt. TEACHER: What color is his sweat shirt? STUDENT:It's gray with red letters. TEACHER:What else is Jin Won wearing? STUDENT:He's wearing sneakers, white socks, and a wristwatch. Etc. PART II: Identify who is wearing particular articles of clothing. Example: a (blue) shirt Response: Marco is wearing a blue shirt. Example: (blue) shirts Response: Marco and Abdul are wearing blue shirts. Suggestions: 1. (gold) earrings 2. blue jeans 3. a blouse EXERCISE 2-ORAL: 4. a (red) blouse 5. (gray) slacks 6. (brown) boots 7. a (black) belt 8 , a necklace 9. running shoes What are the animals in the following pictures doing? EXERCISE 3--ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Act out the directions. Describe the actions using the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. Example: TEACHER: STUDENT A: TEACHER: STUDENT A: TEACHER: STUDENT C: TEACHER: STUDENT B: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. L. , , ;1 1 Sustain the action during the description. Smile. (Student A), please smile. What are you doing? I'm smiling. (Student A) and (Student B), please smile. (Student A), what are you and (Student B) doing? We're smiling. (Student C), what are (Student A and Student B) doing? They're smiling. (Student A), please smile. (Student B), what is (Student A) doing? He/She is smiling. Stand in the middle of the room. Sit in the middle of the room. Stand in the back of the room. Smile. Stand between ( . . . ) and ( . . . ). Touch the floor. Touch the ceiling. Touch your toes. Open/Close the door/window. Close/Open the door/window, EXERCISE 4-ORAL 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Shakehandswith(...). Smile at ( . . . ). Stand up and turn around in a circle. Hold your book above your head. Hold up your right hand. Hold up your left hand. Touch your right ear with your left hand. / Stand up. Sit down. $ Clap your hands. (BOOKS CLOSED): Practice using the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE by describing what your teacher and classmates are pantomiming, i.e., pretending to do. .-llThe pantomimist should sustain the action until the oral description is completed. r. 1 ,%a' ,dl< - , , Example: .? TEACHER: STUDENT: k Example: TEACHER: STUDENT A: TEACHER: STUDENT A: TEACHER: STUDENT B: .. ,. . < 86 1. eat 2. read 3. sleep 4. write 5.walk 6. run 7, fly l CHAPTER 3 drink ' (The teacher pantomimes drinking.) What am I doing? . You're drinking. ds$ . ::' , drive (Student A), drive. Pretend to drive. (The student pantomimes driving.) What are you doing? I'm driving. . What is ( . . . ) doing? He/Shels driving. 8. smile 9. laugh 10. cry 11. dance 12. wave 13. push 14, pull 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. . : . , .+ ., : clap rl kick :. .. , , .I.~ count stand in back of ( . . . ) touch ( . . . ) shake hands with ( . . . ). sit on the floor . %. - :. :.:: . . . -. . -. .J ? *' . . , * , 1-2 SPELLING OF -1NG END OF VERB Rule 1: A CONSONW* + -8 + -1NGFOR.M + DROP THE smik + writ0 + sit run + + -e and ADD -ing smiling writing sitting running Rule 3: read rain Rule 4: TWO CONSONANTS stand push ** + reading raining + ADD + + + -ing; DO NOT DOUBLE THE CONSONANT standing pushing Vowels = a, e, i, o, u. Consonants=b,c,4f,g,h,j,k,I,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z. Exception to Rule 2: Do not double w, x, and y. snow + snowing fix -r fixing say + saying EXERCISE 5: Write the -ing forms for the following words. 1. stand standina 1 1 . ride 2. smile 12. cut 3. run 13. dance 4. rain 14. put 5. sleep 15. sneeze 6. stop 16. plan 7. write 17. snow 8. eat 18. fix 9. count 19. say 10. wear 20. cry EXERCISE 6: Write the -in# forms for the following words. - - 1. dream 6. hit 2. come 7. hurt 3. look 8. clap 4. take 9. keep 5. bite 10. camp 11. shine 16. pay 12. win 17. study 13. join 18. get 14. sign 19. wait 15. fly 20, write EXERCISE 7-ORAL: Practice using the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE to describe actions. Act out the given directions. Sustain the action until Student B's description is completed. STUDENT B: Describe Student A's action using the present progressive. STUDENT A: Example: erase the board STUDENT A: (Student A sustat'm the action of erasing the board.) STUDENT B: ( )/He/She is erasing the board. ... 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. erase the board draw a picture on the board sneeze cough wave at your friends sign your name on the board clap your hands walk around the room count your fingers 10. bite your finger 11. hit your desk 12. drop your pen 13. tear a piece of paper 14. break a piece of chalk 15. fall down 16. sing, hum, or whistle 17. sleep 18. snore 19. chew gum 20. (two students) throw and catch (something in the room) 21. hold your grammar book between your feet 22. carry your book on the top of your head to the front of the room EXERCISE &WRITTEN (BOOKS CLOSED): Practice spelling using -ing. As the teacher performs or pantomimes actions, write descriptions. Example: wave TBACHER: (Acts out waving and asks, "What am I doing?'y Written: waving 5. stand 6. sleep 7. clap 1, smile 2. cry 3. laugh 4. sit 9. 10. 11. 12. 8. write eat run sing read 13. drink 14. sneeze 15. fly 16. cut (a piece of paper) I 3-3 THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE: QUESTIONS SHORT ANSWER PUBSTION BE (a) + SUBJaCT Is Mary + 4h'G sloeping + + + Are (b) YOU watching TV? + + Q-WORD + ( c ) Whm.8 (d) w b BE + SUBJECT is Mary are YOU + (LONGANSWER) Yes, she is. (She's sleeping.) No, she's not. (She's not sleeping.) No, she h a t . (She isn't sleeping.) Yes, l a m . (I'm watching TV.) No, P m not. (I'm not watching TV.) + -ING sleeping? watchinp TV? + + On the m f ~(She' . d sleeping on the sofa.) Because 1 Eke this pmprem. (I'm watching TV because I like this program.) EXERCISE 9: Make questions. Give short answers to yeslno questions. I. A: What B: A letter. 2. A: B: No, .. ore vou wr~tmo? (I'mwriting a letter.) Is Ali rmihg a book? t. (Ali isn't reading a book.) B: Yes, (Anna is eating lunch.) 4. A: Where B: At the Red Bird Cafe. (She's eating lunch at the Red Bird Cafe.) B: No, (Mike isn't drinking a cup of coffee.) 6. A: What B: A cup of tea. (He's drinking a cup of tea.) B: No, . (The girls aren't playing in the street.) 8. A: Where B: In the park. (They're playing in the park.) 9. A: Why B: Because they don't have school today. (They're playing in the park because they don't have school today.) 10. A: Hi, kids. . (We aren't drawing pictures with our B: No, crayons.) A: Oh? Then what B: Maps to our secret place in the woods. (We're drawing maps to our secret place in the woods.) A: Why Because we have a buried treasure at our secret place in the woods. (We're drawing maps because we have a buried treasure at our secret place in the woods.) EXERCISE lo-ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): Practice yeslno questions using the PRESENT The teacher will hand out slips of paper on which are written the directions in Exercise 4 on page 86. PROGRESSIVE. STUDENT A: STUDENT B: Pantomime the directions on your slip of paper. Ask Student A or another classmate a yeslno question using the present progressive. Example: drive (written on a shp of paper) (Student A pantomimes driving.) Are you driving? Yes, I am. STUDENTA: STUDENT B: STUDENT A: OR STUDENT B: STUDENT C: (Student C), is (Student A) driving? Yes, helshe is. EXERCISE 1 1 : Make questions with where, why, and what. 1. A: .. What are YOU wrltmng? B: A letter. (Im ' writing a letter.) 2. A: B: Because I'm happy. (I'm smiling because I'm happy.) 3. A: B: My grammar book. (I'm reading my grammar book.) 4. A: B: Because we're doing an exercise. (I'm reading my grammar book because we're doing an exercise.) 3. A: B: In the back of the room. (Roberto is sitting in the back of the room.) 6. A: B: Downtown. (I'm going downtown.) 7. A. B: Because I need to buy some shoes. (I'm going downtown because I need to buy some shoes.) 8. A: B: Blue jeans and a sweatshirt. (Akihiko is wearing blue jeans and a sweatshirt today.) . . STATEMENTS: (a) I metin class e m y day. (b) I am sitting in class right now. ( c ) The teacher writea on the board on euev day. (d) The teacher fs dting on the board light now. The SIMPLE PRESENT expresses habits or usual activities, as in (a), (c), and (e). ~ actions The PRESENT P R O G R ~ S Sexpresses that are happening right now, while the speaker is speaking, as in (b), (d), and (f). The SIMPLE PRESENT uses & and d m as helping verbs in questions. The PRESENT PROGRessIVa we8 lltn, kr8Ild are in questions. QVBSTIONS: ( e ) Do you sit in class every day? ( f ) Are you sitting in dass right now? (g) Does the teacher &to on the board every day? (h) Ia the teacher wtfting on the board right now? NBGATTVES: ( i ) I don't sit in class every day. .' ( j ) I'm not sitting in class right now. '' , (k) The teacher &ear? wdte on the board every day ( I ) The teacher h ' t writing on the board right now. The SIMPLE PRESENT uses & and d w a as helping verbs in negatives. The PRESENT PROGRESSIVE uses am,is, and are in negatives. EXERCISE 12: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. 1 . I (walk) wdk don't take 2 . I (read) to school every day. I (take, not) the bus. the newspaper every day. I (read, not) my grammar book every day. right now? 3. A: What (you, read) B: I (read) 4. Robert (cook) .., , i my grammar book. his own dinner every evening. rice 5. Right now Robert is in his kitchen. He (wok) ,and beans for dinner. ,. meat. 6. Robert is a vegetarian. He (eat, not) your own dinner every day? 7. (you, wok) 8 . A: (you, want) your coat? B: Yes. A: (be, this) your coat? in the closet. B: No, my coat (hand 9. A: (Tom, have) a black hat? B: Yes. it every day? A: (he, wead B: No. it right now? A: (he, wear) . Why do you care about B: I (kno~v,not) Tom's hat? A: I found a hat in my apartment. Someone left it there. I (think) that it belongs to Tom. 10. Ahmed (talk) (taw 11. Yoko and Ahmed (sit) often (hew Yoko (help) to his classmates every day in class. Right now he to Yoko. next to each other in class every day, so they each other with their grammar exercises. Right now Ahmed with an exercise on present verb tenses. 12. It (rain) a lot in this city, but it (rain, not) right now. The sun (shine) . (it, a lot rain) in your hometown? 13. A: Hello? B: Hello. This is Mike. Is Tony there? A: Yes, but he can't come to the phone right now. He (eat) dinner. Can he call you back in about ten minutes? B: Sure. Thanks. Bye. A: Bye. 14. Tony's family (eat) dinner at the same time every day. During the children talk dinner time, Tony's mother (let, not) on the phone. 15. A: What are you doing? (you, work) your English paper? on . I (write) B: No, I (study, not) a letter to my sister. A: (you, write) to her often? ,, .I B: I (write, not) a lot of letters to anyone. A: (she, write) to you often? a letter from her about once a week. (you, write) B: Yes. I (get) 8- ! a lot of letters? A: Yes. I (like) to write letters. 16. Olga Bums is a pilot for an airline company in Alaska. She (fly) almost every day. Today she (fly) from Juno to Anchorage. 17. A: Where (the teacher, stand, usually) every day? :1 ' B: She usually (stand) A: Where (she, stand) ) 94 i CHAPTER 3 . . ,, . today? in the middle of the room. B: She (smnd) . in the front of the room every day. ; 18. A: Excuse me. (you, wait) downtown bus? for the . B: Yes, I (be) Can I help you? A: Yes. What time (the bus, stop) B: Ten thirty-five. here? 19. A: (animals, dream) ? B: I don't know. I suppose so. Animals (be, not) very different from human beings in lots of ways. . Her eyes (beJ A: Look at my dog. She (sleep) closed. At the same time, she (yip) -- her head and her front legs. I (be) and (move) sure that she A T - (dream) right now. I'm sure that @, ",! animals (dream) ( a ) I'm hungry right now. I want an apple. (INCORRECT: l a m wanting an apple.) (b) I hear a siren. Do you hear it too? (MCORRECT: I'm hearing a siren. Are you hearing it too?) Some verbs are NOT used in the present progressive. They are called "nonaction verbs." In (a): Want is a nonaction verb. Want expresses a physical or emotioml need, not an action. In @): Hear is a nonaction verb. Hear expresses a sensory experience, not an action. NONACTION VERBS want need like loere hear see smell taste understand know believe think (meaning believe)* hate *Sometimesthink is used in progressive tenses. See Chart 3-10 for a discussion of think about and dink that. EXPRESSING PRESENT TIME (PART 2) H 95 EXERCISE 13: Use the words in parentheses to complete the sentences. Use the SIMPLE PRESENT or the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. is reading 1. Alice is in her room right now. She (read) She (like) YIYI~ likes a book. the book. 2. It (snow) right now. It's beautiful! I pike) this weather. 3. I (know) Jessica Jones. She's in my class. 4. The teacher (talk) to us right now. I (understana/ everything she's saying. 5. Don is at a restaurant right now. He (eat) the food. It (kvte) (like) L. . ;.. 6. (Sniff-sniff). I (smelo . ,' dinner. He good. gas. (you, smeN) his story. I (think) 8. Ugh! That cigar ( s d ) that his story is m e . terrible. 9. Look at the picture. Jane (sit) in a chair. A cat (sit) .. . , .hr$ eF.. . > , .*. i , ~. ; . . ~. . Jane (hate). on her lap. the cat. , ~ lo. ~ o i k kthe t picture. Mr. Allen (hold) . . . , ,. , . . : . ~ a cat. He (loue) , ,, ,. 1 , I. : ,: I:.1./, , , the cat. The cat (tick) Mr. Allen's face. & e )-6 SEE, LOOK AT, WATCH, HEAR, AND LISTEN TO SEE, LOOK AT, and WATCH (a) I see many things in this room. ,.,.&A. ..rb. Seeing In (a): see : happens because my eyes are open. Seeing is a physical reaction, not a planned action. (b) I'm lookina at the clock. I want to know the time. In (b): look at = an action verb. Looking is a planned or purposeful action. Looking happens for a reason. ( c ) Bob is watchinp TV. In (c): watch = an action verb. I watch something for a long time, but I look at something for a short time. HEM and USTEN TO (d) I'm in my apartment. I'm trying to study. I hear music from the next apartment. The music is loud. In (d): hear = a nonaction verb. Hearing is an unplanned act. It expresses a physical reaction. (e) I'm in my apartment. I'm studying. I have a tape recorder. I'm listsning to music. I like to Listen to music when I study. In (e): listen (to) = an a d o n verb. Listening happens for a purpose. EXERCISE 14-ORAL: Answer the questions. 1. What do you see in this room? Now look at something. What are you looking at? 2. ll.un to page 85 of this book. What do you see? Now look at one thing on that page. What are you looking at? 3. Look at the floor. What do you see? 4. Look at the chalkboard. What do you see? 5. What programs do you like to watch on TV? 6. What sports do you like to watch? 7. What animals do you like to watch when you go to the zoo? 8. What do you hear right now? 9. What do you hear when you walk down the street? 10. What do you hear at night in the place where you live? 11. What do you listen to when you go to a concert? 12. What do you listen to when you go to a language laboratory? EXPRESSING PRESENT TIME (PART 2) H W