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2.2 BPMN Advance Exercises - Solutions

BPMN exercise session
ICT Management
Pavani Vemuri– Prof. Estefanía Serral Asensio
Advanced Exercises
Exercise 7: Two-step Escalation (assignment and video solution)
Exercise 8: Offering legal Service (assignment and video solution)
Exercise 9: Shipment Order Cancellation
Exercise 10: Complaints Handling
Exercise 11: A Contest Prize
Exercise 12: Teaching a class
Exercise 13: Travel Agency
Note: Video solutions of exercise 7 and exercise 8 are made available on Toledo after you upload your own solution.
Go through these video solutions carefully as they give you ideas as to how to model a given scenario.
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Modelling tips
• Start by identifying activities (and events), different actors (pools and lanes)
• Link each activity with the actor performing it
• If there are many actors, it can be simpler to first list the actors and then
identify the activities that each actor performs
• Identify the sequence flow, when work is passed from one worker to another,
when messages are sent to another pool
• Find different paths and decision points
• Model default (good) path first
• Then decide how to handle errors and exceptions
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 9: Shipment Order Cancellation
• After receiving an order, the order process had the following steps:
(i) Pick stock, (ii) Pack for shipment, (iii) Ship Order, (iv) Prepare invoice and
(v) Send Invoice message at the end.
• If customer cancels any time before the packing for shipment is complete, the
activity is aborted (i.e., shipping and invoice etc.). Process is ended with a
cancel confirmation message to customer.
• If customer cancels during the shipping of the order, the activity is aborted. But
a restocking fee is applied. The process is ended with a restocking invoice
message sent to the customer.
• If customer cancels during the preparation of the invoice. The activity is
continued and the invoice is sent. The customer is also notified that the order
has already been shipped.
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 9: Shipment Order Cancellation
• After receiving an order, the order process had the following steps:
(i) Pick stock, (ii) Pack for shipment, (iii) Ship Order, (iv) Prepare invoice and
(v) Send Invoice message at the end.
• If customer cancels any time before the packing for shipment is complete, the
activity is aborted (i.e., shipping and invoice etc.). Process is ended with a
cancel confirmation message to customer.
• If customer cancels during the shipping of the order, the activity is aborted. But
a restocking fee is applied. The process is ended with a restocking invoice
message sent to the customer.
• If customer cancels during the preparation of the invoice. The activity is
continued and the invoice is sent. The customer is also notified that the order
has already been shipped.
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 9: Shipment Order Cancellation
• After receiving an order, the order process had the following steps:
(i) Pick stock, (ii) Pack for shipment, (iii) Ship Order, (iv) Prepare invoice and
(v) Send Invoice message at the end.
• If customer cancels any time before the packing for shipment is complete, the
activity is aborted (i.e., shipping and invoice etc.). Process is ended with a
cancel confirmation message to customer.
• If customer cancels during the shipping of the order, the activity is aborted. But
a restocking fee is applied. The process is ended with a restocking invoice
message sent to the customer.
• If customer cancels during the preparation of the invoice. The activity is
continued and the invoice is sent. The customer is also notified that the order
has already been shipped.
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 9: Shipment Order Cancellation
• After receiving an order, the order process had the following steps:
(i) Pick stock, (ii) Pack for shipment, (iii) Ship Order, (iv) Prepare invoice and
(v) Send Invoice message at the end.
• If customer cancels any time before the packing for shipment is complete, the
activity is aborted (i.e., shipping and invoice etc.). Process is ended with a
cancel confirmation message to customer.
• If customer cancels during the shipping of the order, the activity is aborted. But
a restocking fee is applied. The process is ended with a restocking invoice
message sent to the customer.
• If customer cancels during the preparation of the invoice. The activity is
continued and the invoice is sent. The customer is also notified that the order
has already been shipped.
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 9: Shipment Order Cancellation
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 10: Complaint handling
• Each year, travel agency Y receives about 10.000 complaints. There is a special
department for handling these complaints, but the logistics department intervenes as
well in the process. A clerk at the logistics department registers incoming complaints.
After registration, a form is sent to the customer to request more details. This is done
by a clerk of the complaints department. Either the customer sends in the filled form
within two weeks, or (s)he doesn't. When a form is received, it is processed to
produce a report. In case no form is received, an empty report is created, which does
however not imply that the complaint is dismissed without further treatment. In parallel
with the request for more details, the complaint is evaluated by the manager of the
complaints department. If (s)he judges no further treatment is required, the process
ends. If (s)he decides further treatment is required, the clerk of the complaints
department will handle the complaint, using the produced reports. The manager will
check the handling of the complaint. If (s)he deems the proposed actions to be OK,
then the problem is solved. If not, the clerk has to handle the complaint again, until a
satisfying solution is proposed.
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 10: Complaint handling
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 10: Complaint handling
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 10: Complaint handling
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 10: Complaint handling
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 11: Contest prize
• A contest awards a prize to the first entrant to provide the correct solution to a
puzzle posted on the web. Assuming checking is fast and can be done
sequentially… The puzzle is posted and entries are received. As each entry
arrives, the entry is checked to see if it correct. If correct, the prize is awarded
and the contest ends. If incorrect, they keep looking for the next entry. If no
correct solution is found within 1 week, the contest is declared over without a
• Additional instructions/hints for this exercise:
• Can you Loop subprocesses?
• What happens inside the loop?
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 11: Contest prize
• A contest awards a prize to the first entrant to provide the correct solution to a
puzzle posted on the web. Assuming checking is fast and can be done
sequentially… The puzzle is posted and entries are received. As each entry
arrives, the entry is checked to see if it correct. If correct, the prize is awarded
and the contest ends. If incorrect, they keep looking for the next entry. If no
correct solution is found within 1 week, the contest is declared over without a
• Additional instructions/hints for this exercise:
• Can you Loop subprocesses?
• What happens inside the loop?
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 11: Contest prize
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 12: Teaching a class
• Teaching a class consists of two sessions interrupted by a break. I start
teaching the class at 8:30 AM. The break starts at 9:25 and takes 10 minutes.
My class stops at 10:30 AM sharp and then I go back to my office.
• Tip: when modelling this process, try to take into account that part 1 and part 2
may be shorter than 55 mins, i.e. I might stop at 9:18 for instance to take a
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 12: Teaching a class
• Teaching a class consists of two sessions interrupted by a break. I start
teaching the class at 8:30 AM. The break starts at 9:25 and takes 10 minutes.
My class stops at 10:30 AM sharp and then I go back to my office.
• Tip: when modelling this process, try to take into account that part 1 and part 2
may be shorter than 55 mins, i.e. I might stop at 9:18 for instance to take a
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 12: Teaching a class
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 12: Teaching a class
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 12: Teaching a class
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 12: Teaching a class
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 13: Travel agency
• The process starts when a Travel Agency received a flight reservation request from a client by email or phone.
The travel Agency searches and evaluates flights based on the client’s travel preferences (travel dates, airport
…). Then, the Travel Agency sends the most interesting flights to the client (including itinerary, price …) and
waits for the answer.
• After 24 hours, if the answer is not received, a reminder is sent and the client has another 24 hours to answer.
If no answer is received, the request is cancelled and the Travel Agency notifies the client. The client can
provide three possible responses. The client rejects all the proposed flights or accepts one of the proposed
flights, or changes travel preferences. In the latter case, the process restarts; it is considered as a new request.
In case a flight is chosen, the Travel Agency requests the client’s personal information such as first name, last
name, date of birth, number of passport, … so that the Travel Agency can make a booking with an airline
company and it is valid for 7 days. If there is no answer from the client regarding the personal information
within 48 hours, the request is cancelled and the Travel Agency notifies the client.
• After the booking is done, the Travel Agency sends flight information and a link to proceed the payment online
to the client. One day before the expiration date, the Travel Agency sends a reminder to the client if the
payment is not received. When the payment is received, the Travail Agency completes the booking with airline
company and notifies the client by sending an e-Ticket. If no payment is received within 7 days, the booking is
cancelled with a notification to the client.
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS
Exercise 13: Travel agency
Faculty of Economics and Business - LIRIS