";..., .. --' ... . q C"\-=~~~~:-~==~~:::~,.:-'.~===~,~:'~ :. ":.:.~ . -1 ... . '. .'. (a)' In the development of DSP code, using the DSK (TvIS3:0 .DS? staner Kit for instance, tiNO main processes iliar are involved are ~'.A..ssembiing'" and '4Debug:mng~'. :::s:· ...... ............ (i) Briefly explain the purpose of each process. (-/.) (ii) \Vh.at are the main fearures of a r:vfS320C50 De8ugger Disnlav? ......................................................................................................................................................................... . .......................... (~J.. . (b) List the main components of a (3) ././ (i) a typical DSP system., and .............................(~)-.~..... Jh.~..P.~?~g~~. p.~~.~.~~.?.9.t·...................:................ :.. .......... .......... .. .......................:: .l::/~) ., ... :~ ,vVhat are the main qifferences benveen (i) ~~ F10 at ing. point and :L"{ed pain! DSPs (..!) .................U~} . ~~.......p..~?. p~g.~.~~.~g~?...~~..PE~~~.~~gE~. !~. p.~~~g.~.~ ..~?.~P~~ ~r.~... . (2) (d) The coefficients of a digiTal FIR no(ch filter to meet some 2eSIred specifications have been computed. It is required ~o use the ::iter :0 remove a sub-band of a te!ephone signal in order to ~1serc and ~I'2.nsrniL /6) dara in that sub-barld. Give a :10\V chart or i:he ?rogr2.l7UTIe~ :0· be implerne!1ted in any DSP ?rocessor, in order to produce :he :::1terec: outnut in real time. (c) • (a) the odd component or 'Che sequence x( n) = {3. - 4· 1 0 6· 3 9 5} De~ermine (i) (-/.) .,./' (2) .../ ....... j . (ii) De.termine the fundamental period of (he sequence x(n) = 2 cas(O.Lrn) -:-2sin(O.2;m) Express w( n), fig. 1. as a weighted sum of Ihe de!ayed. unit: samnle seauence. , Express ~N(n) , fig. L as 1 ',ve:gm:ed sum or ie~2.yed uri: sLe~ sequences . (iii) . (iv) • ~\i(n) -.~ ~ ("I -J C -3 -2 ~ - I 20 21 0 I .J "~ ; n f -1 0 Fig. 1 2 ~. ; . .- ,'---.'. ----- --------- LtS-inout.ls.~cive:1 bv . • _ J where~ u(n) is a step sequence. Use the difference equation to comput.e. output signal values y(O) to (6') , .__~. __ ..... __.__ ... _... .Y(~t~~.!~.~~y.~:...gj~~~..~~ ..~.~.~~.. ~.9.~~;.~i9.~~..Y.(:~}.~.y(:.U.. ~ ..?:. ,. . . :................... . (c) The impulse response of an LTI system is given (7) by hen) == u(n) - u(n - 4) . Bv means of graphical convolution deterrrme the output of the system if the inpuT IS glve~ bv . -\/ x(n) == u(n) - u(n - 7) . \;Ynere u(n) is a step func:ion. (a) .J The Discrete Fourier Ser:es for oenodic secuer:.ces is 21ver: QV ~ • V-I ,y(z,.'l·-~Y('n)'w"-Cr w'n'i::>~<::> WV L·"..'I .- ,1"1 '-'4'- - ""enoc';c "e :" .I. 10. .-:c~ (n) '.. ::) nl1 """:. \000* e""co.s ... l"epresem:s ....... _ p-I"'\~'e i. V I ~he . • =;,)-,'* - "MQ: cu . . . ;;'(n) . \ - t1 /'r'YI/1' '-L/~:";' _Y((I~'\" __ • ;:;r:=o ...._ a "'rooe-r--t· -1..,e :ollc "!;-;n= t' . 'wi.L 1 j". "rv U. .L L ..'" even compone::t of~he seque!1ces ~(n) . ................. :: ................................ ,. ..................................................................................................................................................... (b) Determine rhe periodic sequence len) obtained by a periodic convolution of two periodic sequences of length 4 each (0 jor n =0 / 1 for n = 1 x(n)=jo for n=2 f2 for n =0 _ 0 Jor n = 1 h(n)=jl for n=2 =3 l 0 jor n = 3 l::z for n . (i) (c) • "-~~ j" . . :~. (fJ ;.1 •./ ... ' I] 0 0 :J 0). \.virh ""'eriod .. 7" \;=1 ..... n ..,J.. ·P10-L -;,~ ~ ~ .. ",-, ~ ..,. i;) . . . :., (l x(n) = ~ . (a) Explain the distinction benveen (i) the discrete Fourier Series (DFS) and the Discre~e Fourier Transform (DIT) (ii) the Discrete-time Fourier Transform (DTFT) and the Discrete F.ou~er Transform (DFT) .A. discrete time signal has the following sample values {L 2, 1, :3}. V/hat are the real and imaginary pares of the DFT coefficients X(k). (3) (5) r:)-,-V 3 ~1c"Or:·~:",....,· . .~= : /. ® !.. ....... 11.. radi.'(-2 - ~ \o.,..}~ \~-;~.-C.-::J~..(J '2o.J.. )-:'c -:.A:- ';)r..11) d ' . .. ;,....,e 'J..-J -' :r...(. . . . . ".".. .,..,.,... ..,,~JeClmatI on -:'n-tlul ";("....... ( ~¥~ (iii) butterfly ~0~J ' \ - ) . (tv) t\¥iddle facor (v) shuffled input natural-order output ................... ............................................. ...........(.) "0.......................................................................... . (i) , . ! .... '";t....!.J.. .-., , (12) , ................... . 1 A si£!lai has the z-~ransIor:n )t( =) = ()~ - . = - 1 (2= - l) . Cse the method of par::ial frac:ions. together '.\lith taDles provided to recover'. the · (b) .~.~gn.~~.. :~(? t.. . . ....... FineL using: che Lesidue method. the (6) dis~ete time sequences· . corresponding to 1 __ ',T( __) -_ ""---_ _ (= - 0.5)(= - O.9t The transfer func:ion of a disc:-e:e-time· sYSl:em has poles at z=0.5 . z=0.1::jO.2 and athirdorderz:ero 3.rz=-13J1dz=1. Comment on the staoiliry or :he sYSl:e::1. (i) (ii) From the :ransfer func:1on of the SYSTem develop the: difference equation relat1.T1g The output yen) t.o the input x(n). Draw the realisation diagram in signal flowgraph form. (iii) A .-,:"" (c) 5 • (a) (0) ...,-' ·i f- \-. '..- 1. / " 1'/ FIR filter has an impulse response~ hen), which is defined over -che • iileer-val 0 :s; n s: ~V - 1. Show :hat ir~ N is 5 and h(n) satisfies the. ?ositive SYrnI1:1e~~y, thar is h(I1)=~C:';-!l-l), the 5.lter has Linear phase. Eim:~ Ob[ain an expression :Or :i1e ·-a.mpiitude and phase response of· tr-le iJlter. The normalised :ransier tUncrion ·o{ an anaio~Je RC filter .is given by . (6) (4) .!".11 1 H(s) = - - . A di2i!al eauivaler.: . ---,' '" ; ( .::./ 5-7-"1 - • or the RC fiiter, \vlth 3. (j 0) cut-off E-equency 30 F...z is ~equired. T:1e sampiing frequency IS l50 Hz.. Csing the Bilinear z-~ransforw (EZT) method, (i) determine the transfer func::on. (ii) give the difference equation. and (iii) draw the block diagram representation ofrhe digital filter. (3) (-J) (3) The ::.-transform and its applications in" signal processing Table3.1 Emry num[u:r 1 z-transfonnsof some'common sequences. Discrere-cime seq u. ence z( n) n.?: 0 :'-Iraltsfonn Region of convergence X(z) of X(z) 9 k: k6{n) , 2 xz k ;: - k: kn . :. 1) (: - i)~ Cl (.: - e-~): :(1 - e-~) ~;; ....,.,~"<l ~ cos (an) ,r~~~~.' 9 sin (an) 10 e -<r1l sin ( an) 12 cosh (an) 13 sinh (an) . .:. ~... -:r) ..:.. ",-0'w ;:z( z: - cos c.-) Zl - (z - cry:. C" . COSJ c: 1':/ > a: krr:::. .: ez , i.:; > .: sinh cr 2.: cosh cr -:- 1 k: 15 2!c! !pl" cos (nip + Ie) [zl> 1 , :: - 2: cosh cr -:- 1 ker" 16 1.:1> 1 2z cos cr -:- 1 z:. . .,. 2:. cos cr + 1 ZZ - k and ;zi> : k: 7 • k::.( z 5 8 Iz/ > l (:: - IF· '79.· • 1.::1> : J. l.:i > c: c"': ---+--z- p z: - p* are constants; c is a complex nurnbe:-; .. I.