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An analysis into the sleeping habits of university students in King Abdulaziz University in KSA

First Semester 2020/2021
An analysis into the poor sleeping habits of university students in KSA
Student name: Jawad Adil Katib
Section: 003
Evaluator: Hamzah Alaydrus
Table of content: / ‫الفهرس‬
Abstract / ‫……………………………………………………………………………… النبذة‬. 3
Introduction / ‫…………………………………………………………………… المقدمة‬.. 3
Methodology / ‫………………………………………………………………… المنهجية‬. 5
Findings / ‫……………………………………………………………… النتائج‬.…………….. 6
Discussion / ‫…………………………………………………………… المناقشة‬..……….. 12
Conclusion / ‫……………………………………………………………… الخاتمة‬.……….. 14
References / ‫ ……………………………………………………………………… المصادر‬15
Appendix A / ‫……………………………………………………………… الملحق آ‬..…… 18
Appendix B /‫…………………………………………………… لملحق ب ا‬..………….. 28
Appendix C / ‫ …………………………………………………………………… الملحق ج‬29
The aim of this research was to analyze the poor sleeping habits of university students in Saudi
Arabia and find solutions for the problem. The main objectives were to identify the causes of
those poor habits and find out how they affect university students in Saudi Arabia. Also, find
effective solutions for the problem. The method used for collecting data was a survey designed
with Google Forms which was sent out via WhatsApp. The data was analyzed through Google
Sheets and Microsoft Excel. 100 participants responded to the 22 item survey who were
university students of universities in Saudi Arabia.
The main findings of this research showed that university students in Saudi Arabia lack
awareness about their sleep hygiene, and poor sleeping habits can affect their health and
academic performance. The study suggested that university students start to educate
themselves and care more about their sleep hygiene. Also, the Ministry of Health and
universities in Saudi Arabia should raise awareness by spreading posters around university
campuses, hosting awareness events, and attracting attention to the problem through social
Sleep is a necessity for all humans (1). It is directly related to our mental, physical and
emotional health (2), and is a crucial factor in the quality of our lives (3). Great sleep hygiene
optimizes a person's learning, decision making and critical thinking (4, 5). Therefore student's
sleep is important for optimal academic success. Higher levels of education forces students to
an irregular sleep schedule affected by their academic responsibilities.
Entering university is a big step for teenagers. They have to deal with leaving their homes,
changes in their social situation, independence, and maintain academic responsibilities. These
challenges are associated with poor sleep hygiene (6). According to the PSQI, about 60% of
university students suffer from poor sleep quality (7). University students reported sleep
difficulties at least twice as much as the general population According to a study in the United
States (8). Without the maintenance of great sleep hygiene, students will not be able to
optimize their key cognitive skills (4, 5).
There are many factors that contribute to poor sleeping habits. One of the main factors is the
use of social media and mobile phones. Blue lights emitted by the screens of computers, tablets
and smartphones reduce the production of the sleeping hormone or melatonin (9). A factor
that contributes to late sleep is brain stimulation such as caffeine and nicotine, for instance.
Furthermore, there are many disorders that affect sleep such as enuresis, restless leg
syndrome, chronic sleep deprivation, cataplexy, and depression (10, 11, 12). It is always advised
to seek counselling for sleeping problems.
Solutions for poor sleeping habits exist, but they are not implemented by university students.
The best way to approach this problem is by raising awareness among university students in
Saudi-Arabia. Universities should raise awareness by spreading educational posters around
their campuses about the importance of sleeping and the effects of poor sleeping hygiene.
Furthermore, spreading information via social media is also a very efficient way that can be
implemented by everyone. The ministry of health, on the other hand, has the potential to raise
awareness in various and more efficient ways since they have more financial resources and
knowledge. They can spread awareness by establishing sleep hygiene awareness campaigns and
events around the country. Which are commonly used marketing strategies that attract a lot of
people's attention. Solving one of the university students' significant health problems will
develop mentally and physically healthier generations (2, 4, 5).
This research is conceptualized with the objective to determine the causes, effects and
solutions for the poor sleep hygiene of university students in Saudi Arabia. These objectives are
designed to collect as much data about the problem as possible. Sleep hygiene awareness can
be raised to university students in the country with this research's data. Furthermore, This data
will benefit all university students from around the world. Sleep hygiene awareness is not only
scarce among university students, but also the whole society.
1- Why do university students have poor sleeping hygiene?
2- How does poor sleeping hygiene affect the university students?
3- What are the solutions for this problem?
The survey method was chosen because it facilitates collecting data from a large number of
participants in a short time period. Google Forms was chosen to be the survey's platform.
Google Forms and Microsoft Excel were chosen to plot the graphs, study and analyse the
information collected. The survey was spreaded through WhatsApp groups which mainly
consisted of sophomore university students. It was also spreaded to friends and family
members. Data was only collected from university students in Saudi Arabia. The whole process
took 3 days to complete with no obstacles encountered. The participants were 18 females, and
82 males. With a total of 100.
The survey's questions were derived from the research questions. The applicability and
relevance of the information that can be obtained was also a factor in choosing the questions.
The questionnaire consisted of 7 multiple choice questions, 13 linear scale questions and 1
short answer question. Totalling 22 questions. The first 3 questions were general questions,
asking what is the participant's age, gender and area of study. Collecting participants' study
areas was crucial to the research since it will indicate whether the problem is limited to
students of difficult majors or students of all majors. The following 9 questions aimed to collect
information about the causes and effects of the problem on the participants. The last 6
questions were asking how aware the participants are of the problem and its solutions.
This part of the research is divided into 3 sections. Each section contains two to three graphs
related to a research question. The findings part will start with two graphs for the first research
RQ1: Why do university students have poor sleeping habits?
Figure #1.1: Participants time of sleep everyday
The pie chart illustrates that almost half the participants sleep between 12:00 AM and 3:59 AM
everyday. While the other half sleeps between 8:00 PM and 1:59 AM. Which indicates that
almost one half of the participants do not have enough sleep at night.
Figure #1.2: The participants number of sleeping hours by gender
This figure illustrates that the majority of the participants are sleeping 7 hours or less everyday
for both genders. While only a few participants are maintaining a healthy number of sleeping
hours in both genders. Which shows that the majority of the participants are not sleeping
enough hours.
RQ2 – How do poor sleeping habits affect university students?
Figure #2.1: what is the participants opinion about decreasing their sleeping hours because of
the university's important deadlines.
This bar chart shows that the majority of the participants strongly agree that they sleep fewer
hours to adapt with universities's important deadlines and tests. While only one quarter
disagree. This indicates that university's deadlines are affecting most students number of
sleeping hours.
Figure #2.2: the number of missed academic deadlines by the participants.
This pie chart shows that more than half of the participants' academic performance is affected
by poor sleeping habits, and half of those participants miss 3 or more classes, homework or
tests each month. While only less than half the participants are not missing any tasks because
of their sleep. This indicates that sleep hygiene is affecting the academic performance of more
than half the participants.
RQ3 – What are the solutions for this problem?
Figure #3.1: participants' opinion about maintaining a consistent sleep schedule as a university
The bar graph on figure #3.1 illustrates that the majority of participants believe that it is hard to
maintain a healthy sleep schedule as a university student. While only a few participants
disagree. This indicates that most university students are finding difficulty in maintaining a
healthy sleep hygiene.
Figure #3.2: how aware are the participants of the negative effects of nicotine before sleep.
The pie chart shows that more than half of the participants are not aware of the negative
effects of nicotine consumption before sleep. While less than half are aware. Which indicates
that university students lack awareness on the effect of nicotine before sleep on sleep hygiene.
Figure #3.3: participants' opinion on seeking medical care after noticing consistent sleeping
problems by, by gender.
This bar chart shows that the majority of the male participants tend to not seek medical care
for consistent sleep problems, and only the minority tend to. On the other hand, the female
participants are divided between seeking medical care and not. This indicates that seeking
medical care for sleep problems is not common among the participants.
This research's objective was to analyze the poor sleeping habits of university students in KSA.
data collection, analysis and critical thinking were done to find answers for the research
questions. This part of the research is divided into 3 subsections. Each subsection is related to
one research question. The first subsections will be related to, the first research question, why
do university students have poor sleeping habits in KSA. Following the first RQ’s discussion,
discussion about how poor sleeping habits affect university students in KSA will be done.
Finally, the last RQ, what are the solutions for this problem, will be discussed in the last
RQ #1: What are the causes for the poor sleeping habits of university students in KSA ?
This is a very important question because identifying the causes will facilitate finding effective
potential solutions. The motive behind this RQ is to limit and find the major sources causing the
problem. In figure #1.2, at least 40% sleep 5 hours or less. Which is an extremely low and
unhealthy number of sleeping hours because adults need between 7 to 8 hours of sleep
everyday (14). According to the department of neurology in the university of Columbia, sleep
deprivation can cause depression, mental illness and life-threatening complications (15). Figure
#1.2 also illustrates that the results are similar between both genders. Which means that this
problem is not related to the gender of the participant. However, about only 15% of the
participants were females, so the results may not be very accurate. Figure #1.8 illustrates that
50% of the participants use their mobile phones at least 8 hours a day. Which can heavily affect
their sleeping hygiene if some of those hours were just before their sleep time. Blue lights
emitted by the screens of computers, tablets and smartphones reduce the production of the
sleeping hormone or melatonin (9). However, smartphone usage before sleep might not be one
of the causes for poor sleep because participants did not specify when they do use their mobile
RQ #2: How do poor sleeping habits affect university students in KSA ?
This question's purpose is to measure how much harm this problem is causing to university
students, and which aspects of their lives are affected the most by the problem. Finding
answers to this question will indicate which aspects of university students' lives should
potential solutions be concerned about. Figure #2.2 shows that 47.1% of the participants miss
at least 3 classes, homeworks or tests because of their sleep schedule each month. This shows
that student's sleeping habits are affecting their academic performance, and that students lack
awareness about their sleep hygiene. Whether they lack awareness of how to maintain it, how
crucial it is or what poor habits can affect it. Figure #2.1 illustrates that at least 60% of the
participants agree or strongly agree that they sleep fewer hours to be academically more
productive. This habit can affect all aspects of their health, cognitive skills and critical thinking
(4, 5). Consequently, making them even less productive and forcing them to sleep even fewer
RQ #3: What are the solutions for this problem?
Answers for this question will decrease the problem's popularity if solutions are implemented.
Solving this problem helps improve university students' health and academic performance (2).
Figure #3.2 shows that 68% of participants strongly disagree, disagree or do not know that
nicotine consumption before sleep affects sleep. Figure #3.11 shows that 85% of the
participants strongly disagree, disagree or do not know that mobile phones usage before sleep
affects sleep. This data emphasizes that university students lack awareness about what poor
habits affect their sleep. Therefore, the best way to solve this problem is by spreading
awareness in universities. The ministry of health in Saudi Arabia and universities in Saudi Arabia
are both responsible for spreading knowledge to university students. This process can be done
in many ways like spreading posters around the university campus, hosting awareness events
and social media. Figure #3.1 shows that 73% of the participants strongly agree or agree that as
a university student, maintaining a healthy sleep schedule is challenging. According to a
research about insomnia in college students, students have to deal with many challenges that
are associated with poor sleep hygiene (6). This also supports the conclusion that students need
more knowledge and awareness about sleep hygiene. However, sleep problems are not only
caused by lack of knowledge (17, 18), chronic illness conditions need medical assistance (17),
and in this case awareness solely cannot solve the problem.
This study showed unexpected results about the sleep hygiene of university students in KSA.
The percentages of students with bad sleep hygiene were a lot higher than expected. This study
suggests that students should be educated about their sleep hygiene. This process can be done
by the ministry of health, universities, and the students themselves. Surprisingly, there are only
a few researches conducted about this problem in Saudi Arabia. This problem needs more
attention because of how popular it is and how much it is affecting university students' lives.
Putting an end to this problem can help those students become more healthy and successful in
all aspects. At the end of the day, university students are the future of our country and we don't
help them overcome their obstacles, they will not be able to build a better future. There were a
few limitations for this study. Firstly, as a university student myself, final exams were brought
forward, and this caused a time limitation for the study. Secondly, the sample size of the survey
was not enough to conclude more accurate data. Lastly, due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
libraries in my city closed, which limited the references in the study. If I had the chance to
conduct this study again I would focus on increasing the survey's sample size. Although this
study discussed and satisfied many aspects of the problem, solutions for the problem took less
attention. I would suggest the people who want to continue this study to focus more on finding
solutions for the problem. This journey taught me the importance of knowledge and selfeducation. The best way to improve different aspects of your life is by educating yourself and
searching for answers to your problems. “Practice does not make perfect. It is practice,
followed by a night of sleep, that leads to perfection.” says the scientist and professor Mathew
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Appendix A:
Figure #1.3
Figure #1.4
A: Math and science ‫الرياضيات والعلوم‬
B: Engineering, Computer and information science ‫ وتقنية المعلومات‬،‫ الحاسب اآللي‬،‫الهندسة‬
C: politics and law ‫السياسة والقانون‬
D: Health and medicine ‫الطب والصحة‬
E: Business ‫إدارة األعمال‬
F: Engineering, Computer…
Figure #1.5
Figure #1.6
Figure #1.7
Figure #1.8
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #2.3
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #2.4
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure 3.3
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #3.4
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #3.5
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #3.6
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #3.7
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #3.8
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #3.9
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #3.10
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #3.11
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Agree, 3=Neutral, 4=Disagre3, 5=Strongly Disagree
Figure #3.12
Appendix B:
Appendix C: