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主动职业行为的测量采用 Strauss 等人(2012)编制的量表,包括职业计划、技能发展、职
业咨询和关系构建 4 个维度。
Proactive career behavior (__.92). Proactive career behavior was operationalized by combining 12 items from
Bachman, O’Maley, and Johnston (1978) and Penley and Gould (1981).
These items have previously been combined by Claes and Ruiz-Quintanilla (1998) to form a measure of proactive
career behavior.
Four types of proactive career behavior were assessed. Proactive skill development was assessed with three items
from Penley and Gould (1981).
Networking was assessed with two items from Penley and Gould, supplemented by an additional new item so that
each proactive career behavior would be assessed with a minimum
of three items.
Career consultation and career planning were assessed with three and four items, respectively, taken from
Bachman et al. (1978).
Items were reworded to reflect present rather than past behavior (e.g., “I have made my supervisor aware of my
work aspirations and goals” was reworded to “I make my supervisor aware of my work aspirations and goals.”)
1a 说编了 13 个。1b 开始至用了 12 个,删除了其中 1 个。Proactive career behavior was measured with
the same scale as described in Study 1a, with one minor adjustment. We dropped the item with the lowest factor
loading assessing career planning in Study 1a (see the Appendix), so that each type of proactive career behavior
was assessed with three items.
1. I am planning what I want to do in the next few years of my career.
2. I am thinking ahead to the next few years and plan what I need to do for my career.
3. I engage in career path planning.
4. I develop skills which may not be needed so much now, but in future positions.
5. I gain experience in a variety of areas to increase my knowledge and skills.
6. I develop knowledge and skill in tasks critical to my future work life.
7. I seek advice from my supervisor(s) or colleagues about additional training or experience I
need in order to improve my future work prospects.
8. I initiate talks with my supervisor about training or work assignments I need to develop
skills that will help my future work chances.
9. I make my supervisor aware of my work aspirations and goals.
10. I am building a network of contacts or friendships with colleagues to obtain information
about how to do my work or to determine what is expected of me.
11. I am building a network of contacts or friendships to provide me with help or advice that
will further my work chances.
12. I am building a network of colleagues I can call on for support. .85
1-3 career planning 职业规划
4-6 proactive skill development 主动提升技能
7-9 career consultation 职业咨询
10-12 network building 网络构建
1. 我正在计划我职业生涯未来几年想做的事情
2. 我正在思考未来几年的事情,并计划我需要为我的职业生涯做的事情
3. 我在做职业路径发展计划
4. 我学习现在没有很大需求,但未来有用的技能
5. 我获得多方工作经验,以增长我的知识和技能
6. 我在工作中学习对我未来工作关键的知识和技能
7. 我向我的主管或同事学习额外的训练或经验,以改善我未来的工作预期
8. 我主动与我的主管讨论训练或工作建议,以帮助我发展可以影响我未来工作机遇的技
9. 我让我的主管了解到我的工作愿景和目标
10. 我正在建立和同事的联系网络或友谊,以获得关于我该如何工作或者确定我目标的
11. 我正在建立一个联系网络或朋友圈,为我增加工作机遇提供帮助或建议
12. 我正在建立一个我可以寻求支持的同事网络
Strauss, K., Griffin, M. A., & Parker, S. K. (2012). Future work selves: how salient hoped-for
identities motivate proactive career behaviors. Journal of applied psychology, 97(3), 580.
Promotability 可晋升性
1. This employee will probably not be promoted to a higher level position at (organization name)"
2. It would be best for (organization name) if this employee was not promoted from his/her current
level during the next 5 years" (R),
3. I believe that this employee has what it takes to be promoted to a higher-level position,
4. If I had to select a successor for my position, it would be this employee.
来源:Wayne, S. J., Liden, R. C., Graf, I. K., & Ferris, G. R. (1997). The role of upward influence
tactics in human resource decisions. Personnel Psychology, 50(4), 979-1006.
I am likely to be promoted to a higher position sometime during my career.
If my boss wants to select someone to succeed him in his position, it will be me
Tolentino, L. R., Garcia, P. R. J. M., Restubog, S. L. D., Bordia, P., & Tang, R. L. (2013).
Validation of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale and an examination of a model of career
adaptation in the Philippine context. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 410–418
Used by:
Chan, S. H., Mai, X., Kuok, O. M., & Kong, S. H. (2016). The influence of satisfaction and
promotability on the relation between career adaptability and turnover intentions. Journal of
Vocational Behavior, 92, 167-175.
Greenhaus, J. H., Parasuraman, S., & Wormley, W. M. (1990). Effects of race on organizational
experiences, job performance evaluations, and career outcomes. Academy of Management Journal, 33,
64–86. doi:10.2307/256352
(1) I am satisfied with the success I have achieved in my career.
(2) I am satisfied with the progress I have made towards meeting my overall career goals.
(3) I am satisfied with the progress I have made towards meeting my goals for income.
(4) I am satisfied with the progress I have made towards meeting my goals for advancement.
(5) I am satisfied with the progress I have made towards meeting my goals for the
development of new skills.
(1) I don't manage to realize my career desires
(2) I find it difficult to take action to change something in my career
(3) I fail to effectively change the elements in my career that I want to change
(4) I feel stuck in my career
(5) I would like to change something in my career, but I don't actively pursue it
(6) I would like to change something in my career, but I don't know how to start
(7) I feel paralyzed when thinking about realizing my career desires
(8) I fail to take concrete actions to fulfill my career desires
(9) I want to change something in my career, but I don't dare to give up what I
currently have