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Factors Influencing College Course Choices

Chapter I
In this chapter the problem, background of the study, research questions, scope
and delimitation and benefits and beneficiaries of this research will be presented.
Background of the Study
Choosing a course is the first step in the journey of students to have a good
career. Before being admitted to a university there is a course preference that will be
always asked. Today, it is the Senior High School students especially those in Grade
12, time to have a meaningful and valuable in choosing the future career they want to
pursue. However, there are some factors that influence students in terms of choosing
courses, such as personal interest and passion, job perspective and earning potential,
parents, and peers. Some students support the factor as it stated that those factors
affected and influenced them to engage with their chosen career.
According to the study conducted by Abdullah et. al. (2019) personal interest
and passion were the most significant factors influencing students in choosing their
college majors. They noted that students who were passionate about a particular field
were more likely to succeed and perform well in their chosen courses. Pursuing
passions as a course can bring greater fulfillment to the contributor on how they study,
where being passionate can help the students to develop and maintain a healthy being
with a bright future.
Studies stated that job perspective and earning potential take a big part in every
student choosing a career. Chong et. al. (2021) found that job perspectives and earning
potential were significant factors that influenced students in choosing college courses.
They also noted that students were more likely to choose courses that offered good job
prospects and high earning potential.
The preferred course of the parent is one of the factors in choosing college
courses. A study conducted by Aremu and Akinbode (2020) that parents significantly
influenced their children’s choice of college courses. They noted that parents’
expectations, values, and beliefs played a crucial role in shaping their children’s
educational and career choices. Furthermore, parents are the primary influencers of a
student's choice of college course of study since parents are the primary source of the
latter's financial support.
The other factor is the peer’s influence. Part of growing up is having a circle of
friends. College students do not want to be separated from friends up to college life.
Peer influence cannot be underestimated as it was found influential in career choices,
faiter and faiter (2013). Hence, Ouano et. al. (2019) the graduating learners agreed that
they need peers because it helps them to enhance their capacity as a person to have an
idea and to decide easily.
The researchers believe that students who graduated from college with the
course suited for them would even have a higher percentage of having a job. Those
factors aim to give advice on choosing college courses. However, one wrong decision
can change the fate of an individual. It is difficult for students to decide regarding their
careers, also students are afraid for not achieving their goals. The current literature on
this topic suggests that various factors may impact the college course choices of
students. However, the study conducted by Abdullah et. al (2019) and Chong et.al.
(2021) focuses only on personal choice as the factor in choosing college course.
Addressing this research gap helps students to determine the different factors that
influence the Grade 12-Just in their college course choices and will contribute to a better
understanding of these factors. This knowledge could provide valuable insights for
educators, policymakers, and parents on how to support students in making informed
decisions about their future academic and career paths.
Therefore, by conducting this research the researchers would be able to propose
a solution that would help and guide the Grade 12-Just students in choosing college
courses in Tominamos Integrated School, School Year 2022-2023
Research Questions
This research aims to investigate the factors that influence the decision-making
process of Grade 12-Just students of Tominamos Integrated School, School Year 20222023 in choosing their college courses. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the
following questions:
1. What are the factors that influence Grade 12-JUST students in choosing their
college courses?
1.1 Personal Interest and Passion
1.2 Job Perspective and Earning Potential
1.3 Parents Decision
1.4 Peer’s Influence
Scope and Delimitation
The study will focus on the factors in choosing college courses for Grade 12Just at Tominamos Integrated School, School Year 2022-2023. The research will cover
the current academic and will be conducted within the school premises. The
respondents will consist of Grade 12 students in Tominamos Integrated School for the
academic year 2022-2023. The study will employ a qualitative research design, which
will allow for an in-depth analysis of the factors that affect the students’ decisionmaking.
The study’s findings may not be generalizable to other schools or academic
levels, as the study focuses solely on Grade 12-Just students in Tominamos Integrated
School. The research design’s inherent limitations, such as the small sample size and
the use of qualitative research methods. Additionally, the study may not cover all
possible factors that may influence students’ decisions, as some factors may not be
within the scope of the research.
Benefits and Beneficiaries of Research
This study helps future learners/researchers conduct effective research.
However, there is research about the factors in choosing college courses for Grade 12
that can provide several benefits to different stakeholders and beneficiaries, including:
Grade 12 students. This research can help students make informed decisions
about their educational paths. By understanding the factors that are most important to
them, such as career goals, interests, and values, students can choose courses that align
with their aspirations, leading to higher levels of academic achievement and job
Parents and guardians. This research can help them provide informed
guidance and support to their children in making these decisions. It can also help them
understand the importance of considering factors such as employability, career
prospects, and market demand when selecting courses.
Educational institutions. Colleges and universities can use the findings of
research on college course selection to improve their course offerings and curricula. By
understanding the factors that students consider when choosing courses, educational
institutions can tailor their programs to meet the needs and expectations of their
Government agencies. Governments can use research on college course
selection to develop policies and programs that support the needs of their citizens. For
example, by understanding the factors that influence students' choice of courses,
governments can identify areas where there is a skills gap and develop programs to
address these gaps.
Future Researchers. This study can benefit from the research by gaining
valuable insights by providing a foundation of knowledge that they can build upon and
expand in their own research on the factors that influence college course choices among
high school students. This can help them to advance their careers and make further
contributions to their fields.
In summary, research on the factors influencing college course selection can
provide numerous benefits to Grade 12 students, Parents, Educational Institutions,
Government Agencies, and Future Researchers. By understanding the factors that
influence these decisions, beneficiaries can make informed decisions that align with
their career goals, values, and interest.
Chapter II
The purpose of this review of literature is to established the facts which are
already known for previous researchers. The literature that will be discussed will add
up to the knowledge of the researchers for the research study.
Related Literature
A research study by Chen (2018) explores the influence of parents on their
children's college course selection. The findings suggest that parents have a significant
impact on their children's choices, as they often provide financial support and guidance
throughout the decision-making process. This highlights the importance of parental
influence in the college course selection process. It suggests that parents can play a
critical role in providing guidance and support to their children as they navigate this
significant decision.
A research study by Dyson (2019) identifies the most critical factors that
influence senior high school in college course selection, such as career goals, academic
interest and financial constraints. The study found that the most significant factor for
students is their career goals. This emphasizes the importance of student's career goals
in their college course selection. It suggests that students should consider their interests
and aspirations when making decisions about their college education.
Smith (2020) explores the role of guidance counsellors in helping students make
informed decisions about their college courses. The study found that guidance
counsellors can provide valuable advice and support to students, especially those who
may not have access to other resources. This underscores the importance of guidance
counsellors in the college courses selection process. It suggests that these professionals
can help students navigate the complexities of this decision by providing valuable
resources and support.
The study conducted by Kim (2021) examines the influence of peers on college
course selection. The research found that students often look to their peens for advice
and guidance when making decisions about their college courses. This highlights the
importance of peers in the college course selection process. It suggests that students
may benefit from seeking advice and support from their peers as they make this
significant decision.
According to the study conducted by Nguyen (2022) social media has impact
on the college courses selection and the study found that social media platform such as
Instagram and You tube can provides students with valuable information and resources
to help them make informed decisions. This highlights the emerging role of social
media in the college course selection process. It suggests that students may benefit from
using these platforms to access information and resources that can help them make
informed decision.
Related Studies
The purpose of this review of related studies is to provide an overview of
previous research on knowledge about the factors affecting and influencing the course
preference of graduating students.
Huanye (2013) said that a person who is forced to do a job that he or he does
not enjoy will quickly lose interest in his or her work. The career that the student should
choose must be fulfilling. It must allow the student to express their creativity and
individuality. Huanye affirmed that if a person Is forced to do a job he or she might will
not succeed. Students need to choose a course that they truly desired. This is in some
ways related to the research.
Baines (2009) discovered that there are many commonalities between students
from different continents such as the importance of personal interest and parents. This
study is related to this research because it pointed out that students have different
personalities that they can consider in choosing a course. Students should consider their
love towards an object to succeed in their own careers.
Saadiasardar (2011) believed that many factors affect career choice of college
students. Identifying these factors would give parents, educators, and industry an idea
as to where students place most of their trust in the career selection pattern. According
to Saadiasardar’s study, it shows the different factors that affect the course preference
of a student. This other study gives a lot of help to the students who or what to consider
the most in choosing a Course.
Alphamama (2014) concluded that some students do not seriously consider
many alternative choices in career selection. Sources of influence, such as parents or
mentors, would be brought into bra circles of counseling and discussion to help student
form a comprehensive career plan or outline. Focusing on the Alphamama's ideas, it is
related to this research because it indicated that there are lots of factors of that
influencing in career selection though some student does not consider these factors.
Otpeng (2012) found out that career choice it a complex decision for people
sense it determine that kind of profession that they intend to pursue in life. For some
people interest is such important in their life that it is the main influence on their career
goals. This study showed that students who pursue the things that they love will
succeed. It is hard to imagine spending time on something you do not like.
Synthesis of the Study
The synthesis of the above literature and related studies on the factors in
choosing college courses highlights that Grade 12 students take a multi-dimensional
approach towards selecting a college course. Personal interest, academic goals, parental
expectations, experience with course instructor, job opportunity, and earning potential
are some of primary factors that influence students’ decision-making. Students also rely
on their high school counselor, teacher, peers, and parents while selecting college
course. Moreover, students generally prefer courses that have practical applications and
offer good career prospects.
Chapter III
This chapter presents the research method, subject of the study, instrumentation
and population sample, sampling technique, data gathering procedures, statistical
treatment of data and plans for data analysis.
Research Design
For studying the factors influencing the choice of college courses among Grade
12-Just students of Tominamos Integrated School in the School Year 2022-2023, a case
study research design can be employed. This design allows for an in-depth exploration
of a specific phenomenon within its real-life context. It enables the researcher to gain a
comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the students' course choices.
Sampling Procedure and Sample
The sampling procedure for this case study will involve purposive sampling.
Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where participants are
selected based on relevance to the research question and the ability to provide rich and
detailed information. In this case, Grade 12-Just students from Tominamos Integrated
School who have already chosen their college courses can be included in the sample.
The sample size should be determined based on the saturation point, i.e., when new
information or insights stop emerging.
Data Gathering Method
The data gathering method for this research is a survey questionnaire. The
questionnaire includes a statement of consent that detailed the purpose of the study and
a guarantee that all information collected would be kept confidential and anonymous.
The questionnaire consists of ten open-ended questions. The questionnaire was made
to determine what factor they are most affected with.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers will obtain necessary permissions and seek approval from the
school administration, relevant authorities, student approval, and ethical review boards,
if required, to conduct the research. Participant selection purposefully selected Grade
12-Just students from Tominamos Integrated School who have already chosen their
college courses. Conduct interviews schedule with the selected participants. Create an
interview guide with open-ended questions that explore the factors influencing their
course choices. Record the interviews with consent, and take detailed notes during or
immediately after each survey.
Plan for Data Analysis
Transcribe the recorded interviews and organize the data for analysis. Combine
the interview data with the relevant document analysis findings. Conduct a thematic
analysis of the interview transcripts and document data. Interpret the findings in relation
to the research objectives and relevant literature. Provide explanations for the identified
themes and patterns, and relate them to the existing theoretical frameworks or concepts.
Prepare a comprehensive research report summarizing the methodology, findings, and
conclusions of the study. examples to support the identified themes. Include relevant
tables, charts, or diagrams to enhance the clarity of the findings.
Abdullah et.al. (2019) Factors influencing students’ choice of undergraduate courses
in Malaysian private school.
Aremu and Akinbode (2020). Influence of Parents on Student’s Choice of college
Courses in Nigeria. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in
Learning (Ijet0,15(16),147-161.
Baines, E. (2009). Parents and the education of their children: A study of personal
interest, knowledge and support. Educational Research, 51(3), 315-330.
doi: 10.1080/00131880903178668
Chong et. al (2019) job perspectives and earning potential
Chen, Y. (2018). The influence of parents on their children’s college course selection:
A study in China. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(15), 12-21.
Dyson, C. F. (2019). Influences on High School Senior Course Selection for CollegeGoing: A Study of Students in Urban and Suburban High Schools. Journal of
Education and Practice, 10(8), 50-58.
Faiter and Faiter (2013) Peer influence & Quano et. al (2019) Graduating Learners
need peers
Kim, J. (2021). The impact of peers on college course selection: Evidence from a
natural experiment. Journal of Higher Education, 92(1), 1-25.
Huanye, M. (2013). The psychological impact of mandatory courses on students: A
case study. Journal of Higher Education, 84(2), 245-266.
Nguyen, T. (2017). The Role of Social Media in College Course Selection: A
Quantitative Analysis. International Journal of Education and Practice,
5(3), 140-148.
Smith, J. (2020). The Role of Guidance Counsellors in College Course Selection: A
Literature Review. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(3), 456-470.
doi: 10.1037/edu0000381.
Sardar, S. (2011). Factors affecting career choice of college students in Pakistan: An
exploratory study. Journal of Education and Practice, 2(5), 31-38.
Interview Schedule
1. What are your main motivations for pursuing higher education?
2. Have you already decided on a specific field or area of study for your college
courses? If yes, what is it? If no, why not?
3. How important is it for you to choose a college course aligned with your
interests/passions? Please elaborate.
4. What factors do you consider when selecting a college course? (E.g., career
prospects, salary potential, personal interests, family expectations, etc.)
5. Can you rank the following factors in order of importance when choosing a
college course: a) career prospects, b) personal interests/passions, c) salary
potential, d) family expectations, e) peer influence, f) location/availability, g)
financial considerations, h) course curriculum/content? Please explain your
6. How influential are your parents or guardians in guiding your college course
choices? Do they have specific expectations?
7. Do you seek advice from your teachers, mentors, or career counselors when
deciding on college courses? If yes, how does their guidance impact your
decision-making process?
8. How important is the reputation of a college or university in influencing your
choice of course?
9. How influential are your peers or friends in shaping your college course
preferences? Do you consider their choices or opinions?
10. Is there any other factor that you believe is crucial in choosing a college
course? Please elaborate.