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Maths for Computing Assignment Brief

Higher National
Diploma in Computing
14: Maths for Computing
Assignment Brief
Student Name/ID Number
Unit Number and Title
Unit 14 : Maths for Computing
Academic Year
2023 – SP23
Unit Tutor
Assignment Title
Assignment 1
Issue Date
25- March-2023
Submission Date
Submission Format
You are tasked with preparing a report that will consist of theories, applications (including
figures, calculations) that are properly presented in a formal business style. You are required
to make use of headings, subheadings, paragraphs, tables, and diagrams so and so forth as
appropriate. Information that are presented in your report must be supported with appropriate
research, knowledge and skills gained during lecture sessions as well as cited and referenced
using the Harvard referencing style.
The submission should be made in the form of a report. Use Times New Roman font style
with font size 12, except for headings that should be in font size 13 and Bold.
The report may include additional diagrams, charts, tables and workings that are properly
presented under appendices (annexures), which should be presented after references. The
tasks you need to carry out are given in the assignment brief.
Important Notes:
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Use credible sources as references. Research articles on relevant topics are highly
recommended and appreciated.
Any sources of references without the author and the published date are not
Use Harvard Referencing. Improper referencing will be considered academic
misconduct and will be penalized.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Use applied number theory in practical computing scenarios
LO2 Analyse events using probability theory and probability distributions
LO3 Determine solutions of graphical examples using geometry and vector methods
LO4 Evaluate problems concerning differential and integral calculus
Assignment Brief and guidance
Part 1
Research the importance of hexadecimal and binary numbers in the area of memory
addressing and storage in computers. Explore the relationship between perfect numbers and
Mersenne primes.
As part of your report, show the relationship between the product of the numbers and HCF
and LCM with an example.
In addition, show how Pythagorean triplets can be found for both odd and even numbers
with formulas and examples.
Part 2
Probability theory is the mathematics attached to the analysis of a random occurrence of an
event. You have been tasked with creating a chapter on your report on probability theory and
probability Distributions. Within the chapter there should be two sections to explain and
analyse probability theory to the reader.
As part of the first section you have chosen to introduce the topic of probability theory by
introducing the basic terminologies related to the topic.
Explain using examples, how the relationship between multiple events (union, intersection
etc.) can be expressed in probability theory using symbols
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In the second section you will be introducing conational probability. Express what is
conditional probability using an equation.
Take an example of an event occurring with a conditional probability and validate your
answer using the equation.
Part 3
Given the following cartesian co-ordinates; A=(-5,5), B=(0,0), C=(5,5), D=(-5,-5),
E=(0,10), F=(5,-5); we are given four simple shapes; ACDF, ABD, ACEB, CFE.
Plot the shapes and identify them.
Identify the various methods in representing the above co-ordinates using polar coordinates
system and express the purpose of the tangent function for representing the above coordinates in polar system.
Explore the co-ordinate system used in computing and programming and compare the
difference between other 2D coordinate systems with screen coordinates.
Part 4
Explain the purpose of using differential and integral calculus in functions and in various
real-world situations.
As part of your report take an example of a real-world scenario for differential calculus and
examine the rate of change and determine the maximum/minimum points.
Analyse the maximum /minimum/saddle point using further differentiation method to
validate that it is indeed maximum/minimum/saddle point
With a similar real-world scenario for integral calculus, determine the area under the graph
to obtain the magnitude of the change between two points.
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Formative Feedback
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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
LO1 Use applied number theory in practical computing scenarios
P1 Calculate the greatest
M1 Identify the relationship
common divisor and least
between perfect numbers and
common multiple of a given pair Mersenne primes.
of numbers.
P2 Use relevant theory to find
Pythagorean triples.
LO2 Analyse events using probability theory and probability
M2. Explain the topic of
P3 Introducing the basic
conditional probability in
terminologies related to the topic. random occurrence of events
D1 Produce a detailed written
explanation of the importance
hexadecimal and binary numbers
within the field of memory
addressing in computing.
D2 Evaluate conditional
probability using relevant
equations and examples
P4 Identify the expectation of an
event occurring from a discrete,
random variable.
LO3 Determine solutions of graphical examples using geometry
and vector methods
P5 Identify simple shapes using M3 Evaluate the co-ordinate
co-ordinate geometry.
system used in screen
P6 Determine shape parameters
using appropriate vector
LO4 Evaluate problems concerning differential and integral
P7 Use appropriate examples and M4 Analyse maxima and
determine the rate of change
minima of increasing and
within an algebraic function.
decreasing functions using
higher order derivatives.
P8 Use appropriate examples and
determine the use of integral
calculus to solve practical
problems involving area.
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D3. Explaining the purpose of the
tangent function and to represent
the coordinate in multiple formats
D4 Justify, by further
differentiation, that a value is a
minimum / maximum/ saddle
When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming
that the work is their own.
Student name:
Issue date:
Assessor name:
Submission date:
Submitted on:
Assignment number and title:
Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the
rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct
referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use appropriate references throughout
and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for material you have used in your work,
including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor
if you need any further advice.
Student Declaration
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of
plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student signature:
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