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2-Minute Bullet Journaling Template

2-Minute Bullet Journaling
Here’s the link to the notion template: https://nova-pencilcd8.notion.site/2-Minute-Bullet-Journaling-Template5b838c045d064ad7836724e97f697322
In his habit tier list, Improvement Pill ranked bullet journalling #1 — even above
working out, reading, and meditation.
This intrigued me enough to give it a solid shot.
But I neither had the time nor the patience for page-long sections and tons of
bullet points.
So I improvised — thanks to my 2-minute template, it’s effortless to stay consistent.
And we all know consistency is the KING for success with any habit.
Regular bullet journaling will hyper-structure your days, sharpen your mind, tighten
your focus, and murder distractions. As its creator, Ryder Carrol describes it,
“It’s among the perfect ways to help you track the past, organise
the present, and plan for the future.”
2-Minute Bullet Journaling Template
Sold to
Over time, I've tweaked and optimised my original template to a large extent. I
present the final result to you → Hope your productivity soars to the skies.
Happy Journaling!
Neeramitra Reddy
The Template:
Your Priorities (Repeatedly write the exact same priorities every single day →
This helps you internalise them better):
The Day’s To-Do Items (4 total items since we neither want to overcommit nor
P0 related:
Item 1
Item 2
P1 related:
Item 3
P2/P3 related:
Item 4
Gratitude (Optional at first → But I’d still urge you to incorporate this):
P0 related gratitude
P1 related gratitude
P2/P3 related gratitude
2-Minute Bullet Journaling Template
Stay In Touch
That was all → Easy, peasy, fameesy. I’m 100% certain the last word doesn’t exist
but let’s not digress.
Try out the template and let me know how it goes → Shoot a DM on Twitter or
LinkedIn. Or drop by in my Medium comments.
Are you off social media and prefer the good ol’ way? → Email me at
If you’re a young man, then consider joining Ma(n)ximize → A weekly newsletter on
inspirational life lessons, aesthetic fitness, and no b.s. self improvement.
I said it earlier but again,
Happy Journaling!
2-Minute Bullet Journaling Template