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Music Genre Guessing Game Worksheet

Task 1: Guessing game
1. Rock
When my friends are tired,
unhappy, I will turn on this music to
make them feel energetic and
1. It has a strong beat.
2. Instruments are electric guitar, electric
bass, electric organ, or electric piano.
3. There is a legendary boy band,
including four members, that influenced this
music genre.
4. Popular songs are Let it be, Hotel
California, Layla, etc.
I rarely listen to this music.
1. The melody is soft and deep.
2. Instruments commonly used are trumpet, saxophone, etc.
3. There are many important musicians and singers: Louis
Armstrong, Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, Frank Sinatra, etc.
4. Famous songs are La vie en rose (Louis Armstrong), Fly me to the
moon (Frank Sinatra), etc.
Many people use this music to
lull babies or focus on studying.
1. It has relaxed and elegant melody.
2. Instruments commonly used are violins,
flutes, trumpets.
3. Three famous musicians are Haydn,
Beethoven, Mozart.
4. Popular songs are Moonlight Sonata
(Beethoven), Sonate N.11 (Mozart), Symphony
No. 94.
This is my favorite kind of
music. I often listen to this
music to entertain, to relieve
1. It has a good rhythm, a catchy melody,
and is easy to remember and sing along to.
2. Instruments commonly used are
guitars, violins, drums.
3. He is famous for his high energy and
complicated dance techniques such as the
4. Famous songs are Billie Jean, Beat it,
Uptown Funk, Shape of You, etc.