format>intro>storytelling>reward along with the main premise of the video there should be something at stake, but there should also be a twist involved ( a supporting condition)' The main idea of the video is why you are calling the viewwer to beginm with which is also part of the intro if your idea is good and it is clarified in the intro, your viewers will watch the video waiting for what is about to happen since they kind of know what is going to happen but are dying to see it precisely Stake is important as there is a good wrap up, drinking toxic cocktail or getting shot or getting money stakes have 3 sub categories , namely what you gain, the emotion of competition and the time lkimit on the task at hand the twist is the spice that you add to your content that seperates you from the other creators. can include what is happening, what is the loophole or new development\ every title includes the three stake rules overdelivery is a key factor as well as the viewer was satisfied with what he got to begin with but you ramp it up by including something completely unexpected seemless movement between intro to task at hand, that way viewer doesnt have time to think or contemplate before viewer jumps straight into action forshadowing what is about to happen (amin getting killed in intro keeps viewer waiting for the moment Grand scenes are very useful to set the location and scale of the video (very iomportant) hit the viewer with consistent contrasting shotsd, either black or white, or close or far video pace and tention should match the music and cuts placing micro focus on whats going on helps a lot as viewer knows what or who deserves your focus always giver visual context with zooms or outlines to make the viewer understand wht is being spoken about jump into an important action within the first 15-20 seconds to instantly get the viewer tense dont use transitions for the sake of transitions, use them to show motion or action every dramatic element should have sound to emphasise every moment create a pattern and keep breaking it with more patterns keep breathing room in the middle of suyper tense moments to keep reengaging the audience j and L cuts, already doing it illustrate the score or countdown in a dramatic form with either text or graphic with your intro, clearly show the past and future of the introi A roll is the main video, B rolls are satisfying shots to compliment the video that arent necessarily part of the main video, since it ads information to the video