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Music as part of human’s lives.
Today everyone listens to music, it’s the part of our daily live, because
music helps us in lots of ways. But have you ever thought about life without music,
how it’s gonna be? From my view, I can’t imagine my life without it, because
music helps me to keep calm when it’s incredibly difficult and makes me more
confident. And of course, I have a favorite list of artists and genres which are
always with me.
In the first place, I want to tell you about my favorite artist – Lil Peep which
was incredibly talented and interesting person. His music is gorgeous and not like
the other music and it makes his music special. I can’t describe why do I love this
music because I suppose that it’s certainly individual thing for everyone, but his
music makes me feel better and helps me to clean my head when it’s needed.
In addition to this, I want to introduce you artists from my country. Actually,
there are a lot of talented signers such as FACE, Boulevard Depo, Noize MC, Give
us a Tank(!), LSP and other. Their music is awesome too, I love to listen to them,
because I feel like the music on your native language anyway closer to you. And of
course, you can visit the concerts which are organized by them and feel the live
music with your friends. I hope that everyone visits at least one music concert,
because it’s spectacular feeling.
To conclusion, I would say that keep calm and enjoy the music.