And Can It Be That I Should Gain Charles Wesley, 1738 1. And can it be 2. 'Tis mys - t'ry all! 3. He left his Fa 4. Long my im - pris 5. No con - dem - na that Th' Im ther's oned tion - I mor throne spir now blood? sign? grace!), night; mine! Died In hum thine A - sued? vine. race. light; vine, die quire found fol Christ he vain bled eye live for the him dif in A 'Tis 'Tis my bold maz - ing mer - cy mer - cy chains fell I ap - - be can it be love! all! all, off, proach for no out lowed my me? more. me. thee. own. that thou, can earth mense heart ter - my thou, my the Sav - ior's his strange de his fi - nate and na - ture's is him in who him to death pur the depth of love di for all his cho - sen the dun geon flamed with in righ - teous - ness di - that let for I and thou, an O rose, claim my gel my went the God, minds God, forth, crown, How can it love! - maz - ing Public domain in plore in sin all ing God, God, Thomas Campbell, 1825 A me, sound bled woke, clothed be dore, free; free; throne, - it a and was nal A - maz How Let im my th'e - that in - t'rest can ex free, so bound in sus, and pain? For tries to love!), and ray; I head, and an who (so fast Je - should gain tal dies: a bove it lay I dread; me, who caused his first - born ser - aph self (so great his fused a quick - n'ing him, my liv - ing SAGINA How shouldst die for me? love shouldst in it and through