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General Science Exam Paper for Middle School

(Class: VII)
Max.Marks: 75
NOTE: Attempt all question from this section.
Q.1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given option.
Time: 3 Hours
i. The increase in the size of an organism is called __________________________.
a) Growth
b) Reproduction
c) Elongation
ii. The ratio of the speed of light in air to the speed of light in a medium is called
a) Reflective
b) Refrative
c) Objective
b) Chlorine is added to water in a water purification plant to _________________________.
a) Kill Germs
b) Filter it
c) Remove Hardness
iii. Yeast is a simple non-green plant that reproduces by __________________________.
a) Cuttings
b) Tubers
c) Budding
iv. The splitting of light when it passes through a prism is called
a) Refration
b) Reflection
c) Dispersion
v. Cyan , magenta and _____ are secondary colors
a) Blue
b) Green
c) Yellow
vi. Electrons that can move from one place to another are called _______.
a) Positive electrons b) Negative electrons c) Free electron
vii. A simple circuit needs a source of electricity such as a ________________________.
a) Fuse
b) Bulb
c) Battery
viii. ________ material is a semi conductor.
a) Carbon
b) Silicon
c) Plastic
xi. A change can be easily reversed.
a) Chemical
b) Physical
c) ionic
x. Pine tree Produce male and female reproductive organs called_______________.
a) Seeds
b) Fruits
c) Cones
xi. Electtrical fitting are made of a plastic called________.
a) Melamine
b) Nylon
c) Bakelite
xii. When a seed is planted in the soil it absorbs water through the _________________________.
a) Testa
b) Micro Pyle
c) Cotyledon
xiii. ____________ percentage of water covers the earths.
a) 70
b) 75
c) 78
xiv. Chemicals which are needed by plants for their proper growth are called_________.
a) Nutruents
b) Foods
c) Fertilizers
xv. Reen plants need water for___________.
a) Digestion
b) Respiration
c) Photosynthesis
NOTE: Attempt any 09 question from this section. All question carry equal marks.
i. Define Isotopes?
ii. What is Compound?
iii. Define Spectrum?
iv. What is Growth?
v. Define Ionic bond?
vi. Define Fertilization?
vii. Why do seed need to store food?
viii. Define Voltage? How it is measured?
ix. What is current?
x. Write any three safety rules when using Electricity?
xi. Write the composition of water and its formula?
xii. Write the three uses of water?
xiii. Write the symbol of the following Elements
(a) Carbon
(b) Hydrogen (c) Sulphur
(d) Nitrogen
(e) Calcium
(f) Chlorine
xiv. Define primary colour and secondary colour?
NOTE: Attempt any 03 question from this section. All question carry equal marks.
i What is atomic number and mass number with example?
ii. What is Reproduction? Describe types of Reproduction.
iii. Write the difference between hard water and soft water?
iv. Describe a Voltic cell with help of diagram.
v. Write the six properties of pure water.
vi. What is optical fibres and write its uses.