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Online Learning Vocabulary & Strategies Worksheet

Have you gone to school/college/university? What was your experience
like? Did you go to university with a burning desire?
A. Read the sentences below. Do you know what the phrases in
bold mean?
1. It’s just the tip of the iceberg.
2. Sift through the dirt to find the gold.
3. I didn’t know how to set a focus let alone tell a story.
4. Why did you start doing it in the first place?
5. Become a disciple.
6. I dove headfirst into all the tutorials.
7. Harness the power of the internet!
B. Match the phrases in bold with their definitions.
a) a person who believes in the ideas and principles of someone
famous and tries to live the way that person does or did;
b) used after a negative statement to emphasize how unlikely a
c) a small, noticeable part of a problem, the total size of which is
really much greater;
d) to control something, usually in order to use its power;
e) in the beginning;
f) to make a close examination of all the parts of something in order
to find something or to separate what is useful from what is not;
g) to go into something full speed, full commitment;
C. Complete the sentences in a way they are true for you.
1. I’d like to become a disciple of …
2. I’m willing to harness the power of …
3. I shouldn’t have … in the first place.
4. The problems that … here now are just the tip of the iceberg.
5. I want to dive headfirst into…
6. Make a proper sentence with let alone.
1. Watch the video and answer the questions.
1. What two main challenges of learning on the Internet does
Nathaniel name?
2. What’s the most important thing you are to keep in mind?
3. Name 4 stages of competence.
4. What does a presenter mean by an absorption period?
5. Stage 2: go straight to the top. Dwell on it.
6. Have you ever used Skillshare?
2. Check out the following site and say whether you would like
to sign up for any course there. Which one? Why?
3. Fill in a proper preposition and answer the questions.
1. Do you take things ____ granted?
2. What do you have an intention ___ doing in the near future?
3. What are you good ____?
4. What has made a massive impact ___ your life?