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Electronics Circuits Exam: Circuit Analysis & Design

Electronics Circuits 2[202301-ICE3005-001]
(Final, 2023-1)
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Note (refer to all questions): Vb, Vb1, Vb2, and Vb3 are well biased to make the M1, M2, and M3 operate in the saturation region.
Note: not only write down the equations, but also derive a couple of lines of equation (i.e., with a small signal model).
Q1 . Assuming λ = 0, Compute the poles of the circuit
using Miller’s theorem.
(20 points)
Q2. Calculate the Rout and differential voltage gain of
the circuit depicted below. Assume perfect
symmetry and λ > 0.
(20 points)
Q4. Due to a manufacturing error, a parasitic resistance
Rp has appeared in series with the source of M1
in Fig. shown below, Assuming λ = 0 and neglecting
other capacitances, determine the input and output
poles of the circuit.
(20 points)
Q5.The self-biased stage depicted in Fig. below must
drive a load capacitance of 50 fF with a maximum
gain-bandwidth product
(= midband gain × unity-gain bandwidth).
Assuming R1 = 500 and L1 = 0.18 μm,
determine W1, RF, and RD.
(20 points)
Q3. Calculate the differential voltage gain of the circuit
depicted below. Assume perfect symmetry
and λ > 0.
(20 points)
Bonus: The circuit shown below is called an “active
inductor.” Neglecting other capacitances
and assuming λ = 0, compute Zin. Use Bode’s
rule to plot |Zin| as a function of frequency and
explain why it exhibits inductive behavior
(10 points)