INFANTICIDE 1 6/22/2023 INFANTICIDE Definition Unlawful destruction of a newly born child below the age of one year and is regarded as murder in law. Punishable under sec 302 IPC • Foeticide • Neonaticide 2 6/22/2023 DUTIES OF A FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST IN A CASE OF INFANTICIDE 1. Was the child still born or dead born? 2. Was the child born alive? 3. If born alive how long did the child survive? 4. What was the cause, manner of death? 5. Assist in identifying the mother if she is unknown 6. Assess the maturity of the child. 3 6/22/2023 WHO IS A STILL BORN CHILD? One which was alive in utero, until the process of delivery began Died during delivery Did not show any signs of life after complete expulsion from mother. 4 6/22/2023 STILL BORN CHILD One which issued forth from the mother after 28th week of pregnancy and did not at any time after completely expelled breathe or show any other signs of life ( WHO) 5 6/22/2023 . STILL BORN CHILD Prematurity Anoxia Birth trauma Intracranial haemorrhage Excessive moulding Placental abnormalities 6 6/22/2023 WHO IS A DEAD BORN CHILD? One which died in utero before birth process began Show one of the following signs after it is completely born Maceration Mummification. Putrefaction 7 6/22/2023 MACERATION Aseptic autolysis Death in utero surrounded by liquor amnii(3-4 days) Skin is red or purple can be easily peeled off Soft, flaccid, flattened Emits sweetish, disagreeable smell Skull sutures separate, SPALDING SIGN 8 6/22/2023 Spalding’s sign Loss of alignment and overriding of cranial bones Due to shrinkage of cerebrum after death Within few days 9 6/22/2023 U.S.G.APPEARANCE OF SPALDINGS SIGN 10 6/22/2023 Signs of live birth In civil cases, any sign of life after complete birth of the child is accepted as proof of livebirth The law presumes that every newborn child found dead was born dead until the contrary is proved. Criminal cases: signs of live birth by P.M. examination 11 6/22/2023 EVIDENCE OF LIVE BIRTH Cry Feeling Hearing 12 heart beat Muscular movements Pulsating cord Vagitus uterinus Vagitus vaginalis 6/22/2023 SIGNS OF RESPIRATION Shape of Chest Position of diaphragm Arched or drum shaped Descends to 6th or 7th rib 13 Changes in Lungs Sp gravity Volume Consistence colour 6/22/2023 HYDROSTATIC TEST Based on the specific gravity of lungs Un respired 1040-1050, respired 940 Determination of buoyancy of lungs Ratio of specific gravity of lungs to that of water 14 HYDROSTATIC TEST step1 Lungs removed with larynx, bronchi, trachea 15 HYDROSTATIC TEST step1 This is placed in water, if it floats test is positive. 16 HYDROSTATIC TEST step 2 Lungs is cut into 15-20 fragments if they float test is positive. 17 HYDROSTATIC TEST step 3 Pieces are squeezed under water look for air bubbles, then expel residual air by placing the lung pieces between wooden block and apply pressure... This is placed in water, if it floats test is positive. 18 HISTOLOGY OF UNRESPIRED LUNG 19 Gland like structure of lung Alveoli collapsed Thick walled ductules lined by cuboidal or columnar epithelial cells 6/22/2023 HISTOLOGY OF RESPIRED LUNG 20 Alveoli and bronchii expanded Lined by flat epithelium 6/22/2023 ALVEOLAR DUCT MEMBRANE 21 Frozen section Using fat stain Deficiency of surface tension lowering agent Injury to cellular lining of alveoli Lack of fibrinolysin Absent in babies wt <1200gm I.U Asphyxia, prematurity, D.M,C.S,E.B Baby live born 6/22/2023 FALLACIES OF HYDROSTATIC TEST EXPANDED LUNGS MAY SINK FROM Acute pulmonary oedema, pneumonia Atelectasis, air not entering alveoli due to feeble respiration Obstruction by alveolar duct membrane 22 FALLACIES OF HYDROSTATIC TEST UN EXPANDED LUNGS MAY FLOAT FROM 1.Putrefaction 2. Artificial inflation 3. Alcoholic fixation 23 HYDROSTATIC TEST NOT NECESSARY IF. Foetus is less than 180 days of IU life Foetus is a monster, congenital anomalies Macerated Umbilical cord separated, milk in stomach 24 6/22/2023 SIGNS OF STRUGGLE TO BREATHE 1. Pseudo clots 2. Cyanosed expanded lungs 3. Tardieu's spots 4. Distention of large bowel with Meconium 5. Oedema of lungs 6. Presence of alveolar duct membrane 7. Phagocytosis of meconium 8. Bronchopneumonia 9. Contusion of lungs 25 6/22/2023 OTHER SIGNS OF LIVE BIRTH 1.Saliva in stomach 2. Air in stomach ( Breslau's second life test) 3. Changes in middle ear ( Wredin’s test) 4. Changes in kidney and bladder 5. Neonatal line in enamel of unerrupted teeth 26 IF BORN ALIVE HOW LONG DID THE CHILD SURVIVE? Changes in the skin Changes in umbilical cord Presence of caput succedaneum Changes in circulation, blood Meconium discharge( within 24-48 hrs ) 27 6/22/2023 SKIN CHANGES Bright red skin with vernix caseosa ( 1-2days) Dark, brick red, yellow Exfoliation of skin of abdomen(1-3days) Normal colour by 7days 28 6/22/2023 CHANGES IN THE UMBILICAL CORD Cut end showing two artery & one vein, with clots 29 6/22/2023 CHANGES IN THE UMBILICAL CORD Cut end showing inflammatory ring at base 36 To 48 hrs after birth 30 6/22/2023 CHANGES IN THE UMBILICAL CORD Cut end showing dry shrivelled & mummified appearance Second to third day after birth 31 6/22/2023 CHANGES IN THE UMBILICAL CORD Cord falls off leaving slightly suppurating ulcer Five to Sixth day after birth 32 6/22/2023 CAPUT SUCCEDANEUM Swelling containing serum in the presenting part of with ecchymosis,occur after rupture of membrane Pits on pressure, Disappear by 24-72 hrs after birth. 33 6/22/2023 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF SCALP SWELLINGS IN A CHILD 34 6/22/2023 CEPHAL HAEMATOMA 35 Collection of blood between pericranium and flat bone of skull Rupture of emissary vein Forceps, normal labour Never present at birth Develops 12-24 hrs Swelling limited by suture lines Resolves in 6-8weeks 6/22/2023 CIRCULATORY CHANGES AT BIRTH BEFORE BIRTH 36 AFTER BIRTH 6/22/2023 CHANGES IN CIRCULATION SL NO STRUCTURE CLOSURE 1 Umbilical artery 3rd day 2 Umbilical vein and Ductus Venosus 4th or 5th day 3 Ductus Arteriosis 7th or 10th day 4 Foramen Ovale 2nd or 3 rd month 37 6/22/2023 CAUSES OF DEATH Natural Accidental (During & after birth) Criminal 38 ( Act of omission or commission) 6/22/2023 NATURAL CAUSES OF DEATH Immaturity Debility Congenital diseases Haemorrhages Malformations Spasm of larynx Disease of placenta Erythroblasosis foetalis 39 6/22/2023 ACCIDENTAL CAUSES DURING BIRTH Prolonged Prolapse Knots labour of cord separation of placenta 40 Suffocation or twists of cord Premature Death AFTER BIRTH Precipitate labour of mother 6/22/2023 PRECIPITATE LABOUR Combined duration of first and second stage less than two hours Common in multiparae,roomy pelvis, Influence of drugs, hysterical fits Hyperactive uterine contraction & diminished tissue resistance Maternal and foetal risk Examine foetus for injuries, mud, sand Examine placenta, cord 41 6/22/2023 CRIMINAL CAUSES- ACT OF OMISSION 42 SUFFOCATION 6/22/2023 ACT OF OMISSION, STARVATION 43 6/22/2023 ACT OF OMISSION, STARVATION 44 6/22/2023 AN ACT OF COMMSSION- DROWNING 45 6/22/2023 AN ACT OF COMMSSION- SUFFOCATION Circum oral pallor 46 6/22/2023 AN ACT OF COMMSSION- HEAD INJURY 47 6/22/2023 ASSESS MATURITYOF - VIABILITY Ability of a neonate to lead a separate existence outside the mother Usually attained by 180-210 days 48 6/22/2023 APPEARANCE OF A FULL TERM MATURE INFANT NO LAND MARKS TO LOOK FOR MEASUREMENT 1 Crown heel length 48-52 cm 2 Head circumference 30-35cm 3 Weight 2500-3300 gm 4 Scalp hair 2-3cm length 5 Mid point Umbilicus 6 Both testis In scrotum 7 49 Ossification centre for femur,tibia,cuboid, sternum ( last piece) Appeared 6/22/2023 BI SECTED STERNUM SHOWING OSSIFICATION CENTRES 6 th month 6 th month 7 th month 7 th month 9th month 50 6/22/2023 AUTOPSY ON INFANTS & STILL BORNS EXTERNAL EXAMINATION Clothes and wrappings Appearance of the body Maturity data Malformations and birth injuries Umbilical cord 51 6/22/2023 AUTOPSY ON INFANTS & STILL BORNS INTERNALEXAMINATION Head/ Mouth/Neck Thorax Abdomen, other viscera Genitals Limbs and sternum 52 6/22/2023 CONCEALMENT OF BIRTH I.P.C 318 Secret burial or disposal of body Irrespective of child dies before or after birth Punishment , 2 yrs imprisonment with or without fine 53 6/22/2023 ABANDONING OF INFANT I.P.C 317 Parent or guardian of a child below 12 yr or any one entrusted with the care of such child leaves it in any place with the intention of abandonment 7 yrs imprisonment 54 6/22/2023 55 6/22/2023