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Checkpoint P1 2021 Edit2

Checkpoint Primary Sample Answer
April 2021
Cambridge Primary Checkpoint
Paper 1 Non-fiction
April 2021
Sample Paper with explanation
Maximum Mark: 50
Section A: Reading
Que1: Look at the introduction (lines 1–3). Give one example of a two-word phrase that rhymes. 1
Answer: sneak and peek are rhyming words
Justification: rhyming words mean similar sound at the end of each word
Que2a: To get our attention, the writer talks directly to us. Give two more ways
that the writer gets our attention.
Answer: Writer has used exclamation marks to earn our attention. He has also used short sentences
to express anxiety.
Justification: One can also choose to write:
 listing unusual things, the robots can do
 repetition
 Italics
 powerful adjectives
Que2b: What is the name of the event the report is about?
Answer: It’s ‘Revolutionary Robots’
Justification: The phrase it taken from the given reading insert
Que 3: Look at lines 7–10. Why are commas ( , ) used?
Answer: Commas are used to add extra details about the exhibition to add extra details about the
Justification: You can also choose to write
 make a list
 separate the idea from the main point
Que 4a: What does head mean? Explain in your own words.
Answer: To refer the person in charge
Justification: One can also choose to write
 the boss / leader / principal / manager / chief / main person
 the highest rank in the Institute
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Checkpoint Primary Sample Answer
April 2021
4b: Sometimes a speaker’s exact words are used. Sometimes reported speechis used. Give one
example of direct speech from the third paragraph.
Answer: ‘I promise you, you’ll have fun here!’
Justification: You can also quote
 ‘Robots are going to be a big part of our lives,’
 ‘You can see how they’re helping people already.’
4c: Give one example of a passive verb form used in lines 11–16.
Answer: is used
Justification: We write passive sentences with auxiliary plus past participle
5a: The Lincoln Institute is famous for exhibitions that visitors can take part in.Give one sentence that
tells us this.
Answer: It wouldn’t be the Lincoln Institute without loads of hands-on activities.
Justification: This refers to the text from the insert
5b: Explain how we know the writer expects to win the game. Give two ideas.
Answer: He uses the phrase ‘Believe it or not’ which shows that he thought it was surprising. He also
uses the word ‘actually’ which emphasizes his surprise that it was Dexter
Justification: You need to mention two points in order to avail two marks
6: In Text A, there are many facts and some opinions. Look at the extracts below from Text A.
 It was an amazing sight.
 I promise you; you’ll have fun here!
7a: What is included in the kit to make it more interesting for young children?
Answer: It is an illustrated story book.
Justification: The point is mentioned in the insert
7b: What comes with the kit to explain how to build the models?
Answer: It’s a 32-page instruction booklet.
8a: In the story, Ty and Karlie visit a sweet factory. Name two sweets that
are made in the factory.
Answer: Sugar coated fruit drops and delicious chocolate mice are made in the sweet factory
Justification: You can add adjectives also to describe the sweets made in the factor
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Checkpoint Primary Sample Answer
April 2021
8b: Look at lines 6-10. Give an example of onomatopoeia
Answer: zooms
Justification: onomatopoeia is an imitation of sound
8c: Why are the parts in the kit particularly suitable for young children?
Answer: They can use them to make simple models such as robots
Justification: You can also write alternative answers (any one point)
 They are large
 They are colorful
 They’re easy to put together
9a: It is impossible to build and play with all the models at the same time. Why?
Answer: The parts must be used
Justification: You can also write one of the alternative answers
 There aren’t enough bricks to make more than 1 model at a time
 The pieces are re-used to make different models
 You have to change each model into a different model by re-using the sameparts.
 There is only one set of bricks so they have to be used again for each model
 You have to use the same pieces to build every model in turn
9b: Give one two-word phrase that means ‘easy’.
Answer: a breeze
Justification: It’s the implicit meaning in figure of speech which means simple
10a: The robot-building kit is for young children. Give two quotations that show what age of children
the kit is designed for.
Answer: It’s for preschool kids which are for 3+
Justification: you must write two quotations as described by the question.
11a: The text is an advert. Who is the advert aimed at?
Answer: The advert is aimed at parents and care takers of young children
Justification: Text often reflects author’s purpose
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Checkpoint Primary Sample Answer
April 2021
Section B: Writing
12: Text A is a newspaper report in which the writer recounts a day at an exhibition. You andyour
class have been on a school trip, and now your teacher has asked you to write a recount for your
school newspaper about where you went, what you saw and what you did
We went to the magnificent robot exhibition in Chicago, Illinois. The exhibition was filled with robots
from different mechanical process such as bionic robots, furry robots just to name a few. Interestingly
robots could play football, ride a bike and climb walls. We could see them all at a new exhibition called
Revolutionary Robots, at the Lincoln Institute in Chicago, USA. The exhibition opened on October 8.
As we entered the exhibition there were robots and humans there to greet us. We even got to meet a
robot named SYRA. He was able to copy the exact look on my face.
The Head of the Lincoln Institute, welcomed visitors. He explained us how robots are useful and how
they would help us in the future. He also demonstrated how robots are used in hospitals to help
patients with different needs. The furry robot felt warm and reacted to touch. The Lincoln Institute
loaded with hands-on activities. Scientists expect robots to be able to play, and win, a real football
game against humans by 2050.The visit was tremendously educational where we had lots of fun and
acquired lots of knowledge about robots.
Justification: Your answer must be based on the information given on the text. However, it’s
necessary to use your own words to write any recount. Your total 25 points are distributed this was:
Content 7, Structure 7, Grammar 7 and spelling 4. Also take care of the following
1. Material is wholly relevant with content developed and a wide vocabulary well chosen for the
purpose / text type, e.g. powerful verbs, some imagery.
2. Features of the text type are clearly established, i.e. informal, subjective content and 1st
person throughout
3. Clear viewpoint with a consistent, engaging style throughout, i.e. detail, including a personal
response, sustains interest
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