Applied Physics Research; Vol. 10, No. 5; 2018 ISSN 1916-9639 E-ISSN 1916-9647 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education The Tesla Currents in Electrodynamics Andrew Chubykalo1 & Viktor Kuligin2 1 México Unidad Académica de Física, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, A.P. C-580, Zacatecas 2 Physical faculty Department of an electronics, Voronezh State University, Russia Correspondence: Andrew Chubykalo, México Unidad Académica de Física, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, A.P. C-580, Zacatecas. E-mail: Received: August 8, 2018 doi:10.5539/apr.v10n5p79 Accepted: September 20, 2018 Online Published: September 27, 2018 URL: Abstract The paper theoretically shows that the Maxwell equations in the Lorentz gauge deal with not only inertial charged particles, but also charged particles that do not have inertia (virtual charges). Virtual charges appear on the surface of metals. Their movement is the currents of Tesla. Experiments confirming their existence are presented, and some features that reveal them. The influence of virtual currents on the process of transfer of conduction electrons in p-n junctions of semiconductor devices is especially interesting. The results obtained can change our understanding of phenomena in the microcosm. Keywords: Virtual charges, conduction electrons, Avramenko plug, Tesla currents 1. Introduction There are not many physicists who will argue that Maxwell's equations describe all phenomena of electromagnetism without exception. Electrodynamics cannot be considered a complete theory. In electrodynamics, there are little studied phenomena. In this paper, we consider the problem of energy transfer by one wire. The effect, discovered by Avramenko (Avramenko, Lisin, & Zaev, 1991), has existed for a long time, the scientists, however, still could not give an adequate explanation of this phenomenon. 2. Charges and Currents on the Metal Surface Tesla was an ingenious experimenter. However, his experiments were not supported by equations. Therefore, the Tesla currents have a mystery to this day. Many experimenters closely approached the possibility of repeating Tesla's experiments. One of the researchers was Avramenko, who conducted a number of interesting experiments, transmitting electric energy through one wire. The problem of explaining the Avramenko effect is not simple, so we will start from afar. In electrodynamics, the boundary conditions for the fields at the interface of two media are strictly deduced. We are interested only in conductors, so we will write down the boundary conditions for the electric and magnetic fields for the conductor surface. When the fields act on the surface of an ideal conductor, surface charges and currents (π ; π£ ) arise that prevent the penetration of the fields into the metal. π£ =− π§×π and π =π π§βπ , (1) where π is the electric field strength on the metal surface, π is the intensity of the magnetic field on the metal surface, π§ is the unit normal to the surface, π and π£ are surface charge density and surface current densities. When explaining boundary conditions and surface phenomena, there is a question that is not usually considered in textbooks. Assume that electromagnetic or light waves hit the surface of the metal (Landau & Lifshitz, 2010). Suppose that the metal surface reflects electromagnetic or light waves. Then the electromagnetic fields change very quickly. What processes take place on the metal surface? Are the boundary conditions satisfied almost instantly? The authors (Avramenko, Lisin, & Zaev, 1991) avoid a direct answer to this question. They usually refer to “conduction electrons”. However, the conduction electrons have a large inertia. So this explanation is rather controversial. The fields E and H are retarded. Consequently, the surface currents and charges in formulas (1) are also retarded. Like the fields E and H, the surface charges must satisfy the wave equation, and they can move at the speed of 79 Applied Physics Researrch Vol. 10, No. 5; 2018 light. Thesse charges havve no inertia, unlike electroons. This is a new type of classical surfaace conductivity of metals. Phhysicists are connstantly confroonted with thesse charges, butt they did not ffully investigatte them. Becau use of the lack off inertia, the booundary conditiions (1) are sattisfied almost iinstantaneouslyy. Using Maxw well's equations, we analyticallly show this in i the article bbelow. We alsso give the reesults of somee experiments.. Probably, su urface currents annd charges willl be included in the system m of equations of electrodynaamics in the fuuture. The stan ndard classical electronic theorry of conductivvity deals onlyy with inertial ccharges (electrrons). Thereforre, it is limited d. We will noot consider thee zone theory. Let us try to ggive an explannation from the standpoint oof classical phy ysics, especially since we are considering c maacroscopic pheenomena. flows in a connductor, the avverage velocitty of the ordeered motion of the 1) We kknow that wheen a current fl conduuction electronns is millimetters per seconnd. This is a very small sppeed for fulfillling the boun ndary condittions. 2) In ordder to have a hiigh speed, the electron must dial it under thhe action of ann external fieldd. The inertia of o the electroon impedes thiis process, makking it difficultt to quickly chaange the magnitude and direcction of the velocity under the action of external e fields. Thus, attemptts to explain thee fulfillment off boundary connditions at a su urface acted upon by electrromagnetic waaves with classsical boundary conditions witth the aid of coonduction electrons do nott stand up to crriticism. Let us starrt with the basics. Any conduuctor is a quasi--neutral system m. To have an electric field aaround the insu ulated conductor,, it is necessaary that theree be excess chharges on thee surface of tthe conductor.. They violate e the quasineutrrality conditionn of the system m. The electric field does not penetrate the conductor. Therefore, the su urface of a charged conductor is i an equipotenntial, i.e. surfaace of the sam me potential. W We assume thatt the potential of an infinitely ddistant surface is equal to zerro. Then an isoolated charged body can be considered as thhe own capacittance of an isolaated conductor.. The connectioon between thee potential of aan isolated solittary conductorr is described by b the formula π = πΆπ, π = 0 , where πΆ is the capacity of the surface Figure 1. Cappacities and exxcess charges gative Due to thee inertial properties of the eelectrons we pput forward thee hypothesis tthat excess positive and neg charges arre not an excesss or a lack of conduction ellectrons in a coonductor. Thesse are special charges capab ble of changing ttheir state of motion m much fa faster than elecctrons, that exiist along with electrons, posiitrons, protonss, etc. To illustraate this, consider the propagaation of a shortt electromagneetic pulse in a ccoaxial cable ((see Fig. 2). Figgure 2. Propaggation of an eleectromagnetic pulse along a ccoaxial line 80 Applied Physics Research Vol. 10, No. 5; 2018 Inside the coaxial cable fields E and H are created by moving excess positive and negative charges (Landau & Lifshitz, 2010). Let the pulse propagate along the z axis. Let us calculate some quantities: 1) The charge on the elementary segment ππ§ of the outer coaxial cylinder is ππ = 2ππππΈ π ππ§; where πΈ π is the electric field at π = π. 2) The charge on the elementary segment ππ§ of the interior coaxial cylinder is ππ = 2ππππΈ π ππ§; where πΈ π is the electric field at π = π. Hence πΈ π = πΌ ⁄π. Obviously, the law of charge conservation holds: |ππ | = |ππ | = ππ. We calculate the values of the surface currents in these conductors. 3) External coaxial cylinder: I = 2πbH b . 4) Internal coaxial cylinder: I = 2πaH a . Hence H r = I ⁄r. The surface currents of these conductors are, respectively, |πΌ | = |πΌ | = πΌ Now we can easily calculate the rate of movement of excess charges, for example, for an internal conductor of a coaxial line. On the one hand, we have: WπΌ = = =π£ = π£2ππππΈ π , (2) on the other hand: (3) πΌ = 2πππ» π . Comparing these expressions and taking into account that πΈ π ⁄π» π = π⁄π we get: π£ = π. Try to make the "free" conduction electron move at a similar speed! But in waveguides the phase velocity of excess charges exceeds the speed of light in a vacuum! So, the excess charges in the coaxial line move with the speed of light! This is one of the important points. Another point is that positive and negative excess charges are not born in pairs, but separately, ignoring the law of conservation of charge. Therefore, we will call such charges virtual charges. It is the virtual charges that are mainly responsible for the instantaneous fulfillment of the boundary conditions on the surface of the conductors. 3. Virtual Charges (Or: Surface Charges Without Inertia) Let the electromagnetic wave fall on the surface of the conductor. We write the boundary conditions. π£ = − π§ × π and π =π π§βπ . The wave excites surface currents and charges. On the one hand, the current density π£ equation div π£ = − π§ β rot π = −π π§βπ =− . (3.1a) satisfies the continuity (3.1) On the other hand, we have on the surface of an ideal conductor only a common electric field π directed along the normal to the surface. Therefore, we can write: π£ =− π π§× =− π§ × rot π grad π π§ β π = −π grad π =− . (3.2) Since we are dealing with rapidly changing phenomena, it follows from Eq. (3.2) that π£ = rot −π grad π =0. (3.2a) Combining equations (3.1) and (3.2) and taking into account (3.2a) we finally obtain: βπ£ − π£ =0, (3.3) βπ£ − π£ =0. (3.4) So, surface charges and currents satisfy homogeneous wave equations. Let π and π are coordinates of a surface element and π = π + π . Then the solutions of these equations will be π£ = ππ π − ππ‘ + ππ 81 π + ππ‘ , (3.5) Applied Physics Researrch Vol. 10, No. 5; 2018 and π − ππ‘ + π π =π where π iss the velocity vector v (the speeed of light in a vacuum). π + ππ‘ , (3.6) We note thhe obvious prooperties of virtuual charges (orr surface chargges without ineertia): • W We see that virttual charges prropagate at thee speed of lighht along the surrface of an ideeal conductor. They ddo not have an inertial mass. • V Virtual charges arise (are exciited) and are deestroyed due too the influencee of external eleectric and mag gnetic fiields. Obviously, the law of cconservation oof charge does not hold for thhem. • V Virtual chargess realize the pphenomenon of “superconduuctivity” on thhe surface of cconductors at room r teemperature. Thhis is a new kinnd of conductivvity, the descriiption of whichh is not in the M Maxwell equattions. H However, virtuual charges andd currents apppear when the boundary connditions on thee metal surface are foormulated. • W We assume thatt virtual charges can interactt with conducttion electrons aand transfer soome energy to them or take their eneergy. • W We do not knoow the nature oof virtual charrges. A macroscopic versionn of their description is abse ent in qquantum electrodynamics as well. Perhapss there is som me kind of neuutral environm ment enveloping g the particles, whichh is “charged aand dischargedd” when exposeed to external fields. Let us now w turn to the deescription of exxperimental sttudies related tto virtual chargges. 4. The Experiment of Avramenko A Now we ccan discuss thee experiment oof Avramenko,, Lisin, and Z Zaev (1991). So, on 5.08.90 an experimentt was demonstraated in one of the Moscow P Power Engineeering Institutee (MPEI) labooratories, the sscheme of whiich is shown in F Fig. 3. The experiimental setup included i a macchine generatoor 1 with a pow wer of up to 1000 kW, generatiing a voltage with w a frequency of 8 kHz. Notee: This machinne generator suupplied power tto the step-up ttransformer 2. It is possible to use a Tesla traansformer insteead of a step-uup transformer.. One terminnal of the secoondary windinng was free (noot connected too anything, as shown in Figg. 3). To the se econd terminal, tthe following elements e were connected in sseries: thermoeelectric milliam mpermeter 3, th thin tungsten wire w 4 (wire lengtth 2.75 m, diam meter 15 μm) and "Avramennko plug" 5. The Avram menko plug iss a closed loop containing ttwo series-connnected diodess in which thee common poiint is connected to the previouusly described circuit and thhe load. The looad was 6 paraallel incandescent bulbs. Thrrough this singlee-wire circuit Avramenko A waas able to trannsfer from the generator to tthe load (incanndescent lamps) an electrical ppower of about 1300 W (!). T The electric buulbs shone brigghtly. Figure 3. Scheme of the experimennt of Avramenkko enon, It would seeem that this phhenomenon is easily explicabble. However, with a detailedd explanation oof the phenome difficultiess arose. The cuurrent πΌ in thhe Avramenkoo plug is 6A. IIt would seem that the curreent πΌ in the ciircuit connectingg the end of the winding oof the Tesla ttransformer too the Avramennko plug shouuld be close to t or approximaately equal to thhe current πΌ . However, the thermoelectricc milliammeterr 3 fixed a veryy small value of o the current πΌ (πΌ = 2mA (!))), and the thinn tungsten wiree 4 did not evenn heat up! Thiss circumstancee served as the main reason for the difficulty in explaining tthe results of A Avramenko's eexperiment. 82 Applied Physics Researrch Vol. 10, No. 5; 2018 Let us givee some conclussions made by Avramenko annd his colleaguues on the basiis of studies in Avramenko, Lisin, L and Zaev ((1991) and Zaeev (1994). 1) The cuurrent Io in thhe Avramenko plug increases linearly withh increasing frequency (meaasuring range 5-100 5 kHz) and practicallly linearly inccreases with iincreasing gennerator voltage at a constannt frequency. This indicaates the capacittive nature of tthe electrical ccircuit. 2) The m magnetic field and Ohm’s law w in the conduuctor connectinng the Avrameenko plug withh the generatorr was not deetected. 3) The cuurrent πΌ was very small in comparison w with the currennt πΌ and was ppractically nott detected either by the theermal or magnnetoelectric cuurrent meter. F For this reason,, the series resiistors (up to seeveral tens of MΩ), M capaciitors and inducctances in the cconnecting circcuit (Tesla’s traansformer – A Avramenko plugg) had an extre emely small attenuating eff ffect on the πΌ current in the Avramenko’s plug. 4) In thee Avramenko plug, p this curreent is converteed into a convventional pulsaating current πΌ . However, in n this explannation, not evverything is cllear. If we measure the vooltage π at thee points AB bby an electrosstatic voltm meter and the current c is a noormal ammeteer, then when calculating thhe power in thhe load, there e is a discreepancy with thhe classical laaws. The calcculated powerrs π = πΌ π ; π = πΌ π , Ohhm's law π = πΌ π (wherre π is the ressistance of thee circuit contaaining the bulbbs) did not m match. The authhors write tha at the resistoors "seem to loose their face vvalues" (Avram menko, Lisin, & Zaev, 1991)). Later we w will comment on o some of Avvramenko’s connclusions. 5. Search for Ways to Explain E Avramenkko and his colleeagues could nnot explain thee experiment. W We have condducted special sstudies. The re esults will be disscussed later. Let us starrt with a simplee example. Coonsider the Herrtz dipole. Figure 4. Hertz dipolle Between thhe "mustachess" of the Hertz dipole, a geneerator U is inseerted. It createss two currents: 1) Kirchhhoff's current. This current fflows through tthe closed circuit "mustache 1" - the generaator - "mustach he 2" - the m mutual capacityy between the "whiskers" πΆ . Kirchhoff's current is interesting becausse the current in n any cross section of the closed circuit iis the same. Inn this case, the same current πΌ , which depeends on time, flows f in the Kirchhoff closed circuit. Thhis is the currennt created by tthe conductionn electrons. 2) Tesla current. This current is form med by virtual charges. Let uus describe thee circuit: the bbias current flowing from tthe endlessly removed r surfacce to the metal body 1 (solitaary capacitancee πΆ ) – conduuctor “antenna a 1” – generaator – conducttor “antenna((metal body) 22” – displacem ment current ffrom “antenna (metal body) 2” to the inffinitely remotee surface (solittary capacity πΆ ). We confinne ourselves to the case of low frequencies, when the lenngth of the "muustache" is muuch smaller tha an the wavelengtth. In additionn, we will assuume that the mutual capaciity between thhe “whiskers” is very smalll and Kirchhoff's currents can be neglected. This allows yoou to explore ccertain phenom mena in a “puree form.” A diagram suitable foor investigationn is shown in F Fig. 5. 83 Applied Physics Researrch Vol. 10, No. 5; 2018 Figgure 5. Simpliified diagram ffor analysis Now let uss list those sim mplifications thhat allow us to analyze the Avramenko expperiment. 1) The L Length L betweeen "Body 1" or "Body 2" andd the wires of ggenerator are m much smaller thhan the wavelength. This aallows us to negglect phenomeena associated w with the electrromagnetic raddiation of the syystem πΏ βͺ π. If I the lengthh of the conducctor is of the order of severall meters, then tthe wavelengthh π at 10 kHzz is 30,000 metters. 2) The coonductors πΏ, connecting c the terminals of thhe generator w with each body had a very sm mall diameter, which w contriibuted to a signnificant decreaase in the mutuual capacitancee of the bodies πΆ . This wass also facilitate ed by the facct that the dim mensions of thee bodies were vvery small com mpared to the ddistance πΏ. It turns outt that for obserrving phenomeena it is possiblle to use standaard devices thaat do not requirre the use of a Tesla T transformeer. 1) Generrator GZ-35. Product P speciffications: G3-335 is generatorr of audio signals with low w level of harm monic distorttion. The devicce is assembled on 8 electronn tubes. It geneerates a sinusooidal signal of 220 Hz – 200 kH Hz in 4 subbbands with a haarmonic coeffiicient of less thhan 0.05% at a load of 600 Ω Ω. The maximuum output volta age is 8 V. 2) A stanndard power transformer w with an iron corre. The transformation ratio iis π ⁄π = 50::5000. 3) The effect was preserved without significant deeviations at freequencies up too 200 kHz andd depended little on the freequency propeerties and type of diodes. 4) As an indicator, we used a multi-limit magnetoeelectric milliam mmeter. 6. Unusuaal Results Here we m must note the difficulties d encoountered by alll the experimeenters investigaating the Teslaa currents: • T To date, there is no clear understanding of tthe nature of vvirtual charges and charge traansfer processes on thhe metal surfacce. The theory of Tesla curreents is at the innitial stage of ddevelopment. • F For experimenttal studies, eveen the most advvanced devicess are not very ssuitable. Virtuually any measu uring ddevice has a larrge solitary (ow wn) capacity w with respect to an infinite sphhere. Tesla's currents will always fllow along its surface. In addiition, most of tthe measuring devices are electrically connnected to the power network. • S Standard methoods for conduccting such expeerimental studiies have not yeet been developped. • B Before we beginn to discuss the results of theese experimenttal studies, we will outline soome considerattions. F From our pointt of view, thee explanation of phenomenaa in the Avram menko experim ment (Zaev, 1994) 1 coontains doubtfful moments: • W We know that the t Tesla curreent in Avramennko’s experimeent is created bby virtual charrges. These cha arges ddo not have ineertia and kinetiic energy. Theyy move along the surface of the conductorr “without fricttion”, i.e. without loss of energy. T Therefore, it is impossible to measure the T Tesla current bby a thermoele ectric m milliammeter. The T Tesla currrent is not capaable of produciing power at reesistance. For this reason, we can asssume that thee real Tesla currrent can have a magnitude oof a few amperres. • T The same reasoon explains the fact that the innclusion of a feew megaohms into the resisstance wire in series s ddoes not practiccally affect thee measurementt results. • T The authors off the experimeent claim thatt they failed tto detect a maagnetic field. Unfortunately y, the exxperiment didd not describee the instrumeents used to m measure the m magnetic field. There is alsso no ddescription of thhe method for measuring thee magnetic fielld. 84 Applied Physics Researrch Vol. 10, No. 5; 2018 Now we ggive a descriptiion of our expeeriments. Fig. 6 shows 3 varriants of conneecting the Avraamenko plug to t the connectingg wire. Variantt a is the standdard insertion oof the plug intoo a wire breakk. The Tesla cuurrent πΌ flowss in a very smalll amount to thee plug, a pulsatting current πΌ , hundreds andd thousands off times greater tthan the curren nt πΌ , flows in thhe plug loop. Figure 6 n this Below is a variant of b for those who wish to testt their knowleddge in the theeory of electriccal circuits. In embodimeent, diode π· is replaced byy a short-circcuited jumper.. What is the value of the pulsed curren nt πΌ ? Accordingg to the theoryy of electricall circuits, therre should be nno pulsating ccurrent in thee "spoiled" plu ug of Avramenkko. The arrow of o the measuriing device musst remain at zeero. However, tthe device will record the cu urrent πΌ = πΌ ⁄2, i.e. 2 times leess! This is an aamazing and uunexpected ressult. Surface cuurrents obey otther laws. No less intteresting is thee variant c. In iit the plug of A Avramenko is eexcluded from m the circuit witth the current πΌ . It is connecteed only by a siingle conductoor with a wire tthrough whichh the Tesla currrent flows. Andd here we are faced f with violattions of the claassical theory of electrical circuits. The cuurrent πΌ in thhe plug exists aand is also equ ual to half the cuurrent πΌ , πΌ = πΌ ⁄2. If you lookk closely, the topological iddentity variantss in Fig. 6 (b,cc) is obvious. As we see, thhere are no "sp pecial devices" appart from the diode d in the cirrcuit. Consequeently, the wholle "highlight" iis in the work oof the n-p transsition of the trannsistor. Changging the spatiaal orientation oof the contourr Fig. 6 (c) didd not affect the magnitude of o the current. W We replaced thee Avramenko pplug with a steep-down transfformer with a pphone (earphoone) included in the secondary winding as shhown in Fig. 6 (d). We hearrd sound vibraations. Hence tthe Tesla curreent has a mag gnetic field! Scientists must answer the t question: hhow can virtuaal charges affecct the main and non-primaryy carriers of the n-p junction annd create electtronic currents in a closed looop without souurces (for exam mple, Fig. 6c)?? We draw aattention to onne more importtant experimenntal result. In oone of the experiments (see F Fig. 3) Avram menko changed thhe load in the plug, p as shownn in Fig. 7. Insstead of incanddescent lamps, an air spark ggap and a charrging capacitancce πΆ were usedd. Avramenkoo used high-volltage rectifierss (D1 and D2). . Figure 7 menko, Lisin, & Zaev, 19911): “.... if ... coonnect the plugg to the wire unnder an alternating The authorrs write (Avram voltage off 10-10000 V, the current iin the plug looop will circulate in a consstant directionn, but pulsatin ng in 85 Applied Physics Research Vol. 10, No. 5; 2018 magnitude, and soon sparks will scatter from the spark gap π. When? This depends on the capacitance πΆ, the ripple frequency and the gap size of the arrester. A voltmeter connected to the spark gap will show a potential difference of up to 10-20kV, or even 100-150 kV.” And again there are interesting questions. The voltage on the capacitor increases as the capacitor is charged. This voltage creates a potential barrier for electrons passing through the diodes and charging the capacitor. A spark discharge is possible if a potential difference of more than 5000 volts arises between the spark gap electrodes. In experiments, the voltage across the spark gap reached 100-150 kV. How do virtual charges "transfer" the conduction electrons from one capacitor plate to another through diodes, overcoming this voltage? Why at such high voltages on the capacitor πΆ and between the spark gap electrodes does not the phenomenon of reverse breakdown of the n-p junction in diodes occur? Virtual currents, as we see, have a great specificity that distinguishes them from currents in standard Kirchhoff chains. 7. Conclusion Let us sum up our research: 1) It has been theoretically established that Maxwell's equations deal not only with conduction electrons and other inertial charges. They describe virtual (non-inertial) charges moving along the surface of conductors at the speed of light, forming surface currents (Tesla currents). 2) The existence of virtual charges and Tesla currents is confirmed by numerous experiments. 3) Virtual charges have unique properties. They can “be born” and “disappear” under a certain influence, without fulfilling the law of conservation of charge. 4) Special interest is caused by unusual phenomena, in p-n transitions of semiconductor diodes, the description of which is absent in the scientific literature. They can be of great practical importance. 5) The problem of studying the physics of Tesla currents is new (Seifer, 2010). Experimental information is needed to create a theory (mathematical model) describing these phenomena. For this purpose it is necessary to develop new special measurement methods and new types of instruments. 6) As for the virtual charges themselves, the present information about them is not enough to give a description of their structure and the nature of the interaction with inertial charges and electromagnetic fields. It is necessary to carry out further experimental and theoretical studies (Angelov, 2016). Note Note 1. Such generators are usually used for surface hardening of steel. References Angelov, V. (2016). Two-Body Problem of Classical Electrodynamics with Radiation Terms – Energy Estimation (III) International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 6(2), 78-85. Davis, J., & Carr, J. (2002). Handbook radio engineer (M.: Dodeca-XXI). Landau, L. D., & Lifshitz, E. M. (2010). The Classical Theory of Fields (2nd ed.). Pergamon Press. Panofsky, W., & Phillips, M. 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