Uploaded by Dilan Vasagar

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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Task 1
Make a brief proposal to the management of “Smiling Tooth” on
discussing the principles, characteristics and features of procedural
programming solution using C++ programming language. The
proposal should be understandable and acceptable by the
Proposal for
Procedural Programming Solution using C++ language
Prepared for – Smile Tooth dental
Prepared by – Dilan Vasagar
Smile Tooth dental
Subject: - Proposal for “Procedural Programming Solution using C++ language”
Dear sir / Miss,
In response to the given request, we are pleased to offer the proposal for Procedural
Programming Solution using C++ language, which will be accessible over the computer system
with fully supported services.
Vasagar D.J
Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Delivery Schedule
C++ Program will be delivered after the given time period for Developing the Program
immediately when the contract is signed. The program will be implemented within 3 to 5 weeks
from the day Proposal is accepted
Platform and Technologies
C++ programming language
Operating System:
Word Document (.doc)
According to (ask.com, 2014),
“A procedural language is a computer programming language that follows a set of commands in a
particular order. The programmer is the one who specifies the exact steps to be followed in the
execution of a particular task. BASIC, C, FORTRAN and Pascal are some examples of computer
procedural languages”
According to thakare (2008)
“Procedural programming can sometimes be used as a synonym for imperative programming.
But can also refer to a programming paradigm. Derived from structured programming, based
upon the concept of the procedure call. Also known as routines, subroutines, methods, or
functions. Simply contain a series of computational steps to be carried out. Any given procedure
might be called at any point during a program’s execution, including by other procedures or
The advantage of using a C++ Program
Using a C++ program is easier and faster to do day today work. This will help your company
to sort out many problems you face.
Problems with hand writing
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
Search document
Paper waste
Security of data and etc…
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
To overcome these problems having a program will be helpful.
Employees can quickly train and easy to use this program with uncomplicated interface.
The processing speed is faster than other languages. Our program will lead you to top by having
neat system. To search the inquires or other data no need to waste time, papers. You can access
them easily with the program
Schedule of Payment and payment details:
Price for the software – 7500.00 LKR
o 50% at the time of Start.
o 25% after Completion of Program Beta.
o 25% After Completion of Final Program
After Sales Service and Support
This proposal includes 2-Weeks free implementation support for the program. Free support
through e-mail, web and voice is included in the standard service package.
Charges for other Services, if required (after 2 weeks):
An Update in the Program will be charged according to the requirement
Terms and Conditions:
The customer will provide the necessary information required to understand the business
environment where the application may work.
The customer will appoint a management representative to coordinate the development process
with us.
Success Planning:
Extensible after Development.
Ease in Modification.
Vasagar D.J
Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
We look forward for your positive response and expect a long-term business relationship with
Best regards,
Vasagar D.J
Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Task 2
Identify appropriate data structure, file systems, units in order to
design the system, also produce a data flow diagram for above
Context level Diagram
Figure 2.1 Diagram of context level Diagram (Author Designed)
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Level 1 Diagram
Figure 2.2 Diagram of level 1 Diagram (Author Designed)
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Data structure
String Data
fname : Patient First Name
lname : Patient Last Name
fullname : Patient full name
AddNo : Address Number
AddStreet : Street Name
AddCity: City Name
Trt_Type : treatment type
Gen : Gender of customer
DOB : Date of birth of customer
DOBMonth : Month of DOB
App_date : Appointment date
From: Appointment Time from
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
To: Appointment Time to
Char Data
Save the recorded Data
End the program
Open the save records
Get Help whether don’t know to use the
Choose an appointment date
select Satis if patient satisfied with appointment date
Integer Data
Year of Patient Date of birth
Date of Patient Date of birth
Land Line Number for Patient
Mobile number of Patient
Methord Data
Login :
To go to Login
Satis :
To go to Satis
To go to Choose
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Help_Assist: To go to Help
Form :
To go to form
Save process of customer record
end process of the program
SaveRec :
Decision to save or not
To open Save process of saved record
Of customer
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Task 3
Design, implement and test procedural programming solution
a) Design the flow chart for the above solution, using a range of symbols. Develop the appropriate pseudo code for
the same
Figure 3.a.1 Diagram of flow chart to procedural programming solution (Author Designed)
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01Page | 10
HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Pseudo code
Local Data
Appdate, fname , lname, No:, Street, City, Mobi_No , Tel_No, DOB_year, DOB_month,
DOB_Date, Gen, trt_type, from, to
Save, Open, Exit, Yes, Enter_New, Help, Login, Choose, Satis
If (Username = = ‘abc’ or Password = = ‘123’) Then
Output “Welcome”
Goto Help_Assist
Output = “Username or Password Error!!!”
Goto Login
If (Help_Assist = = ‘H’) Then
Goto Help
Else if (Continue = = ‘C’) then
Goto Appointment_datetime
Goto Help_Assist
If (Appointment_datetime == a or Appointment_datetime == b or Appointment_datetime == c
or Appointment_datetime == d) Then
Goto Satisfied
Goto Appointment_datetime
If (Satisfied = = ‘Y’) Then
Goto Form
Input “Enter First Name” , fname ;
Input “Enter Last Name” , lname;
Input” Enter (Adreess) No:”, No;
Input “Enter (Adreess) Street”, Street;
Input “Enter (Adreess) City” , City;
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Input” Enter Mobile No”, Mobi_no;
Input “Enter Telephone No:”, Tel_No;
Input “Enter Gender ”,Gen;
Input “Enter Date of bith year”, DOB_year;
Input “Enter Date of birth Month” , DOB_Month;
Input “Enter Date of birth Date”, DOB_Date;
Input “Enter Passport No:”, Pass_No;
If (Save = =Yes) Then
Goto Open
Else If (Enter_New = = Yes) then
Go to Begin
End If
If (Open = = Yes) Then
Print = fname , lname, No:, Street, City, Mobi_No , Tel_No, DOB_year,
DOB_month, DOB_Date, Gen, trt_type, App_date, From, To
Else If (Enter_New = = Yes) then
Go to Begin
End If
Else If (Satisfied = = ‘N’) Then
Goto Appointment_datetime
Goto Satis
End If
End If
End If
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
b) Select and Implement control structures
Control Structures used in program
If Statement for Login to the system with correct username password
string uname = "abc";
string pword = "123";
string username, password;
cout << "Enter username:\t";
cin >> username;
cout << "Enter Password:\t";
cin >> password;
if (uname == username & pword == password)
cout << "welcome";
goto Help_Assist;
cout << "wrong username or password";
goto Login;
Switch statement for take decision to take help or continue
cout << "\n\nFor HELP assist Press H:\nFor Continue Forward Press c: \t\t";
cin >> Help_Assist;
switch (Help_Assist){
case 'H': case 'h': goto Help; break;
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
case 'C': case 'c': goto Choose; break;
default : goto Help_Assist; break;
Switch statement for Choose one of the appointment date and time
string a = "Appointment Date Monday: 06:00PM – 09:00PM";
string b = "Appointment Date Wednesday: 06:00PM – 09:00PM";
string c = "Appointment Date Saturday: 03:00PM – 10:00PM";
string d = "Appointment Date Sunday:03:00PM – 10:00PM ";
cout << "\nA)" << a <<
"\nB)" << b <<
"\nC)" << c <<
"\nD)" << d ;
cout << "\n\nPlease Choose an Appointment Date\t\t";
cin >> Choose;
switch (Choose)
case 'A': case 'a': cout << "----------"<< a << "----------" ; goto Satis; break;
case 'B': case 'b': cout << "----------"<< b << "----------"; goto Satis; break;
case 'C': case 'c': cout << "----------"<< c << "----------"; goto Satis; break;
case 'D': case 'd': cout << "----------"<< d << "----------" ; goto Satis; break;
default : goto Choose; break;
Vasagar D.J
Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Switch statement for select if patient satisfied or unsatisfied
cout << "\n\nIf the Patient is Satisfied Press Y:\nIf the Patient is Unsatisfied Press
N: \t\t";
cin >> Satis;
switch (Satis)
case 'Y': case 'y': cout<< "\n\nPatient Satisfied with the Appointment Date"; goto Form;
case 'N': case 'n': goto Choose; break;
default : goto Choose; break;
Switch statement for take decision to save or not
cout << "\nDo you want to save the customer records (Y / N) ?\t";
cin >> Save;
switch (Save){
case 'Y': case 'y': goto SaveRec2; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto End1; break;
default : cout << "\t\t\tPlease enter Y or N" << endl;
goto SaveRec;
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Switch statement for take decision to open saved record or not
cout << "Do you want to open the saved records (Y / N) ?\t";
cin >> Open;
switch (Open){
case 'Y': case 'y': goto OpenRec; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto End1; break;
default : cout << "Please enter Y or N" << endl; goto OpenRec;
goto SaveRec2;
Switch statement for enter new or end the program
cout << "\nDo you want to enter new Customer record (Y / N) ?\t";
cin >> End;
switch (End){
case 'Y': case 'y': goto Help_Assist; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto Stop; break;
default : cout << "Please enter Y or N" << endl;
goto End1;
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
c) Ensure effective data passing between developed functions and
Parameter passing mechanism in program
string fname, lname, fullname, AddNo, AddStreet, AddCity, NicNo, Gen, DOB ,
DOBMonth, trt_type, App_date, From, To
int DOByear, DOBDate , TelNo, MobiNo
cout << "\nEnter the Appointment date:\t\t";
cin >> App_date;
cout << "\nEnter the Appointment time:\t\t";
cout << "\nFrom:\t\t";
cin >> From;
cout << "\n\nTo:\t\t";
cin >> To;
cout << "\n\t\t--Smiling Tooth--\t\t";
cout << "\n\t\tPatient Inquiry System\t\t";
cout << "\n\nPatient Information Form\n\n";
cout << "Patient Name \n"
"First Name :\t\t";
cin >> fname;
cout << "Last Name :\t\t";
cin >> lname;
fullname = fname + " " + lname;
cout << "Full Name :\t\t" << fullname<<"\n\n";
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
cout << "Permanent Address\n";
cout << "No:\t\t";
cin >> AddNo;
cout << "Street:\t\t";
cin >> AddStreet;
cout << "City:\t\t";
cin >> AddCity;
cout << "\n\nContact Details\n";
cout << "Mobile No:\t\t";
cin >> MobiNo;
cout << "Telephone no: (Home)\t\t";
cin >> TelNo;
cout <<"\n\nGender (Male or Female)\n";
cout << "Gender :\t\t";
cin >> Gen;
cout <<"\n\nDate of Birth \n";
cout << "Year :\t\t";
cin >> DOByear;
cout << "Month :\t\t";
cin >> DOBMonth;
cout << "Date :\t\t";
cin >> DOBDate;
cout <<"\n\nTreatment Type\n";
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
cout <<"Treatment Type:\t\t";
cin >> trt_type;
Figure 3.c.1: Screen shot 01 of 02 the program; showing parameters passed correctly
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Figure 3.c.2: Screen shot 02 of 02 the program; showing parameters passed correctly
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
d) Create onscreen help to assist the users of a computer program
Help :
cout << "\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Please enter details as below\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Appointment Date: \tMonday\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Appointment Time:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| From: \t06.00 P.M\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| To: \t09.00 P.M\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\tCustomer Information Form\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Patient Name :\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| First Name :-\tDilan\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Last Name :-\t\tVasagar\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Permanent Address :\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| No :-\t\t53B\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Street :-\t\tNimalamariya Mawatha\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| City :-\t\tWattala\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Contact Details :\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Mobile Number :-\t0776471831\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
"| Telephone Number :-\t0572230060\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Gender (Male/Female) :\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Gender :-\t\tMale\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Date Of Birth (yyyy/MM/dd):\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Year :-\t\t1994\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Month :-\t\t01\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Date :-\t\t31\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Treatment Details:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Treatment type :-\tN4XXXXXX\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
goto Help_Assist;
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Figure 3.d.1 - Screenshot of Onscreen help
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
e) Implement the procedural programming solution based on a prepared
Procedural Programming Solution
* File: main.cpp
* Author: Dilan Vasagar
* Created on November 17, 2014, 4:31 PM
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
string fname, lname, fullname, AddNo, AddStreet, AddCity, NicNo, Gen, DOB ,
DOBMonth, trt_type, App_date, From, To;
int DOByear, DOBDate , TelNo, MobiNo;
char Save, End, Open, Help_Assist, Satis, Login, Choose;
Login :
string uname = "abc";
string pword = "123";
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
string username, password;
cout << "Enter username:\t";
cin >> username;
cout << "Enter Password:\t";
cin >> password;
if (uname == username & pword == password)
cout << "welcome";
goto Help_Assist;
cout << "wrong username or password";
goto Login;
cout << "\n\nFor HELP assist Press H:\nFor Continue Forward Press c: \t\t";
cin >> Help_Assist;
switch (Help_Assist){
case 'H': case 'h': goto Help; break;
case 'C': case 'c': goto Choose; break;
default : goto Help_Assist; break;
Choose :
string a = "Appointment Date Monday: 06:00PM – 09:00PM";
string b = "Appointment Date Wednesday: 06:00PM – 09:00PM";
string c = "Appointment Date Saturday: 03:00PM – 10:00PM";
string d = "Appointment Date Sunday:03:00PM – 10:00PM ";
cout << "\nA)" << a <<
"\nB)" << b <<
"\nC)" << c <<
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
"\nD)" << d ;
cout << "\n\nPlease Choose an Appointment Date\t\t";
cin >> Choose;
switch (Choose)
case 'A': case 'a': cout << "----------"<< a << "----------" ; goto Satis; break;
case 'B': case 'b': cout << "----------"<< b << "----------"; goto Satis; break;
case 'C': case 'c': cout << "----------"<< c << "----------"; goto Satis; break;
case 'D': case 'd': cout << "----------"<< d << "----------" ; goto Satis; break;
default : goto Choose; break;
cout << "\n\nIf the Patient is Satisfied Press Y:\nIf the Patient is Unsatisfied Press N:
cin >> Satis;
switch (Satis)
case 'Y': case 'y': cout<< "\n\nPatient Satisfied with the Appointment Date"; goto
Form; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto Choose; break;
default : goto Choose; break;
cout << "\nEnter the Appointment date:\t\t";
cin >> App_date;
cout << "\nEnter the Appointment time:\t\t";
cout << "\nFrom:\t\t";
cin >> From;
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
cout << "\n\nTo:\t\t";
cin >> To;
cout << "\n\t\t--Smiling Tooth--\t\t";
cout << "\n\t\tPatient Inquiry System\t\t";
cout << "\n\nPatient Information Form\n\n";
cout << "Patient Name \n"
"First Name :\t\t";
cin >> fname;
cout << "Last Name :\t\t";
cin >> lname;
fullname = fname + " " + lname;
cout << "Full Name :\t\t" << fullname<<"\n\n";
cout << "Permanent Address\n";
cout << "No:\t\t";
cin >> AddNo;
cout << "Street:\t\t";
cin >> AddStreet;
cout << "City:\t\t";
cin >> AddCity;
cout << "\n\nContact Details\n";
cout << "Mobile No:\t\t";
cin >> MobiNo;
cout << "Telephone no: (Home)\t\t";
cin >> TelNo;
cout <<"\n\nGender (Male or Female)\n";
cout << "Gender :\t\t";
cin >> Gen;
cout <<"\n\nDate of Birth \n";
cout << "Year :\t\t";
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
cin >> DOByear;
cout << "Month :\t\t";
cin >> DOBMonth;
cout << "Date :\t\t";
cin >> DOBDate;
cout <<"\n\nTreatment Type\n";
cout <<"Treatment Type:\t\t";
cin >> trt_type;
cout << "\nDo you want to save the customer records (Y / N) ?\t";
cin >> Save;
switch (Save){
case 'Y': case 'y': goto SaveRec2; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto End1; break;
default : cout << "\t\t\tPlease enter Y or N" << endl;
goto SaveRec;
int x=2;
ofstream recfile("1.doc");
if (recfile.is_open())
recfile << "\n\n" << endl;
" << endl;
recfile << "\nEnter the Appointment date:\t\t" << App_date <<endl;
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
recfile << "\nEnter the Appointment time:\t\t";
recfile << "\nFrom:\t\t" << From <<endl;
recfile << "\n\nTo:\t\t" << To <<endl;
recfile << "\n\t\t\t\t--Smiling Tooth--\t\t\t\t"<<'\n' <<endl;
recfile << " \t\t\t\tPatient Information Form" <<'\n' << endl;
recfile << " Patient Name :\n"<< endl;
recfile << " First Name :-\t\t" << fname << endl;
recfile << " Last Name :-\t\t" << lname << endl;
recfile << " Full Name :-\t\t" << fullname << endl;
recfile << "\n Permanent Address :\n"<< endl;
recfile << " No :-\t\t" << AddNo << endl;
recfile << " Street :-\t\t" << AddStreet << endl;
recfile << " City :-\t\t" << AddCity << endl;
recfile << "\n Contact Details :\n"<< endl;
recfile <<" Mobile Number :-\t\t" << MobiNo << endl;
recfile << " TP Number (Home) :-\t\t" << TelNo << endl;
recfile << "\n Gender (Male/Female):\n"<< endl;
recfile << " Gender :-\t\t\t" << Gen << endl;
recfile << "\n Date Of Birth(yyyy:MM:dd):\n" <<endl;
recfile << " Year :-\t\t" << DOByear << endl;
recfile << " Month :-\t\t" << DOBMonth << endl;
recfile << " Date :-\t\t" << DOBDate << endl;
recfile << "\n Treatment Details :\n" << endl;
recfile << " Treatment Type:-\t\t" << trt_type << endl;
recfile << "\n" << endl;
" << endl;
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
else cout << "unable to write";
cout << "Do you want to open the saved records (Y / N) ?\t";
cin >> Open;
switch (Open){
case 'Y': case 'y': goto OpenRec; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto End1; break;
default : cout << "Please enter Y or N" << endl;
goto SaveRec2;
string line;
ifstream recfile ("1.doc");
if (recfile.is_open()){
while (getline (recfile,line)){
cout << line << '\n';
else cout << "Unable to open file";
cout << "\nDo you want to enter new Customer record (Y / N) ?\t";
cin >> End;
switch (End){
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
case 'Y': case 'y': goto Help_Assist; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto Stop; break;
default : cout << "Please enter Y or N" << endl;
goto End1;
Stop :
cout << "Thank you";
return 0;
Help :
cout << "\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Please enter details as below\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Appointment Date: \tMonday\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Appointment Time:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| From: \t06.00 P.M\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| To: \t09.00 P.M\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\tCustomer Information Form\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Patient Name :\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| First Name :-\tDilan\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Last Name :-\t\tVasagar\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Permanent Address :\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| No :-\t\t53B\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Street :-\t\tNimalamariya Mawatha\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| City :-\t\tWattala\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
"| Contact Details :\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Mobile Number :-\t0776471831\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Telephone Number :-\t0572230060\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Gender (Male/Female) :\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Gender :-\t\tMale\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Date Of Birth (yyyy/MM/dd):\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Year :-\t\t1994\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Month :-\t\t01\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Date :-\t\t31\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Treatment Details:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Treatment type :-\tN4XXXXXX\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
goto Help_Assist;
return 0;
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f) Produce a test plan with appropriate test cases to carry out the testing process and test the solution
White box testing
White box testing is a method of testing software that tests internal structures or working of an application
In white-box testing an internal perspective of the system , as well as programming skills, are used to design test cases
It is also known as clear box testing, glass box testing, transparent box testing, and structural testing
White box testing is the detailed investigation of internal logic and structure of the code
In order to perform white box testing of an application , the tester needs to possess knowledge of the internal working of the code
Black box testing
The technique of testing without having any knowledge of the interior workings of the application is Black Box testing
Black box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application
This method of test can be applied to virtually every level of software testing : unit , integration , system , and acceptance
The tester is oblivious to the system architecture and does not have access to the source code
When performing a black box test, a tester will interact with the system's user interface by providing inputs and examining
outputs without knowing how and where the inputs are worked upon
Test Case Login Screen with Correct Username and Password
Test Case #: 1
Test Case Name: Login screen Test
Page: 1 of 10
System: C++ Program for Smiling tooth Dental
Designed by: D.J Vasagar
Executed by:
Design Date: 2014-11-18
Execution Date:
Short Description: Test the login screen by giving correct username and password
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Receptionist need to Login to the program by giving correct username password
Step Input
Testing Type
Expected System Response
“Build successful” screen shot of C++ Continue to the system
cords provided below 3.4.1
Correct White Box
Username & Password
Figure 3.f.1 Screen shot of C++ Cording
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Step Input
Testing Type
Insert Correct Username Black Box
& Password
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Expected System Response
“Welcome” screen shot
below 3.4.2
provided Continue to the system
Figure 3.f.2 Screenshot of Table with inserted data
Receptionist can login to the system successfully
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Test Case Login Screen with Wrong Username and
Test Case #: 2
Test Case Name: Login screen Test
Page: 4 of 10
System: C++ Program for Smiling tooth Dental
Designed by: D.J Vasagar
Executed by:
Design Date: 2014-11-18
Execution Date:
Short Description: Test the login screen by giving Wrong username and password
Receptionist forgot the username and password, and he/she trying to login
Testing Type
Insert wrong username and Black Box
Expected System Response
“Wrong username or password” Error message and loop back to login
screen shot provided below 3.f.3
Figure 3.f.3 Screenshot of inserting wrong username and password
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Receptionist cannot login to the system
Test Case Insert Patient details and save
Test Case #: 3
Test Case Name: Input data to Form and save
Page: 5 of 10
System: C++ Program for Smiling tooth Dental
Designed by: D.J Vasagar
Design Date: 2014-11-18
Executed by:
Execution Date:
Short Description: Test the program by inserting customer details
Receptionist need to fill the form of patient and save
Testing Type
Insert patient details and save
White Box
“Build Successful”
provided below 3.4.5
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Expected System Response
shot Save the inserted data to .docx file
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Figure 3.f.4 Screenshot of Save file C++ cord
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Insert patient details and save
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Black Box
“detail saved!!!” screen shot provided Saved message and save the inserted data
below 3.4.6
to .docx file
Figure 3.f.5 screenshot of Deleted patient table
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Patient details has been saved in 1.docx file
Test Case with fault statement
Test Case #: 4
Test Case Name: Input wrong type of data
Page: 8 of 10
System: C++ Program for Smiling tooth Dental
Designed by: D.J Vasagar
Executed by:
Design Date: 2014-11-18
Execution Date:
Short Description: Test the database with fault statements
Receptionist entering data to form
Step Input
Testing Type
Insert patient details, instead of Black Box
integer inserting string value
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Expected System Response
Save message get loop countinuesly. Program stop work
Screenshot provided below.
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Figure 3.f.6 Screenshot of program got terminated
Using spaces while inserting Black Box
string values
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Screenshot provided bleow
Skip the data insert fields
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Figure 3.f.7 screenshot of error message
No inserted data with fault data type. But it save data with skipped attributes
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Task 4
Analyze actual test results against expected results to identify
Actual test name
Switch Statement to Help or
If enter H : Goes to Help
Test completed.
continue to form
If enter C : Continue
No error Found
If enter other character : repeat statement
Figure 4.1 Screenshot of switch statement to help
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Figure 4.2 Screenshot of switch statement to continue
Actual test name (Statement)
Switch statement for Choose one
If choose A select "Appointment Date Test completed.
of the appointment date and time
Monday: 06:00PM – 09:00PM"
No error Found
If choose B select "Appointment Date
Wednesday: 06:00PM – 09:00PM"
If choose C select "Appointment Date
Saturday: 03:00PM – 10:00PM”
If choose D select "Appointment Date
Sunday:03:00PM – 10:00PM "
If enter other character : repeat statement
Figure 4.3 Screenshot of switch statement to choose
Actual test name (Statement)
Switch statement for select if
If enter Y : Goes to Form
Test completed.
patient satisfied or unsatisfied
If enter N : Goes to Choose Appointment No error Found
If enter other character : repeat statement
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Figure 4.4 Screenshot of switch statement to select satisfied or Unsatisfied
Actual test name (Statement)
See whether parameters are
Input appointment date, time, name,
Test completed.
passed correctly
permanent address, telephone number,
No error Found
gender, date of birth, treatment type
If the data insert
Instead of integer
if we input string
If use space in
String it skip next
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Figure 4.5 Screenshot of parameters are passed correctly
Actual test name (Statement)
Switch statement for take
If enter Y : Save record and goes to Openrec Test completed.
decision to save or not
If enter N : goes to enter new
No error Found
If enter other character : repeat statement
Figure 4.6 Screenshot of switch statement to select save or not
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Actual test name (Statement)
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Save process. Save patient
Save appointment date, time, name,
Test completed.
details in .docx file
permanent address, telephone number,
No error Found
gender, date of birth, treatment type in a
Writing to a
document file as .doc.
document file in
Screenshot provided – figure 4.6
Actual test name (Statement)
Switch Statement to ‘Open’ or
If enter Y : Open record
Test completed.
If enter N : goes to enter new
No error Found
If enter other character : repeat statement
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Figure 4.7 screenshot 01of 02 statement to open saved records
Figure 4.8 screenshot 01of 02 statement to open saved records
Actual test name (Statement)
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Open process (Open the
Open: input appointment date, time, name, Test completed.
Written document file or not)
number, No error Found
gender, date of birth, and treatment type in a Opened the Written
document file.
document file
Screenshot Provided – Figure 4.7 and 4.8
Actual test name (Statement)
Switch Statement to Repeat or If enter Y : go to begin
Test completed.
Not to enter new details
No error Found
If enter N : end the program
If enter other character : repeat statement
Figure 4.9 screenshot of switch statement to enter new records or not
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Task 5
Gather independent feedback on the developed solution from
different users and critically analyses the limitations of the
developed program solution and make recommendations for
improvements based of the feedbacks
Feedback 1:
If we enter a string value for integer programs Stops and we have to start from beginning.
Ex:Mobile number = Integer
If we enter String value Program ends without saving
Assign a validation to Repeat or a message if we enter string value.
Inform user by a message before entering mobile number
Feedback 2:
If we use space while we enter data to string value program starts to skip next parameter.
Ex: Street = “Perera road”
City =
Between “Perera road” there is a space, so it skipped the field “City”
Instead of space user can use underscore sign “_”.
Enter more fields like street1, street2… street 5.
Feedback 3:
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All the records of customers are saved in a one Document file. Entering customers' details for
one document file will cause problem to the user to find data when he needed
Ex: - Customer 1 records are in the document. As well as 100th customer’s data are in that
same document. If we need 60th customers' details we have to search that document file by
Give a customer ID for the customer
Save one document file to one customer
To overcome all this problem we can use a database like SQL server, MySQL and etc…
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Task 6
Create documentation for the support and maintenance of
developed procedural programming solution
a) Produce a user manual (with relevant screen shots) for the developed
solution to assist the user
User manual for program*************************************************************
Instructions –
This program is a inquire details registry system. This program use to save customer/inquire
details and get details to call back later.
How to use the program –
This program doesn’t has an Interface.
Run the program by debugging or double clicking the icon.
When Program start it display enter username and password, you have to enter
correct username and password. If you enter correct username, password it will
continue, else it display error message and you have to enter the correct
username password again
After that it display message to select Help or Continue. To select you have to
enter „H‟ for Help and „C ‟ for Form.
Selecting Help will show you an example of a form and the format that already
filled with data. According to that you can get a proper idea about how to fill
the form.
Selecting ‘C’ will continue to select Appointment date. There are 4
appointment date and times. You can choose an appointment date and time by
giving A, B, C or D
Selecting one of the Appointment date and time will show message that patient/
customer satisfied of the Appointment date or not. Selecting ‘Y’ will show the
form, selecting ‘N’ will take you back to appointment selecting date
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Fill the Form according to the fields
Example image shown below –
Figure 6.a.1 Figure 01 of 02 form (Author designed)
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Figure 6.a.2 Figure 02 of 02 form (Author designed)
1. Enter date name (Monday, Tuesday and etc…)
2. Enter time from
3. Enter time to
4. Enter First Name
5. Enter Last Name
6. Full Name will Auto generate
7. Enter Address No (No of Home)
8. Enter Street Name
9. Enter City Name
10. Enter Mobile Number
11. Enter Telephone Number
12. Enter Gender Male or Female / M or F
13. Enter Date Of Birth Year
14. Enter Date Of Birth Month
15. Enter Date Of Birth Date
16. Enter Treatment Type
Program will ask message to save entered record. If enter Y records will save to
document file.
o If enter N it will ask a message “to enter new record enter Y or End the program
press N”. If enter Y it goes to begin of the form. If enter N program will end.
Program will ask message to Open entered record. If enter Y records will open the
document file.
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o If enter N it will ask a message “to enter new record enter Y or End the program
press N”. If enter Y it goes to begin of the form. If enter N program will end.
Do not enter String values instead of Integer values
Do not enter Integer values instead of Characters Y/N
Do not use space while inserting string values
Do not change any of the C++ cords, it will causes the program running
Do not delete files in source folder
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b) Document the code to provide good understanding of the program and
its functionalities using different types of comments
* File: main.cpp
* Author: Dilan Vasagar
* Created on November 17, 2014, 4:31 PM
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// String Data type
string fname, lname, fullname, AddNo, AddStreet, AddCity, NicNo, Gen, DOB ,
DOBMonth, trt_type, App_date, From, To;
//Integer data types
int DOByear, DOBDate , TelNo, MobiNo;
//Character type
char Save, End, Open, Help_Assist, Satis, Login, Choose;
//Login screen to enter to the system
Login :
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string uname = "abc";
string pword = "123";
string username, password;
cout << "Enter username:\t";
cin >> username;
cout << "Enter Password:\t";
cin >> password;
if (uname == username & pword == password)
cout << "welcome";
goto Help_Assist;
cout << "wrong username or password";
goto Login;
//Display Message
cout << "\n\nFor HELP assist Press H:\nFor Continue Forward Press c: \t\t";
//User input
cin >> Help_Assist;
switch (Help_Assist){
case 'H': case 'h': goto Help; break;
case 'C': case 'c': goto Choose; break;
default : goto Help_Assist; break;
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Choose :
//Assigning Appoint dates to A,B,C, and D
string a = "Appointment Date Monday: 06:00PM – 09:00PM";
string b = "Appointment Date Wednesday: 06:00PM – 09:00PM";
string c = "Appointment Date Saturday: 03:00PM – 10:00PM";
string d = "Appointment Date Sunday:03:00PM – 10:00PM ";
//Display Appointment dates on screen
cout << "\nA)" << a <<
"\nB)" << b <<
"\nC)" << c <<
"\nD)" << d ;
//Display Message
cout << "\n\nPlease Choose an Appointment Date\t\t";
//User input
cin >> Choose;
//Switch statement for Choose
switch (Choose)
case 'A': case 'a': cout << "----------"<< a << "----------" ; goto Satis; break;
case 'B': case 'b': cout << "----------"<< b << "----------"; goto Satis; break;
case 'C': case 'c': cout << "----------"<< c << "----------"; goto Satis; break;
case 'D': case 'd': cout << "----------"<< d << "----------" ; goto Satis; break;
default : goto Choose; break;
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//Display Message
cout << "\n\nIf the Patient is Satisfied Press Y:\nIf the Patient is Unsatisfied Press
N: \t\t";
//user input
cin >> Satis;
//Switch to Satis decision
switch (Satis)
case 'Y': case 'y': cout<< "\n\nPatient Satisfied with the Appointment Date";
goto Form; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto Choose; break;
default : goto Choose; break
//Customer Details Entry
cout << "\nEnter the Appointment date:\t\t";
cin >> App_date;
cout << "\nEnter the Appointment time:\t\t";
cout << "\nFrom:\t\t";
cin >> From;
cout << "\n\nTo:\t\t";
cin >> To;
cout << "\n\t\t--Smiling Tooth--\t\t";
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cout << "\n\t\tPatient Inquiry System\t\t";
cout << "\n\nPatient Information Form\n\n";
cout << "Patient Name \n"
"First Name :\t\t";
cin >> fname;
cout << "Last Name :\t\t";
cin >> lname;
fullname = fname + " " + lname;
cout << "Full Name :\t\t" << fullname<<"\n\n";
//Address Entry
cout << "Permanent Address\n";
cout << "No:\t\t";
cin >> AddNo;
cout << "Street:\t\t";
cin >> AddStreet;
cout << "City:\t\t";
cin >> AddCity;
//Contact Details Entry
cout << "\n\nContact Details\n";
cout << "Mobile No:\t\t";
cin >> MobiNo;
cout << "Telephone no: (Home)\t\t";
cin >> TelNo;
//Gender Entry
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cout <<"\n\nGender (Male or Female)\n";
cout << "Gender :\t\t";
cin >> Gen;
//Date of Birth Entry
cout <<"\n\nDate of Birth \n";
cout << "Year :\t\t";
cin >> DOByear;
cout << "Month :\t\t";
cin >> DOBMonth;
cout << "Date :\t\t";
cin >> DOBDate;
//Treatment type Enry
cout <<"\n\nTreatment Type\n";
cout <<"Treatment Type:\t\t";
cin >> trt_type;
//Save Record Section
cout << "\nDo you want to save the customer records (Y / N) ?\t";
cin >> Save;
switch (Save){
case 'Y': case 'y': goto SaveRec2; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto End1; break;
default : cout << "\t\t\tPlease enter Y or N" << endl;
goto SaveRec;
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//Save Process
int x=2;
ofstream recfile("1.doc");
if (recfile.is_open())
recfile << "\n\n" << endl;
**\n" << endl;
recfile << "\nEnter the Appointment date:\t\t" << App_date <<endl;
recfile << "\nEnter the Appointment time:\t\t";
recfile << "\nFrom:\t\t" << From <<endl;
recfile << "\n\nTo:\t\t" << To <<endl;
recfile << "\n\t\t\t\t--Smiling Tooth--\t\t\t\t"<<'\n' <<endl;
recfile << " \t\t\t\tPatient Information Form" <<'\n' << endl;
recfile << " Patient Name :\n"<< endl;
recfile << " First Name :-\t\t" << fname << endl;
recfile << " Last Name :-\t\t" << lname << endl;
recfile << " Full Name :-\t\t" << fullname << endl;
recfile << "\n Permanent Address :\n"<< endl;
recfile << " No :-\t\t" << AddNo << endl;
recfile << " Street :-\t\t" << AddStreet << endl;
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recfile << " City :-\t\t" << AddCity << endl;
recfile << "\n Contact Details :\n"<< endl;
recfile <<" Mobile Number :-\t\t" << MobiNo << endl;
recfile << " TP Number (Home) :-\t\t" << TelNo << endl;
recfile << "\n Gender (Male/Female):\n"<< endl;
recfile << " Gender :-\t\t\t" << Gen << endl;
recfile << "\n Date Of Birth(yyyy:MM:dd):\n" <<endl;
recfile << " Year :-\t\t" << DOByear << endl;
recfile << " Month :-\t\t" << DOBMonth << endl;
recfile << " Date :-\t\t" << DOBDate << endl;
recfile << "\n Treatment Details :\n" << endl;
recfile << " Treatment Type:-\t\t" << trt_type << endl;
recfile << "\n" << endl;
**\n" << endl;
else cout << "unable to write";
cout << "Do you want to open the saved records (Y / N) ?\t";
cin >> Open;
switch (Open){
case 'Y': case 'y': goto OpenRec; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto End1; break;
default : cout << "Please enter Y or N" << endl;
goto SaveRec2;
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//Open Record section
string line;
ifstream recfile ("1.doc");
if (recfile.is_open()){
while (getline (recfile,line)){
cout << line << '\n';
else cout << "Unable to open file";
//Complete save process and Go back or end application
cout << "\nDo you want to enter new Customer record (Y / N) ?\t";
cin >> End;
switch (End){
case 'Y': case 'y': goto Help_Assist; break;
case 'N': case 'n': goto Stop; break;
default : cout << "Please enter Y or N" << endl;
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goto End1;
//Stop Programe
Stop :
cout << "Thank you";
return 0;
//Help process
Help :
cout << "\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Please enter details as below\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Appointment Date: \tMonday\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Appointment Time:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| From: \t06.00 P.M\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| To: \t09.00 P.M\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\tCustomer Information Form\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Patient Name :\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| First Name :-\tDilan\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Last Name :-\t\tVasagar\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Permanent Address :\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
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"| No :-\t\t53B\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Street :-\t\tNimalamariya Mawatha\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| City :-\t\tWattala\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Contact Details :\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Mobile Number :-\t0776471831\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Telephone Number :-\t0572230060\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Gender (Male/Female) :\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Gender :-\t\tMale\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Date Of Birth (yyyy/MM/dd):\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Year :-\t\t1994\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Month :-\t\t01\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Date :-\t\t31\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Treatment Details:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"| Treatment type :-\tN4XXXXXX\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
"|\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t |\n"
goto Help_Assist;
return 0;
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Gantt chart
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Ask, 2014. What is C++. [Online]
Available at: http://www.ask.com/question/what-is-procedural-languages
[Accessed 28 10 2014].
S.T.S, K., 2008. Principle of procedural Programming. [Online]
Available at:
pNs6QC&redir_esc=y , [2014/03/15]
[Accessed 28 10 2014].
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Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
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HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
Table of Contents
Task 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Make a brief proposal to the management of “Smiling Tooth” on discussing the
principles, characteristics and features of procedural programming solution using C++
programming language. The proposal should be understandable and acceptable by the
management.............................................................................................................................. 1
Task 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Identify appropriate data structure, file systems, units in order to design the system, also
produce a data flow diagram for above scenario .................................................................. 5
Task 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Design, implement and test procedural programming solution ........................................ 10
a) Design the flow chart for the above solution, using a range of symbols. Develop the
appropriate pseudo code for the same .................................................................................. 10
Select and Implement control structures ................................................................... 13
c) Ensure effective data passing between developed functions and procedure ................ 17
Create onscreen help to assist the users of a computer program ............................... 21
e) Implement the procedural programming solution based on a prepared design ............ 24
Produce a test plan with appropriate test cases to carry out the testing process and test
the solution ........................................................................................................................... 33
Task 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Analyze actual test results against expected results to identify discrepancies ................. 43
Task 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 50
Gather independent feedback on the developed solution from different users and
critically analyses the limitations of the developed program solution and make
recommendations for improvements based of the feedbacks ............................................ 50
Task 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 52
Create documentation for the support and maintenance of developed procedural
programming solution ........................................................................................................... 52
Vasagar D.J
Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
Page | 69
HND in Computer and System Development
ESOFT Metro College, Wattala
a) Produce a user manual (with relevant screen shots) for the developed solution to assist
the user ................................................................................................................................. 52
Document the code to provide good understanding of the program and its
functionalities using different types of comments ............................................................... 56
Gantt chart ............................................................................................................................. 67
References ............................................................................................................................... 68
Vasagar D.J
Procedural Programming Assignment 01 of 01
Page | 70