Introduction Basics ILLUSTRATOR CC Wo r k b o o k By: Shahenda Abdelrazek Adobe illustrator Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Purpose Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor software developed and manufactured by ADOBE Systems Inc. Development Development of Adobe Illustrator for the Apple Macintosh began in 1985. Industry Adobe Illustrator is 1 part of the holy trinity of Graphic Design, along with Photoshop & InDesign. Illustrator Illustrator provides results in the typesetting and logo graphic areas of design. Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Illustrator is all around you. The industry-standard vector graphics software is used by millions of designers and artists to create everything from gorgeous web and mobile graphics to logos, icons, book illustrations, product packaging, and billboards. Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Introduction Basics ILLUSTRATOR TOOLS Basics Introduction Adobe illustrator delete lasso tool blend tool free transform tool rotate tool text tool magic wand mesh tool eye drop reflect tool pen tool tab direct selection gradient tool scale tool hand tool column graph tool live paint bucket tool ellipse tool enter caps lock return zoom scissors selection tool brush pen rectangle tool line segment tool shift shift alt fn control Tools alt option command command option Basics Introduction Adobe illustrator Tools SHORTCUTS Selection V V Eraser Shift + E Shift + E Column Graph J J Direct Selection A A Scissors C C Slice Shift+K Shift+K Group Selection Shift Shift Rotate R R Hand H H Magic Wand Y Y Reflect O O Zoom Z Z Lasso Q Q Scale S S Toggle Fill and Stroke X X Pen P P Width Shift+W Shift+W Default Fill and Stroke D D Add Anchor Point + + Warp Shift+R Shift+R Swap Fill and Stroke Shift+X Shift+X Delete Anchor Point - - Free Transform E E Gradient . . Convert Anchor Point Shift +C Shift +C Shape Builder Shift+M Shift+M Color , , Type T T Live Paint Bucket K K None / / Touch Type Shift +T Shift +T Live Paint Selection Shift+L Shift+L Toggle 3 Screen Modes F F Line Segment \ \ Perspective Grid Shift+P Shift+P Show/Hide All Panels Tab Tab Rectangle M M Perspective Selection Shift +V Shift +V Show/Hide All But Toolbox Shift+Tab Shift+Tab Ellipse L L Mesh U U Increase Diameter ] ] Paintbrush B B Gradient G G Decrease Diameter [ [ Pencil N N Eyedropper I I Symbolism Tools: Increase Shift+} Shift+} Blob Brush Shift + B Shift + B Blend W W Symbolism Tools: Decrease Shift+{ Shift+{ Artboard Shift+O Shift+O Symbol Sprayer Shift+S Shift+S Toggle Drawing Mode Shift+D Shift+D Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Adobe ILLUSTRATOR Interface Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 2 Layer 1 Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Creative Design Elements Introduction Basics Creative Design elements SHAPE LINE TEXTURE COLOUR SPACE MASS Basics Introduction LINE Creative Design elements SHAPE COLOUR Basics Introduction LINE Creative Design elements SHAPE COLOUR Basics Introduction LINE Creative Design elements SHAPE COLOUR Introduction Colour Creative Design elements_ Colours Introduction Colour Creative Design elements_ Colors Introduction Colour Creative Design elements_ Colors Colour Introduction Creative Design elements_ Colors Fill & Stroke Fill Stroke Fill Stroke Fill Fill Stroke Stroke Introduction Colour Colour select Introduction Colour Select a Tint or Shade of a Colour Colour Select Colour Change the Hue of the Colour Introduction Colour Colour select HSB: Hue Saturation Brightness Introduction Colour Colour select RGB: Red Green Blue Introduction Colour Colour select CMYK: Cyan Magenta Yellow Key (Black) Introduction Colour Colour select #: Hex Codes (Known As WebCodes) Introduction Colour Colour select Fill & Stroke Colour Library options Create & Delete options Introduction Colour Colour select Introduction Gradient Colour select Gradient Types (Linear or Radial) Fill & Stroke Gradient Slider Introduction Shapes Creative Design elements_ Shapes Introduction Shapes Creative Design elements_ Shapes Introduction Shapes Creative Design elements_ Shapes Introduction Shapes Creative Design elements_ Shapes MITSUBISHI MOTORS Introduction Shapes Creative Design elements_ Shapes Introduction Shapes Pathfinder Introduction Shapes Pathfinder Shapes Introduction Pathfinder Path Exclude Unite Addmultipleshapestogether Minus Front CutShapesout of objects Minus Front Intersect Leavetheintersectingareaonly Exclude Removetheintersectingarea Unite Intersect Shapes Introduction Pathfinder Divide Separatesoverlappingshape Trim Removesoverlappingshapes Merge Trim Crop Minus Back Remove& mergeshapes Crop Cropsartworkto shape Outline Createsoutlineof artwork Minus Back Subtractfrombehind Divide Outline Merge Introduction Stroke Line & Brushes Options: Width & Style Brushes Tab Stroke Tab Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Typography working with text Introduction Fonts Matter Typography Typeface vs Font Introduction Typography What is typography? What is typography ? Introduction Typography Why typography is so important? Why typography is so important ? Friendly AGGRESSIVE Traditional Masculine Feminine Calm Chaotic Introduction Typography Typeface vs Font Typeface vs Font Introduction Typography Typeface families Serif fonts —have a little feet at the end of each letter. This classic typography is great if you want your brand to appear trustworthy, and traditional. Sans serif—if “serif” means feet then “sans serif” is without the feet. They’re just letters that have smooth edges. They give a more sleek and modern feel to your brand identity. Script—and we have script fonts that emulate cursive handwriting. It can be a great way to add an authentic feel to your brand identity. Introduction Typography Typeface families A A AA A A A A A AA A A A Monospaced bauhaus Typography Introduction Typeface families Regular: The standard weight of a typeface (also called “normal”) Light: A thinner/ lighter version of the regular typeface. Also called “thin” Bold: A thicker, heavier version of the regular typeface Introduction Typography Size Measurement Not all created equal Notall createdequal Introduction Typography Size Measurement Introduction Typography Size Measurement Introduction Typography Kerning Introduction Typography Tracking Introduction Typography Tracking Introduction Typography Combining type Combining bold with thin gives a nice look BIG versus small Introduction Typography Combining type Colors make it simple to create contrast And the combination of fonts is also PERFECT for the contrast effect Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Type & Outline Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Type & Type on a path Vertical Area Type Type Type Area Type VerticalType Vertical Type on a path Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Pen Tool C r e a t i v e Te c h n i q u e s Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Pen Tool is a drawing tool used to create straight lines, curved lines and full custom shapes. Add Anchor Point will allow you to add custom plot points for editing your pen tool lines or shapes Delete Anchor Point will remove custom plot points for editing your pen tool lines or shapes Anchor Point Tool allows you to change the pen line. If curved will straighten the line, if straight can be curved. Curvature tool is a pen tool specifically for creating curved lines. Introduction Creative Techniques Another great practice to utilze the Adobe Pen Tool Game: or Great tips! If I may add, another quick way to turn a path into a selection is «Ctrl + Enter», and/or you can also press «Ctrl» and mouse click on the path layer as well (Windows) . Understanding The Pen Tool Introduction Creative Techniques Understanding The Pen Tool Introduction Creative Techniques Understanding The Pen Tool Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Introduction Creative Techniques Blend mode Introduction Creative Techniques Clipping Mask Introduction Creative Techniques Combinning Shapes Introduction Creative Techniques Combinning Shapes Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator links & Image trace Import, export and trace pic Introduction links Window > Links working with images Introduction Image trace Object> Image Trace working with images Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Finishing Touches Put it all in to action ! Introduction Finishing Touches Understanding Artboards Art Board Introduction Finishing Touches Understanding Artboards This is theCanvas Art Board This is the Introduction Finishing Touches Understanding Artboards Artboards Explained: Artboards are similar to pages in Adobe InDesign CC or Microsoft Word and represent the printable area. It is possible create multiple artboards in any of your documents. With Artboards you can have between 1 to 100 artboards in any document. Artboards can be different sizes and orientations, be arranged how you like, and overlap. Introduction Finishing Touches Understanding Artboards Introduction Finishing Touches Understanding Artboards Hi, Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatu. Signature 405 street New York 555 555 405 street New York 555 555 405 Stret, New York 555 555 405 Street, New York 555 555 Introduction Finishing Touches Vector FX Introduction Finishing Touches Vector FX Introduction Finishing Touches Vector FX Introduction Finishing Touches Saving our artwork AI (ILLUSTRATOR) PDF EPS SVG BITMAP Introduction Finishing Touches AI is the default Adobe Illustrator file type. It retains all designs, artboards and allows easy access to continue designing at a later stage. It is recommended that you save artwork in AI format until you are finished creating it, and then export the artwork to the desired format. Saving our artwork Finishing Touches Introduction Version Subset Embedded Fonts Create PDF Compatible File Include Linked Files Embed ICC Profiles Use Compression Save Each Artboard To A Separate File Transparency options Saving our artwork Introduction Finishing Touches Saving our artwork Portable Document Format (PDF) is a universal file format that preserves the fonts, images, and layout of source documents created on a wide range of applications and platforms. Adobe PDF is the standard for the secure, reliable distribution and exchange of electronic documents and forms around the world. Adobe PDF files are compact and complete, and can be shared, viewed, and printed by anyone with free Adobe Reader® software. Introduction Finishing Touches Virtually all page layout, word-processing, and graphic applications accept imported or placed encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files. The EPS format preserves many of the graphic elements you can create with Adobe Illustrator, which means that EPS files can be reopened and edited as Illustrator files. Saving our artwork Introduction Finishing Touches Version Format Transparency options Embed Fonts Include Linked Files, Document Thumbnails, CMYK PostScript Compatible Gradient And Gradient Mesh Printing Adobe PostScript® Saving our artwork Introduction Finishing Touches Saving our artwork SVG is a vector format that produces high-quality, interactive web graphics. When you save artwork in an SVG format, mesh objects are rasterized, images that have no alpha channel are converted to the JPEG format, Images with an alpha channel are converted to the PNG format. If your document contains multiple artboards and you save to SVG, the active artboard is preserved. You cannot save individual artboards as separate SVG files Finishing Touches Introduction SVG Profiles Font Type Image Location Preserve Illustrator Editing CSS Properties Decimal Places Saving our artwork Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Rasterization is the process of changing a vector graphic to a bitmap image. During rasterization, Illustrator converts the graphic’s paths into pixels. You can rasterize individual vector objects using the Object > Rasterize command or the Rasterize effect. You can also rasterize an entire document by exporting it to a bitmap format, such as JPEG, GIF, or TIFF. Introduction Finishing Touches Saving our artwork Rasterization is the process of changing a vector graphic to a bitmap image. During rasterization, Illustrator converts the graphic’s paths into pixels. You can rasterize individual vector objects using the Object > Rasterize command or the Rasterize effect. You can also rasterize an entire document by exporting it to a bitmap format, such as JPEG, GIF, or TIFF. Introduction Finishing Touches Saving our artwork DID YOU KNOW? • The word JPEG is short for the Joint Photographic Experts Group which created the format • PNG was created as an improved, non-patented replacement for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). • Over 50 billion PDFs have been opened using Adobe products! Introduction Basics Adobe illustrator Questions? Comments? Ideas? Please contact: Shahenda Abdelrazek Adobe certified Expert Advertising & Print Instructor Brand consultant Join our designers community Facebook Account: Instagram Account: Thank you