Introduction hello! Amy Woo ● ● ● ● (2005-2008) Korean Air- Flight Operations Division ● (2003-2005) Incheon Univ. ● EBS, Bang Song Dae Hak TV, Sky TV, etc. (co- host/ actor) Master’s of Education- TESOL (2017- present) Dongguk Univ. (2008-2017) Seokyeong Univ. 1. Syllabus Available on Udrims/ e class Course Structure Lecture 50% Practice/ In-Class Work 50% Grading ✘ Attendance 10%/ Participation 10% ✘ Homework 25% ✘ Midterm 25%/ Final 30% Late assignments are accepted (-1 if more than 1 week late) Relaxed relative Grading A/ A+= 40% Max Class Rules/ Info ✘ Use phones for searches or check for translations/ definitions ✘ Please buy the book ✘ Please join our Naver band (info. on e class) ✘ You are allowed 1 free absence ( I will not count your first absence) thanks! Any questions? Contact info: 010-9908-7319