University of Mauritius Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering IMPLEMENTATION OF WATER COOLING SYSTEM, MPPT AND P&O WITH DUAL AXIS TRACKER AND STATIC PANEL MONEBAHAL Ali Asgar Ibne Project submitted in partial fulfilment of the award of the degree of B.Eng (Hons.) Mechatronics Engineering Supervisor: Mr H. Shamachurn JULY 15, 2022 Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................... i List of Figures ............................................................................................................. vi List of Tables................................................................................................................ x Acknowledgement......................................................................................................xii Declaration Form .......................................................................................................xii Submission Form .......................................................................................................xii Abstract ...................................................................................................................... xv List of Abbreviations................................................................................................. xvi 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Aims and Objectives .......................................................................................... 3 1.2 Chapter Review .................................................................................................. 3 2.0 Literature Review................................................................................................. 4 2.1 PV cell ................................................................................................................ 4 2.1.1 Factors affecting PV cell ............................................................................. 4 2.1.2 Types of PV cell .......................................................................................... 5 2.2 Solar trackers ...................................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 Active Solar Tracker ................................................................................... 8 2.3 Solar Irradiance .................................................................................................. 9 2.4 Solar Radiation in Mauritius ............................................................................ 10 2.5 Mauritius Solar Path......................................................................................... 11 2.6 Control algorithms ........................................................................................... 16 2.7.1 Open-loop Control (OLC) ......................................................................... 16 2.7.2 Closed-loop control (CLC) ....................................................................... 16 Four LDRs Method ........................................................................................ 17 Extremum seeking control (ESC) .................................................................. 17 i Perturb and Observe (P&O) ........................................................................... 17 2.8 Ways of Harnessing Energy from Solar Tracker ............................................. 18 2.9 Previous works ................................................................................................. 18 3.0 Methodology ....................................................................................................... 21 3.1 Proposed Methodology .................................................................................... 22 3.2 Apparatus ......................................................................................................... 22 3.3 Procedure.......................................................................................................... 23 3.4 Safety Precautions ............................................................................................ 23 4.0 Conceptual Design .............................................................................................. 24 4.1 Design Brief ..................................................................................................... 24 4.2 Mechanical Design ........................................................................................... 24 4.2.1 Specifications ............................................................................................ 24 4.2.2 Ideas and existing models ......................................................................... 25 4.2.3 Designing the mechanical Structure.......................................................... 27 Material Selection .......................................................................................... 27 Available Forms ............................................................................................. 28 Base Shape ..................................................................................................... 28 Motor Selection .............................................................................................. 29 Panel support frame........................................................................................ 31 4.2.4 Sizing of parts and Calculations ................................................................ 33 Modelling the Panel support frame ................................................................ 33 Modelling the Polar angle shafts .................................................................... 34 Modelling Supporting Beam .......................................................................... 37 Modelling the Elevation Shaft ....................................................................... 40 Base Modelling .............................................................................................. 42 Final Design ................................................................................................... 45 Static Panel Support ....................................................................................... 47 ii Further Modifications..................................................................................... 48 4.2.5 Mechanical Components Costing ............................................................. 49 4.3 Electrical and Electronic design ....................................................................... 50 4.3.1 Specifications of Electrical and Electronic Components .......................... 50 Microcontroller selection ............................................................................... 51 Linear actuator sizing ..................................................................................... 52 Valves............................................................................................................. 53 Pyranometer ................................................................................................... 53 Motor drivers or Relays ................................................................................. 54 Real-Time Clock ............................................................................................ 54 Solar Panels .................................................................................................... 55 Data Acquisition System ................................................................................ 56 Temperature sensors....................................................................................... 57 Current and Voltage Sensors .......................................................................... 58 MOSFET Selection ........................................................................................ 60 Maximum Power Point Tracking ................................................................... 61 Supply ............................................................................................................ 61 Heat sink......................................................................................................... 62 Electrical Circuit ............................................................................................ 64 4.3.2 Electrical components costing .................................................................. 65 4.4 Software Design ............................................................................................... 66 4.4.1 LABVIEW Program ................................................................................. 66 4.4.2 Arduino Coding......................................................................................... 70 Perturb and Observe ....................................................................................... 70 Mathematical Modelling ................................................................................ 71 Water Cooling System ................................................................................... 74 5.0 Implementation and Testing ............................................................................. 75 iii 5.1 Problems faced and actions taken .................................................................... 75 Linear Actuator .............................................................................................. 75 Temperature Sensor ....................................................................................... 75 MPPT and Solar tracking ............................................................................... 75 Noisy current sensor output ........................................................................... 75 Unnoticeable changes in Power ..................................................................... 75 Additional Modifications ............................................................................... 76 Power consumed ............................................................................................ 76 5.2 Implementation ................................................................................................ 76 6.0 Data Collection, Results and Discussion .......................................................... 79 6.1 Ambient Conditions ......................................................................................... 79 6.2 P&O in Cloudy Conditions .............................................................................. 81 6.3 Mathematical Modelling in Cloudy Conditions ............................................... 84 6.4 P&O Sunny Weather without Water Cooling System ..................................... 86 6.5 P&O Sunny Weather with Water Cooling System .......................................... 88 6.6 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Weather without Water Cooling System ...... 90 6.7 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Weather with Water Cooling System ........... 92 6.8 Water Cooling System Efficiency.................................................................... 94 6.9 Overall Analysis of Efficiencies ...................................................................... 96 7.0 Conclusion and Recommendations................................................................... 98 8.0 References ........................................................................................................... 99 9.0 Appendices ........................................................................................................ 107 Appendix A: Relevant Information .................................................................. 108 Solar Energy Resource ................................................................................. 108 Photovoltaic cell ........................................................................................... 109 Control Algorithms .......................................................................................... 110 Extremum Seeking Control .......................................................................... 110 iv Perturb and Observe Control........................................................................ 110 Appendix B: Datasheets of Electrical Components ........................................ 112 Appendix C: Datasheets of Mechanical Components ..................................... 154 Appendix D: Programming and Coding .......................................................... 157 1. Full Perturb and Observe Control .......................................................... 157 2. Mathematical modelling for elevation angle and Perturb and Observe for polar angle ........................................................................................................ 161 3. Water Cooling System ........................................................................... 166 4. LABVIEW Program .............................................................................. 167 Appendix E: Realisation and Build-up ............................................................ 169 Appendix F: Synopsis and Progress Log ......................................................... 172 v List of Figures Figure 1 Power-Voltage characteristics curves ........................................................... 5 Figure 2 Appearance of different types of Solar panels [32] ...................................... 6 Figure 3 Single Axis trackers ....................................................................................... 7 Figure 4 Tilted Axis tracker ......................................................................................... 7 Figure 5 Polar Altitude (left) and Azimuth Altitude (right) Trackers .......................... 7 Figure 6 Passive Solar tracker [35] .............................................................................. 8 Figure 7 Types of Solar Radiation [42]........................................................................ 9 Figure 8 Winter month Solar Map [44]...................................................................... 10 Figure 9 Summer Month Solar Map [44]................................................................... 10 Figure 10 Azimuth and Altitude angles [45].............................................................. 11 Figure 11 Mauritius Solar path .................................................................................. 12 Figure 12 Cartesian coordinates of Mauritius Solar path........................................... 12 Figure 13 Hourly Solar Irradiance [46] ...................................................................... 14 Figure 14 Four LDRs system ..................................................................................... 17 Figure 15 Solar tracker 1st model .............................................................................. 25 Figure 16 Solar tracker 2nd model[56] ...................................................................... 25 Figure 17 Solar tracker 3rd model ............................................................................. 26 Figure 18 Solar Tracker 4th model[40] ...................................................................... 26 Figure 19 Base types .................................................................................................. 28 Figure 20 Preliminary design of Solar tracker ........................................................... 32 Figure 21 Rectangular tube Cross-section ................................................................. 33 Figure 22 Panel Support frame dimension ................................................................. 33 Figure 23 Moment on shaft for polar tracking ........................................................... 34 Figure 24 Moment of inertia for shaft ........................................................................ 34 Figure 25 Pillow case model and specifications [58]................................................. 36 Figure 26 Forces on rectangular beam ....................................................................... 37 Figure 27 Moments of rectangular beam ................................................................... 38 Figure 28 Improved design for polar actuator............................................................ 38 Figure 29 Moment of Inertia Dimensions .................................................................. 39 Figure 30 Compressive force exerted by elevation shaft ........................................... 40 Figure 31 Moment of inertia of shaft ......................................................................... 41 Figure 32 Base Modelling .......................................................................................... 43 vi Figure 33 Final design ................................................................................................ 45 Figure 34 Final design Linear Actuators .................................................................... 45 Figure 35 Final design Pivots..................................................................................... 46 Figure 36 Final design bearings ................................................................................. 46 Figure 37 Static panel Support ................................................................................... 47 Figure 38 Solar tracker piping design ........................................................................ 48 Figure 39 Arduino Uno .............................................................................................. 51 Figure 40 Polar Linear actuator positioning and dimensions (full extension, perpendicular, full retraction)..................................................................................... 52 Figure 41 Altitude Linear actuator positioning and dimensions (full extension, perpendicular, full retraction)..................................................................................... 52 Figure 42 Solenoid Valve........................................................................................... 53 Figure 43 Pyranometer ............................................................................................... 53 Figure 44 Relay 4 Channel ......................................................................................... 54 Figure 45 Real-Time Clock ........................................................................................ 54 Figure 46 Modified Panel Support ............................................................................. 55 Figure 48 Modified Final Design ............................................................................... 56 Figure 49 NI myDAQ ................................................................................................ 57 Figure 50 LM35 Temperature Sensor ........................................................................ 57 Figure 51 Current Sensor HY 15-P ............................................................................ 58 Figure 52 Current sensor calibration circuit............................................................... 58 Figure 53 Current sensor Calibration graph 1 (HY 15-P) .......................................... 59 Figure 54 Current sensor Calibration graph 2 (HY 20-P) .......................................... 59 Figure 55 Current sensor Calibration graph 3 (HY 15-P) .......................................... 60 Figure 56 High power ................................................................................................ 60 Figure 57 MOSFET Calibration graph ...................................................................... 60 Figure 58 Final MPPT circuit .................................................................................... 61 Figure 59 Heat flow for MOSFET ............................................................................. 62 Figure 60 Parallel MOSFET connection .................................................................... 63 Figure 61 Detailed Microcontroller circuit ................................................................ 64 Figure 62 Overall System .......................................................................................... 66 Figure 63 MPPT flowchart......................................................................................... 67 Figure 64 Filtered and Unfiltered Signal for low current .......................................... 68 Figure 65 Filtered and Unfiltered Signal for high current ......................................... 68 vii Figure 66 Perturb and Observe flowchart .................................................................. 70 Figure 67 Calibration of Elevation actuator ............................................................... 71 Figure 68 Calibration of Polar actuator ...................................................................... 71 Figure 69 Elevation actuator calibration vis a vis Elevation angle ............................ 71 Figure 70 Mathematical Modelling flowchart ........................................................... 72 Figure 71 Water cooling data ..................................................................................... 74 Figure 72 Water cooling program flowchart .............................................................. 74 Figure 73 Modified leg design ................................................................................... 76 Figure 74 Realised model vs designed model ............................................................ 76 Figure 75 Complete Set up......................................................................................... 77 Figure 76 Pyranometer Setup ..................................................................................... 77 Figure 77 Water Cooling Tracker .............................................................................. 78 Figure 78 Electrical Circuit Setup .............................................................................. 78 Figure 79 Water Cooling Static Panel ........................................................................ 78 Figure 80 Irradiance Sunny vs Cloudy Graph............................................................ 79 Figure 81 Temperature Sunny vs Cloudy Graph ....................................................... 79 Figure 82 P&O Cloudy Temperature and Irradiance Graph ...................................... 81 Figure 83 P&O Cloudy Power and Irradiance Graph ................................................ 81 Figure 84 P&O Modified Cloudy Power and Irradiance Graph ................................ 83 Figure 85 Mathematical Modelling Cloudy Temperature and Irradiance Graph ...... 84 Figure 86 Mathematical Modelling Cloudy Power and Irradiance Graph ................. 84 Figure 87 P&O Sunny Temperature and Irradiance Graph ....................................... 86 Figure 88 P&O Sunny Power and Irradiance Graph .................................................. 86 Figure 89 P&O Sunny Water Cooling Temperature and Irradiance Graph ............... 88 Figure 90 P&O Sunny Water Cooling Power and Irradiance Graph ......................... 88 Figure 91 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Temperature and Irradiance Graph ........ 90 Figure 92 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Power and Irradiance Graph .................. 90 Figure 93 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Water Cooling Temperature and Irradiance Graph......................................................................................................... 92 Figure 94 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Water Cooling Power and Irradiance Graph .......................................................................................................................... 92 Figure 95 Temperature of Water Cooling vs Without Graph (Morning)................... 94 Figure 96 Temperature of Water Cooling vs Without Graph (Afternoon) ................ 94 Figure 97 Efficiency of all systems chart ................................................................... 96 viii Figure 98 Solar Panel Hierarchy[22] ....................................................................... 109 Figure 99 Solar Cell Working Principle .................................................................. 109 Figure 100 Pertrub and Observe system .................................................................. 111 Figure 101 Microcontroller Arduino circuit ............................................................ 166 Figure 102 LABVIEW Front Panel ......................................................................... 167 Figure 103 LABVIEW Block Diagram ................................................................... 167 Figure 104 Complete data collection and controlling circuit ................................... 168 Figure 105 Main Stand and Support Beam .............................................................. 169 Figure 106 Main Stand Welding .............................................................................. 169 Figure 107 Support Beam ........................................................................................ 169 Figure 108 Main Stand ............................................................................................. 169 Figure 109 Elevation Pivot ...................................................................................... 169 Figure 110 Solar Tracker ......................................................................................... 170 Figure 111 Complete Solar Tracker ......................................................................... 170 Figure 112 Panel Support Frame.............................................................................. 170 Figure 113 Static Panel ............................................................................................ 171 Figure 114 Tracker Water Cooling .......................................................................... 171 Figure 115 Temperature Sensors glued to Panel...................................................... 171 Figure 116 Valve ...................................................................................................... 171 Figure 117 LDR Setup ............................................................................................. 171 Figure 118 Pyranometer Setup ................................................................................. 171 ix List of Tables Table 1 Hourly Sun Position ...................................................................................... 13 Table 2 Material Comparison .................................................................................... 27 Table 3 Material Characteristics ................................................................................ 28 Table 4 Driver Comparison........................................................................................ 30 Table 5 Mechanical components Cost ....................................................................... 49 Table 6 Additional Mechanical Components Cost .................................................... 55 Table 7 MOSFET heat specifications ........................................................................ 62 Table 8 Electrical components costing ...................................................................... 65 Table 9 Logic control conditions ............................................................................... 73 Table 10 Efficiency of P&O in cloudy weather ......................................................... 82 Table 11 P&O Cloudy Maximum power ................................................................... 82 Table 12 P&O Cloudy Minimum Maximum and Average values ............................ 82 Table 13 Efficiency of P&O Modified in cloudy weather ......................................... 83 Table 14 Mathematical Modelling in Cloudy Condition ........................................... 85 Table 15 Mathematical Modelling Cloudy Maximum power.................................... 85 Table 16 Mathematical Modelling Cloudy Minimum Maximum and Average values .................................................................................................................................... 85 Table 17 Efficiency of P&O in Sunny Conditions..................................................... 87 Table 18 P&O Sunny Maximum power..................................................................... 87 Table 19 P&O Sunny Minimum Maximum and Average values .............................. 87 Table 20 Efficiency of P&O Water Cooling in Sunny Conditions ............................ 89 Table 21 P&O Sunny Water Cooling Maximum power ............................................ 89 Table 22 P&O Sunny Water Cooling Minimum Maximum and Average values ..... 89 Table 23 Efficiency of Mathematical Modelling in Sunny conditions ...................... 91 Table 24 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Maximum power ..................................... 91 Table 25 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Minimum Maximum and Average values .................................................................................................................................... 91 Table 26 Efficiency of Mathematical Modelling with Water Cooling in Sunny Conditions .................................................................................................................. 93 Table 27 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Water Cooling Maximum power ............ 93 Table 28 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Water Cooling Minimum Maximum and Average values ........................................................................................................... 93 x Table 29 Water Cooling vs Normal data.................................................................... 95 Table 30 Cutting list ................................................................................................. 156 xi Acknowledgement First and foremost, I would like to thank God, the Almighty for granting me the opportunity, knowledge, courage and health to accomplish this endeavour satisfactorily, guiding me through the ups and downs and showing the solution for the problems I faced. Secondly, the credit goes to my parents who supported me unconditionally all the way through my studies and making sure that I had everything I needed and for their countless prayers, love and caring. Alongside my parents, I need to give special thanks to my dearest sisters who never failed to help wherever they could. Also, much appreciation goes to my dear partner for her moral support and company. I cannot but mention my faithful friends for their ideas and experience. Last but not least, I would like to thank my supervisor, Mr H. Shamachurn for his usual assistance and cooperation who helped me all the way through my research work and never failed to provide me with what was necessary in making this thesis a success. xii Monebahal Ali Asgar Ibne 1811899 B.Eng (Hons.) Mechatronics Engineering Implementation of water cooling system, MPPT and P&O with dual axis tracker and static panel Mr. H. Shamachurn 29/07/2022 xiii Monebahal Ali Asgar Ibne 1811899 B.Eng (Hons.) Mechatronics Engineering Implementation of Water cooling system, MPPT and P&O with dual axis tracker and static panel 12376 29/07/2022 xiv Abstract The attempt of this thesis is to work ameliorating the already existing solar trackers which exist in various forms and of numerous tracking algorithms have already been tried and tested. The dual axis tracker, which is known to be the most efficient type of tracker, is therefore be modified to not simply track the sun as previous trackers would tend to, rather this innovative tracker is required to track the maximum irradiance available to generate maximum power. Also, the power generation was enhanced with the maximum power point tracking in aspiration to optimize the output. The maximum power point tracking was implemented with MOSFETs which acted as variable resistances. Additionally, the need for water cooling systems on and off tracker for solar panels is assessed in this thesis. xv List of Abbreviations Abbreviations Meaning GHI Global Horizontal Irradiance POA Plane of Array Irradiance RTC Real-time clock PWM Pusle Width Moderator MPP Maximum Power Point MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracking ESC Extremum Seeking Control P&O Perturb and Observe DC Direct current USB Universal Serial Bus VSAT Vertical Single Axis Tracker AADAT Azimuth Altitude Dual Axis Tracker CLC Closed Loop Control OLC Open Loop Control GUI Graphical User Interface DAQ Data Acquisition LDR Light Dependent Resistor PC Personal Computer IDE Integrated Development Environment xvi 1.0 Introduction Oil, Natural gas and Coal have been the heroes for nearly all the technological advances up till now. But this has certainly cost us the health of the mother earth as these have very certainly left a trail. Coal are said to have been used since the prehistoric time as a source of heat but it has only contributed to modernization since 1750 [1]. Natural gas first commercial use trace up to the late 18th century where it was used to light up streets and heat houses [2]. Oil is recorded to have been pumped out in the mid-19th century where most of it would be turned to kerosene to fuel lamps and later automobiles [3]. According to a recent study performed by the US Energy Information Administration, if the consumption of oil keeps constant for the coming years, the latter will be completely depleted by the year 2052 and therefore the whole global economy shall rely on natural gas and coal whose depletion shall not be impeded if new energy sources are not exploited [4]. The situation is becoming more and more alarming as years pass by, hence, much have been done and emphasized to find suitable alternatives to cope with the energy requirements of the world. Renewable sources could be the hero to save us against a global blackout and scientists have been working to develop such sources to make them more and more efficient [5]. Over the last decade, more productive and sustainable renewable systems have been achieved and yet improvements are being to procure better results. Researchers have been focusing mostly on eco-friendly energy generation methods as an attempt to limit the damage already caused to the atmosphere. From industries to individuals, mostly everyone is taking measures to create a healthy world and renewable energy sources seems to be doing the job very well [7]. Among the various alternatives namely; hydroelectricity, bioenergy, wind and geothermal energy, tidal power; solar energy takes precedence over the other sources of energy despite all of the mentioned being renewable sources. This has been the case since the solar photovoltaic(PV) energy is the most accessible all around the globe and its high reliability [8]. Thanks to the countless researches on the PV modules, be it on large scale or small scale basis, and further development, PV modules cost is 1 decreasing considerably. This has therefore lead to more residential uses alongside industrial uses [9]. According to International Energy Agency (IEA), worldwide PV capacity has grown at 40% on average per annum since the year 2000. This trend is nowhere near ending as can be deduced in [10]. Photovoltaic have evolved a great amount since its discovery by Edmond Bequerel in 1839. Then decades later, scientist named Fritts found selenium to produce a steady current of reasonable force when exposed to light. Nearly half a decade later, Bells laboratory came to the conclusion that semiconductor material like silicon are more efficient than selenium [11]. Various types of solar panel came into existence following above discoveries among which are: monocrystalline type of PV which was discovered in 1941[12] followed by poly-crystalline type in mid 1950s and last came the amorphous type also known as thin-film discovered in the early 1950s [13]. These different types of solar panels have each different efficiencies and characteristics and each hold distinct advantages and drawbacks [14]. The solar energy, being the cheapest and most accessible anywhere, has been enhanced and ways have been developed to obtain higher output from the PV cells. Among such ways is the maximum power point tracking and solar tracking, the concept of dual axis solar tracking was first introduced by Robert H Dold in 2007 and has been modified and enhanced ever since [15]. The idea is simply to face the sun more time in order to get maximum irradiance thus maximum power. Solar trackers have been implemented in various ways be it single axis or dual axis. The first single axis solar tracker proved to be 22% more effective than a fixed solar panel, study performed by Naser Barsoum in 2010 [16]. Discrete methods of tracking the sun have been deployed and others have proven to be more rewarding than others but that very well relied on the execution of the control and response of the mechanisms. Of the most common ways is the use of Light dependent resistors(LDRs) to track maximum sunlight and move the panel accordingly. 2 1.1 Aims and Objectives This thesis is therefore an attempt to contribute to the extensive researches performed on PV modules by means of a dual axis solar tracker and the aforementioned types of PV panels to see if they all react and display more or less same characteristics when on or off a solar tracker and the efficiency variations of each one of them. Objectives: To construct a fully functional dual axis solar tracker for real size modules Using appropriate control to maximise power output of the solar tracker Record data for all types of panels: fixed or on solar tracker To implement a maximum power point tracker on the panels to derive maximum power from fixed PV panel and tracker Introduce a water cooling system 1.2 Chapter Review Chapter 1: Introduction • Background Information about thesis and source of the concept • Aims and Objectives Chapter 2: Literature review • Information about PV panels and solar trackers and MPP trackers Chapter 3: Methodology • Procedure to attain objectives and selection of components/ softwares Chapter 4: Conceptual Design • Drawing solar tracker design based on data collected • Simulation on softwares to verify correct functioning Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing • Building of solar tracker and assessing the need for changes • Evaluation of Prototype Chapter 6: Data collection, Results and Discussion • Gathering data from prototype and different type of solar panel • Results Chapter 7: Conclusion and Recommendations 3 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 PV cell 2.1.1 Factors affecting PV cell The efficiency of the PV panel is dependent on many factors, while some can be avoided, others cannot. Among the main factors are: 1. Solar Irradiance This is the light intensity that hits the surface of the panel. As explained earlier, more light means more photons thus more electrons freed causing higher current to flow through and does not affect the open circuit voltage. [25] Cloudy weather and shadows are thus not appreciated. 2. Temperature Temperature rise of the surface of the panel causes a voltage drop and a slight current increase caused by the absorption of heat energy leading more electrons to rise from the valence band to the conduction band. However, the thermally generated electrons control the electrical properties of the semiconductor thereby negatively affecting the open circuit voltage. [26] The optimum working temperature of a solar panel is 25°C with a temperature coefficient of about -0.5%/°C. Thus, maintaining the temperature near 25°C shall yield more energy. [65] 3. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) MPP tracking is to track and maintain the adequate load resistance that matches with the internal resistance of the source to generate maximum power as the maximum power transfer theorem. The internal impedance of the solar panel is determined from the I-V (current-voltage) graph of the cell and MPP occurs at the point where the product of IV is the maximum. The I-V graph varies due to several reasons: non-uniform irradiance, soiling, shading and temperature amongst others. [27] 4 Figure 1 Power-Voltage characteristics curves The conventional method is the simple perturb and observe control but algorithms like extremum seeking control displayed promising results in terms of stability for large signal operation. [27] 4. Orientation The more exposure to direct sunlight shall eventually prove advantageous to the current generation. The power generated from a solar panel is thereby dependent on the irradiation and the angle between the module and the sun. [28] 2.1.2 Types of PV cell PV cells are divided into many categories based on their chemical composition or their manufacturing processes. Among the varying types, three are the most common: 1. Single/ Mono-crystalline solar cell Suggested by the name, this type of solar cell is manufactured from single crystals of silicon via the Czochralski Process. The silicon of high purity is sliced from cylindrical ingots. The process requires high precision which makes it the most expensive but higher efficiency of between 16-18%. [29] 2. Polycrystalline solar cell Consists of different crystals linked to one another in a single solar cell. The manufacture of this type is cheaper by cooling a graphite mould charged with molten silicon and during the solidifying of the silicon, various crystal 5 structures are formed. This type of Solar panel is the most widespread [30]and provides an efficiency of 12-14%. The two above mentioned are known as the first generation solar cell and what is to follow is from the second generation 3. Thin-film solar cell These solar cells are more economical than the first generation silicon wafer solar cells by having a light absorbing layer of 1µm compared to 350µm. these can be divided into three categories: Amorphous Silicon (a-Si), Cadmium Telluride (CdTe), Copper Indium Gallium Di-Selenide (CIGS) and have efficiency under 12%. [31] As their composition varies, so does their appearances: Figure 2 Appearance of different types of Solar panels [32] 6 2.2 Solar trackers Solar trackers were introduced so as to increase the amount of perpendicular sunlight incident on the panel. Solar trackers can be either passive or active and exist mainly in two types further divided into other categories. Solar trackers Singe Axis Tracker Vertical (VSAT) Horizontal (HSAT) Dual Axis Tracker Tilted Axis Azimuth Altitude (AADAT) Polar Axis (PADAT) Figure 3 Single Axis trackers Figure 4 Tilted Axis tracker Figure 5 Polar Altitude (left) and Azimuth Altitude (right) Trackers 7 2.2.1 Passive Solar trackers Passive solar trackers trace the path of the sun without any mechanical drives. They normally comprise of actuators and thermally active materials in form of fluids. [33] Using the principle of thermal expansion and pressure imbalance between two points at the ends of the tracker, when the sun is perpendicular to the panel, equilibrium is reached and upon moving of one side, a difference in heat causes one to expand and the other to contract leading to the panel rotation. [34] Figure 6 Passive Solar tracker [35] 2.2.2 Active Solar Tracker Contrary to passive solar trackers, these use the help of motors and sensors to track the sun continuously [36]. As mentioned earlier, various ways of active solar tracking exist while the most famous is the use of 4 LDRs to locate the sun but new ways of solar tracking are also developing which are based on date and time and auxiliary bifacial PV cells and others like maximum power seeking control. These systems are controlled via a processor which processes the input for a convenient output. [37] As shown above, various types of trackers exist. The efficiency of a VSAT was investigated by Dian and al. based on GPS tracking which proved to be 22% more rewarding than a fixed panel. [38] The need of a dual axis solar tracker arises due to the fact that the sun does not move about a single axis year round. The sun does move from east to west on a daily basis but has a slight tilt angle throughout the year as it performs its daily routine. 8 2.3 Solar Irradiance Radiant energy from the sun is earth’s primary energy source and is known as solar irradiance. In brief, solar power is reported as irradiance and measured in Watts per metre square (W/m2) and isolation is the cumulative amount of solar energy delivered to a particular area measured in kilowatt hour per metre square (kWh/m2). Three types of solar radiation exist: direct, diffuse and reflected while the rest are absorbed. Direct Radiation is that which travels reaches the planet via a straight and the obstruction of which causes shadows. While the diffuse radiation is scattered light by molecules and particles which spreads in all direction. During clear weather, about 85-90% of light consists of direct radiation. The third is the reflected radiation which is caused by reflection of light from non-atmospheric things such as the surface of the earth known as albedo. These affect solar panels the least and the latter are of often tilted away from such radiation. [41] Figure 7 Types of Solar Radiation [42] 9 2.4 Solar Radiation in Mauritius Mauritius lies in the Indian ocean at 20.3484° S, 57.5522° E situated just above the tropic of Capricorn and thereby enjoys mostly sunny weather year round, ideal location for solar energy harvesting. In an attempt to hinder climate change, the republic of Mauritius has taken the incentive to reach 35% of electrical production via renewable sources and solar energy is the main target as it should be. [43] Below are solar maps for a winter and summer month. Figure 8 Winter month Solar Map [44] Figure 9 Summer Month Solar Map [44] 10 It can be clearly seen that the irradiance in winter is much less, about 61%, than that in summer as explained in [64]. 2.5 Mauritius Solar Path As mentioned earlier, the sun does not maintain the east to west rotation perfectly year round, slight angle variations in the north south direction occur gradually during a year. Thus, two angles need to be defined to locate the sun accurately namely: elevation angle and azimuth angle. Elevation angle is the angle between the local horizon and the sun. Also known as the altitude, it refers to high the sun is with respect of the observer. The Azimuth angle is the angle between a reference (normally north) in a clockwise direction and the sun, lying in a horizontal plane. Thus this angle will be 90° when the sun is at the east and 270° at the west. Figure 10 Azimuth and Altitude angles [45] 11 The geometric location for the intended location of testing is 20.0177903 south and 57.5786805 east and the expected solar paths for different months is shown below. The following data have been taken from [46] Figure 11 Mauritius Solar path The Cartesian coordinates of the solar path, where elevation is plotted in the y axis and azimuth in the x axis, is represented in this graph Figure 12 Cartesian coordinates of Mauritius Solar path 12 For better analysis, the values of expected month of experimentation are tabulated: Table 1 Hourly Sun Position Date: 14/04/2022 | GMT3 coordinates: -20.0177903, 57.5786805 location: -20.01779030,57.57868050 hour Elevation Azimuth 06:20:15 -0.833° 80.34° 7:00:00 8.31° 76.8° 8:00:00 21.84° 70.55° 9:00:00 34.76° 62.33° 10:00:00 46.52° 50.41° 11:00:00 55.88° 31.95° 12:00:00 60.43° 5.02° 13:00:00 58.06° 336.21° 14:00:00 49.97° 314.92° 15:00:00 38.82° 301.22° 16:00:00 26.19° 292.03° 17:00:00 12.82° 285.28° 17:59:32 -0.833° 279.85 According to the above table, the maximum change in the elevation angle is 68.76° but the zenith has not been clearly identified and the maximum change in the azimuth angle is therefore 331.19°. However, throughout the year, the maximum elevation should be 90° and according to the yearly statistics, the maximum difference in the azimuth angle is 344.79°. These values are relevant to azimuth altitude tracking but as for polar altitude tracking, the tilt angle of the sun towards the north and south would be more relevant and the maximum difference in that plane for a complete year is between 45° and 120° read from the solar map above (fig 2.09). But since testing shall be done over a short period of time only, and for specific hours of a day, having such ranges might be unnecessary and shall raise the cost. Thus the altitude angle can be limited to a smaller angle. As for the hourly irradiance for the expected period of research, the graph is shown below for a region close to research location 13 Figure 13 Hourly Solar Irradiance [46] GHI: global horizontal irradiance PoA: Plane of Array Irradiance As it can be seen, the irradiance between 7.30 to 15.30 is great compared to other times, thus tracking can be limited to this period for experimentation. However, for energy harvesting, this would be considered a loss of resources. Consequently, the maximum difference in elevation angle required is 140° deduced from the table. Minimum range of motion= 180 - elevation angle at 7.30 - elevation at 15.30 = 180-14-32= 136° ← It can be seen that the optimum operating time for the solar tracker will range from 8 in the morning till after 15 in the afternoon. The average wind speed for our country lies between 20 and 30km/h and the temperature does not fall below 15°C and neither exceeds 35°C. It also receives ample precipitation of 2302mm per annum. [47] The solar path from east to west can be calculated by approximating the sun location using mathematical formulas. Since the earth is said to rotate at an angular velocity of 15°/hour, it is easier to find the sunrise and sunset time though these also vary in function to the day of the year. The basic definition of sunrise is when the sun first appears and sunset is when the sun goes below the horizon. These can be calculated using the hour angle,ꞷ ꞷ= cos-1(-tanφtanδ) Where φ= latitude of the location δ= declination angle the latter can be found using 14 Eq (2) δ=23.45sin((284+n)× 𝟑𝟔𝟎 𝟑𝟔𝟓 ) Eq (2) n= number of days taking the 1st of January as 1. This approximation was derived based on the research by P.I. Cooper in 1969. The sunrise and sunset times are thus calculated by subtracting and adding, respectively, the hour angle to 12. [48] 15 2.6 Control algorithms Solar tracking is done via controllers in which control algorithms are written and execution signal is given to actuators. There are basically two types of control algorithms namely open-loop control(OLC) and closed-loop control(CLC). These main difference between these is the absence of feedback in the OLC. 2.7.1 Open-loop Control (OLC) Open loop control is an easy way to control any system but due to the lack of feedback, the system cannot rectify any mistake or adapt to a new situation. It therefore follows the same pattern unless the control algorithm changes. This technique is based on mathematical models and the sun is tracked according to the results. An example for this model is what have been derived by K.K Chong and C.W Wong based on the aforementioned formulae. Some also use time and date to pre-calculation the sun’s orientation depending geographic rotation as in [47]. This type of system is cheaper and easier to implement. 2.7.2 Closed-loop control (CLC) Closed loop control refers to the feedback that the system takes in as input to modify the output to provide better results or taking inputs from sensors to find greatest irradiance. Such systems adapt and react to any changes and correct errors making them independent and more efficient by staying safe from the effect of disturbances or straying from the reference. 16 Four LDRs Method Of the famous of them is the use of 4 LDRs adjacent to each other forming a square with an opaque separation between them. Shadows will be cast by the separation on some while some shall get direct sunlight. A comparison control is done using the analogue values of the 4 LDRs by pairs for azimuth and tilt angle via a controller and the solar panel is moved accordingly. The main ordeal of this system is cloudy weather where there is no difference in intensity between the four LDRs causing the system to remain idle. Figure 14 Four LDRs system Extremum seeking control (ESC) Extremum seeking control is an equation-free controller/ adaptive which does not require a model of the system and can adapt to slowly changing parameters. Its main purpose is to find the local maximum or minimum in a modelled or un-modelled system. Perturb and Observe (P&O) Perturb and Observe is another type of system which tracks the highest output. As the name suggests, it consists of perturbing the system and observing the reaction. If a positive response is obtained, then the system continues to move in the same direction. On the other hand, if the response is negative, it returns to the original position and tries to track the maximum power in another direction. 17 2.8 Ways of Harnessing Energy from Solar Tracker Two distinct methods are used to draw current and voltage from a solar panel namely PWM and MPPT. The former being the cheaper drags the voltage of the panel to nearly 12V i.e. the battery voltage levels away from the MPP. The working principle is that it sends pulses of voltage to a battery and measures the voltage level of the battery and accordingly varies the pulse width until eventually battery is full giving it its rightful name Pulse Width Modulation. This system is not suitable for this research since it eventually stops the current flow when the battery is fully charged blocking us from determining the actual amount of energy harnessable. As for the MPPT, it tries to match its internal resistance to that of the solar panel characteristic resistance offering greater power and efficiency. It is of a known fact that MPPT are 30% more efficient than PWM but these might vary under certain conditions. Below are the reasons to go for an MPPT: - It can deal with any voltage generated by the panel (PWM deals only with 12V or slightly above) - Uses the entire output of solar panel without passively dropping the voltage to battery level voltage - More efficient even in low light/cloudy conditions or when panel heats up However, MPPTs are bigger and costlier than PWM. [61] 2.9 Previous works Of the papers worth mentioning is the multipurpose dual-axis solar tracker with two tracking strategies. The two strategies used are normal tracking method and daily adjustment tracking method. The results showed that the normal strategy keeps smaller tracking errors but however the alternate method facilitates the tracking method by setting the primary axis before the tracking starts and moves the panel in the east west direction at the same rate of the relative motion between sun and earth of 15°/hour. The normal tracking system has tracking error less than 0.15% and 23.6% more efficient than fixed panels but however, the daily adjustment method proves to be more efficient with a considerable 31.8% or above. [52] 18 Another type of hybrid solar tracker is the one designed by Ferdaus in [53]. This tracker focuses mainly on using time as a tracking factor for more economical tracking. One motor adjusts for the seasonal motion of the sun i.e. in the north south direction once per month while the other motor tracks the east west direction thereby saving much energy with respect to the continuous tracker which operates both motor year round. Upon comparing with fixed solar panel, it yields upto 25.6% more energy than a static panel while lagging behind by roughly 4% against a continuous dual axis tracker but compensates for that lack by consuming 44.4% less energy than the continuous dual axis tracker. Another low cost Azimuth Altitude dual axis tracker was designed by two university students in 2010 which produced considerable results. Upon experimenting, the dual axis tracker came out nearly 49% more successful than an immobile panel under same conditions and the tracker consumed significantly less energy than the solar energy gathered given that the error was only up to 1.5° during clear weather. Of the things that could have been improved, they found the use of stepper motors for less expenses and use of a single battery for powering and storing charge. Cloudy weathers caused noticeable misalignment with respect to the sun. This could be solved by implementing by using time-based logarithm and location to guess the location of the sun while tracker adjusts for more accurate alignment. They also came up with the idea of auto-calibration of the sensors by the microcontroller. [53] Recently, a novel sensor-less dual axis tracker has been designed and tested to show great results. Having both the pros of sensor-based and sensor-less tracking, it dismisses their drawbacks with an accuracy of 0.11° and increase by 28-43% efficiency depending on seasonal changes. It differs to sensor-less systems which are open-loop systems which uses solar maps, estimated solar path equations which lead to inaccurate data and useless information under cloudy conditions. Maximum power point tracking is also implemented and the sun is tracked according to deviations of the azimuth and altitude angle to extract maximum power. [54] In a research study performed in 2019, a student compared the different types of static PV panels under various conditions and positions and came to various deductions among which are: the linear decrease of maximum power under partial uniform shading, the tolerance of amorphous Silicon under shading is greater than thin film 19 then followed by polycrystalline. Of the great conclusions is the optimum tilt angle for maximum power was found to be 20° towards the north for Mauritius. This correlates to the research of K.A Sado and al. who deduced that the yearly optimum angle average is the latitude of the location [55]. Further improvements included using higher power modules as the ones used was classified as mini modules and thus noise in the current affected the results and the use of more analogue inputs could have helped for better results while a pyranometer could have been used for better measurement of solar radiation to better understand the relation of maximum power to solar irradiance. [55] Mr Mooraby tried to implement a new concept in solar tracking by not tracking the sun itself, but rather the tracking the maximum power, even if that means facing away from the sun in cloudy conditions. Using extremum seeking control, he succeeded in realizing the idea. He deducted that the MPP is not a specific point rather a region and varies depending on weather conditions and panel efficiency as clouds would cause shifting of MPP region, and wrong calibration of sensors may cause lower efficiency than static panel and ESC and P&O work nearly the same for this purpose. Due to budget, two different PV panels could not be obtained for simultaneous experimenting for more accurate results. In further development he added the use of 3D mapping for faster convergence, testing year round for wider overview, uses of filters and advanced logic for stabilized tracking. The mechanical design limited the tracking in the vertical axis and vibrations lead to imprecise results which was also the result of poor measuring hardware. [40] Another dual axis tracker model and testing was carried out in 2019 by a student which showed an efficient design but results in terms of energy harnessed yet showed room for improvement. A 100W mono-crystalline solar panel was used to track the sun by means of a camera for feedback and control. Data like solar irradiance and current voltage have not been gathered for better analysis and understanding. This thesis shall therefore complement above past studies for a more explicit examination. [56] 20 3.0 Methodology Mainly, the dual axis tracker is to be designed which is made up of three parts: 1. The controller design A controller needs to be chosen to suit all the needs and can be easily programmed to output required functions and simulations. An appropriate tracking algorithm shall be incorporated in it or linked to it. Data will be collected via data collecting software and various simulations will be carried out before implementing the system directly to the solar tracker 2. Electrical and Electronic design This is mainly the wiring of the systems linking the sensors, meters, actuators and controlling chip. All of the latter shall be either designed or selected to fit required purpose e.g. motor needs to be sized according to applied load. A good and reliable power source also needs to be chosen to supply the entire system while the need for a battery to store charge is to be debated. 3. Mechanical design It consists of the physical appearance of the tracker, its size, shape, the different materials it will be made of, the actuator and sensors positioning. It also includes the designing of specific parts like gears and shafts. The weight also plays and important role in the mechanical design. 21 3.1 Proposed Methodology 1. A dual axis solar tracker is to be designed after deep research with appropriate mechanics 2. Control system is to be designed and adjusted or simulated if deemed necessary 3. MPPT are implemented to both types of panels and values of power and current are recorded to calculate power received from both panel. 4. Prototype is realised and tested, troubleshot or modified if necessary. 5. The fully functional dual axis solar tracker is used for the experimentation while another panel of same type is kept stationary at an angle of 20° facing the north for maximum power according to Mr Ruchpaul. [55] 5. Values of both panels are read and compared for analysis All the above steps shall help to realise the aim and objectives of the thesis. Different control algorithms shall also be tested and compared like the hybrid solar tracker using time to estimate the sun location or using a fully time-based control algorithm. Note: Since the purpose of this thesis is only for testing, the power shall not be stored in a battery rather directed to any load. 3.2 Apparatus PC for logging data and appropriate software for comparison Solar tracker Measuring devices for current and voltage or other required quantities Controller Sensors Panels Drivers 22 3.3 Procedure Install the dual axis solar tracker and fixed solar panel at a known and specific coordinate at which all the experimentation shall be done. Use the MPP tracker to extract the maximum power from both static and tracker. MPP is set to change at regular intervals depending on maximum voltage and current. Values of current, voltage and MPP is recorded at pre-set intervals to calculate power generated The duration of one test should be long enough, at least 3 hours, for better comparison and the compared data should obviously have the same start and end time Note: The comparison has to be done the same day or next day if two panels of same type are not available. In case of different weather condition the next day, then the closest similar day shall be tested. Moreover, since the irradiance is symmetrical around the solar noon, data in the afternoon can be compared with data in the morning provided the same weather conditions are maintained. [63] 3.4 Safety Precautions i. The roof top should be secured and well surrounded ii. Proper water drainage should be in place to prevent water accumulation which leads to slippery floor iii. Electric parts should be properly ground to prevent damage to parts iv. Ensure safe environment around tracker v. Experiments not to be carried under cyclonic conditions like heavy rain and strong winds vi. The structure should be safe i.e. no sharp edges, stable and strong to prevent toppling and harming anybody. 23 4.0 Conceptual Design 4.1 Design Brief The main instrument for testing and experimentation is a dual axis solar tracker to harvest maximum solar energy possible under most weather conditions while tracking the maximum available power with the help of drives and sensors. The tracking shall be dictated by an appropriately designed control algorithms. 4.2 Mechanical Design 4.2.1 Specifications The Dual axis tracker should (be): Built from scratch Corrosion resistant for longer lifetime Resist moderately strong wind condition not exceeding 50km/h Stable, reliable and Safe Consist of tracking algorithm Work under both direct and diffuse type of radiation, the latter often accompanied by rain, thus should resist rain Off-grid for better Roof mounted Operate with ease under any ambient local temperature since freezing point is not reached in Mauritius Should have required angle freedom for faithful solar tracking in both directions. Cost under Rs12,000 Easily maintained 24 4.2.2 Ideas and existing models Various dual axis solar trackers have been designed and implemented and mostly all possible configurations have been tried out which makes future designing easier by modifying or complementing one with another. The first one to be considered is an azimuth-altitude solar tracker with a circular rotary base and fixed stand with an axis at its top for elevation angle. Pros Simple design Stable Very Robust Wide Range of motion Cons × Too much material thus higher cost × Huge torque required × Voluminous Figure 15 Solar tracker 1st model A second example would be that of Mr Rugooputh, who designed a polar-altitude solar tracker. With the use of two linear actuators, he successfully executed the project built for a 100W panel with a camera as a tracking apparatus. Pros Inexpensive Space Efficient Light Low energy consumption Cons × Not Stable × Limited Range Figure 16 Solar tracker 2nd model[56] of motion 25 Below is another design which moves the tracker with help of gears for azimuth and altitude tracking. Gear set 1 is powered by a rotary motor coupled to a gear to rotate the panel along the east west path while the other gear set powered similarly by a great torque motor is used to track the seasonal changes. Figure 17 Solar tracker 3rd model Pros Cons Expensive drivers required to Full range motion provide such high torque Consumes much energy Consumes less floor space Stable Another prototypes using the same basics of the latter was designed by Mr Mooraby who used linear actuators instead of motors, at the very cost of limited range of motion for less expenses. Figure 18 Solar Tracker 4th model[40] From these alternatives, Mr Rugooputh’s design stands out due to its simplicity and effectiveness though further improvements can still be made in terms of the stability and other mechanical features which shall be modified. 26 4.2.3 Designing the mechanical Structure Four things need to be considered when designing the mechanical structure, by priority: 1. Material and its available forms 2. Base as this will determine its stability 3. Types of actuators/motors to be used 4. The panel holding frame Material Selection Two metals are considered for the manufacture of this prototype: Coated aluminium and Mild steel as both are readily available and other materials such as plastic or wood might not resist the outdoor weather conditions and stresses. However, it also needs to fulfil the requirements listed below: Table 2 Material Comparison ALUMINIUM MILD STEEL STRENGTH 1 3 CORROSION 3 1 1 3 JOINTS RELIABILITY 1 3 1 3 COST 2 3 TOTAL 9 16 RESISTANT WEIGHT DEFORMATION RESISTANCE Where 1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good Mild steel is considered the better option since it will provide much stability due to its weight and strength of the welding joints with a reasonable price. As for the corrosion resistant, steel can be galvanised which shall increase the cost. However, Aluminium still poses as a good solution for the panel support since strong joints are not necessary and its light weight can be beneficial. 27 The characteristics of both materials are tabulated below [57]: Table 3 Material Characteristics Material Mild Steel Aluminium Young’s Modulus Yield Stress (s), Pa (E), Pa 200 × 109 250 × 106 70 × 109 95 × 106 Density, p Kg/m3 7860 2710 Note: the yield stress is taken into consideration instead of other stresses, as no plastic deformation should occur. Available Forms Mild steel can be divided into 3 forms: sheets, square/rectangular tube, circular tubes, solid forms As for our case, sheets are not to be used and solid forms shall be used only for the shafts. Square tubes is preferred over round for ease of joining. Base Shape Comments Stable on mostly any type of ground Fairly easy to make Moveable Affordable Comments Very stable but requires a completely flat floor Heavy thus not easily displaced Costly Comments Very stable even on uneven ground Easy to manufacture as single joint needed for each leg Ideal weight Affordable cost Aesthetic Figure 19 Base types Based on the above comparison, option 3 is selected for its better characteristics 28 Motor Selection Drives and motors are required for any automated mechanical movement and a plethora of those are available, each having its very own characteristics. Here is a list of them: Ac motors Servo motors DC motors Stepper Motors Electromagnetic Linear Actuators • • • • • continuous rotation Speed controlled via Variable frequency drive (Vfd) low maintenance Adjustable torque and speed Exists in two types: Synchronous and Induction • Uses closed-loop control(feedback) to drive motor • Very accurate control of motion for limited ranges • PWM can be used for precise control and zero steadystate error • Stable Operation • Speed controlled by varying flux, resistance and voltage applied • Continuous rotation • Rugged • Has many types including shunt, brushless, etc • • • • • • Rotates with fixed step angle triggered by a pulse Controlled speed and positioning Consist of coils known as phases which vary step size No feedback for easier control Can resist static load Good stop start mechanism • Rotary motion trnnslated into linear motion by means of gearbox and a lead screw. • Limited range of motion • Forward and reverse movement is driven by clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of motor • Static load resistant Motor Requirements: o Swift and controlled motion o Accurate positioning o Static load resistant o Appropriate for halting and starting intermittently with minimal wear and tear o Reverse and forward motion 29 o High torque and Low speed for stability o Adequate range of motion Table 4 Driver Comparison Weight Ac Servo DC Stepper Linear motor motor motor Motor Actuator 2 3 load 3 1 Reverse and 2 Controlled Motion Accurate Positioning Static resistant Intermittent working forward High torque 3 Cost 1 of 1 2 12 4 12 15 Range motion Total 16 For these reasons, linear actuators are the most commonly used for small scale solar tracking and experimentation. These linear actuators are available in all sizes with different speeds and force specifications and are relatively inexpensive compared to other motors. However, owing to its limited range of motion, the design might become more complex since rotary motion is the principle of motion of both degrees of freedom. 30 Panel support frame Comments Strong and well supported Accomodate for various panel sizes Easy to manufacture Panel bolted on support Cost more than two others Comments Panel is well supported by two angle bars but limits the sizes Strong and Reliable Comments Less material required thus cheaper but not very strong Much tension on bolts since no side support available Option 1 is selected for its versatility and accommodation of different panel sizes alongside actuator positioning space 31 Based on the above conclusions, the approximate design of the tracker is drawn West North East South Figure 20 Preliminary design of Solar tracker 32 4.2.4 Sizing of parts and Calculations To ensure a safe and reliable structure, several calculations have been carried out for dimensioning and modelling parts which can be found below. The size and weight of the panels have been slightly overestimated for safety after a brief analysis of the available real-size panels. Modelling the Panel support frame Since most of the stresses, compressions and moments will be dependent on the weight of the system since ideally no external forces will be made to apply on the tracker. The solar panel frame support is expected to be built from steel due to wide availability of sizes. The mass of that totality can be calculated by basic formulas. The cross-section is shown below. Area= Length (m) × width (m) Eq (3) Therefore, cross-sectional area= 40×20 38×18= 116mm2 ← Figure 21 Rectangular tube Cross-section Volume= Cross-sectional Area (m2) × total length (m) Eq (4) = 0.000116× (1.3×2 + 0.82×3) = 0. 58696 × 10-3 m3 ← Hence mass of the panel frame support is Mass= Volume(m3) × Density(kg/m3) Eq (5) = 0. 58696 × 10-3 × 7860 = 4.61kg ← Now, the total mass of the frame and components; 2 rail support and one linear actuator bracket is Figure 22 Panel Support frame dimension = 1.59 + 2 × 0.037 + 0.050 = 4.7375kg 33 ∴ Since Weight = Mass × Gravity Eq (6) Total weight= 1.714 × 9.81= 46. 47 N ← Modelling the Polar angle shafts The total weight acting upon the two shafts is the above value added to the mass of the solar panels which is not beyond 12kg. According to Equation 4, the net weight of the panel and frame is 163.96N. Figure 23 Moment on shaft for polar tracking This can be further simplified for better analysis. 81.98N 81.98N 40 40 Figure 24 Moment of inertia for shaft The minimum radius of the shaft can be calculated by the moment of inertia given by dmax= where, d = deflection F= Force L= Perpendicular distance from Force E= Young’s Modulus I= Inertia 34 𝐹𝐿3 3𝐸𝐼 Eq (7) Taking the maximum deflection to be 1mm and the length exaggerated to a 40mm, the moment of inertia is 81.98 ×0.04 3 Inertia= 3 ×(200 × 109 )×0.001 = 8.7445 × 10 -12 m4 ← Now that the minimum moment of inertia is obtained, the minimum radius of the shaft can be calculated since, where r is the radius Moment of Inertia of circle, I = 4 ∴ r= √ 𝜋𝑟 4 4 m4 Eq (8) 4 × 8.7445 ×10−12 π = 1.8267 × 10-3 m ← Thus a shaft of diameter 3.653mm shall be enough to allow motion without failure of the tracker but the safety factor needs to be considered and moreover shafts and associated components are not available for such small diameters, thus the closest available diameter shaft will be used that is 10mm. The maximum bending stress can be calculated by using the above results and Equation 6: Maximum bending stress, s , (Pa) 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡(𝑁𝑚) × 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑛𝑒𝑢𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑒𝑑𝑔𝑒(𝑚) 𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑎 (𝑚4 ) Maximum bending stress, s = = Eq (9) 81.98 ×0.04 ×0.005 𝜋×0.0054 4 = 33.402 × 106 Pa ← From the value above, the safety factor, which is compared to the yield stress, can be calculated: 35 Safety Factor = 𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 (𝑃𝑎) 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 (𝑃𝑎) = Eq (10) 250 × 106 33.402× 106 = 7.485 ← Thus the 10 mm steel rod as a shaft can be approved and further components like pillow cases of same bore diameter are to be evaluated. Selecting Pillow-type bearing The available pillow type bearing for 10mm shaft is: Figure 25 Pillow case model and specifications [58] The static load is denoted by COr and is 1950N which leads to a safety factor of Safety Factor = 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 (𝑁) 𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 (𝑁) 36 Eq (11) = 1950 81.98 = 23.79 ← Modelling Supporting Beam Next, the rectangular frame upon which the pillow type bearings are mounted is to be sized. This is done by using moment of inertia. Figure 26 Forces on rectangular beam As it can be seen, the right side of the tracker has got more forces causing an imbalance about the pivot point in a clockwise direction. The linear actuator shall compensate by applying a counter force to reach equilibrium. The weight of the linear actuator support is made from mild steel and its weight is estimated by Equation 1, 2, 3 and 4 which gives: Cross-sectional Area=25×25 - 21×21= 184mm2 Volume= 0.000184 × 0.67 = 0.0001233 m3 Mass= 0.969 kg Total mass (Bracket and linear actuator weight added) = 0.969 + 0.05 + 1.19 = 2.209kg Weight = 21.67N ← 37 A simpler representation is shown below: Figure 27 Moments of rectangular beam The moment caused by the linear actuator and the support can be eliminated by translating the entire bundle to the centre. This will also create swifter motion since the polar linear actuator will act between the two pillow cases which was not the case with previous designs thereby causing vibrations in the system. Hence, Figure 28 Improved design for polar actuator Taking the maximum deflection to be 1mm, and using equation 5, the moment of inertia is = 81.98 × 0.293 3 ×(200×109 ) × 0.001 = 3.332 × 10-9 m4 ← 38 As for the rectangular tube’s size, the outer dimensions are 75x40mm and is available in two thicknesses: 1.5mm and 2.5mm. The calculations shall be made for the 1.5mm for safer results but 2.5mm might be used in case of constraints. Moment of Inertia of rectangular hollow tube, Ixx (about x axis) = = 𝐵𝐷3 12 − 𝑏𝑑3 Eq (12) 12 0.075 × 0.0403 12 − 0.072 × 0.0373 12 = 9.608 × 10 -8 m4 ← This moment of inertia is greater than the minimum moment of 3.332 × 10-9, thus can be used. Figure 29 Moment of Inertia Dimensions The maximum bending stress is found through equation 7: = 81.98 ×0.29 ×0.020 9.608 × 10−8 = 4.949 × 10 6 Pa ← ∴ Safety Factor = 250 × 106 4.949 × 106 = 50.5 ← Weight of the pillow cases, rail supports and shaft have not been considered due to their negligible sizes which shall be compensated by the huge safety factor. 39 Modelling the Elevation Shaft As for the azimuth tracking, the panel shall be pivoted in the stand by means of a shaft. The entire weight of the panel, supporting frame, rectangular tube and components shall fall on the shaft who in turn rests on the two sides in a hole primarily and the welded rail supports. The compressive force, i.e. the weight of the above mentioned things shall generate a stress which is calculated below: The weight of the shaft, metal plate and bracket is taken as a safe N to be added to the previous calculated weight Net weight= 163.96+21.67+4 = 189.63 N Figure 30 Compressive force exerted by elevation shaft This entire will be acting on two half circles of assumed radius of 6mm of certain thickness to be calculated thereby having surface area = Circumference × Thickness =2× 𝜋 2 ×r×t = 0.0188× t m2 Compressive stress, s (Pa) = 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 (𝑁) 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝑚2 ) 189.63 ∴ Minimum area = 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 Eq (13) = 0.7585 × 10-6 m2 (250 𝑀𝑃𝑎) Leading to minimum thickness, t (m)= 0.7585 ×10−6 0.0188 = 0.0403 mm ← Since such small thicknesses are not available, it would be advisable to use the 2.5 mm thickness standard size and it shall also provide swifter and more stable motion and shall be safer. Moreover, the weight of the 2.5mm tube will improve stability. ∴ The safety factor is calculated as done before and fount out to be = 62.1 ← 40 As for the minimum shaft diameter, the maximum deflection is taken as 0.1 mm, since a slight bending might lead to resistant motion. The model is pictured below: Figure 31 Moment of inertia of shaft Applying equations 5 and 6, the minimum radius of the shaft can be found: 190 ×0.02253 Inertia= 3 ×(200 × 109 )×0.0001 = 5.41 × 10-11 m4 4 Radius= √ 4 × 5.41 ×10−11 π = 2.88 mm ← A 12 mm shaft will be used for safer and more reliable performance Thus maximum bending stress is obtained via Equation 7 Maximum bending stress = 190 ×0.0225 ×0.006 𝜋×0.0064 4 = 25.2 × 106 Pa ← Safety factor (Equation 8) = 41 250 × 106 25.2× 106 = 9.92 ← Base Modelling The dimension of the base is also of great significance since it shall determine the stability of the entire tracker. The main cause of imbalance is the wind and design can be modified for better wind resistance. The centre of gravity of the tracker is vital in determining its tipping force, and for that the weight of several parts and their respective centres of gravity have to be determined with the assumption that the centre of gravity of each part lies in a single vertical axis thus having similar x and z coordinates: As for the main stand made of 50x50mm tube of thickness 2.5mm and length 0.95m and with added components the centre of gravity acts at safely 0.45m off the ground with a weight of 61.6N taking into account the linear actuator and its extension support. As for the solar panel and frame structure with components, the weight has already been calculated previously and found to be 190N assumed to be acting at the elevation pivot which is at 0.930. (P.s the centre of gravity shall be slightly off the vertical axis since panel is at the right of it but deflection is negligible) Centre of gravity = 𝛴 [(𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠)(𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦)] 𝛴 (𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠) Eq (14) = [61.6×0.45]+[190×0.93] 61.6+190 =0.8125m ← The legs have not been taken into consideration, since their length is to be calculated and then weight to be determined. Moreover, since the legs shall add weight to the tracker and cause greater clockwise moment to balance the wind load. 42 West East Figure 32 Base Modelling This model is simplified for better analysis below. The coefficient of friction for steel to concrete (as in this case) contact is experimented to be 0.57. Since Friction= Coefficient of friction (µ) × Perpendicular force Eq (15) Friction = 0.57 × 277 = 157.89N As for the wind resistance, the solar tracker should be able to resist upto 50km/h (14m/s) wind speed. Wind Load = 1 2 × 𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 ( 𝑘𝑔 𝑚 𝑚 𝑠 2 2 3 ) × 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 ( ) × 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝑚 ) 43 Eq (16) The air density in tropical regions is 1.225 kg/m3[59] and the surface area of the panel of length 1.3m and width 0.9m is 1.17m2. However, the efficient area is 1.17cos(10) as the panel is tilted at 10°, the latter being the closest achievable position to the vertical axis. Thus area= 1.15m2 Wind load (N) = 0.5 × 1.225 × 142 × 1.15 = 138 N Since the wind load is less than the frictional force, the tracker shall not be displaced from the ground. Thus only possible motion is rotary about pivot point. As for the length of the legs, it can be obtained via equilibrium of moments: 𝛴 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 𝛴 𝑠𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 Eq (17) Taking parallel (to force) length of leg as x, 252 × x = 138 × 0.93 x = 0.509m← The ground length of the leg should thus be 0.509 but since it shall be slightly inclined at 15° making the legs 526mm. Note: Slight design changes might occur in the realisation due to manufacturing limitations or other unforeseen circumstances. Yet, these shall be compensated by the safety factors. 44 Final Design Here is the final design, taking into consideration previous modifications (some improvements based on further development shall also be made) Figure 33 Final design Figure 34 Final design Linear Actuators 45 Figure 35 Final design Pivots Figure 36 Final design bearings 46 Static Panel Support As for the fixed panel, a simple mild steel structure shall suffice to hold the panel at 20° facing the north. The panel can be bolted or secured in any suitable way and due to the inclination, wind of 50km/h shall not cause any trouble as it shall be on the floor. Figure 37 Static panel Support However, such frame might not be necessary as the panel maybe simply rested on an elevated base to the required angle without requiring the need to invest more money. The efficient area shall be 1.17cos(70) = 0.4m2 and therefore wind load at 50km/h is 48N. The mass of the panel only is about 15kg and weight of 147N and therefor friction between concrete and steel should be 83N, sufficient to resist the wind. 47 Further Modifications As mentioned earlier, solar panels work better under ambient temperatures. However, due to the sun exposure at peak hours, the panel’s temperature rises without fail thereby negatively affecting the efficiency. The solution is as simple as implementing a cooling system which detects the temperature rise and causes water to run over the panel for some time by means of a pump. To avoid wastage of resources, the water is collected and recirculated in a tank. The piping on the panel is as shown below Figure 38 Solar tracker piping design The black pipes are for water dispensing and the white for water collection. However, due to the change in orientation of the tracker, drain hoses will have to be placed at each corner and lead to a single tank for water recirculation. This can lead to tangling of hoses or additional resistances to the motion of the tracker. Moreover, since different sizes of panels are expected to be tested, a fixed draining system will not be possible. This leading to a simple water cooling system which sprays water upon temperature rise. 48 4.2.5 Mechanical Components Costing Table 5 Mechanical components Cost Component Mild steel tube 2”x2” Mild steel tube 2”x1” 𝟏 Mild steel tube 3”x1𝟐” Mild steel tube 1”x1” Flat mild steel 5mm thickness Mild steel shaft dia 10mm Mild steel shaft dia 12mm Mild steel bar ¾" Length/mm 1260 mm 1710 mm 600 mm Price/Rs 298 327 164 3580 mm 125 x 100 mm 65 x 150 mm 140 mm 394 50 70 mm 20 1150 mm Quantity bearing 2 Pillow type 10mm Flange bearing 12mm 𝟏 M6 hex bolts 1𝟐” Linear Actuator brackets Piping Pipe fittings Total 30 100 75 2 12 75 3 4 10 10 m - 300 300 2459 49 4.3 Electrical and Electronic design Before diving into the components selection, the specifications pertaining to the electronic design is to be listed. A microcontroller is used to be used for the controlling of the solar tracker with the help of sensors and linear actuators. 4.3.1 Specifications of Electrical and Electronic Components The components should be/use: Easy to interface with each other Available locally or reachable within time frame Within budget limit Compatible with microcontroller and vice versa for the development of a functional system For better power tracking, a single battery/power source Able to output data to a data acquisition software for deeper analysis and behaviour The electrical/electronic system shall be divided into 2 categories: one in charge of data acquisition while the other for controlling movement of the tracker. The relation between these two shall be the power consumption and generation of the tracker measured by the data acquisition system. Furthermore, two control algorithms shall be executed, one for the Maximum Power Point tracking and the other for tracking the maximum irradiance achievable by re-orientating the solar panel. 50 The controlling part of the solar tracker is first discussed. Microcontroller selection The most popular type is the Arduino Uno which is the most affordable and versatile. However, before opting for the latter, several criteria need to be analysed: Power efficiency: Draws 46.5mA at 5V which is not very efficient but might not cause too much of a problem for our scenario Temperature tolerance: Between -40°C and 85°C for proper functioning. Thus the board shall be enclosed in a connection box to prevent damage Security: security is not of any issue as the purpose is for low-scale research Hardware architecture: Size is not of any problem as much space is available Processing power: Atmega328 processor operating at 16MHz Memory: 32KB of program memory which is amply enough Hardware interface: supports USB cable and connection to PC and motor drivers which are the only 2 interfacing requirements. Has 14 digital I/O pins and 6 analogue inputs sufficient for our task Software architecture: Simple and adaptive coding Cost: The most affordable and available Reliability: Reliable if well secured From all the above details, it can be concluded that the Arduino Uno shall be the most suitable selection for this research, mainly for its price and easy programming with some minor trade-offs like power efficiency. Figure 39 Arduino Uno 51 Linear actuator sizing As for the linear actuators, the main requirement is the stroke length as the latter shall limit the motion and allow the sun to be tracked faithfully. As deduced earlier (fig 2.09, 2.10), the elevation angle range should be 140° and polar angle range of 75°. The length of the linear actuators shall be determined by locus drawing and trial and error. For cost reduction, the design shall make use of the smallest possible stroke for the linear actuators. Taking into consideration availability and other aforementioned factors, a 400mm stroke for elevation tracking and 300mm stroke for polar tracking are required. Note that: the mounting length of each actuator is 140mm + stroke length. Figure 40 Polar Linear actuator positioning and dimensions (full extension, perpendicular, full retraction) Figure 41 Altitude Linear actuator positioning and dimensions (full extension, perpendicular, full retraction) 52 Valves The cooling system shall operate on temperature rise and thus water flow is controlled by a 12V solenoid valve operated by means of a relay and 5V Arduino signal. Figure 42 Solenoid Valve Pyranometer The only available pyranometer is the DP 053 thermopile pyranometer which will be used for the solar irradiance measurement. This can prove very fruitful when data plotting and deeper analysis. Such a device shall allow us to determine when a cloud has passed over the panel and of what opacity it has been, thus any fluctuation in power at that particular time can be related to the cloud passing. This device however, uses its own Arduino-based data logger using a battery as power source and configured via its own software. The Pyranometer outputs a very small voltage, 10-15 µV, per unit change in the irradiance. Thus, for the data to be readable by the Arduino analogue pin, having 10bit resolution, the signal has to be amplified using an operational amplifier. Figure 43 Pyranometer 53 Motor drivers or Relays Drivers exist in different sizes for different purposes accommodating for one or more motors. Since the linear actuators are of considerable length subjected to counter forces and generate torque, a robust motor driver/relay shall be needed with high enough current tolerance. As for motor drivers, these form an ideal solution when speed needs to be controlled, which is not required in our case. Thus, the cheaper and more effective option shall be a 4-channel 5V relay which shall be used to extend and retract two linear actuators and additionally two more is required for the solenoid valves. Figure 44 Relay 4 Channel Real-Time Clock An RTC is required for keeping track of the time as the sun shall also be tracked based on mathematical modelling. The available and most affordable RTC with good accuracy was the RTC DS3231 accompanied with a small battery cell. Figure 45 Real-Time Clock 54 Solar Panels These shall be lent by local solar companies of real size components with two of each kind to allow faithful comparison between solar tracking and fixed panel. The specification sheets of the panel are found in the appendix. Since the solar panels shall not be available in a single dimension, the panel frame support shall be modified to accommodate for various panel sizes due to limited resources. Below is the modified design Figure 46 Modified Panel Support This modification is heavier by the previous design but since the safety factors are also greater than 5, this weight increase might not be of any problem. The weight increase is of about 3kg to the support being 4.6kg. The following components are to be added Table 6 Additional Mechanical Components Cost Component Length/mm Price/Rs 8 7 M12 hex nuts 2 100 Bolt 160 Mild steel flat bar 2mm 50 x 2480mm thickness Rs 316 Total The total costing for mechanical components thus amounts to 2775. 55 The final design thus looks like this Figure 47 Modified Final Design The second part pertains to the means of gathering data. Data Acquisition System The Data acquisition system consists of two parts, the hardware and software. The available software is LABVIEW which has high processing speed using Graphical User Interface (GUI) and can perform multiple collection of data with several DAQ hardware simultaneously. As for the hardware, this research would need 8 input pins with 2 output pins. The 8 inputs correspond to: 1. Voltage and current generated by fixed system (2) 2. Voltage and current generated and consumed by dual axis solar tracker panel (4) 3. Temperature of both panels (2) 56 As for the 2 output pins, these correspond to setting the gate voltage of the mosfet for the MPPT. Since only NI myDAQs are available consisting of 8 digital outputs/inputs, two of those will be needed for the data collection connected to a PC via USB port. Figure 48 NI myDAQ Temperature sensors IC LM35s are used for detecting the level of temperature for the cooling system selected for its ease of use, good linearity and connection to Arduino. These are mounted at the back of the panel via Omegatherm thermal paste to allow reliable thermal conductivity for faithful measurements. For further details, see [60]. As for the ambient temperature measurement for data collection, J-type thermocouples will be used with their data logger for better and more accurate results for analysis. Figure 49 LM35 Temperature Sensor 57 Current and Voltage Sensors The voltage can be measured with the NI myDAQ device itself having a range of 060V. The maximum voltage that can be generated is 59V in an open circuit condition which is not planned to be encountered. Thus voltage will be well below the upper limit of the device. As for the current sensors, since much accuracy, precision and linearity is demanded for researches, 2 HY-15P and 1 HY20-P sensors shall be used for current measuring. These have been calibrated by means of a current supply and accurate ammeter. The calibration is done to 9A as the maximum current shall be well below that. Given that… Figure 50 Current Sensor HY 15-P Figure 51 Current sensor calibration circuit 58 Figure 52 Current sensor Calibration graph 1 (HY 15-P) Changing axes will give: A=3.888V-0.0505 Figure 53 Current sensor Calibration graph 2 (HY 20-P) Changing axes will give: A=5.1393V-0.0167 59 Figure 54 Current sensor Calibration graph 3 (HY 15-P) Changing axes will give: A=3.8625V+0.027 MOSFET Selection An adequate high power MOSFET is needed as much power shall be dissipated and a robust design is demanded with suitable voltage and current characteristics. The selection was very narrowed by the fact that only the APT5010JN MOSFET was available and hence used. Figure 55 High power MOSFET APT5010JN Figure 56 MOSFET Calibration graph 60 Maximum Power Point Tracking The second part being the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) shall be copied from previous research performed by the University of Mauritius which implemented the system using MOSFET and calibrated voltage and current sensors linked to a data acquisition hardware. The MPPT circuit is found below: Figure 57 Final MPPT circuit The gate-source voltage of the MOSFET is varied according to the values of current and voltage obtained to extract maximum power. Supply Since all drivers i.e. linear actuators and solenoid valves are rated 12V, a 12V power supply with sufficient current capacity is selected for the supply which shall be powered by local 230V rms. 61 Heat sink Heat flow from component to ambient follows the below order Figure 58 Heat flow for MOSFET From the datasheet of the MOSFET, the values of thermal resistance of junction to case and case to sink is of 0.30°C/W altogether as can be seen below. Table 7 MOSFET heat specifications The Junction to Ambient thermal resistance determines the rate at which total heat dissipation shall take place and is the sum of RθJC, RθCS and RθSA (Thermal resistance of sink to ambient) Thus, RθSA = RθJA(max) - (RθJC + RθCS) Eq (18) The maximum Junction to Ambient thermal resistance, RθJA(max), is found using the equation below: TJ(max) = TA + (P × RθjA(max)) Eq (19) Where TJ → Junction temperature TA → Ambient temperature P → Power to be dissipated The power of the panel shall not exceed 90W under standard conditions of 25°C, 1000W/m2 and air mass 1.5 spectrum. These conditions are not easily attained in outdoor conditions simultaneously and thus power harnessed is usually 15% less than rated under the most favourable outdoor conditions. [62] Thus 76.5W of power should be able to get dissipated without attaining the maximum junction temperature of 150°C (Tj(max)) with an ambient of 31°C. Hence, RθJA(max)=1.556 °C/W 62 Leading to, RθSA=1.256 °C/W← Being the size of the heat sink required. However, to maintain a good working performance the temperature of the MOSFET must not reach its limit, the heat sink will thus be placed in water. Also for bigger panels, two MOSFETs will need to be put in parallel to share the heat dissipation as shown below. Figure 59 Parallel MOSFET connection 63 Electrical Circuit Figure 60 Detailed Microcontroller circuit The microcontroller is powered by a USB cable from the PC loaded with LABVIEW. The code is downloaded in the Arduino for its controlling algorithm and receives and generates signal accordingly. The drivers all need 12V and since the Arduino can only output small current and 5V, relays are used, two for each linear actuator namely for extension and retraction and two for the solenoid valves. Two Arduino Unos have been used as the analogue input pins were not enough and since the formers were readily available for borrow, they have been opted for instead of a bigger microcontroller. The power generated value is scaled down in the LABVIEW program and fed into the Arduino Uno pin A0 for processing. 64 4.3.2 Electrical components costing Table 8 Electrical components costing Component Quantity Linear Actuator 400mm 1 Linear Actuator 300mm 1 2 Solenoid Valve 12V 70 Jumper Wires 2 Mini Breadboard 10 Dominos HY 15P & 20P current 2 sensor 2 MOSFET APT5010JN 2 Solar Panel CdTe Monocrystalline Solar 2 Panel 1 Relay 4-channel 1 Relay 2-channel 2 NI myDAQ 2 Heat sink 1 RTC DS3231 1 LDR sensor 2 Arduino UNO Pyranometer + Data 1 logger Thermocouple + Data 1 logger Wires and Cables Total The total cost of the project thus amounts to Rs 11800. 65 Price + Shipping /Rs 2186 + 1987 2030 + 1987 295 2 75 5 On Loan On Loan On Loan On Loan On Loan On Loan On Loan On Loan On Loan On Loan On Loan On Loan On Loan 200 9025 4.4 Software Design The software design is divided into two categories: MPPT tracking and linear actuator control for tracking the sun. The first part shall be programmed in LABVIEW which also allows data collection and the second part shall be programmed via the Arduino IDE. Solar Panel Actuators Sensors/ Transduc er Microcontroller NI myDAQ LABVIE W and MPPT Figure 61 Overall System 4.4.1 LABVIEW Program The MPP tracking, as mentioned before, is the variation of the resistance across the solar panel to exhort the panel to output maximum power. This is done with the help of a MOSFET whose resistance can be varied by wavering the gate-source voltage. The program thus outputs a voltage to the gate of the MOSFET according to the Perturb and Observe algorithm. The required input data are the voltage and current which are multiplied to obtain the power, whose fluctuations are tracked and monitored by the algorithm to increase or decrease the outputted voltage. With the help of the NI myDAQ, the program reads the voltage across the solar panel via the differential multi-meter and also the voltage signal generated by the current sensor which is then processed to obtain the current value. All the values are plotted 66 on a real time chart and stored in an array which can be retrieved after the program is stopped. This process is the same for both the solar panels, on and off tracker. Figure 62 MPPT flowchart Since, the current sensor output voltage was very noisy and unstable, a filter had to allow only the low frequency signals to pass through (0.01Hz) and attenuate the higher frequency values. The downfall of that system is the significant delay of 6 seconds caused by the low-pass filter to smoothen the waveform. Hence a moving average system was opted for since the noise could be observed oscillating about the true value. The moving average filter selected is the Henderson’s 23 points for its responsiveness and smoothness. 67 𝑀−1 1 ∑ 𝑥 [𝑛 − 𝑙 ] 𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑀 𝐸𝑞 (20) 𝑙=0 where M is the number of points. Below are the charts for the filtered and unfiltered signals for low and high current. Figure 63 Filtered and Unfiltered Signal for low current Figure 64 Filtered and Unfiltered Signal for high current Low-pass filter → cut-off frequency 0.2 Low-pass filter 2 → cut-off frequency 0.02 The former is more responsive to the cost of fluctuations while the second being delayed. The 9-points moving average is quite similar to the first low-pass filter but 68 still noisy as can be seen from Figure 67. Thus, the 23-points moving average is opted for. However, since there shall still remain some minor fluctuations in the current, the P&O systems compensates for that error by demanding changes greater than 0.02W instead of 0. 69 4.4.2 Arduino Coding The linear actuators and valves shall be controlled via Arduinos. Three different programs are written in the IDE: two pertaining to the linear actuator control and one for the valves. These can be found in Appendix D. Perturb and Observe Where both the actuators rely on the P&O algorithm having as input the potentiometer value and power value from the NI myDAQ. The actuators shall extend in discrete steps and thus the speed of the actuator was determined to maintain 1° or 2° steps. Figure 65 Perturb and Observe flowchart 70 Mathematical Modelling In this system, the polar actuator is controlled by the P&O algorithm and the elevation actuator by mathematical modelling i.e. the date and time obtained from the RTC is used to calculate the sun elevation angle and determine accordingly the length of the actuator based on equation 1 and 2. The relation between the potentiometer reading and actuator length was found in order to extend the actuator to the correct length and also the relation between the length of the actuator to the elevation angle which is found via AutoCAD. Figure 66 Calibration of Elevation actuator Figure 67 Calibration of Polar actuator Figure 68 Elevation actuator calibration vis a vis Elevation angle The values obtained from AutoCAD were plotted in Matlab and a curve of best fit with known equation was found. 71 Figure 69 Mathematical Modelling flowchart 72 Table 9 Logic control conditions Power→ NB NS ZE PS PB NB PB PB PS NB NB NS PB PS NB NS NB ZE PS PS ZE NS NS PS NB NS PB PS PB PB NB NB NS PB PB Potentiometer↓ NB→ negative big NS→ negative small ZE→ zero PS→ positive small PB→ positive big Coding can be found in Appendix D. 73 Water Cooling System The testing is to be done in winter with ambient temperature not exceeding 25°C in midday. Therefore, the panel temperature can be maintained near the ambient for maximum power harnessing. The water cooling system would act by opening and closing a valve, the amount of time to keep the valve opened is deduced by cooling the panel for 3 seconds at several intervals and the graph below is plotted. The water cooling shall be activated when the temperature reaches 30°C and therefore, it shall take about 70 seconds to reach the ambient temperature. (obtained from graph) Figure 70 Water cooling data Figure 71 Water cooling program flowchart 74 5.0 Implementation and Testing 5.1 Problems faced and actions taken Linear Actuator The elevation linear actuator stopped extending while drawing very high current under supposedly no load. Upon investigation it was found that a gear got stuck and therefore it was removed and relocated. Unfortunately, the potentiometer with the actuator stopped working after the unmounting process. Therefore, it was replaced by the potentiometer of the polar actuator as it was more needed in the elevation for the mathematical modelling. The feedback of the polar actuator was hence removed and the Arduino coding would keep up the P&O algorithm by keeping track of the last motion. Temperature Sensor The lm35 sensor seemed to be giving varying outputs for same temperature. After troubleshooting, the reason seemed to be the additional resistance of the long wires to the sensor. Hence, a single lm35 was placed on the back of the tracker’s panel responsible for opening a single valve to cool both panels. MPPT and Solar tracking The motion of the linear actuators appeared unjustified depending on the sun location. This was due to the simultaneous tracking of the maximum power point and the maximum irradiance. As a solution, anytime the actuator would move, the MPPT tracker would temporarily stop. Noisy current sensor output This problem has already been discussed in the section 4.4.1. Unnoticeable changes in Power The extension and retraction were initially set to steps of 3mm which did not bring about any consequent power change given the current sensor noises, thus the steps had to be increased to more than 10mm jeopardizing the precision of the solar tracking. 75 Additional Modifications Another modification shall be the leg design, for more secure system the prototype can be bolted down but shall require flat legs. Figure 72 Modified leg design Power consumed The actuators move for discrete small time intervals which are difficult to record via sensors accurately, thus the count of the extensions and retractions are kept in the Arduino serial monitor. The actuator is rated 12V and consumes 0.5A which is helpful in finding the energy consumed. 5.2 Implementation Figure 73 Realised model vs designed model 76 Pyranomete r Camp Solar Tracker Static Panel Figure 74 Complete Set up Figure 75 Pyranometer Setup 77 Figure 76 Water Cooling Tracker Figure 78 Water Cooling Static Panel MOSFET NI-myDAQ Current sensor 4-relay NI-myDAQ RTC 2 Arduino MOSFET Current sensor 2-relay Figure 77 Electrical Circuit Setup 78 09:11:30 09:15:32 09:19:34 09:23:36 09:27:38 09:31:40 09:35:42 09:39:44 09:43:46 09:47:48 09:51:50 09:55:52 09:59:54 10:03:56 10:07:58 10:12:00 10:16:02 10:20:04 10:24:06 10:28:08 10:32:10 10:36:12 10:40:14 10:44:16 10:48:18 10:52:20 10:56:22 11:00:24 11:04:26 11:08:28 11:12:30 11:16:32 11:20:34 11:24:36 11:28:38 11:32:40 11:36:42 11:40:44 11:44:46 11:48:48 11:52:50 11:56:52 12:00:54 12:04:56 12:08:58 Temperature/°C 09:11:30 09:16:24 09:21:18 09:26:12 09:31:06 09:36:00 09:40:54 09:45:48 09:50:42 09:55:36 10:00:30 10:05:24 10:10:18 10:15:12 10:20:06 10:25:00 10:29:54 10:34:48 10:39:42 10:44:36 10:49:30 10:54:24 10:59:18 11:04:12 11:09:06 11:14:00 11:18:54 11:23:48 11:28:42 11:33:36 11:38:30 11:43:24 11:48:18 11:53:12 11:58:06 12:03:00 12:07:54 Irradiance/Wm-2 6.0 Data Collection, Results and Discussion All the tests have been done using 50W monocrystalline panel at single location of 20.0177903 south and 57.5786805 east. 6.1 Ambient Conditions The temperature and irradiance of cloudy and sunny weathers are first analysed before proceeding Irradiance Sunny and Cloudy vs Time 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Time Sunny Ambient Sunny Tracker Sunny Cloudy Figure 79 Irradiance Sunny vs Cloudy Graph 50 Temperature Sunny and Cloudy vs Time 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Time Static Sunny 79 Ambient Cloudy Tracker Cloudy Figure 80 Temperature Sunny vs Cloudy Graph Static Cloudy Observations - The temperature of the cloudy weather is far lower than sunny for all three categories: Ambient, static and tracker. - The cloudy weather temperature has greater variations and the sunny weather is pretty stable and increasing. - The cloudy temperature rarely exceeds 35°C and stays pretty low, therefor not requiring the water cooling system. - The irradiance in the cloudy weather exceeds the irradiance of sunny weather at its peaks. For each condition, three tables are listed: 1. Efficiency of algorithm in specific weather condition 2. The maximum power recorded for the tracker and static panel and conditions at that time 3. The minimum, maximum and average values recorded for each data set 80 09:16:01 09:20:51 09:25:41 09:30:31 09:35:21 09:40:11 09:45:01 09:49:51 09:54:41 09:59:31 10:04:21 10:09:13 10:14:03 10:18:53 10:23:43 10:28:33 10:33:23 10:38:13 10:43:03 10:47:55 10:52:45 10:57:35 11:02:25 11:07:15 11:12:05 11:16:55 11:21:45 11:26:35 11:31:25 11:36:15 11:41:05 11:45:55 11:50:45 11:55:35 12:00:25 12:05:15 12:10:07 12:14:57 Power/W 40 30 25 800 20 600 15 5 0 Ambient Tracker Tracker Static 50 45 40 10 5 0 Static the ambient temperature 81 Irradiance/Wm-2 45 35 1000 30 25 800 20 600 15 400 Irradiance/Wm-2 09:16:01 09:21:35 09:27:09 09:32:43 09:38:17 09:43:51 09:49:25 09:54:59 10:00:33 10:06:09 10:11:43 10:17:17 10:22:51 10:28:25 10:33:59 10:39:33 10:45:09 10:50:43 10:56:17 11:01:51 11:07:25 11:12:59 11:18:33 11:24:07 11:29:41 11:35:15 11:40:49 11:46:23 11:51:57 11:57:31 12:03:05 12:08:39 12:14:15 ° Temperature/ C 6.2 P&O in Cloudy Conditions Date: 09 July 2022 Temperature and Irradiance vs Time 1400 35 1200 1000 10 400 200 0 Time Irradiance Figure 81 P&O Cloudy Temperature and Irradiance Graph Power and Irradiance vs Time 1400 1200 200 0 Time irradiance Figure 82 P&O Cloudy Power and Irradiance Graph Observations The recorded temperatures vary with the irradiance with least effect being on - The power generated follows faithfully the irradiance except for acute peaks of irradiance as at 9:43:01. This is due to the time taken for the MPPT to reach its required value. - Since all the values are not recorded on a single platform, some time misalignment occurred - The power drops to nearly zero every time a cloud blocks the sun. This is due to the system short circuiting as the Vgs was high for maximum power generation in high irradiance and the irradiance drop caused by the sudden cloud causes short circuit before the Vgs drops. Table 10 Efficiency of P&O in cloudy weather Total Energy Generated Consumed Efficient Energy/J Energy/J Energy/J Tracker 187947.3 -6381 181566.3 Static 171954.7 0 171954.7 Efficiency 105.5% Table 11 P&O Cloudy Maximum power Tracker ambient Time Temp/ Static Irradiance Temp/ Voltage Current Power/ Temp Voltage Current Power/ /Wm-2 °C 11:01:11 22.91 1063.4 31.52 16.937 2.6382 44.684 28.75 13.313 1.9532 26.003 12:16:01 25.82 1205.4 33.08 20.509 0.7479 15.340 35.95 14.769 2.6350 38.919 °C /V /A W /°C /V /A W Table 12 P&O Cloudy Minimum Maximum and Average values Tracker Ambient Irradiance/ Temp/ Temp/ Wm-2 Static Voltage/ Current/ Power/ Temp/ Voltage/ Current/ Power/ °C V A W °C V A W 23.1 0.11561 0.222 0.1096 23.88 0.0906 0.2367 0.0322 38.2 21.3769 2.83261 44.684 39.58 21.157 2.6423 38.919 °C Minimum 20.79 130.2 Maximum 26.89 1222.3 Average 23.7044 630.722 31.761 16.3562 1.06398 17.086 31.222 13.2638 1.17822 15.632 82 The efficiency appeared too low, thus some parameters were altered and tested again under only overcast weather. Date: 25 July 2022 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1000 800 600 400 200 Irradiance/Wm-2 1200 0 09:58:01 09:58:35 09:59:09 09:59:43 10:00:17 10:00:51 10:01:25 10:01:59 10:02:33 10:03:07 10:03:41 10:04:17 10:04:51 10:05:25 10:05:59 10:06:33 10:07:07 10:07:41 10:08:15 10:08:49 10:09:23 10:09:57 10:10:31 10:11:05 10:11:39 10:12:13 10:12:47 10:13:21 10:13:55 10:14:29 Power/W Power and Irradiance vs Time Time Tracker Static Irradiance Figure 83 P&O Modified Cloudy Power and Irradiance Graph Table 13 Efficiency of P&O Modified in cloudy weather Total Energy Generated Consumed Efficient Energy/J Energy/J Energy/J Tracker 5402.683 -520.7 4881.9 Static 3857.528 0 3857.528 Efficiency 126.55% Observations - The efficiency improved by 21.05% but unfortunately the cloudy condition did not last longer for more data to be collected. - Both panels share similar responsiveness. 83 12:39:27 12:43:57 12:48:27 12:53:01 12:57:33 13:02:05 13:06:39 13:11:11 13:15:45 13:20:17 13:24:49 13:29:23 13:33:55 13:38:27 13:43:01 13:47:33 13:52:07 13:56:39 14:01:11 14:05:45 14:10:15 14:14:47 14:19:21 14:23:53 14:28:27 14:32:59 14:37:31 14:42:05 14:46:37 14:51:09 14:55:43 15:00:15 15:04:49 15:09:21 15:13:53 15:18:27 15:22:59 15:27:31 15:32:05 15:36:37 15:41:11 Power/W 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 800 600 400 Ambient Tracker Tracker Static 50 45 35 30 20 15 5 0 Static conditions. This can be observed in the P&O cloudy also. 84 Irradiance/Wm-2 1000 1000 25 800 600 400 Irradiance/Wm-2 12:39:27 12:45:09 12:50:57 12:56:45 13:02:33 13:08:19 13:14:07 13:19:55 13:25:43 13:31:29 13:37:17 13:43:05 13:48:53 13:54:39 14:00:27 14:06:15 14:12:01 14:17:47 14:23:35 14:29:23 14:35:11 14:40:57 14:46:45 14:52:33 14:58:21 15:04:07 15:09:55 15:15:43 15:21:31 15:27:17 15:33:05 15:38:53 Temperature/ °C 6.3 Mathematical Modelling in Cloudy Conditions Date: 09 July 2022 Temperature and Irradiance vs Time 1400 1200 200 0 Time Irradiance Figure 84 Mathematical Modelling Cloudy Temperature and Irradiance Graph Power and Irradiance vs Time 1400 40 1200 10 200 0 Time Irradiance Figure 85 Mathematical Modelling Cloudy Power and Irradiance Graph Observations The tracker power generated clearly outstrips the static power by much under sunny conditions though it does not appear to be the case under cloudy - It was also observed for both cloudy weathers that the tracker would keep facing the sun until the irradiance was well below 400Wm-2 which require thick clouds. Table 14 Mathematical Modelling in Cloudy Condition Total Energy Tracker Static Generated Energy/J 224369.6 194786.9 Consumed Energy/J -2613 0 Efficient Energy/J 221756.6 194786.9 Efficiency 113.8 % Table 15 Mathematical Modelling Cloudy Maximum power Tracker ambient Temp /°C 15:01:37 25.34 13:53:17 25.8 Time Static Irradianc Temp/ Voltage Current Power/ Temp Voltage Current Power/ e/Wm-2 °C /V /A W /°C /V /A W 764.8 847.5 37.28 38.87 15.781 2.798 44.161 36.35 15.218 1.9403 29.528 20.082 0.8607 17.284 40.48 16.898 1.9005 32.117 Table 16 Mathematical Modelling Cloudy Minimum Maximum and Average values Tracker Static Ambient Irradiance/ Temp/ Voltage/ Current/ Power/ Temp/ Voltage/ Temp/ Wm-2 °C V A W °C V °C Minimum 21.05 89.9 22.01 0.13874 0.13155 0.0619 23.08 0.0906 Maximum 27.12 1221.5 41.39 21.4463 2.81166 44.161 42.26 20.5967 Average 24.3337 596.295 33.0134 15.8988 1.3161 20.397 34.119 13.5342 85 Current/ Power/ A W 0.15217 0.0690 2.13103 32.117 1.30582 17.707 09:11:30 09:16:10 09:20:50 09:25:30 09:30:10 09:34:50 09:39:30 09:44:10 09:48:50 09:53:30 09:58:10 10:02:50 10:07:30 10:12:10 10:16:50 10:21:30 10:26:10 10:30:50 10:35:30 10:40:10 10:44:50 10:49:30 10:54:10 10:58:50 11:03:30 11:08:10 11:12:50 11:17:30 11:22:10 11:26:50 11:31:30 11:36:10 11:40:50 11:45:30 11:50:10 11:54:50 11:59:30 12:04:10 12:08:50 Power/W 45 40 - 35 900 30 25 800 20 700 15 10 600 5 0 Ambient Tracker Tracker Static 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Static morning 86 Irradiance/Wm-2 50 800 600 400 Irradiance/Wm-2 09:11:30 09:17:58 09:24:26 09:30:54 09:37:22 09:43:50 09:50:18 09:56:46 10:03:14 10:09:42 10:16:10 10:22:38 10:29:06 10:35:34 10:42:02 10:48:30 10:54:58 11:01:26 11:07:54 11:14:22 11:20:50 11:27:18 11:33:46 11:40:14 11:46:42 11:53:10 11:59:38 12:06:06 Temperature/ °C 6.4 P&O Sunny Weather without Water Cooling System Date: 16 July 2022 Temperature and Irradiance vs Time 1100 1000 500 400 Time Irradiance Figure 86 P&O Sunny Temperature and Irradiance Graph Power and Irradiance vs Time 1200 1000 200 0 Time Irradiance Figure 87 P&O Sunny Power and Irradiance Graph Observations Two small clouds passed by around 9:38 and 9:44 which caused two short- lived power drops in both powers. The tracker provides a more constant and stable power throughout the sunny - The average of the static follows the irradiance curve with much fluctuations, the cause of the latter being the current sensor noises. - The temperature of both the panels rise with the irradiance with the tracker being higher than the static temperature before the latter caught up and exceeded the tracker temperature. This is due the fact that the tracker at times moves away from the sun to find maximum power and the static staying completely still. However, in the early morning, the tracker enjoys more benefit of direct heat despite its motion. Table 17 Efficiency of P&O in Sunny Conditions Total Energy Tracker Static Generated Energy/J 375972.4 240278.9 Consumed Energy/J -5058 0 Efficient Energy/J 371914.4 240278.9 Efficiency 154.4% Table 18 P&O Sunny Maximum power Tracker ambient Time Temp/ °C 12:08:10 27.19 11:49:02 28 Static Irradianc Temp/ Voltage Current Power/ Temp Voltage Current Power/ e/Wm-2 °C /V /A W /°C /V /A W 1005.1 1000.8 40.55 43.31 15.398 2.6729 41.159 44.12 15.834 2.1707 34.372 14.818 2.4761 36.694 45.1 15.767 2.5675 40.482 Table 19 P&O Sunny Minimum Maximum and Average values Ambient Irradiance/ Temp/ Wm-2 °C Minimum 24.35 394.1 Maximum 29.29 1007.4 Average 27.0054 862.434 Tracker Static Temp/ Voltage/ Current/ Power/ Temp/ Voltage/ Current/ Power/ °C V A W °C V A W 35.64 0.10424 0.20273 0.6221 28.83 0.08554 0.16313 0.0509 43.36 20.7279 2.71331 41.159 45.64 20.0926 2.56756 40.482 39.4669 15.0375 2.30747 34.735 39.071 16.2514 1.37907 22.149 87 6.5 P&O Sunny Weather with Water Cooling System Date: 25 July 2022 45 1400 40 1200 1000 30 25 800 20 600 15 400 10 5 200 0 0 09:12:49 09:18:19 09:23:49 09:29:19 09:34:49 09:40:21 09:45:51 09:51:21 09:56:51 10:02:21 10:07:53 10:13:23 10:18:53 10:24:23 10:29:53 10:35:25 10:40:55 10:46:25 10:51:55 10:57:25 11:02:55 11:08:25 11:13:55 11:19:25 11:24:55 11:30:25 11:35:55 11:41:25 11:46:55 11:52:25 11:57:57 12:03:27 12:08:57 12:14:27 12:19:57 Tenperature/°C 35 Irradiance/Wm-2 Temperature and Irradiance vs Time Time Tracker Static Ambient Irradiance Figure 88 P&O Sunny Water Cooling Temperature and Irradiance Graph 60 1400 50 1200 1000 40 800 30 600 20 400 10 Irradiance/Wm-2 Power/W Power and Irradiance vs Time 200 0 09:51:01 09:55:41 10:00:21 10:05:03 10:09:43 10:14:23 10:19:03 10:23:43 10:28:23 10:33:03 10:37:45 10:42:25 10:47:05 10:51:45 10:56:25 11:01:05 11:05:45 11:10:25 11:15:05 11:19:45 11:24:25 11:29:05 11:33:45 11:38:25 11:43:05 11:47:45 11:52:25 11:57:07 12:01:47 12:06:27 12:11:07 12:15:47 12:20:27 0 Time Tracker Static Irradiance Figure 89 P&O Sunny Water Cooling Power and Irradiance Graph Observations - The weather was mostly sunny as from 10:14 with passing clouds causing fluctuations in the powers. - A delay varying from 30sec to 1min is needed for the MPPT to catch up with the irradiance depending on the opacity of the clouds. - Effective water cooling system 88 - Low panel temperatures during low irradiance. Thus two different efficiencies are calculated to compensate for the clouds. This is done by taking on the values for the irradiance above 600W/m-2. The valve used was spring-return which as a result consumed much energy to operate. It would thus be more appropriate to use latching valves for better economy. The consumption of the valve was 6W which is consequent over extended period of time and thus not included in calculating efficiency as better option is available. Table 20 Efficiency of P&O Water Cooling in Sunny Conditions Total Energy >600Wm-2 Tracker Static Tracker Static Generated Energy/J 285945.8 195107 133160.6 89357.93 Consumed Energy/J -4791 0 -3981.4 0 Efficient Energy/J 281154.8 195107 129179.2 89357.93 Efficiency 144.1% 144.6% Table 21 P&O Sunny Water Cooling Maximum power Tracker ambient Time Temp/° C 11:31:31 28 11:41:57 27.81 Static Irradianc Temp/ Voltage Current Power/ Temp Voltage Current Power/ e/Wm-2 °C /V /A W /°C /V /A W 1159.3 1073.6 25.38 27.41 15.514 3.2695 50.724 24.2 14.526 2.3602 34.286 18.874 1.9347 36.517 25.07 18.348 2.0872 38.298 Table 22 P&O Sunny Water Cooling Minimum Maximum and Average values Tracker Ambient Irradiance/ Temp/ Voltage/ Current/ Temp/° Wm-2 °C V A C Minimum 24.89 136.4 23.74 0.10424 0.14185 Maximum 29.29 1264 35.36 21.5389 3.27649 Average 27.3961 871.261 29.8619 16.0208 1.87446 89 Static Power/ Temp/ Voltage/ Current/ Power/ W °C V A W 0.0439 23.69 0.04083 0.03074 0.0561 50.724 33.22 21.825 2.46999 38.298 30.98 0.98842 21.138 27.561 17.697 12:35:01 12:39:29 12:43:57 12:48:25 12:52:53 12:57:21 01:01:49 01:06:17 01:10:45 01:15:13 01:19:41 01:24:09 01:28:37 01:33:05 01:37:33 01:42:01 01:46:29 01:50:57 01:55:25 01:59:53 02:04:21 02:08:49 02:13:17 02:17:45 02:22:13 02:26:41 02:31:09 02:35:37 02:40:05 02:44:33 02:49:01 02:53:29 02:57:57 Power/W 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 800 600 400 Ambient Tracker Tracker Static 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1000 800 600 400 Static 90 Irradiance/Wm-2 1000 Irradiance/Wm-2 12:35:01 12:39:29 12:43:57 12:48:25 12:52:53 12:57:21 01:01:49 01:06:17 01:10:45 01:15:13 01:19:41 01:24:09 01:28:37 01:33:05 01:37:33 01:42:01 01:46:29 01:50:57 01:55:25 01:59:53 02:04:21 02:08:49 02:13:17 02:17:45 02:22:13 02:26:41 02:31:09 02:35:37 02:40:05 02:44:33 02:49:01 02:53:29 02:57:57 Temperature/°C 6.6 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Weather without Water Cooling System Date: 25 July 2022 Temperature and Irradiance vs Time 1400 1200 200 0 Time Irradiance Figure 90 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Temperature and Irradiance Graph Power and Irradiance vs Time 1400 1200 200 0 Time Irradiance Figure 91 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Power and Irradiance Graph Observations Weather similar to P&O cloudy with water cooling and so are the observations. Table 23 Efficiency of Mathematical Modelling in Sunny conditions Tracker Static Tracker >600Wm-2 Static *For clouds compensation Total Energy Generated Energy/J 269114.4 209489 126838.3 99002.72 Consumed Energy/J -2004.6 0 -1767 0 Efficient Energy/J 267109.8 209489 125071.3 99002.72 Efficiency 127.5% 126.3% Table 24 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Maximum power Tracker ambient Temp/° C 13:54:47 24.02 13:42:49 24.28 Time Static Irradianc Temp/ Voltage Current Power/ Temp Voltage Current Power/ e/Wm-2 °C /V /A W /°C /V /A W 1061.3 1015.6 38.74 42.89 14.818 3.0599 45.345 40.44 17.544 1.4833 26.024 14.355 2.7846 39.973 44.38 16.985 2.3378 39.708 Table 25 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Minimum Maximum and Average values Ambient Irradiance/ Temp/° Wm-2 C Minimum 22.87 158.1 Maximum 28.39 1195.4 Average 25.0306 840.958 Tracker Static Temp/ Voltage/ Current/ Power/ Temp/ Voltage/ Current/ Power/ °C V A W °C V A W 33.89 0.10424 0.31283 0.0422 35.63 0.16378 0.16378 0.0688 43.52 20.7279 3.10559 45.345 44.92 20.6514 2.46351 39.708 39.6433 15.2382 2.05904 30.616 41.266 16.0393 1.40461 23.832 91 6.7 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Weather with Water Cooling System Date: 16 July 2022 Temperature and Irradiance vs Time 50 1100 45 1000 900 35 30 800 25 700 20 15 600 Irradiance/Wm-2 Tempeature/°C 40 10 500 5 0 12:30:53 12:36:57 12:43:01 12:49:05 12:55:09 01:01:13 01:07:17 01:13:21 01:19:25 01:25:29 01:31:33 01:37:37 01:43:41 01:49:45 01:55:49 02:01:53 02:07:57 02:14:01 02:20:05 02:26:09 02:32:13 02:38:17 02:44:21 02:50:25 02:56:29 03:02:33 03:08:37 03:14:41 03:20:45 03:26:49 400 Axis Title Ambient Tracker Static Irradiance Figure 92 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Water Cooling Temperature and Irradiance Graph 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1200 800 600 400 Irradiance/Wm-2 1000 200 0 12:30:53 12:36:23 12:41:53 12:47:23 12:52:53 12:58:23 01:03:53 01:09:23 01:14:53 01:20:23 01:25:53 01:31:23 01:36:53 01:42:23 01:47:53 01:53:23 01:58:53 02:04:23 02:09:53 02:15:23 02:20:53 02:26:23 02:31:53 02:37:23 02:42:53 02:48:23 02:53:53 02:59:23 03:04:53 03:10:23 03:15:53 03:21:23 03:26:53 Power/W Power and Irradiance vs Time Time Tracker Static Irradiance Figure 93 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Water Cooling Power and Irradiance Graph Observations - Two small glitches occurred in the tracker power which might have been due to the tracker moving too far away from the sun - A consequent glitch also happened in the static power which was due to the current sensor noises. 92 - The static power is again seen to follow the irradiance curve as in the P&O sunny weather. - The effect of the water cooling system can be seen on the temperature graph with two abnormal peaks of 40°C before the system stabilized. Note: Energy consumed by the valve has not been taken into account for aforementioned reason. Table 26 Efficiency of Mathematical Modelling with Water Cooling in Sunny Conditions Total Energy Tracker Static Generated Energy/J 407374.7 306562.8 Consumed Energy/J -2761 0 Efficient Energy/J 404613.5 306562.8 Efficiency 131.98% Table 27 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Water Cooling Maximum power Tracker ambient Temp/° C 12:41:49 25.01 13:00:15 24.11 Time Static Irradianc Temp/ Voltage Current Power/ Temp Voltage Current Power/ e/Wm-2 °C /V /A W /°C /V /A W 1003.1 995.3 29.54 34.67 17.831 2.4685 44.017 27.27 17.533 1.9137 33.554 15.745 2.7065 42.616 29.52 17.320 2.6444 45.803 Table 28 Mathematical Modelling Sunny Water Cooling Minimum Maximum and Average values Ambient Irradiance/ Temp/° Wm-2 C Minimum 22.87 545.8 Maximum 28.39 1015.6 Average 25.1368 856.266 Tracker Static Temp/ Voltage/ Current/ Power/ Temp/ Voltage/ Current/ Power/ °C V A W °C V A W 27.44 0.10424 0.2276 0.0904 25.69 11.6315 0.13857 2.8586 40.29 21.0755 2.77006 44.017 36.98 20.7297 2.64444 45.803 32.5469 15.2808 2.43229 37.483 29.323 15.7557 1.81045 28.207 93 6.8 Water Cooling System Efficiency The weather for the tests were unfortunately not quite comparable, thus could not be compared directly. Thus, only the high values of irradiance, due to passing clouds, were considered for which the ratio of power to irradiance were calculated and average found and compared. Ratio= 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟/𝑊 𝐼𝑟𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒/𝑊𝑚−2 × 100 Eq (21) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 09:51:00 09:54:56 09:58:52 10:02:48 10:06:44 10:10:40 10:14:36 10:18:32 10:22:28 10:26:24 10:30:20 10:34:16 10:38:12 10:42:08 10:46:04 10:50:00 10:53:56 10:57:52 11:01:48 11:05:44 11:09:40 11:13:36 11:17:32 11:21:28 11:25:24 11:29:20 11:33:16 11:37:12 11:41:08 11:45:04 11:49:00 11:52:56 11:56:52 12:00:48 12:04:44 12:08:40 Temperature/°C Temperature Water Cooling and Normal vs Time Time Tracker Static Tracker Water Cooling Static Water Cooling Figure 94 Temperature of Water Cooling vs Without Graph (Morning) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 12:35:01 12:39:07 12:43:13 12:47:19 12:51:25 12:55:31 12:59:37 01:03:43 01:07:49 01:11:55 01:16:01 01:20:07 01:24:13 01:28:19 01:32:25 01:36:31 01:40:37 01:44:43 01:48:49 01:52:55 01:57:01 02:01:07 02:05:13 02:09:19 02:13:25 02:17:31 02:21:37 02:25:43 02:29:49 02:33:55 02:38:01 02:42:07 02:46:13 02:50:19 02:54:25 02:58:31 Temperature/°C Temperature of Water Cooling and Normal vs Time Time Tracker Static Tracker Water Cooling Static Water Cooling Figure 95 Temperature of Water Cooling vs Without Graph (Afternoon) 94 Table 29 Water Cooling vs Normal data Average Temperature/°C Without With Water Water Difference Cooling Cooling P&O Tracker 39.46 29.86 9.6 Mathematical Modelling Tracker 39.64 32.54 7.1 Static 39.07 27.56 11.51 41.26 29.32 11.94 Average of Power-Irradiance Ratio Without With Efficiency Efficiency Water Water Increase/% increase/%/°C Cooling Cooling 4.2128 4.008071 5.1079 0.532 4.506 4.351616 3.5477 0.4997 3.071675 3.353268 2.862347 3.157565 7.3132 6.1979 0.635 0.519 It can hence be confirmed that the efficiency of solar panels varies by about 0.5%/°C of temperature rise which confirms [65]. 95 6.9 Overall Analysis of Efficiencies The efficiencies of the systems are displayed in the chart below from maximum to minimum Overall Efficiency 180.00% 160.00% 140.00% 120.00% 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% P&O Sunny P&O Sunny P&O Sunny Mathematical Mathematical P&O Cloudy Mathematical Mathematical P&O cloudy Water Cooling Water Cooling Sunny Water Modelling Modified Modelling Modelling >600Wm-2 Cooling Sunny Sunny Cloudy >600Wm-2 Figure 96 Efficiency of all systems chart The P&O system proves to be more efficient in all the conditions: sunny, water cooling and cloudy. The maximum efficiency recorded is 54.7% more than the static panel. The maximum efficiency of dual axis tracker recorded yet is 82.12%. [66] The maximum power reached exceeded the rating of the panel being 50.724W under the P&O with water cooling and the highest average being 37.483W for the mathematical modelling with water cooling. This clearly shows the effect brought by the water cooling. Better results could have been achieved if not limited by the below mentioned reasons: 1. Testing could not be done during summer 2. Several tests could not be done for single algorithm due to time constraint 3. Noisy current sensor. Smaller extensions and retractions of the actuator would have been possible with a better sensor since small changes could be read thereby being more precise in finding maximum power 4. The MPPT adjusts itself every 2 seconds which could have been reduced for better responsiveness 5. Delay before MPPT catches up with irradiance 6. Also the Vgs could be varied in smaller steps to optimize the resistance for maximum power harnessing. 96 The last point is very critical as under overcast weathers it should be increased and decreased in sunny conditions as the power fluctuations are very small in the former. Also, the tested panel was relatively small in size rated at 50W, however the tracker can accommodate for much bigger panels up to 150W with no significant rise in the consumption, leading to more efficiency. As for the water cooling system, the results correlate to previous findings and shall therefore be more economical on larger power generation farms, where rain could be collected and sprayed over, than single panels. 97 7.0 Conclusion and Recommendations All the aims and requirements of the thesis have been successfully met with the exception of testing different types of panels due to the unavailability of other types of panels. Despite the listed limitations, an efficiency of 154.4% have been achieved which is very promising start for a not yet fully enhanced algorithm. The P&O system proved to be more efficient than the calculation method during winter season under mostly all weather conditions. The MPPT also held up great except for the issue of noisy current signal. As a whole, all the systems, mechanical, electrical and software functioned appropriately and in harmony. The water cooling system also yielded promising results although the climate was cool. Below are recommendations for further works: Whole year testing Water cooling implementation on larger scale to better evaluate efficiency Controller: o Use fuzzy logic controller for more precise and economic tracking o Vary parameters of MPPT to find optimum setup for sunny and overcast conditions o Reduce intervals for MPPT to 1 second Mechanical: o The range covered for tracking can be increased for year round tracking Electrical: o Use more accurate and stable sensors o Instead of losing the power to the MOSFET as heat, it could be stored and used more productively 98 8.0 References [1] Zou, C., Zhao, Q., Zhang, G. and Xiong, B., 2016. Energy revolution: From a fossil energy era to a new energy era. Natural Gas Industry B, [online] 3(1), pp.1-11. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 December 2021]. [2] Radetzki, M., 1994. World Demand for Natural Gas: History and Prospects. The Energy Journal, [online] 15(01), pp.219-236. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 December 2021]. 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Solar energy is normally measured by the amount of solar energy that travels through one square metre of space perpendicular to the direction of travel of the radiation at an average distance between the earth and the sun, this is known as the solar constant and is approximately 1367W/m2 according to the World Energy Council. Considering absorption and scattering of the radiation by clouds and other particles, a rough amount of 1.08 x 108 GW of solar flux reaches the surface causing a colossal 3,400,000 EJ (x 1018) of energy received by earth each year. To put things into perspective, this number is approximately 7000 times more than annual global primary energy consumption. [17] Thus solar energy that hit the surface of the earth for one hour is enough to supply all human needs for a year. Yet, the main issue about solar energy remains on the efficiency of harnessing this resource. Technologies are still lacking beyond nature in terms of efficiency of capturing sunlight like photosynthesis. [18] Of the major advantages of solar energy amongst being free and widely available, is that solar energy can be obtained directly from sunlight vis very small photovoltaics. This also means that major labour costs are saved compared to the conventional energy generation technologies. Thus solar energy is considered as the future of the developing world. [19] Exploitation of the solar energy is done by two ways: Solar thermal and solar photovoltaic (PV). As the name suggests, the first one is mostly related to the heat aspect of the solar energy and used for water heating, desalination and more while the solar photovoltaic is the generation of electricity powered by the natural light of the sun. [20] 108 Photovoltaic cell The generally accepted definition of a PV cell or Solar cell is an electronic device which converts light energy directly to electrical energy by the photovoltaic effect. A PV module is that which consists of several cells connected in series while arrays are that which link modules to one another in series or parallel. [21] Figure 97 Solar Panel Hierarchy[22] A PV cell comprises of a semiconductor material upon which light is incident. The former, normally Silicon, absorbs the light particles, also known as photons, and its electron is freed leaving behind a hole. The electron thus moves from holes to holes to cause current flow. To ensure flow in a specific direction, silicon doped with more free electrons and the other with more holes are joined thus called a p-n junction. Electrons are freed in the depletion region and thus flow towards the positive side of the field, thereby creating an electric current. [23] Figure 98 Solar Cell Working Principle 109 Control Algorithms Extremum Seeking Control The working principle of ESC is that a sinusoidal waveform is added to a best guess for which the output is maximum or minimum. The sinusoidal waveform causes fluctuations in the output which is filtered to obtain only the high frequency (thereby eliminating the constant output) and the new waveform is multiplied by the sinusoidal again to get a totally positive graph or totally negative. The latter is added by integration to the best guess with a possible gain and the best guess is therefore increased or decreased to match the maximum output. The system reaches equilibrium after locating the local maximum or minimum output which might vary over time. [48] The major drawback is the inability to track the global maximum or minimum. ESC has various applications among which are: Antilock braking system, Impedance Matching in Semiconductor Plasma Processing Chamber, swarm tracking, wind turbine control and power converter optimization, resource allocation problems, optimization of robotic systems, price seeking in dynamic markets, dynamic tolling for transportation systems, and traffic light control, to just name a few [49] [50] but it can be used to track maximum power as proven by M. Mooraby in [40]. Perturb and Observe Control This control algorithm is widely used in MPP tracking. An issue with this system is that if the perturbations are not small enough, it might not track the peak accurately as the values of output of both sides of the peak might be the same. Though if the steps are too small, it will take much time before reaching optimum point. 110 Figure 99 Pertrub and Observe system Example: for the same y=100, x has got 2 values. If the perturbation step is too big, it can move from x=215 to x=85 while the output is same and thereby not locating the peak precisely. But since the sun is continuously moving, this might not be too much of a problem for a dynamic system as compared to a static one. The last two systems focus mainly on harvesting maximum power from the sun while the 4 LDRs system concentrates on positioning the solar panel perpendicular to the sun for more irradiance and direct sunlight and consequently more power but the problem arises during cloudy weather. The LDRs read the same intensity and no comparison can be made causing the solar tracker to remain idle when more power could have been generated via diffuse radiation. Recently, scientists have proved that the maximum power does not come by facing the sun during cloudy weathers [51]. This is definitely a waste of resources especially during recurring cloudy days. Another issue with LDRs is that the system can be disturbed by surrounding moving lights However, P&O and ESC are not affected by weather conditions for they will keep tracking until the maximum output is reached, even if that means not facing the sun. Very few researches and experimentation have been done with these control algorithms for tracking maximum irradiance by orientation of solar panel compared to researches done using these algorithms to track MPP. 111 Appendix B: Datasheets of Electrical Components 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 Link: 123 124 Link: 125 126 127 128 Link: 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 Link; 142 143 Link for complete datasheet: 144 145 146 147 Link for complete datasheet: 148 Linear actuators --Input: 12/24V DC. --Stroke Length: 16inch/ 400mm (Extension Length). --Potentiometer: 1K/ 5K/ 10K (Available). --Load Capacity: 1000N/ 100KGS/ 225LBS. --No-Load Speed: 10mm/s. --Mounting Hole Size: 6.5mm. --Mini Install Length: 140+Stroke=540mm. --Max Install Length: 140+StrokeX2=940mm. --Limit Switches: Built-In (Not Adjustable). 149 Same for both save stoke, 300mm. 150 Arduino Microcontroller ATmega328 Operating Voltage 5V Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output) Analog Input Pins 6 DC Current per I/O Pin 40 Ma DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 Ma Flash Memory 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328) EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328) Clock Speed 16 MHz Link for datasheet: 151 152 153 Appendix C: Datasheets of Mechanical Components 154 Link for full datasheet: 155 Cutting List Table 30 Cutting list Component Mild steel tube 2”x2” Mild steel tube 2”x1” 𝟏 Mild steel tube 3”x1𝟐” Mild steel tube 1”x1” Flat mild steel 5mm thickness Mild steel shaft dia 10mm Mild steel shaft dia 12mm Mild steel bar ¾" Mild steel flat bar 2mm thickness Length/mm 950 310 550 250 600 Quantity 1 1 1 2 1 1240 550 125 x 100 65 x 50 70 2 2 1 3 2 70 1 550 10 50 x 1240 2 5 2 156 Appendix D: Programming and Coding 1. Full Perturb and Observe Control const const const const const int int int int int signal extpol retpol extele retele = = = = = 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; int curpotele; int prevpotele; int curpowele; int prevpowele; int curpowpol; int prevpowpol; int difpowele; int difpotele; int difpowpol; int difpotpol; int a1000; int a1500; void setup() { pinMode(signal, OUTPUT); pinMode(extele, OUTPUT); pinMode(retele, OUTPUT); pinMode(extpol, OUTPUT); pinMode(retpol, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); difpotpol=25; difpotele=70; curpotele = 0; prevpowele = 0; curpowele = 0; curpowpol = 0; prevpowpol = 0; a1000=0; a1500=0; digitalWrite(signal, HIGH); offacts(); delay(10000); } void loop() { for (int x = 0; x < 6 ; x++) { digitalWrite(signal, LOW); && curpowele = readpower(); difpowele = curpowele - prevpowele; if ( ( difpowele < -2 && difpotele <= -60) || ( difpowele < - 13 && difpotele > -60 && difpotele < -30) || ( difpowele >= -2 && difpowele <= 2 && difpotele > 30 difpotele < 60) || ( difpowele > 13 && difpotele > 30 && difpotele < 60 ) || ( difpowele > 2 && difpotele >= 60) ) { difpotele=70; if (readpotele()<785){ digitalWrite(extele, LOW); 157 digitalWrite(retele, HIGH); delay(1500); a1500++; offacts(); delay(500); && } else { offacts(); } } else if ( ( difpowele > 2 && difpotele <= -60) || ( difpowele >= -2 && difpowele <= 2 && difpotele > -60 difpotele < -30) || ( difpowele > 13 && difpotele > -60 && difpotele < - 30) || ( difpowele < - 13 && difpotele > 30 && difpotele < 60) || ( difpowele < -2 && difpotele >= 60) ){ difpotele=-70; digitalWrite(extele, HIGH); digitalWrite(retele, LOW); delay(1500); a1500++; offacts(); delay(500); } else if ( ( difpowele >= -2 && difpowele <= 2 && difpotele <= -60) || ( difpowele >= - 13 && difpowele < -2 && difpotele > 60 && difpotele < -30) || ( difpowele < -2 && difpotele >= -30 && difpotele <= 30) || ( difpowele > 2 && difpowele <= 13 && difpotele > 30 && difpotele < 60) ) { difpotele=35; if (readpotele()<815) { digitalWrite(extele, LOW); digitalWrite(retele, HIGH); delay(1000); a1000++; offacts(); } else { offacts(); } } else if ( ( difpowele > 2 && difpowele <= 13 && difpotele > -60 && difpotele < -30) || ( difpowele > 2 && difpotele >= -30 && difpotele <= 30) || ( difpowele >= - 13 && difpowele < -2 && difpotele > 30 && difpotele < 60) || ( difpowele >= -2 && difpowele <= 2 && difpotele >=60 ) ) { difpotele=-35; 158 digitalWrite(extele, HIGH); digitalWrite(retele, LOW); delay(1000); a1000++; offacts(); } else { offacts(); } prevpowele = curpowele; delay(1000); } digitalWrite(signal, HIGH); delay(60000); for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { digitalWrite(signal, LOW); curpowpol = readpower(); difpowpol = curpowpol - prevpowpol; if ( ( difpowpol < -2 && difpotpol <= -20) || ( difpowpol < - 13 && difpotpol > -20 && difpotpol < 10) || ( difpowpol >= -2 && difpowpol <= 2 && difpotpol > 10 && difpotpol < 20) || ( difpowpol > 13 && difpotpol > 10 && difpotpol < 20 ) || ( difpowpol > 2 && difpotpol >= 20) ) { digitalWrite(extpol, LOW); digitalWrite(retpol, HIGH); difpotpol=25; delay(1500); a1500++; offacts(); delay(500); } else if ( ( difpowpol > 2 && difpotpol <= -20) || ( difpowpol >= -2 && difpowpol <= 2 && difpotpol > -20 && difpotpol < -10) || ( difpowpol > 13 && difpotpol > -20 && difpotpol < 10) || ( difpowpol < - 13 && difpotpol > 10 && difpotpol < 20) || ( difpowpol < -2 && difpotpol >= 20) ) { digitalWrite(extpol, HIGH); digitalWrite(retpol, LOW); delay(1500); a1500++; difpotpol=-25; offacts(); delay(500); && } else if ( ( difpowpol >= -2 && difpowpol <= 2 && difpotpol <= -20 ) || ( difpowpol >= - 13 && difpowpol < -2 && difpotpol > -20 difpotpol < -10) || ( difpowpol < -2 && difpotpol >= -10 && difpotpol <= 10) 159 && && && || ( difpowpol > 2 && difpowpol <= difpotpol < 20) ) { digitalWrite(extpol, LOW); digitalWrite(retpol, HIGH); delay(1000); a1000++; difpotpol=12; 13 && difpotpol > 10 offacts(); } else if ( ( difpowpol > 2 && difpowpol <= 13 && difpotpol > -20 difpotpol < -10) || ( difpowpol > 2 && difpotpol >= -10 && difpotpol <= 10) || ( difpowpol >= - 13 && difpowpol < -2 && difpotpol > 10 difpotpol < 20) || ( difpowpol >= -2 && difpowpol <= 2 && difpotpol >=20 ) ) { digitalWrite(extpol, HIGH); digitalWrite(retpol, LOW); delay(1000); a1000++; difpotpol=-12; offacts(); } else { offacts(); } prevpowpol = curpowpol; delay(1000); } digitalWrite(signal, HIGH); if (readldr()>=18){ delay(60000); } else{ delay(120000); } Serial.print("a1000="); Serial.println(a1000); Serial.print("a1500="); Serial.println(a1500); } int readpower(void) { return analogRead(A0); } int readpotele(void){ return analogRead(A1); } int readldr(void){ return analogRead(A3); } void offacts() { digitalWrite(extele, HIGH); digitalWrite(retele, HIGH); digitalWrite(extpol, HIGH); digitalWrite(retpol, HIGH); } 160 2. Mathematical modelling for elevation angle and Perturb and Observe for polar angle #include<Wire.h> #define RTCAddress 0x68 const int signal= 8; const int extpol = 9; const int retpol = 10; const int extele = 11; const int retele = 12; int curpotele; int prevpotele; int difpotele; int prevpowpol; int difpowpol; int difpotpol; int curpowpol; int difele; int a1500; int a1000; int a300; int x; void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); //setTime(0, 7, 9, 6, 9, 7, 22); pinMode(extele, OUTPUT); pinMode(retele, OUTPUT); pinMode(extpol, OUTPUT); pinMode(retpol, OUTPUT); pinMode(signal, OUTPUT); offacts(); digitalWrite(signal, HIGH); delay(10000); prevpotele = 0; curpotele = 0; curpowpol = 0; prevpowpol = 0; difpotpol = 25; difpowpol = 0; difele = 0; a1500=0; a1000=0; a300=0; int i=0; while (i<40) { i++; curpotele = readpotele(); difele = calcpotvalue() - curpotele; if (difele > 15 && curpotele<840) { digitalWrite(extele, LOW); digitalWrite(retele, HIGH); delay(300); a300++; offacts(); 161 } else if (difele < -15) { digitalWrite(extele, HIGH); digitalWrite(retele, LOW); delay(300); a300++; offacts(); } else { offacts(); } } } void loop() { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { digitalWrite(signal, LOW); curpowpol = readpower(); difpowpol = curpowpol - prevpowpol; if ( ( difpowpol < -2 && difpotpol <= -20) || ( difpowpol < - 13 && difpotpol > -20 && difpotpol < 10) || ( difpowpol >= -2 && difpowpol <= 2 && difpotpol > 10 && difpotpol < 20) || ( difpowpol > 13 && difpotpol > 10 && difpotpol < 20 ) || ( difpowpol > 2 && difpotpol >= 20) ) { digitalWrite(extpol, LOW); digitalWrite(retpol, HIGH); difpotpol=25; delay(1500); a1500++; offacts(); delay(500); && } else if ( ( difpowpol > 2 && difpotpol <= -20) || ( difpowpol >= -2 && difpowpol <= 2 && difpotpol > -20 difpotpol < -10) || ( difpowpol > 13 && difpotpol > -20 && difpotpol < - 10) || ( difpowpol < - 13 && difpotpol > 10 && || ( difpowpol < -2 && difpotpol >= 20) ) { digitalWrite(extpol, HIGH); digitalWrite(retpol, LOW); delay(1500); a1500++; difpotpol=-25; difpotpol < 20) offacts(); delay(500); } else if ( ( difpowpol >= -2 && difpowpol <= 2 && 162 difpotpol <= -20 ) || ( difpowpol >= - 13 && difpowpol < -2 && difpotpol > -20 difpotpol < -10) || ( difpowpol < -2 && difpotpol >= -10 && difpotpol <= 10) || ( difpowpol > 2 && difpowpol <= 13 && difpotpol > 10 difpotpol < 20) ) { digitalWrite(extpol, LOW); digitalWrite(retpol, HIGH); delay(1000); a1000++; difpotpol=12; && && offacts(); } else if ( ( difpowpol > 2 && difpowpol <= 13 && difpotpol > -20 difpotpol < -10) || ( difpowpol > 2 && difpotpol >= -10 && difpotpol <= 10) || ( difpowpol >= - 13 && difpowpol < -2 && difpotpol > 10 difpotpol < 20) || ( difpowpol >= -2 && difpowpol <= 2 && difpotpol >=20 ) ) { digitalWrite(extpol, HIGH); digitalWrite(retpol, LOW); delay(1000); a1000++; difpotpol=-12; offacts(); } else { offacts(); } prevpowpol = curpowpol; delay(1000); && && } digitalWrite(signal, HIGH); delay(100000); byte second, minute, hour, day, date, month, year; readTime(&second, &minute, &hour, &day, &date, &month, &year); x=minute%10; int k=0; while (k<40) { k++; if (x>=6) { curpotele = readpotele(); difele = calcpotvalue() - curpotele; if (difele > 15 && curpotele<840) { digitalWrite(extele, LOW); digitalWrite(retele, HIGH); delay(300); a300++; offacts(); } else if (difele < -15) { digitalWrite(extele, HIGH); digitalWrite(retele, LOW); delay(300); a300++; 163 offacts(); } else { offacts(); } } else { offacts(); } } delay(50000); Serial.print("a300="); Serial.println(a300); Serial.print("a1000="); Serial.println(a1000); Serial.print("a1500="); Serial.println(a1500); } int readpower(void) { return analogRead(A0); } int readpotele(void) { return analogRead(A1); } void offacts() { digitalWrite(extele, HIGH); digitalWrite(retele, HIGH); digitalWrite(extpol, HIGH); digitalWrite(retpol, HIGH); } byte bcd2dec(byte val) { return ((val / 16 * 10) + (val % 16)); } byte dec2bcd(byte val) { return ((val / 10 * 16) + (val % 10)); } void setTime(byte second, byte minute, byte hour, byte day, byte date, byte month, byte year) { Wire.beginTransmission(RTCAddress); Wire.write(0); Wire.write(dec2bcd(second)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(minute)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(hour)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(day)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(date)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(month)); Wire.write(dec2bcd(year)); 164 Wire.endTransmission(); } void readTime (byte *second, byte *minute, byte *hour, byte *day, byte *date, byte *month, byte *year) { Wire.beginTransmission(RTCAddress); Wire.write(0); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(RTCAddress, 7); *second = bcd2dec( & 0x7F); *minute = bcd2dec(; *hour = bcd2dec( & 0x3F); *day = bcd2dec(; *date = bcd2dec(; *month = bcd2dec(; *year = bcd2dec(; } int calcpotvalue(void) { double delta; double w; double pi = 3.14159; double a; int length; int pot; byte second, minute, hour, readTime(&second, &minute, delay(1000); if (month == 7) { delta = 23.45 * sin((284 } if (month == 6) { delta = 23.45 * sin((284 } day, date, month, year; &hour, &day, &date, &month, &year); + 181 + date) * (0.9863) * (pi / 180)); + 151 + date) * (0.9863) * (pi / 180)); w = (acos(-tan(-20.0177903 * (pi / 180)) * tan(delta * (pi / 180)))) * (180 / pi); a = ((((hour * 60) + minute) - (720 - ((w / 15) * 60))) / (2 * ((w / 15) * 60))) * 180; length = -0.0001 * pow(a, 3) + 0.0133 * (pow(a, 2)) + 2.809 * a + 497.17; pot=2.1*length - 1026; return round(pot); } 165 3. Water Cooling System const int valve=8; void setup() { pinMode(valve, OUTPUT); offacts(); } void loop() { delay(1000); if (temp()>70){ delay(10000); if (temp()>70){ digitalWrite(valve, LOW); delay(100000); offacts(); } } } int temp(void) { return analogRead(A0); } void offacts() { digitalWrite(valve, HIGH); } Figure 100 Microcontroller Arduino circuit 166 4. LABVIEW Program Figure 101 LABVIEW Front Panel Figure 102 LABVIEW Block Diagram 167 Figure 103 Complete data collection and controlling circuit 168 Appendix E: Realisation and Build-up Figure 104 Main Stand and Support Beam Figure 105 Main Stand Welding Figure 108 Elevation Pivot Figure 106 Support Beam Figure 107 Main Stand 169 Figure 110 Complete Solar Tracker Figure 111 Panel Support Frame Figure 109 Solar Tracker 170 Figure 112 Static Panel Figure 113 Tracker Water Cooling Figure 114 Temperature Sensors glued to Panel Figure 115 Valve Figure 117 Pyranometer Setup Figure 116 LDR Setup 171 Appendix F: Synopsis and Progress Log UNIVERSITY OF MAURITIUS FACULTY of ENGINEERING ANNEX 1 PROJECT PROPOSAL/SYNOPSIS Department: Mechatronics Engineering Academic Year: 4 Students are hereby informed that they should submit this document (approximately 200 words) to their respective Module/Project Co-ordinators by one month as from the beginning of Semester I at latest. Student's Name: MONEBAHAL Ali Asgar Ibne Student ID: 1811899 Title of dissertation: Efficiency of different types of PV modules with and without solar tracker Aims and Objectives: To determine power generation capacity of 3 different types of PV modules at maximum power point and on a solar tracker To calculate the efficiency of the Solar Tracker with respect to its power consumed To find out which proves to be more efficient and reliable Proposed Methodology (tentative): The procedure will be to investigate the electricity production of the 3 different types of solar panels at a fixed point and on a solar tracker while tracking the current consumption of the motors for the solar tracker. Data needs to be collected over an adequate period of time to allow a correct conclusion to be drawn. 172 An efficient and feasible solar tracker is to be built to experiment and take values. Expected Output A fully functional solar tracker to record data and the conclusion is expected to be that the solar tracker will be more effective Frequency to meet supervisor Start of Project: Weekly End of Project: Weekly Comments, if any: Meetings and communications will be mostly limited to online sessions and call as Covid-19 preventive measures. GANTT CHART Research Literature Review Design Solar Tracker Realisation Data Acquisition Testing and Evaluation Discussion Thesis Writing Nov ✓ ✓ Dec Jan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Feb Mar ✓ ✓ Apr May Jun ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Student's Signature: ………… Supervisor's Name: Mr H. Shamachurn Date:23 Nov 2021 Supervisor’s Signature:.………………… Date: 24 Nov 2021 173 UNIVERSITY OF MAURITIUS FACULTY OF ENGINEERING PROGRESS LOG Student Name : MONEBAHAL Ali Asgar Ibne Student ID : 1811899 Department : Engineering Programme : B.Eng (Hons.) Mechatronics Engineering Title of Dissertation : Efficiency of different types of PV modules on and off dual axis solar tracker with MPPT (P&O) tracking Supervisor : Mr H. Shamachurn Project Coordinator : • Your Progress Log serves as a record of your transferable skills and participation and attainment as a student for dissertation purposes. • Its purpose is to help you to plan your own dissertation and to record the outcomes. • As well as gaining valuable skills, you will find that the information accumulated in this Log will prove helpful during the write up of the dissertation. • The document belongs to you and it is your responsibility to keep it up to date. • It is your responsibility to ensure your supervisor is aware of the dissertation activities you have undertaken. You should sign the appropriate statement below when you submit your Progress Log: I confirm that the information I have given in this Log is a true and accurate record: Signed: ……………………………………… 174 Date: 29 Jul 2022 RECORD OF STRATEGIC MEETINGS WITH SUPERVISOR Meetings Date Topics/Theme s (If any) Discussed 1 16/10/21 Project Aims 2 02/02/22 Panel Sizing 3 04/04/22 Ordering of Comments Supervisor’ Student’s s Initials Components 4 18/04/22 MPPT circuit + water cooling 5 29/04/22 MOSFET power dissipation 6 10/05/22 Data collection 7 05/06/22 Current Sensors and troubleshoot 8 10/06/22 Pyranometer and thermocouple Supervisor Mr H. Shamachurn Signature …………………… Date……………. 175 Initials