Question Mr. Zafrul, an engineer is employed by ZYZ Bhd. since 31 August 2013. For the year 2022, he was paid a gross monthly salary of RM8,000, until his service is terminated on 31 October 2022. He also received the following income for the year 2022: A bonus of RM16,000 for 2021 service Travelling allowance amounted to RM6,500 for official duties. Reimbursement of utility bill amounted to RM700 from ZYZ Bhd. Reward of RM1,500 for passing exam Gratuity of RM55,000 for the years of service with the company Compensation for loss of employment of RM77,000. The company also provides him with a six-year-old car (cost when new: RM90,000) for the period 01 January 2022 to 30 April 2022. From 1 May 2022 he was provided with a new car costing RM150,000. Free fuel is also provided for him by the employer. The company also pays for the mobile phone (rental and charges) and other benefits during the year. His benefits and the respective costs incurred by the employers for the year 2022 are as follows: RM Mobile Phone 2,000 Furnishing- Fully furnished 8,000 Gardener’s wages (From May 2022) 8,400 Domestic servant’s wages (From May 2022) 9,000 Driver’s wages 6,700 Childcare benefit 24,000 Leave passage provided to Mr Zafrul in 2022 are as follows: Month Location January Langkawi March Thailand April Penang June Melaka July Kuching RM 2,120 4,000 1,160 80 1,400 Mr. Zafrul was transferred from Johor Bahru to Kuala Lumpur on 1 January 2022. For the first four months, he was provided accommodation in the Puteri Pacific Hotel and for the rest of the employment period, he was provided with a rented bungalow. The costs incurred by the employer for the year was as follows: RM Hotel accommodation (4 months) 6,000 Rented Bungalow (6 months) 14,000 ZYZ Bhd has operated an unapproved retirement scheme since 1989. On 30 September 2022, the scheme was wound up. Mr Zafrul thus received the following income: RM Employer cumulative contributions 31,000 Employee cumulative contributions 25,000 Interest 12,000 His wife, Ms. Edna is 40 years old choose an early retirement with a monthly pension of RM2,500. To fill up her spare time, she writes book on Malaysian Taxation System and receives royalty income of RM6,000 from her books. In addition, she also receives RM13,000 translation fees on translation of literary works at the special request of the Ministry of Education. Apart from that she recorded a tape on patriotic songs for children and music for elementary schools. She received RM10,000 as royalties in respect of the recording of tapes. Ms. Edna owns a terrace house in Cheras that are rented out for the first time. The rental income for the year amounted to RM6,550. The expenditure for the year of assessment 2022 is as follows: Advertising cost of obtaining first tenant (RM120), Housing loan interest (RM5,550), Insurance premium on fire (RM200), Cost of supervision and rental collection (RM300) and Repairs and Maintenance (RM328). Ms. Edna also derived the following income for the year ended 2022: Annuity from his late father’s estate Malaysian dividend Foreign dividend (remitted to Malaysia) Interest from Malayan Banking Bhd for a 15-month fixed deposit Annuity from Malaysian Life Insurers Amount received from occasional lectures Lottery winning RM 2,500 8,000 1,550 3,300 2,000 1,500 500,000 Details regarding the expenditure incurred by Zafrul and Edna for the year ended 31 December 2022 are as follows: Zafrul (RM) Edna (RM) Contributions to the Employees Provident Fund 8,800 Cost of a wheelchair for disabled mother 1,300 Medical Expenses for his mother 1,400 Medical insurance premium for himself 1,170 Childcare fees 1,100 Purchase of sports equipment and gym memberships 900 500 Purchase of smart phones 3,500 2,350 Life Insurance premium 2,400 1,800 Tuition fees 8,400 Zakat 7,000 4,000 Note: Zafrul and Edna have not yet been blessed with a child. On 6 May 2022, Edna has legally adopted her eight-year-old nephew who was a disabled orphan. In 2022, she paid premium on education policy amounted to RM1,200 and a wheelchair at a cost of RM1,130 for the child. Required: Compute the total tax payable of Mr. Zafrul and Ms. Edna under joint assessment for the YA 2022, assuming Edna is the one who elects to be assessed with her husband income. Suggested Solution (Joint Assessment) Computation of Tax Payable for the year of assessment 2022 RM Zafrul Section 13(1)(a) Salary (RM8,000 x 10) Bonus (year of receipt) Travelling allowance for official duties (exempted RM6,000) Reimbursement of utility bill Reward for passing exam (Not taxable) Gratuity (RM55,000 – RM1,000 x 9 years) Section 13(1)(b) Used Car (RM3,600/2 x 4/12) New Car (RM5,000 x 6/12) Fuel (RM1,200 x 4/12 + RM1,500 x 6/12) Mobile Phone (exempted) Furnishing- Fully furnished (RM3,360 x 6/12) Gardener’s wages (RM300 x 6) Domestic servant’s wages (RM400 x 6) Driver’s wages (RM600 x 10) Childcare benefit (exempted) Leave passage (domestic) Leave passage (overseas) (RM4,000 – 3,000) Section 13(1)(c) Accommodation Hotel: (3% x RM143,200 x 4/10) House: Define value: RM14,000 or 30% x RM143,200 x 6/10 = RM25,776 Lower amount 80,000 16,000 500 700 46,000 600 2,500 1,150 1,680 1,800 2,400 6,000 80 1,000 14,000 17,210 15,718 31,000 Section 13(1)(e) Compensation loss of employment RM77,000 – (RM10,000 x 9 years) - Total Employment Income Total Income 143,200 1,718 Section 13(1)(d) Unapproved Fund Employer cumulative contributions Section 4(c) Interest RM 207,128 - 12,000 219,128 Edna Section 4(c) Malaysian dividend (exempt) Foreign dividend (remitted to Malaysia) (exempt) Interest from Malayan Banking Bhd(exempt) RM - Section 4(d) Royalty Book publication (RM6,000 – 20,000) Translation fees (RM13,000 – 12,000) Recording of tapes (RM10,000 – 10,000) Section 4(d) Rental income Less: Expenditure Advertising cost of obtaining first tenant Housing loan interest Insurance premium on fire Cost of supervision & rental collection Repairs and Maintenance Adjusted rental income 1,000 6,550 (5,550) (200) (300) (328) 172 Section 4(e) Pension Income (RM2,500 x 12 months) Section 4(e) Annuity from her late father’s estate Section 4(e) Annuity from Malaysian Life Insurers (exempted) Section 4(f) Lottery winning – exempted Total Income Aggregate Total Income (219,128 + 33,672) Less: Reliefs Personal Wife Reliefs EPF contributions (max) + Life Insurance (max) Medical expenses for Edna’s mother (disallowed) Costs of a wheelchair for Edna’s mother (disallowed) Child relief for adopted child Education & Medical insurance premium Cost of Basic Supporting Equipment for adopted child Tuition fees (disallowed as incurred by Edna) Lifestyle Lifestyle (Additional) Childcare (> 6 yo) Sports equipment (Additional) Chargeable income Tax on first RM100,000 Tax on next RM117,800 at 24% Tax Liability Less: Rebate (Zakat) Tax Payable RM 30,000 2,500 33,672 252,800 9,000 4,000 7,000 6,000 2,370 1,130 2,500 2,500 500 (35,000) 217,800 10,700 28,272 38,972 (7,000) 31,972