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MHR 3010 Fall 2020 Syllabus 8.17.2020

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FALL 2020 - PARTIALLY SYNCHRONOUS ONLINE - Weekly Zoom Meetings: Wed 8:30-9:45am
Dr. Zeynep Aytug
Associate Professor of Management, Co-Director of the Global Leadership Initiative - LinkedIn
Location: Management and Human Resources, 164-3035, phone (909) 869-2420
Video office hours: Tuesdays-Wednesdays 1-3pm @ https://cpp.zoom.us/j/8091136038
Email office hours: zaytug@cpp.edu – I respond within 48 hours
Phone office hours: Email me to arrange a time for me to call you or vice versa 
Ms. Sandie Macias
Teaching Assistant and Online Facilitator
Office hours: Wednesdays, 12-1pm.
Please email me to arrange a Zoom meeting or a phone call.
Email: srmacias@cpp.edu
MHR 3010 prepares students as effective employees and managers for today’s and future workplaces. Students get an
overview of the major concepts, models, and theories in the field of management. Topics include managerial functions,
ethical decision making, planning, strategic management, leadership, global management, and control.
I designed this class highly experiential and interactive. It is a student-centered, flipped classroom. It means that you will be
initially introduced to the week’s topics and concepts outside of the classroom, completely online, through some
combination of module slides, readings, videos, surveys, or self-reflections. Then in our Zoom sessions, you will work with
me and the other students to explore the topics in greater depth and engage in realistic managerial situations and
simulations. This way you will develop and sharpen your professional skills, such as interpersonal communication, decision
making and problem solving, critical analysis, and time management skills. In addition, you will be placed in work teams,
where you will have an actual semester-long project management experience and create a high-quality team product, which
will also be a resume booster.
In this class, gamification principles are used: Class is designed as a ‘Game of Thrones’ (GOT) game. To complete the learning
modules successfully, you do NOT need to watch or be familiar with the GOT tv series. Only, we designed this class so that,
instead of modules, you have Quests to complete. Instead of exams, you have battles to win. As you complete each Quest
(by completing class tasks, such as studying slides, watching videos, and submitting discussion posts etc.), you earn trophies
and unlock your new quests (modules). In teams, you will be playing on behalf of your GOT house (with your very own coat
of arms) and see how your team is doing in weekly scoreboards.
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Describe the fundamental concepts and principles about management, managerial roles, skills, and functions, and
develop the necessary skills to become a competent manager.
2. Compare and contrast management theories and models from historical developments to contemporary
perspectives and apply them in an organizational setting.
3. Assess different organizational cultures, and analyze the dynamics and trends in the general, specific, and global
environments and their impact on organizations.
4. Make ethical decisions and formulate and implement plans to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently.
5. Examine and evaluate organizational structure and design, human resources management systems, and control
systems and methods.
6. Assess and summarize the leading, motivation and diversity issues in multicultural organizations.
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Textbook: Chuck Williams, MGMT11: Principles of Management, Cengage Learning. Affordable book:
Available at Bronco Bookstore. Electronic or rented versions start from $29.99 here, 10th edition or
used books are okay. Additional materials will be provided via Blackboard. All class materials,
including slides, exercises, e-handouts, worksheets, cases, and charts, are copyrighted, and it is
strictly prohibited by law to post them on the Internet and to use them for any other purposes than
the education provided in this class.
Required technology/equipment: Internet connection and access to a laptop or computer with
camera and microphone. CPP has laptops and hotspots that students can borrow from the university for coursework if
you don’t have access to a computer and/or Internet at home. To request to borrow a laptop and/or hotspot, complete
this short form. Please allow for a 24-hour turnaround time for a response. For inquiries, you may contact Marisofi
Molina-Ambriz at molinaambriz@cpp.edu. Please email from your Cal Poly Pomona email address and include your
Bronco ID number.
Tools we will use and practice during the semester: Zoom video conferencing, Google Docs/Sheets/Slides, a project
management tool of your choice (Trello, Excel Gantt Chart, Google Drive & Docs, Basecamp etc.), Grammarly.com (free)
Professional Writing Assignment
9 points
Discussion Posts & Responses (12 x 2 points)
24 points
Active Participation in Zoom exercises and discussions
20 points
In-Class Mini Quizzes (in Wednesday Zoom meetings; 11 x 2 points)
22 points
Online Tests (3 x 25 points)
75 points
Team Project Management: Interim Report (15 pt), Final Report (20 pt) & Team Presentation (15 pt)
50 points
200 points
Grade key
A = 187, A- = 180, B+ = 174, B = 167, B- = 160, C+ = 154, C = 147, C- = 140, D+ = 134, D = 127, D- = 120, F = below 120.
What grade do you aim to get in this class? Whatever it is, it is possible. Just examine the grading and make a plan.
For this assignment, you will carefully study the 3-page Business Writing Guide on Blackboard. Then you will choose
any topic you want, do some online research, and write up an opinion piece. Details are available on Blackboard.
Afterwards, throughout the semester I expect every submission to exhibit professional, business writing norms and be
completely free of grammatical, sentence, or punctuation errors.
For 12 weeks, you will watch some videos and reflect on some discussion questions. Then you will:
(1) POST a thoughtful reflection and critical thinking paragraph in the discussion forum. Maximum 2 paragraphs. Use
specific management concepts and models we are working on. Don't write vague and superficial notes e.g. “I will be
more careful”, etc.
(2) RESPOND to at least 1 other student’s post in a "thoughtful and professional manner." You may answer a question they
asked, make a suggestion about an issue they struggle with, share your perspective on the topic, share an application or
practice they did not discuss, etc.
FORUM GRADING = PASS / FAIL (See full Discussion Forum rubric and examples HERE)
PASS (Full points): Post is minimum 5-6 sentences long (which makes 1 paragraph), no longer than 2 paragraphs, is
substantive (uses concepts accurately, reflects good research), genuine (personal perspectives are openly shared), in-depth
(thought provoking, meaningful). Responses to peers are thoughtful, meaningful, respectful, constructive, and professional.
FAIL (Zero points): One or more of the above criteria are missing.
In work environment, professionalism means: Arriving before the meeting starts; Listening to colleagues intently with
eye contact; Not being distracted and not distracting others; Contributing to the discussions; Speaking up to ask or
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answer questions. I expect this level of professionalism from each of you at our Zoom sessions, during team and class
discussions. Our videos will be on during sessions.
In our Zoom meetings, you will take an individual mini quiz about the week’s coverage, from chapter, slides, video, or
Zoom/in-class exercise. Take the quiz only when the Zoom exercise is finished and I announce the Quiz. Once you start the
quiz, you won’t be able to re-take it.
There will be 3 online tests throughout the semester. Each test will be available online for the announced 3-day period; once
you start, you will have 1 hour to finish and submit it. In each online exam, there are multiple versions with questions and
choices randomized as well. I will post exam review sheet and sample questions on Blackboard 1 week before each exam.
After the add/drop period is over, I will form 5-member teams. We have a document on Blackboard with detailed team
project information and instructions, including required contents, project timeline, presentation details, and grading rubric.
All dates/times/deadlines are Pacific Standard Time (PST). If you are at a different time zone, remember to make your time
calculations and meet the PST meeting times or deadlines.
I invite each and every student, including minorities, Dreamers, veterans, LGBTQI members, and students with special
needs or disabilities, to meet with me about any issues that you face. I can offer study methods, exam preparation
guidance, alternative options or solutions to issues, along with other types of resources and suggestions. Email me and I’ll
arrange a Zoom or phone chat with you for a time that’s good for you.
Late submissions are NOT accepted. Your papers should be checked for spelling and grammar using free Grammarly
services (sign up for free at Grammarly.com) or any other similar, free professional writing software. Papers should be
uploaded to Blackboard as attachments in Microsoft Word. Use any professional font type (Times, Calibri, Arial, and
such) and 1.5 or double-spacing. If there are citations, use a consistent citation format (MLA, APA, etc.) and add a
‘references’ page, when required.
Members should not divide up team paper sections and simply staple different parts to submit. All members should
read the whole team report and ask for revisions, make edits/improvements etc. Inconsistencies and formatting errors
should be removed. Members should share team responsibilities equally. Free riders and unmotivated/non-responsive
members will not be ignored or accommodated, just as in real work teams. Each member will reply to team
communication within 48 hours, attend each team meeting, complete their tasks/responsibilities on a timely and highquality manner, provide feedback on others’ write-ups, and make revisions requested from them.
If a team member is non-responsive and noncompliant, they will be given two warnings three days apart (CC me in the
second warning, so that I can check in with this student to ensure all is well and I can provide guidance and help). If the
person continues to be non-responsive and noncompliant, they will be excluded from the team via email (and CC me to
I can help this individual). Any excluded member will need to find another team to join.
Just as in real work teams, I will assess both individual and team results while grading team projects. I will assign each
student tailored grades that incorporate both their personal performance and contributions AND their team
performance and results. Thus, at the end of the semester, each student will evaluate other team members’
performance, professionalism and work quality using a confidential form. Members who receive low peer evaluations
lose up to 10 points off of their team project score.
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In emails, use professional etiquette. Always start with addressing the individuals properly (Dear Professor; Hi Dr. Aytug)
and use a professional language (“Could you elaborate more on ….” versus “I have no idea what this is”). Use a polite endphrase (Sincerely; Regards) and end with your full name. Practice this to make a habit of it. Also, do check Blackboard and
your CPP email regularly. I will post important documents/announcements on Blackboard; your school email is our
primary and official contact method with you.
Make sure you understand Cal Poly Pomona’s Student Conduct & Integrity Code. All forms of academic dishonesty
(plagiarism, cheating during exams, and use of unauthorized study aids) are a violation of university policy and a serious
offense. Any student who breaks academic rules will receive a zero for that assignment/exam, and will be reported to
the Office of Judicial Affairs. Use paperrater.com’s free plagiarism check before you submit reports.
Disability Resource Center (DRC) provides certain accommodations and services for students with disabilities. Students
with diagnosed disabilities are encouraged (although not required) to register with the DRC to facilitate their use of
available accommodations and support services. DRC contact information is in the link.
By remaining enrolled in this class, you acknowledge that you have read this syllabus, understand entirety of its contents,
and agree to the terms contained within it. Professor reserves the right to make changes as needed.
 Review the attached class schedule and mark due dates on your calendar.
 Communicate and meet (even if it’s a short meeting) with your team members frequently. Be an excellent
team member (then you can explain in a job interview that you are experienced in effective teamwork.)
 Each Blackboard Quest (Module) consists of multiple steps. Follow a STANDARD weekly study plan, like this:
(1) Complete module steps between Sunday and Tuesday (submit all due work on Mon @10pm).
(2) Join Zoom meeting every Wednesday @8:30am. Engage in the management exercises, take the quiz.
 Do NOT leave exam preparation to the last day: Our exams are always scheduled as a 3-day time slot (FridaySaturday-Sunday). Schedule few study slots in your calendar/planner for the week leading to that.
Topics to be Covered This Week
(Finish your readings and all Module Steps by Mon @10pm)
Quest #1
Introductions, overview of the syllabus and course schedule
Quest #2
8/30 - 9/5
Quest #3
9/6 – 9/12
Quest #4
9/13 – 9/19
Quest #5
9/20 – 9/26
Major management concepts & managerial approaches used in
Organizational environment; how to conduct an environmental analysis
(Teams will be announced 9/6)
Managerial planning & decision making
(Check test preparation materials on Blackboard - 9/18)
Ethics & corporate social responsibility
Related Textbook
Chapter to Read
Chapter 3
Due Mondays @10pm
(exception: Discussion#1 and Writing Assignment
are due on two Saturdays)
Fill out the welcome survey before our Zoom 8/26.
Discussion#1 - Introduction Slide - due Sat, 8/29
Discussion #2 – due Mon, 8/31 @10pm
Professional Writing Assignment -due Sat 9/5
Discussion #3 – due Mon, 9/7 @10pm
Chapter 5
Discussion #4 – due Mon, 9/14 @10pm
9/9 (1st Team
Meeting, Quiz#3)
9/16 (Quiz #4)
Chapter 4
Discussion #5 – due Mon, 9/21 @10pm
9/23 (Quiz #5)
Chapters 1-2
Zoom Meeting
(Wed @8:30am)
8/26 (Syllabus
Quiz - #1)
9/2 (Quiz #2)
Test #1 will be available online Fri-Sat-Sun, 9/25-26-27. Will cover Quests 2, 3, 4, 5 (Textbook Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) – Once started, has to be finished in 50 min
Quest #6
9/27 – 10/3
Organizational strategy and structure
Chapters 6, 9
Discussion #6 – due Mon, 9/28 @10pm
9/30 (Quiz #6)
Quest #7
10/4 – 10/10
Organizational change and innovation
Chapter 7
Discussion #7 – due Mon, 10/5 @10pm
10/7 (Quiz #7)
Quest #8
10/11 – 10/17
International management (Check test preparation materials - 10/15)
Chapter 8
Discussion #8 – due Mon, 10/11 @10pm
10/14 (Quiz#8)
Human resources management
Chapter 11
Discussion #9 – due Mon, 10/19 @10pm
10/21 (Quiz#9)
Quest #9
10/18 – 10/24
Test #2 will be available online Fri-Sat-Sun, 10/23-24-25. Will cover Quests 6, 7, 8, 9 (Textbook Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9, 11) – Once started, has to be finished in 50 min
Quest #10
10/25 – 10/31
Leadership at the workplace
Chapter 14
Discussion #10 – due Mon, 10/26 @10pm
(Quiz #10)
Chapter 12
Discussion #11 – due Mon, 11/2 @10pm
11/4 (Quiz#11)
Chapter 16
Discussion #12– due Mon, 11/9 @10pm
No meeting –
Veterans Day
Interim Team Reports due: Friday, 10/30 by 12pm
Quest #11
11/1 – 11/7
Quest #12
11/8 – 11/14
Managing diversity and inclusion at the workplace
(Check test preparation materials on Blackboard - 11/6)
Managerial control; key performance indicators
Test #3 will be available online Fri-Sat-Sun, 11/13-14-15. Will cover Quests 10, 11, 12 (Textbook Chapters 12, 14, 16) – Once started, has to be finished in 50 min
Quest #13
Team Presentations Day 1 - via Zoom on Wed, 11/18 – Viewers will use chat function to provide constructive feedback and ask questions
Quest #13
Team Presentations Day 2 - via Zoom on Wed, 11/25 – Viewers will use chat function to provide constructive feedback and ask questions
Quest #13
Team Presentations Day 3 - via Zoom on Wed, 12/2 – Viewers will use chat function to provide constructive feedback and ask questions
Final Team Reports due: Monday, 12/7 by 10am / No Final Examination
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