IMPERIALISM IN INDIA: DOCUMENT BASED ANALYSIS Beginning Progressing Proficient Exemplary Evaluating Sources I can identify a relevant source. I can evaluate a relevant source that meets some of the criteria using CRAAP I can evaluate the credibility of sources using the CRAAP test criteria. I can evaluate the credibility of the source identifying the core strengths and weaknesses identified in each CRAAP criteria. Developing Claims I can create a falsifiable claim. I can construct a relevant claim that is supported by sources I can construct sophisticated claims that draw on evidence from multiple sources. I can construct sophisticated claims that align with the main idea and closing argument using multiple sources. Using Evidence I can provide evidence that is related to my claim. I can provide relevant general evidence that supports my claim. I can support and develop my claim by using varied, relevant, and specific pieces of evidence that are accurately cited. I can analyze the relevance of my claims by identifying its strengths and weakness using specific pieces of evidence that are accurately cited Multiple Perspectives I can identify the perspective of a text. I can compare different perspectives on an event. I can identify multiple perspectives of or within an event, idea, or text and show understanding of why they are similar or different. I can evaluate multiple perspectives on an event, explain the relative merits and shortcomings of each different perspective. Task � You are going to read through the documents provided and respond to the questions in an effort to answer the following question: What were the positive and negative effects of imperialism for the British, the mother country, and for India, the colony? Directions � 1. Carefully read the question and consider what you already know about this topic. How would you answer this question if you had no documents to examine? 2. Now, read each document carefully, take notes below each source of key phrases and words that address the question. 3. Answer the questions that follow each document. 4. Based on your own knowledge and on the information found in the documents, organize supportive and relevant information into a brief outline answering the question. 5. Part B: Write a 4 paragraph response to the question. Note: This is not an essay but it does need to be written in an organized and logical manner, using academic language. It should include information from both the documents and from your own knowledge outside of the documents. 1 PART A: The following documents provide information about the effects of imperialism on India. Examine the documents carefully, and answer the questions the follow. Document 1 NOTES: key phrases and words that address the question from this source: Questions: 1. According to this author, what are the benefits of imperialism to the colony? 2. What are the benefits of imperialism to the colonizer? 2 Document 2 NOTES: key phrases and words that address the question from this source: Question: How is British imperialism both positive and negative for India? Document 3 NOTES: key phrases and words that address the question from this source: Question: What benefits did India gain during British Imperialism? 3 Document 4 NOTES: key phrases and words that address the question from this source: Question: List at least five benefits of imperialism cited by this author. Document 5 NOTES: key phrases and words that address the question from this source: Question: What are the benefits of imperialism identified by this author? Document 6 4 NOTES: key phrases and words that address the question from this source: Question: What negative effects of imperialism does Nehru point out? Document 7 NOTES: key phrases and words that address the question from this source: Question: What is Gandhi’s criticism of imperialism? PART B � You have now read through 7 different sources that identify positive and negative outcomes of imperialism for both India and Britain. You must now respond to the following question in 4 paragraphs. 5 What were the positive and negative effects of imperialism for the British, the mother country, and for India, the colony? NOTE � This is not an essay but it does need to be written in an organized and logical manner, using academic language. It should include information from both the documents and from your own knowledge outside of the documents. Criteria for Success ✔ You must use at least 4 of the above sources to support your work (4 marks) ✔ You must use the MLA format to cite the sources you use in the text and include a Bibliography written in MLA format. (4 marks) ✔ You must provide a well written, organized piece that is free of grammatical errors and uses academic language. (4 marks) ✔ You must provide thought provoking and insightful reflection of the positive and negative effects of imperialism. (4 marks) 6