Decision Science Lab – 2 Department of Management Studies SUBMITTED TO Dr. Richa Joshi SUBMITTED BY Abhinav Puri 22MMB006 Mba (semester 2) Table of content: Experiments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Missing values Normality Reliability a) Unreliable data b) Perfectly reliable data T-test a) Student t- test b) Paired t- test c) Independent t- test One way Anova. a) Simple one way anova b) Welch test c) Tuckey test d) Games howell test Experiment 1 Objective: handling unengaged values Here we can see there are some missing values in above screenshot. Editing missing values: (Treatment of Unsatisfactory Results) Returning to the Field – The questionnaires with unsatisfactory responses may be returned to the field, where the interviewers re-contact the respondents. Assigning Missing Values – If returning the Questionnaire to the field is not feasible, the editor may assign missing values to unsatisfactory responses. Discarding Unsatisfactory Respondents – In this approach, the respondents with unsatisfactory responses are simply discarded. Data Cleaning Treatment of Missing Responses: Substitute a Neutral Value – A neutral value, typically the mean response to the variable, is substituted for the missing responses. Substitute an Imputed Response – The respondent’s pattern of responses to other questions are used to impute or calculate a suitable response to the missing questions. In case wise deletion, cases, or respondents, with any missing responses are discarded from the analysis. In pairwise deletion, instead of discarding all cases with any missing values, the researcher uses only the cases or respondents with complete responses for each calculation. Here we can see the no. of missing counts in above picture Filling missing data: Step: Analyse >missing value analysis> EM> save completed data> give dataset name> ok Experiment-2 Objective: Test for normality. Q: why perform normality? Ans: For a continuous data, test of the normality is an important step for deciding the measures of central tendency and statistical methods for data analysis. Steps for perform test of normality: 1. Go to Analyse. 2. Go to descriptive analysis 3. Go to explore 4. Go to plots 5. Go to test for normality 6. Click ok RESULTS: Hypothesis: To find a relation between sensex and rupee rate Null hypothesis: There is no significant relation between sensex and rupee rate. Alternate hypothesis: there exists significant relation between sensex and rupee rate Here significant value/ P- value is greater than (.05) i.e. (.118) therefore null hypothesis accepted. Experiment-3 Objective: performing reliability test Q: why do we perform test for reliability? Ans: Reliability allows us to study the properties of measurement scales and items that compose the scales. The reliability analysis procedure calculates a number of commonly used measures of scale reliability and also provides information about the relationship between individual items in the scale. Steps for checking reliability: 1. Go to analyse 2. Go to Scale 3. Go to reliability analysis. UNRELIABLE DATA: Output: Interpretation: Here Cronbach Alpha is (.361) which is less than (.7) For a data to be perfect reliable the cronbach alpha should be greater than .7 Perfect Reliable data: Output: Interpretation: Here cronbach alpha is 1 which is greater than .7 therefore we have perfect reliable data. Experiment -4 Objective: performing T-Test Q: why perform t- test? Ans: A t- test is a statistical test that is used to compare the means of two is often used in hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect on the population of interest, or whether two groups are different from one another. Steps to perform T-Test: 1. Go to Analyse 2. Go to compare means 3. Go to one-sample t test 1) Student T-Test Let us perform T test on student’s height data 1) For mean height = 155cm Alternate hypothesis: Let us suppose that mean height of class is not 155 cm Null hypothesis: mean height of class is 155 cm. Here sig. value for test vale 155 cm is .00 which is less than .05 therefore alternate hypothesis accepted. Now testing hypothesis for mean height 165 cm Null hypothesis: Let us suppose mean height of class is 165 cm Alternate hypothesis: Let us suppose mean height of class is not 165 cm. Output: Here sig value is .530 which is greater than 0.05 therefore null hypothesis accepted therefore we can sy that mean height of class is around 165 cm. 2) Pared T – Test. Q: To find relation if there is effect on consumption of product or sales before and after celebrity endorsement. Null hypothesis: there is no significant relation on sales before celebrity endorsement and after celebrity endorsement. Alternate hypothesis: There is a significant relation on sales on sales before celebrity endorsement and after celebrity endorsement. Outcome: here sig. value/ p value is .00 which means that alternate hypothesis is accepted Therefore we can say that there is effect on sales before celebrity endorsement and after celebrity endorsement. 3) Independent T-test. Hypothesis: To determine the difference in marks in IQ test of parents and children with respect to gender. Null hypothesis: There is no significant relation in IQ w.r.t gender Alternate hypothesis: There is a significant relation in IQ w.r.t. gender Output: Here significant value comes out to be .454 which is less than .005 Therefore null hypothesis accepted. Therefore we can say that there is no sig difference in IQ with respect to gender Experiment-5 Objective: performing one way anova 1) One way Anova Hypothesis: to find the significant difference in IQ of parent w.r.t. income. Null hypothesis: There is no significant difference in IQ of parents with respect to their income Alternate hypothesis: There is a significant relation in IQ of parents with respect to their income. Steps for anova test: 1) Go to analyse 2) Go to compare means 3) Go to one way anova 4) Go to options, click homogeneity of varience. 5) Click ok. Output: Step 1 : check sig. value for homogeneity of variance. If sig. value is > .05 only then go for anova table Step 2 : check sig. value of anova table Here in homogeneity of variance sig. value is .199 which is > to .05. so we can go to anova table Here in anova table sig. value is .314 which is greater than .05 therefore null hypothesis accepted Therefore we can say that there is no significant relation in IQ of parents with respect to income of parents. 2) Welch test Hypothesis: To find the sig. relation that if there exists a relation in IQ of parents with respect to their education Null hypothesis: there is a no sig. relation in IQ of parent w.r.t. to their education. Alternate hypothesis: there is a sig. relation in IQ of parent w.r.t. to their education. Steps for welch test: 1) Go to analyse 2) Go to compare means 3) Go to one way anova 4) Go to options, click homogeneity of variance. 5) If sig. value of homogeneity of variance is less than .05 then go for welch test 6) Click welch test 7) Click ok. Output: Here we can see that sig. value in homogeneity of variance is .023 < .05 therefore we went to welch test In welch table we can see that we have sig value .061 > 0.05 therefore null hypothesis accepted. Therefore we can say that there is no significant relation in marks of IQ w.r.t. education 3) Tuckey Test ( Post hoc analysis) Hypothesis/ objective: Testing if there is any difference in different machines with respect to the number of defective pieces found. Null Hypothesis: there is no significant relation in different machines w.r.t. no. of defective pieces found. Alternate Hypothesis: There is a significant relation in different machines w.r.t no. of defective pieces found Steps for tuckey test: 1) Go to analyse 2) Go to compare means 3) Go to one way anova 4) Go to options, click homogeneity of variance. 5) If sig. value of homogeneity of variance is greater than .05 then go for Anova test 6) In Anova table is sig. value is <.05 go for tuckey test 7) Click post hoc test 8) Click tuckey test 9) Click ok. Output: Here in Tuckey test we have sig. value .062 which is greater than .05 Therefore null hypothesis accepted. Therefore we can say that there is no sig. relation in different machines w.r.t. defected pieces found. 4) Games Howell Test Objective/hypothesis: to test whether sales (in thousand) has any relation with the types of vehicle Null hypothesis: There is no significant relation between type of vehicle and sales in thousands Alternate hypothesis: There is a significant relation between type of vehicle and sales in thousand. Steps for games howell test: 1) Go to analyse 2) Go to compare means 3) Go to one way anova 4) Go to options, click homogeneity of variance. 5) If sig. value of homogeneity of variance is less than .05 then go for welch test 6) If in welch test if sig. value is less than .05 go to games howell test 7) Click on post hoc 8) Click on games howell test 9) Click ok. Output: Here in homogeneity of variance the sig. value is .006 < 0.5 therefore we go to welch test Here in welch test sig. value is .013 < .05 therefore we will go to games howell test. Let u1= car u2=truck u3=Jeep Here, u1 is no equal to u2 so we can say that Therefore alternative hypothesis accepted.