BASKETBALL SHOOTOUT GAME APP MOCKUP AND D E M O N S T R AT I O N 14/5/2023 Workshop #1 1 BACKGROUND • Fun app for basketball players • Competitive match making system • Losing player will need to give the winner money 14/5/2023 Workshop #1 2 RULES • Simulated die will be rolled before game starts • Each player will attempt to throw 4 times • Each tied game will be entitled to reduce $0.5 cents • Any decimal value should be rounded up to the nearest whole number 14/5/2023 Workshop #1 3 SIMPLE STEPS One student opens the App 14/5/2023 Default 2 players play against each other Each player will roll a die to determine who goes first Each player have 4 attempts to shoot the ball Whoever had more successful attempts will win money Workshop #1 4 5 6 CHALLENGES • What to do if both players rolled the same number of dice • What to decide if both players shoot a tied game • How the money is calculated at the end of the game • Is there a minimum winning of money • Is there a maximum amount of tied games 15/5/2023 Workshop #1 7